Another first for the Administration

Thobma moves tractor factory from America to Cuba


not only jobs lost to Mexico and China but cuba as well

The Obama administration approved the first U.S. factory to be built and operated in Cuba in more than 50 years, in the latest sign of the rapidly changing relationship between the United States and the communist nation.

Cleber LLC, an Alabama-based company that builds tractors for small farms, was notified by the Treasury Department that it could open a facility in Cuba. Co-founder Saul Berenthal said the company’s attorney was in Havana on Monday to start the lengthy process of finalizing the agreement with the Cuban government and hopes to start production by early 2017

Feds approve first U.S. factory in Cuba

So tell us which GOP presidential hopeful is going to ban companies from going overseas? Oh yeah, none. So what's your gripe again? Oh yeah, a company engaging in capitalism that you guys "claim" to support. What a laugh you guys are.

oh lets see what the gripe is. they were deemed our ENEMY by the very party, that Obama is now (ON HIS own) claiming they aren't anymore. maybe you aren't old enough to know about any of that?

and also: they are a human rights abuser (according to the UN who Obama loves) and a COMMUNIST COUNTRY run by an evil DICTATOR

And you think China and Saudi Arabia are beacons of human rights advocates? All I'm asking for is consistency. Either no country with human rights violations should we have dealings with (business or not) or there shouldn't be (like in the case of Cuba).

Maybe you just have a problem being consistent.
Thobma moves tractor factory from America to Cuba


not only jobs lost to Mexico and China but cuba as well

The Obama administration approved the first U.S. factory to be built and operated in Cuba in more than 50 years, in the latest sign of the rapidly changing relationship between the United States and the communist nation.

Cleber LLC, an Alabama-based company that builds tractors for small farms, was notified by the Treasury Department that it could open a facility in Cuba. Co-founder Saul Berenthal said the company’s attorney was in Havana on Monday to start the lengthy process of finalizing the agreement with the Cuban government and hopes to start production by early 2017

Feds approve first U.S. factory in Cuba

So tell us which GOP presidential hopeful is going to ban companies from going overseas? Oh yeah, none. So what's your gripe again? Oh yeah, a company engaging in capitalism that you guys "claim" to support. What a laugh you guys are.
I don't think you are very bright pal. NO "presidential hopeful" can accomplish fuck all except run his mouth making promises he knows he has zero intention of keeping.
Oh no, it'll turn out as bad as businesses moving to China, another former communist nation..

Cuba is a nuclear power with a population of a billion?
Obama is rewarding another criminal gang who will just get richer while they continue to oppress their people. And the obama sheeple will think he's done some wonderful thing to polish the image of the US.
He needs to be removed and democrats need to have their voting privilege revoked for being so stupid.


Within the contexts of class and ideology, The United States Constitution specifies none and it alludes liberally to 'all' when it defines who is and who is not to vote.

As more and more classes and ideologies use the democratic principles laid out in The Constitution to gain their rightful slice of The American Pie at the expense of the conservative whites who think that they own it all, a more tolerant society takes baby steps to the stars.

One of the Stupid Ironies of 21st Century American Politics: The Republican Party was born to prosecute a bloody Civil War to establish that the federal government could micro manage the states.

Get with this century and stop being a regressive democrat.
There is cynicism in my previous post but it is based in reality.
A call to ban American Citizens from the ballot box based on their political ideology is based reality?!? :disbelief:

That's a lot of fucking cynicism, Bro'.... A LOT.

Thobma moves tractor factory from America to Cuba


not only jobs lost to Mexico and China but cuba as well

The Obama administration approved the first U.S. factory to be built and operated in Cuba in more than 50 years, in the latest sign of the rapidly changing relationship between the United States and the communist nation.

Cleber LLC, an Alabama-based company that builds tractors for small farms, was notified by the Treasury Department that it could open a facility in Cuba. Co-founder Saul Berenthal said the company’s attorney was in Havana on Monday to start the lengthy process of finalizing the agreement with the Cuban government and hopes to start production by early 2017

Feds approve first U.S. factory in Cuba

So tell us which GOP presidential hopeful is going to ban companies from going overseas? Oh yeah, none. So what's your gripe again? Oh yeah, a company engaging in capitalism that you guys "claim" to support. What a laugh you guys are.

oh lets see what the gripe is. they were deemed our ENEMY by the very party, that Obama is now (ON HIS own) claiming they aren't anymore. maybe you aren't old enough to know about any of that?

and also: they are a human rights abuser (according to the UN who Obama loves) and a COMMUNIST COUNTRY run by an evil DICTATOR

And you think China and Saudi Arabia are beacons of human rights advocates? All I'm asking for is consistency. Either no country with human rights violations should we have dealings with (business or not) or there shouldn't be (like in the case of Cuba).

Maybe you just have a problem being consistent.

you do have a problem, it's knowing when to quit being such a snob and bore. Go take your problem and give it someone else.

No I think I'll continue to point out your hypocrisy but thanks anyway for your useless comments. You have no problem with the US trading with other countries that have human rights violations when it is a GOP president in charge. Go save your faux outrage for some low information GOP voter
Well....those brown Cubans deserve those jobs more than those white Republicans in Alabama.
Then bitch about the laws that were passed to make the moves available...
As much as I'm for American jobs and keeping businesses here, ya'll are a bit off base on this one.

"The company will make a small, red tractor it calls the "Oggún" in homage to the Afro-Cuban Santeria spirit of metal work. American workers initially will build the pieces in Paint Rock, Ala., and assemble them in a facility at the port of Mariel, a special economic zone about 30 miles west of Havana. Berenthal said the goal is to have American workers train Cubans to do the work and manage the operation in Cuba."

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