Another gay Repugs outs himself using tax dollars at a gay porn shop

You're a fucking moron who needs to pick up a god damn history book.

CONSERVATIVES started the KKK... Conservatives were democrats back in the 1800's.

Political party has fucking nothing to do with anything. It's IDEOLOGY that matters... especially considering ideologies had a complete party polarity shift.

You dont know jack.

The Southern racist voter was most noted for:

1. working class populism (while the wealthy Republican carpet baggers had close links with the black community and most blacks voted GOP back then).

2. supporting eugenics like most liberals did back then (like Margeret Sanger did).

3. wanting to grow the power of government in order to benefit the 'little man' against the businessman.

4. supported restricting gun rights, especially if minority communities had access to them in the bigger cities.

Republicans back in the time of slavery and the civil war were the more progressive members of society at the time and generally comprised the union.

The secessionists during the civil war in the confederacy were democrats. The conservatives were democrats before the polarity shift in the next century where conservatives abandoned the democratic party for the republican, and vice versa.

You obviously don't know your history.

Sorry, but the racist conservatives who owned slaves were not part of the republican party when it was founded, which was formed by anti-slavery activists. The last thing you could call conseravtives are activists especially when it comes to slavery. Come on, over 100 years later you guys are still not in good graces with black voters. All that talk about lazy black people, reparation complaints and all sorts of stuff.

Conservatism does not accept slavery and never did. The Jackson Democrats were not conservative, but populist rabble-rousers. The old Whig party was the conservative party, and that fell apart over the issue of slavery, and the conservatives like Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Grant, etc, were conservative.

Southern slave owners were leftwing utopians who had a vision of a society based on something similar to Sparta which also ran on slavery. Jefferson was the father of the Democratic party and was not conservative and owned slaves.

You dont know what the hell you are talking about.
Are you fucking shitting me? Pornography isn't a plague. Get your head out of your morality ridden ass.

What's wrong with pornography? Come on... lay all that family values puritan, thou shall not masturbate or feel pleasure shit on me.

The problem with this man, which you can't get through your cave-man skull, is that he ran on an anti-gay platform. He was seeking to restrict the rights of gay people... while at the same time himself being secretly gay. Hypocrisy at its finest.

In other words, your a hard core porn addict who has no desire to eliminate the filth and lies from his life.

Pornography is a lie. It corrupts the soul. It destroys men and women. It breaks up families. It's one of the ultimate corruptions.

When you live a life of lies, you cheat yourself out of happiness and freedom you could otherwise have.

What filth and lies? I'm not married or in a relationship. If I was, I'd be sure my wife didn't have an issue with porn because I wouldn't deny myself it. Women like porn too, you know. How is pornography a lie? And how does it corrupt the soul? I can understand people developing a real problem with pornography... but that's hardly pornography's fault. I have a severe eating disorder... is it the fault of food in general that I like to overeat it?

Pornography isn't a lie. People might lie about it... but then they probably think like you do and aren't open about sexuality of themselves. Everybody masturbates sooner or later.

Your porn addiction likely has a lot to do with WHY you dont have a wife, numbnuts.

Porn addiction = no wife, just Rosey Palmer.
First, they have gay porn shops? It's bad enough they have porn shops period. But now they are specializing? What a sad state our society has descended to.

Second, haven't we been hearing from the left for years that homosexuals should be able to marry and raise families like everyone else. Now you are claiming that it's somehow hypocritical for a homosexual to have family values. Which is it? Seriously? Do you even keep track of your arguments or do you just oppose anything that has an R next to it's name?

Third, seems to me the big story is corruption, not gay anything.

Get the fuck outta here avatar, this fucking hypocrite ran on a family values platform that didn't include gay families while still married to his now ex-wife in 2008, he was not out and openly gay then and only divorced this year, had he not purchased porn on the tax payer's nickle he would have never admitted his homosexuality, stop trying to twist shit around, the dude was fucking hypocrite.
Mississippi mayor’s gay sex shop purchase billed to city -

Davis served in the Mississippi House before he was elected mayor. As a legislator and a 2008 congressional candidate, he talked frequently about being a fiscal conservative.

During the congressional campaign, his then-wife, Suzann Davis, talked about her husband’s conservative values.

