Another Good Cop Fired

The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He is not hired to be judge, jury and executioner. He couldn't do the job be was hired for, probably because of nepotism. He should have been arrested for assault with a motor vehicle. Now he will be able to move on to another department to fulfill his dream of being a member of Blue ISIS.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He probably didn't want to go back to jail.
Running from a cop is not a shootable offense unless you're carrying a pressure cooker bomb or something. So instead you strike him with a car? WTF? Is this cop stealing a page from the terrorists or something? Using his vehicle as a weapon? The young man could have been hurt.
He didn’t want to take responsibility for his own actions. So he is a common detriment to society. Thank you for validation of my point. You just equated this police officer to a terrorist? My brother is a cop. I’m pissed off at you now Old Lady and I always like you. You crossed a line.
He was fired because he lied about it, first saying he didn't hit him then trying to say he couldn't stop because of a flat tire. Cops are always lying.
His actions should never have been in question.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He is not hired to be judge, jury and executioner. He couldn't do the job be was hired for, probably because of nepotism. He should have been arrested for assault with a motor vehicle. Now he will be able to move on to another department to fulfill his dream of being a member of Blue ISIS.
Nope...he is hired to bring this person in...he did.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He is not hired to be judge, jury and executioner. He couldn't do the job be was hired for, probably because of nepotism. He should have been arrested for assault with a motor vehicle. Now he will be able to move on to another department to fulfill his dream of being a member of Blue ISIS.
Your one of them Antifa crybabies aren’t you?
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He probably didn't want to go back to jail.
Running from a cop is not a shootable offense unless you're carrying a pressure cooker bomb or something. So instead you strike him with a car? WTF? Is this cop stealing a page from the terrorists or something? Using his vehicle as a weapon? The young man could have been hurt.
He didn’t want to take responsibility for his own actions. So he is a common detriment to society. Thank you for validation of my point. You just equated this police officer to a terrorist? My brother is a cop. I’m pissed off at you now Old Lady and I always like you. You crossed a line.
Well, you can be as mad as you like, Bush, but I don't see how remarking on this one particular cop's actions has anything to do with your brother's actions, unless the cop was your brother.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He is not hired to be judge, jury and executioner. He couldn't do the job be was hired for, probably because of nepotism. He should have been arrested for assault with a motor vehicle. Now he will be able to move on to another department to fulfill his dream of being a member of Blue ISIS.
Nope...he is hired to bring this person in...he did.
People like you who defend Monster Cops and Blue Terrorist are why good cops get hated unjustly and shot in the face.
That domestic terrorist took on the roll of judge, jury and executioner. If he can't catch the bad guys by following the law and the police rules he should not have a badge and a gun and a patrol car.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?

Run him over, shoot him, stab him; I don’t care which. Get these wastes of flesh and oxygen out of the gene pool permanently.
People like you who defend Monster Cops and Blue Terrorist are why good cops get hated unjustly and shot in the face.
That domestic terrorist took on the roll of judge, jury and executioner. If he can't catch the bad guys by following the law and the police rules he should not have a badge and a gun and a patrol car.
and the response to this cop is why nobody wants this job -- especially if they have to deal with Africans.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He is not hired to be judge, jury and executioner. He couldn't do the job be was hired for, probably because of nepotism. He should have been arrested for assault with a motor vehicle. Now he will be able to move on to another department to fulfill his dream of being a member of Blue ISIS.
Your one of them Antifa crybabies aren’t you?
No, I just don't like criminals with badges and guns who are nothing more than thugs. Those tyrants aren't even respected by other criminals. They betray everyone and everyone helps to pay those degenerate scum until they get caught like this fool we are discussing now.
Listen to the Democrats in the background: “Why you hit dat man!” Hey brainless...he was fleeing from commission of a crime. Fuck him.
And the pig was racing to a commission of a crime.
You think cops are pigs? Your just a pussy assed scumbag.
And this pussy thinks cops are leeches on society that can't get a real job or be a real soldier.
That makes you a shit bag.Most cops are vets dumbass.
Yet real soldiers have the discipline to not run down a perp...It's unethical and against the rules...
People like you who defend Monster Cops and Blue Terrorist are why good cops get hated unjustly and shot in the face.
That domestic terrorist took on the roll of judge, jury and executioner. If he can't catch the bad guys by following the law and the police rules he should not have a badge and a gun and a patrol car.
and the response to this cop is why nobody wants this job -- especially if they have to deal with Africans.
Lots of men and women want that job. It pays big bucks and great benefits.
Listen to the Democrats in the background: “Why you hit dat man!” Hey brainless...he was fleeing from commission of a crime. Fuck him.
And the pig was racing to a commission of a crime.
You think cops are pigs? Your just a pussy assed scumbag.
And this pussy thinks cops are leeches on society that can't get a real job or be a real soldier.
That makes you a shit bag.Most cops are vets dumbass.
Yet real soldiers have the discipline to not run down a perp...It's unethical and against the rules...
He was undisciplined and emotionally retarded.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?

Run him over, shoot him, stab him; I don’t care which. Get these wastes of flesh and oxygen out of the gene pool permanently.
I don't know this perp's story, but in general I have worked with guys in prison who REFUSED probation because it is such hell to cope with and so easy to violate. They'd rather finish their bid in jail. That's not just my anecdote, either. It is well known in the cj community. It is supposed to give inmates guard rails so they learn to live clean, but with the complete lack of support and resources they leave prison with can make it super hard to fulfill all the requirements, which are much stricter than anything you or I is expected to do in daily life.

It's possible the violation was for committing a crime, but if it was, wouldn't there be a warrant for that, as well?
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
He ran him over? Article says he hit him. If he ran him over, he'd probably be dead. Unfortunately, this turd is still alive and you're still making shit up.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He probably didn't want to go back to jail.
Running from a cop is not a shootable offense
Nobody sentenced him to be shot you retard!
unless you're carrying a pressure cooker bomb or something. So instead you strike him with a car? WTF? Is this cop stealing a page from the terrorists or something? Using his vehicle as a weapon? The young man could have been hurt.
Too bad he didn't die.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
He ran him over? Article says he hit him. If he ran him over, he'd probably be dead. Unfortunately, this turd is still alive and you're still making shit up.
That was my bad. Good thing you're wide awake there bgrouse.

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