Another Global Warming Oops Moment


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Another Global Warming Oops Moment - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Today we have yet another example of what was unintended, but probably could have been seen coming had our government know-it-alls not been blinded by their ideological mission. We call these Global Warming Oops Moments. There’s no shortage of them. “While President Barack Obama is touting clean energy such as wind farms, a group of American scientists are raising alarm bells that wind turbines increase the effects of global warming, as well as killing birds that fall prey to the deadly spinning blades,” says an item from
You have to reverse the fan blades like my ceiling fan...:lol:

Focus people, this is a polar bear problem, forget birds.
This is the source article: Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures, warn academics | Mail Online

I would like to see the actual study. And that article is basing everything on th observation of a single wind farm, and then everything from there is extrapoloated outward into "ifs" and "coulds" and "maybes".

Bad science is bad science. Don't get all stoned on bad science you agree with out of misplaced confirmation bias.
Oh, you're talking to AGW cultists.
This is the source article: Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures, warn academics | Mail Online

I would like to see the actual study. And that article is basing everything on th observation of a single wind farm, and then everything from there is extrapoloated outward into "ifs" and "coulds" and "maybes".

That's been the story with so-called "climate science" from the beginning, hasn't it? It's all "ifs" and "coulds" and "maybes."

Bad science is bad science. Don't get all stoned on bad science you agree with out of misplaced confirmation bias.

AGW is all bad science. Your post is a classic case of transference. It's uncanny how all posts by warmists suffer from the same psychological issues.
This is the source article: Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures, warn academics | Mail Online

I would like to see the actual study. And that article is basing everything on th observation of a single wind farm, and then everything from there is extrapoloated outward into "ifs" and "coulds" and "maybes".

Bad science is bad science. Don't get all stoned on bad science you agree with out of misplaced confirmation bias.

I would also like to see the study, which the Daily Mail refused to identify by title or otherwise. This is just one reason why the Mail is not a good source for science news, much less a twice-regurgitated excerpt from the Mail. The article may have been referring to this study, which has the correct subject matter and first author, though it was published last year:

Impacts of wind farms on surface air temperatures

If so, the Mail and the pundits horrendously misinterpreted the study. The closest the study comes to saying what the Mail claims it says is, referencing another study,

If the wind farms are sufficiently large, they may also affect downstream surface meteorology

Needless to say, affecting the downstream surface in no way implies a change in global climate, much less global warming. As far as the study claims, any change in climate is purely local. The study also notes that the changes, which consist of coolness during the day and warmth at night, seem to benefit farmers by keeping their nearby crops safe from overnight frost.
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Wrong altered wind patterns change evaporative conditions which change just about every part of weather.
This is the source article: Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures, warn academics | Mail Online

I would like to see the actual study. And that article is basing everything on th observation of a single wind farm, and then everything from there is extrapoloated outward into "ifs" and "coulds" and "maybes".

That's been the story with so-called "climate science" from the beginning, hasn't it? It's all "ifs" and "coulds" and "maybes."

Bad science is bad science. Don't get all stoned on bad science you agree with out of misplaced confirmation bias.

AGW is all bad science. Your post is a classic case of transference. It's uncanny how all posts by warmists suffer from the same psychological issues.

bripat9643s' brain =
Another Global Warming Oops Moment - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Today we have yet another example of what was unintended, but probably could have been seen coming had our government know-it-alls not been blinded by their ideological mission. We call these Global Warming Oops Moments. There’s no shortage of them. “While President Barack Obama is touting clean energy such as wind farms, a group of American scientists are raising alarm bells that wind turbines increase the effects of global warming, as well as killing birds that fall prey to the deadly spinning blades,” says an item from

Ah come on, a Goddamned blog? No link to the supposed science article? Do you understand why hearsay evidence has no standing in court, and even less in science?
Felt more like May...
'Astonishing' heat in March set records for the month
1 Apr.`12 - For tens of millions of Americans, last month was the warmest March in their lifetimes.
Meteorologists used the terms "staggering," "astonishing" and "incredible" to describe the heat across the eastern two-thirds of the nation that set thousands of temperature records for March in cities and towns from the Dakotas to Maine to Florida. "It's almost like science fiction," weather historian Christopher Burt of the private forecasting company Weather Underground reported last month. Several large cities — including Atlanta, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, Nashville, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Tampa and Washington — had their warmest March since records started being kept.

It was nearly a record warm March for New York City, Philadelphia and Denver, too. But temperature marks fell just short, and March will be recorded as a second-place finish, the Weather Channel reported. Although nationwide figures won't be available for a few days, it's likely that March 2012 will go down as the warmest March on record in the USA. "Across the nation, over 7,500 daily record high temperatures were set in March 2012," Weather Channel meteorologist Chris Dolce reported. In one week, from March 12-18, 3,125 daily record highs were set, which Weather Channel meteorologist Guy Walton said "is the most I have seen for a one-week period since tabulations began" in January 2000.

The warm month came on the heels of the fourth-warmest winter on record across the lower 48 states. According to meteorologist Jeff Masters of the Weather Underground, the unusual warmth was caused by a loop in the jet stream that created a large upper-level ridge of high pressure. That ridge stuck over the Eastern USA — a phenomenon known as a "blocking pattern." The bizarre warm spell has spilled into early April: Sunday in Plains states, temperatures soared into the 80s as far north as South Dakota. The heat will continue Monday in parts of the Midwest , where a record high of 91 degrees is forecast for St. Louis by the Weather Channel. The latest forecast from the Climate Prediction Center shows continued warmth expected over much of the central USA for the next week to 10 days.

The heat confused plants and insects in March, leading to an unusually early blooming of the cherry trees in Washington. Apple and peach trees are already blooming in the Midwest. "The last year fruit trees bloomed this early in the Midwest was in 2007, which resulted in a late freeze on Easter weekend, an event that is now leaving orchard owners nervous that a similar freeze could happen again this year," the Midwestern Regional Climate Center reported. The only part of the nation that experienced a cooler-than-average month was the West Coast. Seattle residents had a particularly dismal month: Chilly temperatures seldom rose out of the dreary 40s and 50s. The city also had 24 of 31 days with measurable rain.

Now were this heat to continue at the present rate above normal through the summer, we would lose the American Breadbasket for at least this year. Hope that doesn't happen, don't expect it to. However, no one expected this continued heat right up to the Canadian border for the last month or so.
Now were this heat to continue at the present rate above normal through the summer, we would lose the American Breadbasket for at least this year. Hope that doesn't happen, don't expect it to. However, no one expected this continued heat right up to the Canadian border for the last month or so.

And your model shows how AGW changes the Jet Stream? Yeah?

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