Another Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA

The long and the short of their decision is that DOMA violates the 14th amendment, which is exactly correct. DOMA is unequal protection of the laws, granting special privileges to opposite-sex couples and withholding them from same-sex couples.

OK, let's examine your logic, Skippy. Heterosexual couples can marry who they want. Gays can't marry "who they want." So it's discriminatory. But single people married who they want too, no one, but you say fuck them. So the 14th amendment doesn't say that anyone can go into a man woman marriage is fair (according to you) and it doesn't say people can marry "who they want" (according to you), the 14th amendment, which doesn't mention gay people, in fact only applies to gay people.

So your argument boils down to that at the end of the Civil War when they thought they were denying the ability for government to subject black people to laws differently, they were actually saying gay people can get married and get government perks!

Gotcha. I love history lessons from liberals. Now I know what it's like taking acid.
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The long and the short of their decision is that DOMA violates the 14th amendment, which is exactly correct. DOMA is unequal protection of the laws, granting special privileges to opposite-sex couples and withholding them from same-sex couples.

OK, let's examine your logic, Skippy. Heterosexual couples can marry who they want. Gays can't marry "who they want." So it's discriminatory. But single people married who they want too, no one, but you say fuck them. So the 14th amendment doesn't say that anyone can go into a man woman marriage is fair (according to you) and it doesn't say people can marry "who they want" (according to you), the 14th amendment, which doesn't mention gay people, in fact only applies to gay people.

So your argument boils down to that at the end of the Civil War when they thought they were denying the ability for government to subject black people to laws differently, they were actually saying gay people can get married and get government perks!

Gotcha. I love history lessons from liberals. Now I know what it's like taking acid.

It has been carefully explained, over and over and over, very slowly with small words, how the 14th amendment applies to gay marriage. And the courts have said it, not just according to me.

Perhaps you should read the entire topic and find the relevant parts about equal protection of the laws instead of coming in late and making an ass of yourself.

Since you have contributed nothing more than an entirely illogical, nonsensical strawman, that is your problem.

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Since they are already paying into Social Security, you are robbing them of the Social Security benefits everyone else receives, dipshit.


If they are paying into Social Security, they are already entitled to benefits, moron. The only way making gay marriage legal would change anything is if one of them wasn't paying into Social Security. He would still be entitled to survivor benefits. Why should an adult male who never paid a dime into the program be entitled to any benefits?

Because an adult female who is married is entitled to those benefits

She's entitled to them only because she's been a wife, a homemaker and mother her entire adult life. What has the fuck buddy of some gay pervert been doing all his life if he hasn't been working?
You want gays to pay in and not be eligible to receive benefits

What a moocher you are fingerboy

Anyone who pays in is already entitled to benefits, moron. Gays want to get benefits even though they haven't paid in.

Gays have paid in their whole lives and are not entitled to the same benefits afforded married heterosexuals

A clear violation of the 14th amendment

Wrong. Anyone who gets married is entitled to them. married women are entitled to them because they are mothers and homemakers. Homosexual fuck buddies provide no useful service to society aside from their jobs, if they have one.
If gay couples are getting tangible government benefits from the government, they are obviously reducing the share available for other purposes.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if money goes to Richard Roe, then there is less money available to go to Jane Doe.

No, but it takes being a braindead bigot to think that way.

That will be your finest contribution to society.

Every economist on the planet must be a brain dead bigot it that's the case.

We should all fear the angry bigot on the other side of the interwebs.

We should all fear morons like you who would destroy social institutions that are thousands of years old to make them conform to your arbitrary and irrational notions of justice.
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Anyone who pays in is already entitled to benefits, moron. Gays want to get benefits even though they haven't paid in.

Gays have paid in their whole lives and are not entitled to the same benefits afforded married heterosexuals

A clear violation of the 14th amendment

Wrong. Anyone who gets married is entitled to them. married women are entitled to them because they are mothers and homemakers. Homosexual fuck buddies provide no useful service to society aside from their jobs, if they have one.

It is amazing how ignorant you are of the principles of liberty, freedom, and equality for a member of the end of the political spectrum which waxes on at length about such things.

If gay couples are getting tangible government benefits from the government, they are obviously reducing the share available for other purposes.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if money goes to Richard Roe, then there is less money available to go to Jane Doe.

