Another gay Repugs outs himself using tax dollars at a gay porn shop

The Republicans don't give a shit about gay families, the guy was married to a woman running on family values while taking it up the ass from men, what family values are there?????

What family values was he running on? Why can't you name a single one of his platforms?

Do you have evidence that he was in a homosexual relationship while he was married? If you do, i haven't seen it presented in this thread.
A utopia for whites... and that sounds left wing to you... white power? Whereas we liberals are all inclusive and welcome all races and religions into our world?

Sorry... but Jefferson Davis was a conservative confederate traitor. All white utopia... left wing... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Satiation? Masturbation once every month is satiation? WELL YOU MIGHT AS WELL CALL ME A HEDONIST! Hahahahaha. You're a riot today man!

Tell me you do realize that blacks and natives held slaves as well.

Indians did but blacks didn't.
Yes, blacks did own slaves.

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A utopia for whites... and that sounds left wing to you... white power? Whereas we liberals are all inclusive and welcome all races and religions into our world?

Sorry... but Jefferson Davis was a conservative confederate traitor. All white utopia... left wing... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Satiation? Masturbation once every month is satiation? WELL YOU MIGHT AS WELL CALL ME A HEDONIST! Hahahahaha. You're a riot today man!

Tell me you do realize that blacks and natives held slaves as well.

Indians did but blacks didn't.

oh you must have missed a grand lady from new orleans......actually there are a couple.

and I love them so.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

I used to be pretty active in Tory politics back in the day. I know of only one gay conservative. (It was pretty obvious.) However, he is now a high ranking guy in Harper's office.

They don't get it this side because well maybe it's worse for us to be a newf politically than a gay...

You say screech.I say screech we all say screech with the exeption of Dalton McGuinty mother truckin kitten eater who wants everyone elses money.

I still can't beleive they re elected the bastard. I'm glad I'm gone.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

I used to be pretty active in Tory politics back in the day. I know of only one gay conservative. (It was pretty obvious.) However, he is now a high ranking guy in Harper's office.

Wait a minute. Hello????? okay now you're killing me.....just send me a pm oh don't kill me this way.

Now I'm going to die and have to watch Gangs of New York 40 more times.

Please end this misery.
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

He told the newspaper he doesn’t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it‘s too early for talk about whether he’ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,” he said. “But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.”

how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

He told the newspaper he doesn’t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it‘s too early for talk about whether he’ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,” he said. “But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.”

how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????

Neither of them is gay and condemned just because they are gay.
But both of them are as pitiful as they get also.
Apples and oranges.
That's history, you imbecile. Go back to school. Pick up a history book. Doesn't even have to be a "revisionist" history book that'll complain about! Study up on the democratic party back in the 1800's and you'll see that they are the conservatives of their time. Political party means nothing if the left-right ideology isn't the same from one century to the next.

Oh and Satan says hello. He's waiting for you. <3

Why would we deny that democrats started the KKK? We would be denying history. What you deny though is that the KKK weren't a bunch of black hating conservatives. They certainly weren't fucking liberals. Party switching and polarity shift was crazy rampant in the 1800's and early 1900's.

Pick up a history book, darling.

Quoting Rosie are you? I used to be a huge lib. I can probably put you to shame at any point in time. My hero will always be Bobby. He was my man.

Now back to point in time. Do you want to discuss the era of the beginning of the KKK?

I'm schooled on this. And I've not a problem with going for your throat on it.

Nobody cares if you were a "huge lib". What matters now is that you're a rotted out, ugly minded conservative.

You're obviously not schooled at all on it. So please... begin. Go for the throat! Show me how liberal the KKK are past, present and future!

I don't have to show you anything. You miss the point child. I have your throat. I have you right up against a wall with truth.

Democrats begat the KKK.


Deny all you want but you'll be a liar.
Quoting Rosie are you? I used to be a huge lib. I can probably put you to shame at any point in time. My hero will always be Bobby. He was my man.

Now back to point in time. Do you want to discuss the era of the beginning of the KKK?

I'm schooled on this. And I've not a problem with going for your throat on it.

Nobody cares if you were a "huge lib". What matters now is that you're a rotted out, ugly minded conservative.

You're obviously not schooled at all on it. So please... begin. Go for the throat! Show me how liberal the KKK are past, present and future!

I don't have to show you anything. You miss the point child. I have your throat. I have you right up against a wall with truth.

Democrats begat the KKK.


Deny all you want but you'll be a liar.

Are you fucking DUMB? WE ALREADY SAID that the democrats began the KKK. Nobody in their fucking right mind is denying that.

I'm not denying that you simpleton.

What you are denying, is that conservatives started the KKK. See, you can't even disagree with that. you just keep saying "democrats sbegat the KKK, democrats started the KKK!" like some kind of infantile defense measure, ignoring the simple truth that no matter if it were democrats who started the KKK, they were conservatives, far more resembling the conservatives of today than anybody else in the country. Southerners... racist southern conservatives.

Up against the wall with truth and having my throat... give me a fucking break. You're so retarded.

It's quite funny that today it's always "liberal this, conservative that" but to get any type of point they're trying to get across, conservatives have to tread a fine line regarding slavery and groups such as the KKK in the past and can only speak in terms of democrat and republican. Lincoln was a Republican! Republican freed the slaves! KKK was begat by democrats! Yeah... because you know that the republicans in the 1800's were liberals of their time, and the democrats were conservatives... particularly southern conservatives that are the same voting base as republican conservatives today in the south.

