Another gay Repugs outs himself using tax dollars at a gay porn shop

Why can't a gay person be conservative? You libs are insane. You put people into little boxes.

1) I am not a liberal.

2) It was a joke. You probably didn't read the threads over the past few days that would have made it make sense to you. But it was a joke.

3) I never said a person cannot be conservative and gay. Though I will say that a politician who is gay, yet espouses anti-gay policies is probably a, odd to say the least. I'd expect to hear some DAMN good rationales for such person's positions in light of their orientation.

You libs are the new Nazis.

Godwin'd. You're an idiot, and you're done.

Now never speaking to you directly, one has to understand that there are two different camps in Canada.

And we have serious kick ass conservative gays up here. And I love it. That's all I have been trying to say.

It's great. And they are my friends as well. I just really detest libs slagging conservatives who are gay.

I don't get it. I don't get it at all.
how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????

or the dancing boys in afghanistan? real deal.

For me the man is a gay conservative. Libs will now go nuts. Now they will attack him over and over for being conservative. It's crazy, But that's libs.

He isn't being attacked because he is a conservative, he is being "attacked" because he is a hypocrite. Duh...


I want to school you and get ready....

Why can't a gay man have family values?

Tell me

Why can't a gay man have family values?


Stop mocking a man because he is gay and conservative.

You disgust me.

You are horrid .Look in the mirror and despise yourself.

You are swine.
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Now never speaking to you directly, one has to understand that there are two different camps in Canada.

Why are you talking about Canada? This thread is about a Mississippi mayor. The only connection to Canada is that he happened to be buying the porn in Toronto. Enough about Canada. This is the US of A, where the conservatives love America too much to care what the libtard Canadians thing, and the liberals are too ignorant to learn how to speak Canadian to understand what the Canadians are thinking.
or the dancing boys in afghanistan? real deal.

For me the man is a gay conservative. Libs will now go nuts. Now they will attack him over and over for being conservative. It's crazy, But that's libs.

He isn't being attacked because he is a conservative, he is being "attacked" because he is a hypocrite. Duh...


I want to school you and get ready....

Why can't a gay man have family values?

Tell me

Why can't a gay man have family values?


Stop mocking a man because he is gay and conservative.

You disgust me.

You are horrid .Look in the mirror and despise yourself.

You are swine.

He isn't being mocked because he is conservative, you douchenozzle. He is being mocked because he ran for Congress on an anti gay platform and then got busted for buying gay porn on the government dime.
You dumb fucking contards are full of more strawmen that scareccrow, no one said gay conservatives can't have family values but when the said gay conservatives was married to a woman talking about family values that excluded gays that is fucking hypocrisy and we all know how the GOP feels about gay "family vales" they don't believe in gay marriage and don't believe in gay adoptions, when you go against those two what family values to gay conservatives have? fucking retards.
How many tax dollars has Obama wasted in his term just by taking separate trips then his wife and kids. His wife and kids went to Martha Vineyard before him. Now they are going to HI before him. How many tax dollars does it take for security , fuel , ect for unnecessary shit not to mention his campaign ooops I mean Jobs tour
/ Also our tax dollars pays for Holiday cards because god forbid you put Merry Christmas on them or Happy Hanukkah or what ever religion you are is offensive but its ok to use our tax dollars to send them out.

Nobody got offended by them, they were and always have been a waste of money, which is why they stopped them in the House (and it applies to every holiday not just religious ones).
He isn't being attacked because he is a conservative, he is being "attacked" because he is a hypocrite. Duh...


I want to school you and get ready....

Why can't a gay man have family values?

Tell me

Why can't a gay man have family values?


Stop mocking a man because he is gay and conservative.

You disgust me.

You are horrid .Look in the mirror and despise yourself.

You are swine.

He isn't being mocked because he is conservative, you douchenozzle. He is being mocked because he ran for Congress on an anti gay platform and then got busted for buying gay porn on the government dime.