"I know Greg’s heart," she said in a TV ad. "He has a strong faith in God, and no one will fight harder for all our families."

Fiscally conservative except when buying liquor and porn with taxpayer money, and a family values man who took it up the ass from other men, presumably while married. Hypocrite.
Why do Repubs/party of family values look the other way when their ranks are filled w/ closeted gays???
How many tax dollars has Obama wasted in his term just by taking separate trips then his wife and kids. His wife and kids went to Martha Vineyard before him. Now they are going to HI before him. How many tax dollars does it take for security , fuel , ect for unnecessary shit not to mention his campaign ooops I mean Jobs tour
/ Also our tax dollars pays for Holiday cards because god forbid you put Merry Christmas on them or Happy Hanukkah or what ever religion you are is offensive but its ok to use our tax dollars to send them out.

Dumb deflection of the week award winner.
Your putting words in my mouth. I am saying it goes both ways. You cant condemn one side when the other one has the hand in the pot too

Michelle Obama and the family didn't do anything illegal you retarded jackass, there is no equal comparison, scrape from the bottom of the barrel for better dirt to compare. President's families are allowed to take vacations and for security reasons only the govt pays expenses as far as travel. Purchase of pornography with taxpayer money doesn't even compare.

Michelle Obama is a travel whore spending millions vs this guy being investigated for $170,000.

You freaking bet this doesn't compare. On this we agree.

This man's expenditures on the taxpayer dollars is chump change compared to Michelle.

She's a bona fide spend spend spend taxpayer dollar slut.

D'oh........doubling down on the dumb deflection.
How many tax dollars has Obama wasted in his term just by taking separate trips then his wife and kids. His wife and kids went to Martha Vineyard before him. Now they are going to HI before him. How many tax dollars does it take for security , fuel , ect for unnecessary shit not to mention his campaign ooops I mean Jobs tour
/ Also our tax dollars pays for Holiday cards because god forbid you put Merry Christmas on them or Happy Hanukkah or what ever religion you are is offensive but its ok to use our tax dollars to send them out.

Do you understand HOW MUCH vactioning Bush did?

why are you such a hatefilled human being when it comes to this first family?

Please........don't honor deflection with deflection..........................
You dont know jack.

The Southern racist voter was most noted for:

1. working class populism (while the wealthy Republican carpet baggers had close links with the black community and most blacks voted GOP back then).

2. supporting eugenics like most liberals did back then (like Margeret Sanger did).

3. wanting to grow the power of government in order to benefit the 'little man' against the businessman.

4. supported restricting gun rights, especially if minority communities had access to them in the bigger cities.

Republicans back in the time of slavery and the civil war were the more progressive members of society at the time and generally comprised the union.

The secessionists during the civil war in the confederacy were democrats. The conservatives were democrats before the polarity shift in the next century where conservatives abandoned the democratic party for the republican, and vice versa.

You obviously don't know your history.

Sorry, but the racist conservatives who owned slaves were not part of the republican party when it was founded, which was formed by anti-slavery activists. The last thing you could call conseravtives are activists especially when it comes to slavery. Come on, over 100 years later you guys are still not in good graces with black voters. All that talk about lazy black people, reparation complaints and all sorts of stuff.

Conservatism does not accept slavery and never did. The Jackson Democrats were not conservative, but populist rabble-rousers. The old Whig party was the conservative party, and that fell apart over the issue of slavery, and the conservatives like Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Grant, etc, were conservative.

Southern slave owners were leftwing utopians who had a vision of a society based on something similar to Sparta which also ran on slavery. Jefferson was the father of the Democratic party and was not conservative and owned slaves.

You dont know what the hell you are talking about.

Southern slave owners were leftwing utopians?

What the fuck man... you're high on crack cocaine or something.

As if we're the side that empathizes with the poor southern plantation owner in the confederacy. Poor confederacy... it was all about states rights you know, not about slavery! :laugh: What a tool.

In other words, your a hard core porn addict who has no desire to eliminate the filth and lies from his life.

Pornography is a lie. It corrupts the soul. It destroys men and women. It breaks up families. It's one of the ultimate corruptions.

When you live a life of lies, you cheat yourself out of happiness and freedom you could otherwise have.