Thank you.

If the government wrote a law which resulted in handing out candy to everyone except white people, it would be illogical to argue that we should not give candy to white people too because it would cost more money.

bigreb, you have actually just proven the 14th Amendment is being violated, and you didn't even know it.


Your skin color is part of your physical makeup. Homosexuality is a behavior. Giving benefits because you're shacking up with a fuck buddy would be the same as giving benefits because you're a New York Jet's fan.
Actually, several states, DC, and the US military disagree with you.

It's changing, and that is OK.


This...isn't really a response to what I said, but okay. I mean, it's a little silly to say it's just the way I see it when my bottom line is marriage is and should remain the unique union of a man and a woman, which is what most people who have weighed in the issue have concluded as well.

Uh huh, and the rest of the states agree with me. So in many ways, things are staying the same, and that's also okay.

He's wrong about any state or Washington DC, or the military disagreeing with you. No of the people in these entities have ever voted to approve homosexual marriage. Every time it's voted on, it gets voted down. Unelected judges or government bureaucrats have imposed it wherever it exists.
If gay couples are getting tangible government benefits from the government, they are obviously reducing the share available for other purposes.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if money goes to Richard Roe, then there is less money available to go to Jane Doe.

Thank you.

If the government wrote a law which resulted in handing out candy to everyone except white people, it would be illogical to argue that we should not give candy to white people too because it would cost more money.

bigreb, you have actually just proven the 14th Amendment is being violated, and you didn't even know it.


Your skin color is part of your physical makeup. Homosexuality is a behavior. Giving benefits because you're shacking up with a fuck buddy would be the same as giving benefits because you're a New York Jet's fan.

huh. Your douchebaggery is a behaviour... and it isn't something that anyone can hold against your rights.

Just admint your a small minded little bigot, and we can move on with life.
Proving you have a job is not a requirement for collecting on marriage benefits.

Proving you are not a Jets fan is not a requirement for collecting on marriage benefits.

Proving you have children is not a requirement for collecting on marraige benefits.

Proving you are a productive member of society is not a requirement for collecting marriage benefits.

You don't need a golden scroll from Jesus saying he loves you to collect marriage benefits.

So...are there any more RED HERRINGS anyone else would like to toss into the ring to show how retarded they are?

The long and the short of their decision is that DOMA violates the 14th amendment, which is exactly correct. DOMA is unequal protection of the laws, granting special privileges to opposite-sex couples and withholding them from same-sex couples.

OK, let's examine your logic, Skippy. Heterosexual couples can marry who they want. Gays can't marry "who they want." So it's discriminatory. But single people married who they want too, no one, but you say fuck them. So the 14th amendment doesn't say that anyone can go into a man woman marriage is fair (according to you) and it doesn't say people can marry "who they want" (according to you), the 14th amendment, which doesn't mention gay people, in fact only applies to gay people.

So your argument boils down to that at the end of the Civil War when they thought they were denying the ability for government to subject black people to laws differently, they were actually saying gay people can get married and get government perks!

Gotcha. I love history lessons from liberals. Now I know what it's like taking acid.

To deny someone the equal protection of the laws, you must prove that to give them equal protection of the laws would cause societal harm.

Gay marriage does not meet that simple test.

"I hate them" is not evidence of societal harm.

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Keep going, bigot boy. You're not looking any less like a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard.

You make a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard look intelligent.

Are you queer, or something? Is that why your nose is out of joint?

Married, to a woman, with a child. I know it's hard to believe there are some straight people who aren't complete asshat bigots... but they exist.
Gays have paid in their whole lives and are not entitled to the same benefits afforded married heterosexuals

A clear violation of the 14th amendment

Wrong. Anyone who gets married is entitled to them. married women are entitled to them because they are mothers and homemakers. Homosexual fuck buddies provide no useful service to society aside from their jobs, if they have one.

It is amazing how ignorant you are of the principles of liberty, freedom, and equality for a member of the end of the political spectrum which waxes on at length about such things.


Homosexual marriage has nothing to do with liberty or freedom. It's about homos getting benefits and privileges from the government that were create explicitly for the welfare of mothers and children. Equality can go suck eggs.

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