Same as the Congressman from Florida.
What really gets me is how dumb the Republican party is. A true conservative wants LESS GOVERNMENT and that means not interfering with the rights of gays and lesbians.
Let the marry and be miserable like the rest of us.
End the BS against them and I GUARANTEE over night we get 15-20% of them voting Republican.
A big tent Republican party where we DENOUNCE all discrimination against everyone will white wash the Democrats.
This is a non issue to me. 40 years from now folks will look back and see how ridiculous it was to condemn folks for HOW THEY WERE BORN.
It's pretty serious stuff when you would prefer a voter to vote for the other guy. I mean shit... I'd take the vote of a fucking dumb ass racist piece of shit redneck KKK member if he was deluded enough to vote for me. I'd be working against his interests every step of the way though, and he'd know that.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

But do you know a lot of gay conservative politicians?

The ones who are coming out of the closet have been supporting and passing anti-gay legislation this whole time and here it turns out they're gay? Why so much self-loathing?

I guess they're conservatives before they're fags.

In china based on eugenics would eliminate in hopes of purifing the next gen....this usually a liberal tyranny move motivated by purity for society.

how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????

Neither of them is gay and condemned just because they are gay.
But both of them are as pitiful as they get also.
Apples and oranges.
you have this propensity for cogdisndisisent
It's pretty serious stuff when you would prefer a voter to vote for the other guy. I mean shit... I'd take the vote of a fucking dumb ass racist piece of shit redneck KKK member if he was deluded enough to vote for me. I'd be working against his interests every step of the way though, and he'd know that.

Senator Byrd loves you. What part of West Virginia did you say you were from?

Do tell.

In 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo

“ I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. "
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or the dancing boys in afghanistan? real deal.

For me the man is a gay conservative. Libs will now go nuts. Now they will attack him over and over for being conservative. It's crazy, But that's libs.

He isn't being attacked because he is a conservative, he is being "attacked" because he is a hypocrite. Duh...


I want to school you and get ready....

Why can't a gay man have family values?

Tell me

Why can't a gay man have family values?


Stop mocking a man because he is gay and conservative.

You disgust me.

You are horrid .Look in the mirror and despise yourself.

You are swine.

When homos can naturally reproduce then I will understand your point....
It's pretty serious stuff when you would prefer a voter to vote for the other guy. I mean shit... I'd take the vote of a fucking dumb ass racist piece of shit redneck KKK member if he was deluded enough to vote for me. I'd be working against his interests every step of the way though, and he'd know that.

Senator Byrd loves you. What part of West Virginia did you say you were from?

Do tell.

In 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo

“ I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. "

What part of the United States are you from???
how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????

Neither of them is gay and condemned just because they are gay.
But both of them are as pitiful as they get also.
Apples and oranges.
you have this propensity for cogdisndisisent
ignorant and obtuse and illogical.. the experiment doesn't work, next.
The GOP just keeps getting more stupid, hypocritical, brainwashed, and greedy- and smaller..
He isn't being attacked because he is a conservative, he is being "attacked" because he is a hypocrite. Duh...


I want to school you and get ready....

Why can't a gay man have family values?

Tell me

Why can't a gay man have family values?


Stop mocking a man because he is gay and conservative.

You disgust me.

You are horrid .Look in the mirror and despise yourself.

You are swine.

He isn't being mocked because he is conservative, you douchenozzle. He is being mocked because he ran for Congress on an anti gay platform and then got busted for buying gay porn on the government dime.

But he's only a mayor. And he ran on a pro life campaign. For congress. Not an anti gay platform.

You lie. And by the way gays can be seriously anti abortion.

You libs really like locking people in boxes don't you?

Now, I know he's come out, but that purchase on Church, dime a dozen darling. You can buy anything there.

I used to live at Isabella and Church. It's a wild part of town.
The GOP just keeps getting more stupid, hypocritical, brainwashed, and greedy- and smaller..

Marriage is a state issue you fucking retard....

Ideas like prop 8 are being decided by tyrants in Florida...

It's funny how fucking bitches like yourself claim you support ideas like the Bill of Rights yet sue when those ideas are enforced..

Booooooooooooooo fucking hooooooooooo you didn't get your way..... Cry me a river
The GOP just keeps getting more stupid, hypocritical, brainwashed, and greedy- and smaller..

Why do you hate gay people Franco?

The man just bought what he needed for a good night of partying.

So why do you hate gay men Franco?

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