What filth and lies? I'm not married or in a relationship. If I was, I'd be sure my wife didn't have an issue with porn because I wouldn't deny myself it. Women like porn too, you know. How is pornography a lie? And how does it corrupt the soul? I can understand people developing a real problem with pornography... but that's hardly pornography's fault. I have a severe eating disorder... is it the fault of food in general that I like to overeat it?

Pornography isn't a lie. People might lie about it... but then they probably think like you do and aren't open about sexuality of themselves. Everybody masturbates sooner or later.

Your porn addiction likely has a lot to do with WHY you dont have a wife, numbnuts.

Porn addiction = no wife, just Rosey Palmer.

I don't have a porn addiction idiot... and the reason why I don't have a wife is because I don't want one... and I'm not looking for a relationship even. I'm content being single.

Porn addiction. :laugh: Man... I wish I had a porn addiction. I don't masturbate nearly as much as I want to... not enough of a sex drive.
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Mississippi mayor’s gay sex shop purchase billed to city -

Davis served in the Mississippi House before he was elected mayor. As a legislator and a 2008 congressional candidate, he talked frequently about being a fiscal conservative.

During the congressional campaign, his then-wife, Suzann Davis, talked about her husband’s conservative values.

"I know Greg’s heart," she said in a TV ad. "He has a strong faith in God, and no one will fight harder for all our families."

Fiscally conservative except when buying liquor and porn with taxpayer money, and a family values man who took it up the ass from other men, presumably while married. Hypocrite.

Why do you think bisexual men cant have family values?

I have met a whole bunch of AA guys whose values are summed up as 'dont drink alcohol'. But they occasionally stumble and fall into drunken bouts of self-destructive behavior.

Sometimes one can have a belief that a certain thing is best for everyone, but then not choose it for yourself at one time or another for various reasons, mostly centered around self-destructiveness. They love their famlies and know that these drunken episodes are not good for them or their families, and yet they do them anyway because they have a weakness.

That does not indicate hypocrisy, just that human beings can be weak. We should all be aware of that already, so why is this a big deal?
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Southern slave owners were leftwing utopians?

Read about Jefferson Davis sometime. He believed that slavery not only was moral but that it would be the basis for a utopia for whites. The mudsil theory used by many at the time to justify a poor working class was used to justify slavery as it allowed all whites to be elite potentially and not engage in labor, which (modelled on Spartan life) labor was beneath a gentleman and suitable only for the low. That is definately not a conservative theory or justification, maybe neocon, but not Kirkian conservativism at all.

What the fuck man... you're high on crack cocaine or something.

No, I do not share your vices.

As if we're the side that empathizes with the poor southern plantation owner in the confederacy. Poor confederacy... it was all about states rights you know, not about slavery! :laugh: What a tool.

*We*? The utopian system of beliefs that motivated the Southern slave holder (in theory) is not subscribed to by anyone of note these days. But that system was not derived from humanitarian values the church moved in to in the mid 19th century, though some ignorant people still tried to defend it using the Bible.

I don't have a porn addiction idiot... and the reason why I don't have a wife is because I don't want one... and I'm not looking for a relationship even. I'm content being single.

Yeah, almost all addicts are in denial. 'I'm drunk 'cause I want to be. I can sober up whenever I want'. lolololol

Porn addiction. :laugh: Man... I wish I had a porn addiction. I don't masturbate nearly as much as I want to... not enough of a sex drive.

Satiation does that, dude.
Southern slave owners were leftwing utopians?

Read about Jefferson Davis sometime. He believed that slavery not only was moral but that it would be the basis for a utopia for whites. The mudsil theory used by many at the time to justify a poor working class was used to justify slavery as it allowed all whites to be elite potentially and not engage in labor, which (modelled on Spartan life) labor was beneath a gentleman and suitable only for the low. That is definately not a conservative theory or justification, maybe neocon, but not Kirkian conservativism at all.

What the fuck man... you're high on crack cocaine or something.

No, I do not share your vices.

*We*? The utopian system of beliefs that motivated the Southern slave holder (in theory) is not subscribed to by anyone of note these days. But that system was not derived from humanitarian values the church moved in to in the mid 19th century, though some ignorant people still tried to defend it using the Bible.

