Another Georgia county found missing ballots...this time 2700

Let's say that happens, and the independent experts say there's no problem with the machines.

Why the fuck would anyone ever think you guys would accept the findings?
Of course the findings would be accepted, because that would be the FIRST TIME an independent expert review was conducted. With multiple errors now tied to the Dominion Voting Systems, an independent expert review MUST HAPPEN. Just like the independent expert review that happened in Texas which soundly REJECTED Dominion due to obvious flaws and vulnerability to fraud.
Your can tell every Dem here is scared to death with the truth about these machines and software coming out. Switched votes (all going to Biden), votes that were never cast appearing for Biden, it’s getting bad enough the SCOTUS may well invalidate a lot of states.
The most important thing is to do a thorough job and get everything right. Don't be rushing and putting time limits on this. After all, elections don't get any more important than this one. If we don't get this one right, this country will suffer for years if not forever. And pay no mind to the mindless media. They haven't been right yet. I don't give a fuck who has to eat crow or go to jail. Let's get to the bottom of this.
UPDATE!!! This is a SECOND memory card with 2755 votes in addition to the first one with 2600 votes uncounted. This can no longer be dismissed as a "one off". There needs to be an inspection of these machines by INDEPENDENT EXPERTS not state officials!!!!!

Let's say that happens, and the independent experts say there's no problem with the machines.

Why the fuck would anyone ever think you guys would accept the findings? You guys would just make more accusations that the system was rigged.

I mean, the incessant whining goes on and on and on and on. Everyone who confirms that Orange Jesus didn't win is part of the conspiracy. It's retarded.

Yes.....just like you shit stains made up Russian collusion 4 years ago.....when you actually did lose the race....
The most important thing is to do a thorough job and get everything right. Don't be rushing and putting time limits on this. After all, elections don't get any more important than this one. If we don't get this one right, this country will suffer for years if not forever. And pay no mind to the mindless media. They haven't been right yet. I don't give a fuck who has to eat crow or go to jail. Let's get to the bottom of this.
Actually like we learned from Bush v Gore in 2000, that elections do have time limits. Because Florida could not establish standards, and recount the whole state before December 12th, the USSC ordered the recounts to stop..
Your can tell every Dem here is scared to death with the truth about these machines and software coming out. Switched votes (all going to Biden), votes that were never cast appearing for Biden, it’s getting bad enough the SCOTUS may well invalidate a lot of states.
The only problem with that theory is that the Constitution gives that power to congress, not to the courts.
Let's get this straight......

You are concerned that Conservatives might not accept your President with open arms ??

Yeah, those "whiny" conservatives. what's wrong with them ???

No. I'm concerned about the bullshit incessant whining about how the system was rigged.

You can oppose President Biden all you want.

But this hyperventilating over the election as being "rigged" is retarded.

History will look poorly upon President Trump for this.
I’m still trying figure out how dems and their media can refer to this as a repudiation of trump when he received 16% more votes than last time.

And picked up seats in the House and maybe even kept the senate, as well as taking several state legislatures, over turning the California attempt to go back to racial discrimination, and here in Illinois stopping the tax increase.....
What we found out was that 2755 votes were "lost" either by human error, or failure of a memory card to upload vote totals properly. That opens up a whole new can of worms in the 2020 election clusterfu**. The voting machines in contested states should be inspected by experts and the vote tallies from these memory cards repeated. Do we get the same number? I'd bet a lot of money we would not!

If I heard this correctly, they've already been counted, and Rump only picked-up 800 out of the 2755...

Which means that Uncle Joe kept his comfortable lead even within that tiny sampling domain...

The Republican officials in Georgia stipulated that the missing vote was a failure of a rookie helper to upload a USB flash drive received from one of the smaller counties...

There isn't a damned thing to see here, folks, other than to watch Teflon Don's dwindling number of election-conspiracy supporters foam at the mouth and have seizures...
Let's get this straight......

You are concerned that Conservatives might not accept your President with open arms ??

Yeah, those "whiny" conservatives. what's wrong with them ???

No. I'm concerned about the bullshit incessant whining about how the system was rigged.

You can oppose President Biden all you want.

But this hyperventilating over the election as being "rigged" is retarded.

History will look poorly upon President Trump for this.

It was sell your crap to democrats, they are the ones stupid enough to buy it...
Yes.....just like you shit stains made up Russian collusion 4 years ago.....when you actually did lose the race....

First, Trump actually did lose the race.

Second, Clinton conceded the day after the election.

And the day after that, President Obama welcomed Trump into the White House.

But now the nation is held hostage by a whiny petulant narcissist who has the emotional capacity of a 3 year-old who can't accept he lost.
I’m still trying figure out how dems and their media can refer to this as a repudiation of trump when he received 16% more votes than last time.

Because Trump got 148 fewer electoral votes than last time.
It just means that Rump's drum-beating about White Women being safe in the suburbs managed to excite more conservative White Men than usual... :laugh:
It was sell your crap to democrats, they are the ones stupid enough to buy it...

You lost.

Stop whining and deal with it.

You are acting like a spoiled three year-old.
some outgoing presidents have been “angry” with the outcome of elections but that never remotely in the founders' wildest dreams did they envision a president refusing to concede or leave.
No. I'm concerned about the bullshit incessant whining about how the system was rigged.

You can oppose President Biden all you want.

But this hyperventilating over the election as being "rigged" is retarded.

History will look poorly upon President Trump for this.
DHS has said that this election unlike 2016, is virtually free from foreign interference.
And picked up seats in the House and maybe even kept the senate, as well as taking several state legislatures, over turning the California attempt to go back to racial discrimination, and here in Illinois stopping the tax increase.....

Yeah, the election was so rigged by the Democrats that they rigged it so they'd lose pretty much everywhere else.

Do you know how retarded you sound?

But cults gonna cult.
I mean srsly, how retarded are these Republican Trump Party Cult assertions?

The Democrats rigged the election.

But they lost the Senate

And almost lost the House.

And didn't flip a single state legislature.

But fraud!

Cults gonna cult.
And picked up seats in the House and maybe even kept the senate, as well as taking several state legislatures, over turning the California attempt to go back to racial discrimination, and here in Illinois stopping the tax increase.....
As you pointed out, the almost 150 million people, who voted, voted republican, but they didn't vote Trump.

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