Another Fictional Hillary


Sep 23, 2010
Does anyone believe this is not about Hillary Clinton?:

Producers continue to rebuff talk that the new CBS political drama, “Madam Secretary,” is based on Hillary Clinton.

The Benghazi Moment That Inspired TV’s ‘Madam Secretary’
Melissa Quinn / Kelsey Harkness / September 19, 2014

The Benghazi Moment That Inspired TV s Madam Secretary

Remember this stinker in 2005:


Commander in Chief​

In 2005 there was no doubt that the series was a sales campaign selling Hillary Clinton as the first female president. The title gave the game away. Commander in Chief was supposed to show how combat-ready Hillary was:


Years before Secretary of State Clinton failed to defend her people in Benghazi the message in Commander in Chief said that she was prepared to defend the country. The message failed so badly with Democrat voters a lying community organizer from out of a Chicago sewer beat her for the nomination.

Today’s television Lefties obviously believe that a storyline about a woman secretary of state will enhance Clinton’s chances in 2016. On the one hand I do not see another street hustler challenging Hillary. On the other hand I do not see the logic in demoting the “fictional” Hillary from president to secretary of state. The demotion makes the real Hillary look like she is going backwards. One more sorry job performance in her résumé and the next fictional Hillary will be the character in a show about the First Lady of Arkansas.

NOTE: Madam Secretary’s fictional Hillary is a former CIA agent. Do you sense a hint of Valerie Plame in the storyline?

Oh well, Madam Secretary debuts tonight. I might have checked it out if it was about Madeleine Albright. If nothing else “Madam Short Legs” is a fun title.
Why would "Madam Secretary" be about Clinton?

Clinton was the THIRD woman to be Secretary of State. (After Madeline Albright and Condalezza Rice).

Frankly, the character as written seems to have more in common with RIce than Clinton- an analyst who gets promoted because she's friends with the President.
Why would "Madam Secretary" be about Clinton?
To JoeB131: For the same reasons Commander in Chief was about Hillary. To sell her presidential qualifications.
Clinton was the THIRD woman to be Secretary of State. (After Madeline Albright and Condalezza Rice).
To JoeB131: Albright is not constitutionally eligible to be president. In fact, when she was in the line of succession it was understood that she would not become president if the situation arose. The same was true of Kissinger. So it isn’t likely producers would waste so much propaganda value on a show about Madam Short Legs.
Frankly, the character as written seems to have more in common with RIce than Clinton- an analyst who gets promoted because she's friends with the President.

To JoeB131: Rice Cakes was Bush the Younger’s national security advisor. Nobody considered making a show about her when her name was being floated for the Republican ticket and certainly not now.

Incidentally, Rice Cakes was a disaster when she was Bush the Younger’s National Security Advisor. She was worse as Secretary of State. In 2011-12 she was being touted for vice president because she is the classic media darling; bouncing back and forth between the academy and the government.

Republican party decision makers thought they would pull black voters away from the Democrat if they put Rice Cakes on the ticket. They were mistaken. Why in hell would any Democrat, black or white, settle for a UN-loving Republican internationalist when they can get a Democrat for the job?

Parenthetically, Rice Cakes was mentored by Madeleine Albright’s father, Josef Korbel. There is not a whit of difference between the two when it comes to handing America’s sovereignty to the UNIC (United Nations/International Community).

Korbel came to this country via political asylum and headed right for a spot at the public trough in higher education. Aside from a political philosophy, one wonders if he did not also teach Rice Cakes the ins and outs of a successful career feeding at the public trough —— successful career as opposed to an ordinary career. Rice’s parents were in education so she knew the parasite fundamentals before hooking up with Korbel. No matter. Rice’s love of the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) was enough to disqualify her from serving as local dog catcher let alone vice president.

Having said the above I will admit that I might be missing the big picture on this one.

Television gurus could be promoting the position of secretary of state rather than promoting an individual. It makes sense for the New World Order crowd to glorify a position that allows their people to commit treason in pursuit of their global government agenda. Recent secretaries of state have all been UN-loving traitors. They all got away with treason.

Article Three of the United States Constitution

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

America is at war, yet secretaries of state give aid and comfort to Muslim enemies through the United Nations. The same was true when America was fighting Communists in the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Before anyone shouts conspiracy theory, note that not one senator at a confirmation hearing ever asks the nominee to state his views on America’s sovereignty in relation to membership in the United Nations. Indeed, no journalist ever questions a presidential wannabe about sovereignty and the United Nations. I would go so far as to say that journalists were guilty of treason in 2004 when they did not ask John Kerry to explain his well-known love of the United Nations.

I had second thoughts about the motives behind secretary of state TV shows after posting the OP. A few hours ago I learned that there was another show where the main character was secretary of state:

'Political Animals': Network not going forward with more episodes
By Sandra Gonzalez on Nov 2, 2012 at 12:23PM

Political Animals cancelled Inside TV

I’ll close on a light note.


Sigourney Weaver is the lady in the picture. Every time I see her I think of her uncle, Doodles Weaver, when he was with Spike Jones. He is the guy playing the banjo:

I am sorry I tried to treat your bag of crazy like it was a legitimate issue for discussion.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?
To JoeB131: I defended my premise in some detail. Like all liberals you are too stupid to know what the hell you are defending; so you attack me personally.

I’ll close this reply with a bit of info for people who understand my previous comments.

Liberalism’s flagship, the New York Times, said this:

CBS is putting its Hillary-inspired drama "Madam Secretary" on Sunday nights next to "The Good Wife." In Friday's New York Times, TV critic Alessandra Stanley discussed the two shows and slammed Hillary.

"Hillary Rodham Clinton is the obvious inspiration, but this is Hillary with a human face," she wrote. During the Cold War, reporters would suggest a kinder, gentler Marxist regime was "communism with a human face."

Stanley continued: "Téa Leoni, who has a husky voice and a loose, engaging manner, is an unusually likable beauty. As Elizabeth McCord, she has all the brains and determination of the original and none of the political ambition and baggage." Leoni's character is "dragged reluctantly into high office and spends her time there making the world a safer place, not planning her next move in Iowa."

Ouch! NY Times TV Critic Says CBS's Version of Secretary of State Hillary Is 'Hillary With a Human Face'
By Tim Graham | September 20, 2014 | 2:21 PM EDT

Ouch NY Times TV Critic Says CBS s Version of Secretary of State Hillary Is Hillary With a Human Face
Commander in Chief was supposed to show how combat-ready Hillary was:

Ben Stein reminded me that Hillary loved to appear gung ho long before she dodged bullets in Bosnia:

Hillary may or may not have tried to join the Marines. But only as a political ploy. John Solomon of the Washington Post reported that Clinton tried to join up in 1975, before she married bill, likely in an attempt to make a stink about gender inequality. Jim Geraghty of National Review makes a good case that the entire story is nonsense.

10 Weird Things You Didn't Know About Hillary
by Ben Shapiro 22 Sep 2014

10 Weird Things You Didn t Know About Hillary

Of all of the false images created by, and for, Hillary Clinton the one that shows her as a patriotic American who would defend this country against all comers will be the hardest one to sell in 2016. She would sellout this country faster than you can say “Benghazi.”
Frankly, the character as written seems to have more in common with RIce than Clinton- an analyst who gets promoted because she's friends with the President.
As opposed to Clinton who was Elected Senator then given Secretary of State because her husband was the President.

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