I don't have a porn addiction idiot... and the reason why I don't have a wife is because I don't want one... and I'm not looking for a relationship even. I'm content being single.

Yeah, almost all addicts are in denial. 'I'm drunk 'cause I want to be. I can sober up whenever I want'. lolololol

Porn addiction. :laugh: Man... I wish I had a porn addiction. I don't masturbate nearly as much as I want to... not enough of a sex drive.

Satiation does that, dude.

A utopia for whites... and that sounds left wing to you... white power? Whereas we liberals are all inclusive and welcome all races and religions into our world?

Sorry... but Jefferson Davis was a conservative confederate traitor. All white utopia... left wing... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Satiation? Masturbation once every month is satiation? WELL YOU MIGHT AS WELL CALL ME A HEDONIST! Hahahahaha. You're a riot today man!
Why do Repubs/party of family values look the other way when their ranks are filled w/ closeted gays???

With all due respect, we have fabulous gays in our ranks. Look what libs do though when a conservative gay comes out?

You people are freaking vicious. Look at this thread.

And what's wrong with a gay man campaigning on family values. I personally know so many better than righteous heteros who couldn't dream of living on family values compared to gay friends of mine.

What now? We are to mock anyone from the LGBT world saying they can't have family values? That's disgusting.

That is really outrageous.
Southern slave owners were leftwing utopians?

Read about Jefferson Davis sometime. He believed that slavery not only was moral but that it would be the basis for a utopia for whites. The mudsil theory used by many at the time to justify a poor working class was used to justify slavery as it allowed all whites to be elite potentially and not engage in labor, which (modelled on Spartan life) labor was beneath a gentleman and suitable only for the low. That is definately not a conservative theory or justification, maybe neocon, but not Kirkian conservativism at all.

No, I do not share your vices.

*We*? The utopian system of beliefs that motivated the Southern slave holder (in theory) is not subscribed to by anyone of note these days. But that system was not derived from humanitarian values the church moved in to in the mid 19th century, though some ignorant people still tried to defend it using the Bible.

Yeah, almost all addicts are in denial. 'I'm drunk 'cause I want to be. I can sober up whenever I want'. lolololol

Porn addiction. :laugh: Man... I wish I had a porn addiction. I don't masturbate nearly as much as I want to... not enough of a sex drive.

Satiation does that, dude.

A utopia for whites... and that sounds left wing to you... white power? Whereas we liberals are all inclusive and welcome all races and religions into our world?

Sorry... but Jefferson Davis was a conservative confederate traitor. All white utopia... left wing... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Satiation? Masturbation once every month is satiation? WELL YOU MIGHT AS WELL CALL ME A HEDONIST! Hahahahaha. You're a riot today man!

Tell me you do realize that blacks and natives held slaves as well.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

I think what the OP is getting at is he is all for gays if they are democrat or agree with his ideology, but if the gay person is a republican then they must be made fun of and questioned at all costs. He is the typical leftwing moonbat hypocrite. You didn't seen him posting anything about Charles Rangel misuse of tax payer funds did you? Nope, because it did not fit his leftwing narrative.
I'm trying to understand the purpose of the thread.

I know a lot of gay conservatives. What's the big deal?

But do you know a lot of gay conservative politicians?

The ones who are coming out of the closet have been supporting and passing anti-gay legislation this whole time and here it turns out they're gay? Why so much self-loathing?

That's because some of them actually represent there constituents, not themselves like Reid,pelosi and Obama do. They vote as their constituents want them to, not how they would like to vote.
KKK is Conservative.

Then why did the Democrats start the KKK?

You're a fucking moron who needs to pick up a god damn history book.

CONSERVATIVES started the KKK... Conservatives were democrats back in the 1800's.

Political party has fucking nothing to do with anything. It's IDEOLOGY that matters... especially considering ideologies had a complete party polarity shift.

You are a mother fucking liar from hell.

Don't try to switch it. Don't hand me that bullshit that democrats were really republicans back then.

That's your new Axelrod game and I won't fucking buy it. Lying bastards you are.

You asswipes started the KKK and we know why you did it. You are racist bastards from hell.

Game on.
Let's just get this out there.

Democrats started the KKK.

Don't even stop denying it.

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