You've given up, you've obviously accepted defeat if you said you can school me on the subject... and yet don't choose to continue.
Last edited:
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

He told the newspaper he doesn’t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it‘s too early for talk about whether he’ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,” he said. “But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.”

how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????

or the dancing boys in afghanistan? real deal.

For me the man is a gay conservative. Libs will now go nuts. Now they will attack him over and over for being conservative. It's crazy, But that's libs.

how about you libnutters discuss the love child of rev jesse jackson or john edwards with his wife fighting cancer? ?????????

were is the investigations on rq170 hand over to the iranians or the 30 special forces that were killed during a mission flying in one copter.......were is it??????????????????????

or the dancing boys in afghanistan? real deal.

For me the man is a gay conservative. Libs will now go nuts. Now they will attack him over and over for being conservative. It's crazy, But that's libs.

He isn't being attacked because he is a conservative, he is being "attacked" because he is a hypocrite. Duh...
Quoting Rosie are you? I used to be a huge lib. I can probably put you to shame at any point in time. My hero will always be Bobby. He was my man.

Now back to point in time. Do you want to discuss the era of the beginning of the KKK?

I'm schooled on this. And I've not a problem with going for your throat on it.

Nobody cares if you were a "huge lib". What matters now is that you're a rotted out, ugly minded conservative.

You're obviously not schooled at all on it. So please... begin. Go for the throat! Show me how liberal the KKK are past, present and future!

I don't have to show you anything. You miss the point child. I have your throat. I have you right up against a wall with truth.

Democrats begat the KKK.


Deny all you want but you'll be a liar.

I grew up seeing the KKK.
They hated Democrats and Republicans.
Hate and evil know NO party affiliation.
Never have.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

But do you know a lot of gay conservative politicians?

The ones who are coming out of the closet have been supporting and passing anti-gay legislation this whole time and here it turns out they're gay? Why so much self-loathing?

I guess they're conservatives before they're fags.
Its funny how Repugs call liberals gay bashers for making fun of the GOP hypocrites who gay bash publicly hiding behind family values while taking it up the ass behind closed doors.

Why are you mocking gay conservatives?
As you are doing your "neener neener nancy boy" routine you don't even know that you are completely insulting the LGBT community do you?

Gay men can be conservative. And the Gay community can have family values.

You want to make me want to puke you little liberal asswipe that can't beleive that anyone from the LGBT community can be conservative.

What the hell is wrong with you?
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as &#8220;Canada&#8217;s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.&#8221;

He told the newspaper he doesn&#8217;t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it&#8216;s too early for talk about whether he&#8217;ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

&#8220;The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,&#8221; he said. &#8220;But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.&#8221;

There are tons of gay conservatives in the world. This post and your celebration of a "conservative" being found to be gay as if it is unusual shows your lack of real-world interactions with gay people.

The lie that conservatives hate gays may have led you to some misunderstandings though so you get a pass....but now you know.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

But do you know a lot of gay conservative politicians?

The ones who are coming out of the closet have been supporting and passing anti-gay legislation this whole time and here it turns out they're gay? Why so much self-loathing?

I guess they're conservatives before they're fags.

Why can't a gay person be conservative? You libs are insane. You put people into little boxes.

This is why I left your side of the aisle. You are crazy.

Lets get it now.

Gay cant be conservative.

Black cant be conservative.

Chink cant be conservative.

Latino thank you Harry Reid cant be conservative.

Shall I continue?

You libs are the new Nazis. And I detest your souls.
Why can't a gay person be conservative? You libs are insane. You put people into little boxes.

1) I am not a liberal.

2) It was a joke. You probably didn't read the threads over the past few days that would have made it make sense to you. But it was a joke.

3) I never said a person cannot be conservative and gay. Though I will say that a politician who is gay, yet espouses anti-gay policies is probably a, odd to say the least. I'd expect to hear some DAMN good rationales for such person's positions in light of their orientation.

You libs are the new Nazis.

Godwin'd. You're an idiot, and you're done.
Miss. Mayor Reveals He is Gay

Davis, a Republican, has been under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing $170,000 in city funds on both his city-issued and personal credit cards. According to the Commercial Appeal, an audit revealed he used city money to pay for thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners, and a $67 charge at Priape, a Toronto store described by its website as “Canada’s premiere gay lifestyle store and sex shop.”

He told the newspaper he doesn’t remember what he purchased at the store, but said he visited it on a recruitment trip for the city.
Davis, who is divorced with three daughters, made an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2008, running on a family values platform. He was first elected mayor in 1997, and said it‘s too early for talk about whether he’ll resign in light of the disputed expenses. He said he plans to take time off through the holidays to spend time with his family.

“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them,” he said. “But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am.”

There are tons of gay conservatives in the world. This post and your celebration of a "conservative" being found to be gay as if it is unusual shows your lack of real-world interactions with gay people.

The lie that conservatives hate gays may have led you to some misunderstandings though so you get a pass....but now you know.

I so appreciate your post. Being a rock n roller from sin city and being a born again my heart is really torn on this issue. I'm going to leave it up to the good Lord to sort it out.

I know so many wonderous gay souls I pray and with all my heart I pray we all cross. I fear this.

And I hope I find an answer.

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