Another founding father bites the dust, Thomas Jefferson

No, about how the demafascist would start coming after monuments honoring our Founders like Jefferson

"So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson’s coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you all -- you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?" AUG. 15, 2017

It stops when thugs and twisted genders are common replacements.
Look who's deflecting rather than presenting all that evidence. Lol.
evidence of what? I am simply smart enough to know that fraud exists in elections. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. I never made a specific claim about a specific election. You ASSUMED something.

now you look like an assclown.

so when (if) I ever make a specific claim about a specific election, you can then DEFINE THE FUCKING TERM VERIFY so we can pursue this further. Until you specifically tell me what you claim that term means you can FUCK OFF because you're a liberal and not to be trusted.

No, our republic turned tarded by leftists. Irony is it's Democrats who are rooted to the party of slavery, and to to this day they still fuck black people over with their BS in the form of narrations and biscuits.
"who ARE the
Let's run a popularity test, We'll erect a statute of Joe Biden in New York City, wait 3 days and then count how many people urinated or wrote grafitti on it.
The class of the Right.
They laid siege to the seat of Government,
Do you even know what a "siege" is, Dummkopf?

surrounded the entire building
On one side?

while the Congress was performing it's Constitutional duty of counting the votes that would solidify Trumps loss.
Gee and here I thought they were certifying the Electoral College votes regardless of who they were for!

Then they overwhelmed the security
Security teased, taunted, then finally let them in. And they had days in advance to prepare and have appropriate security to protect the place. You should think of that next time you steal a national election!

and used brute force
Flags, Trump signs and a couple 2X4s that Congress supplied?

to invade the building
The building belongs to all of us, idiot.

and starting hunting for law makers, with a particular ire for Pelosi and Pence.
But apparently hadn't even bothered first to find out where these people are! :21:

Just a handful.
Yep, a few hundred. Meantime, you yokels just had 500 of your clan arrested, and a year ago were demanding your right to riot in 500 cities doing billions in damage badly injuring or killing over 2000 police while trying to break into occupied federal buildings to burn them down. So, yeah, you have NO credibility, Ace.

Even leftwing SNOPES calls you a liar. :lmao:

evidence of what? I am simply smart enough to know that fraud exists in elections. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. I never made a specific claim about a specific election. You ASSUMED something.
No, you said the left would never accept evidence of fraud and I'm still waiting for the example of evidence the left refuses to accept.
now you look like an assclown.
Nope, that's still you, no evidence having dipshit. Lol.
so when (if) I ever make a specific claim about a specific election, you can then DEFINE THE FUCKING TERM VERIFY so we can pursue this further. Until you specifically tell me what you claim that term means you can FUCK OFF because you're a liberal and not to be trusted.

You made a specific claim and you're still dancing around like a coward. Lol.
No, you said the left would never accept evidence of fraud and I'm still waiting for the example of evidence the left refuses to accept.
Evidence has been presented on this forum time after time. The left has never accepted it. Do a search if you are really interested. We both know you aren't.

Nope, that's still you, no evidence having dipshit. Lol.
fuck off twat waffle

You made a specific claim and you're still dancing around like a coward. Lol.
I made no specific claim about fraud. I simply said no evidence would ever be accepted by a left turd such as yourself. And we both know that's true.

How long do you want to do this? Im retired. I got all day.
Evidence has been presented on this forum time after time. The left has never accepted it. Do a search if you are really interested. We both know you aren't.
That's what I thought little cowardly cuck. It isn't incumbent on me to go dumpster diving for your own evidence.
fuck off twat waffle
No bitch. I think I'll stay here and take your country from you.
I made no specific claim about fraud. I simply said no evidence would ever be accepted by a left turd such as yourself. And we both know that's true.
Then present this evidence the left refuses to accept cuck boy.
How long do you want to do this? Im retired. I got all day.
But not a single moment to present this "evidence". Lol.
That's what I thought little cowardly cuck. It isn't incumbent on me to go dumpster diving for your own evidence.
listen pussy. :spank:

No bitch. I think I'll stay here and take your country from you.
you don't "think" at all, bitch.

Then present this evidence the left refuses to accept cuck boy.

But not a single moment to present this "evidence". Lol.

I think from this point forward you're forum name is "fucks goats"
Come get it.

Better lock and load.
I'm here cuck boy. Biden is president after a year of rioting and protests and tearing down your statues of Confederates and now we're here talking about Black, Latino and Asian representatives replacing your Founders. Are you cuck boys ever going to lock and load or are we supposed to be intimidated by your threat of it as you lay down and surrender your country?
1. There were no politically motivated riots or sieges until 2021. We have a long history of Race Riots due to perceived police misconduct. As far as the Senator is concerned, no one was threaten or beaten and those who accosted her certainly were not there on the orders of the leader of the Democrats.

2. Those are single party dictatorships.

3. Nothing wrong with change. Democratically electing the president by popular vote would not fundamental change our Representative Democracy. McConnell changed the Senate Rules to rush the SC nominee though on a simple majority vote.

Here are the Heroes of the Neo-GOP.

"1. There were no politically motivated riots or sieges until 2021. "

Because they are not important....oh....wait......because.....REASONS!!!

That type of argument, has always been one of hte most retarded, that only completely retarded, or completely dishonest assholes would make.

Because it falls apart IMMEDIATELY. The only way it sort of works, is if you are such a fucktard that all you care about is the shit you throw against the wall, RIGHT NOW, and you are such a fucktard, that you don't care that it will be completely demolished in seconds.

But, until the other person responds, you have created the illusion of a response.


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