Another Good Cop Fired

He puts his life on the line because people like you WANT GUNS IN THE HANDS OF EVERY FUCKER WHO CAN BREATH.

We certainly don't want zombies to have them ... that wouldn't be fair.

Listen to the Democrats in the background: “Why you hit dat man!” Hey brainless...he was fleeing from commission of a crime. Fuck him.
And the pig was racing to a commission of a crime.
You think cops are pigs? Your just a pussy assed scumbag.
And this pussy thinks cops are leeches on society that can't get a real job or be a real soldier.
That makes you a shit bag.Most cops are vets dumbass.
We will anxiously await you to provide a link backing up that claim.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He probably didn't want to go back to jail.
Running from a cop is not a shootable offense unless you're carrying a pressure cooker bomb or something. So instead you strike him with a car? WTF? Is this cop stealing a page from the terrorists or something? Using his vehicle as a weapon? The young man could have been hurt.
He didn’t want to take responsibility for his own actions. So he is a common detriment to society. Thank you for validation of my point. You just equated this police officer to a terrorist? My brother is a cop. I’m pissed off at you now Old Lady and I always like you. You crossed a line.
Well, you can be as mad as you like, Bush, but I don't see how remarking on this one particular cop's actions has anything to do with your brother's actions, unless the cop was your brother.
Nope. But he was my brothers brother. Part of the long blue line that keeps us from descending into pure savagery. Hobbes and Locke talked about man in his natural state. This violator broke the social contract.
I understand about the brother's brother, and I understand about the social contract. Even so, you surely understand that not every person who goes into law enforcement is cut out for the job. Just like a couple of the cooks at my local diner aren't good cooks. I don't think what that cop did was appropriate. Hitting a person with a vehicle is really excessive force. He could have tried to use the vehicle to block him while his partner caught up on foot, or he could have just followed him in the car so they could catch up with him on foot, but whatever way he did it, hitting the guy with the car was dangerous and a very poor decision.
Is the cop a judge or jury?
Nope. Just a guy that puts his life on the line everyday so thankless bastards like you can criticize.

He puts his life on the line because people like you WANT GUNS IN THE HANDS OF EVERY FUCKER WHO CAN BREATH.
Puts his life on the line because we have pure evil in our society. Parents that don’t raise their kids right (kind of like the slack jawed idiots and their poor grasp of English language in the crowd yelling at police officers) are primary cause of this.

Yes, pure evil. You'd have to be a real stupid fucker to want pure evil bastards to have guns in their hands, wouldn't you?
Yes, I am against criminals, like the perp in video, from owning a firearm.
Soooo, you don't believe in the 2nd Amendment.
If the sonofabitch didn’t want to get thumped...he should not have committed the crime and fled. Momma raised another thug.
Georgia cop fired after hitting suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car

Good cop? You gotta be kidding me. Crook or no crook (the guy was a probation violator, not public enemy #1), there are laws police must obey too. They do not have absolute power and the fact that his own department fired him outright is the proof.
Did he turn himself in or run? He chose to run...therefore he must suffer his fate.

For all you know, the guy had been convicted of a crime he didn't commit, and was now out on parole with a parole officer that was a real asshole and was screwing him over. You just don't know. He was a parole violator and the police were trying to apprehend him, but people still have rights, hitting him with your car is attempted vehicular homicide, and there is every good chance that ex-officer will be so charged, for attempted murder.
If the sonofabitch didn’t want to get thumped...he should not have committed the crime and fled. Momma raised another thug.
Georgia cop fired after hitting suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car

Good cop? You gotta be kidding me. Crook or no crook (the guy was a probation violator, not public enemy #1), there are laws police must obey too. They do not have absolute power and the fact that his own department fired him outright is the proof.
Did he turn himself in or run? He chose to run...therefore he must suffer his fate.

For all you know, the guy had been convicted of a crime he didn't commit, and was now out on parole with a parole officer that was a real asshole and was screwing him over. You just don't know. He was a parole violator and the police were trying to apprehend him, but people still have rights, hitting him with your car is attempted vehicular homicide, and there is every good chance that ex-officer will be so charged, for attempted murder.
A lot of nonsense, there. First of all, your speculations are baseless and irrelevant. He was a wanted felon, found guilty of a crime Not a suspected criminal. And, no, he won't be charged. He was fired for violating departmental policy.
If the sonofabitch didn’t want to get thumped...he should not have committed the crime and fled. Momma raised another thug.
Georgia cop fired after hitting suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car

Good cop? You gotta be kidding me. Crook or no crook (the guy was a probation violator, not public enemy #1), there are laws police must obey too. They do not have absolute power and the fact that his own department fired him outright is the proof.
Did he turn himself in or run? He chose to run...therefore he must suffer his fate.

For all you know, the guy had been convicted of a crime he didn't commit, and was now out on parole with a parole officer that was a real asshole and was screwing him over. You just don't know. He was a parole violator and the police were trying to apprehend him, but people still have rights, hitting him with your car is attempted vehicular homicide, and there is every good chance that ex-officer will be so charged, for attempted murder.
A lot of nonsense, there. First of all, your speculations are baseless and irrelevant. He was a wanted felon, found guilty of a crime Not a suspected criminal. And, no, he won't be charged. He was fired for violating departmental policy.

I am speculating that an officer attempted vehicular homicide and won't be charged? Man, do YOU have your wires crossed! TRy fleeing a police stop and almost clip a cop with your car getting away; THEY will charge you with attempted vehicular homicide. This dude actually USED his car as a weapon to hit a guy and luckily didn't kill him. Now that he is alive and the cop fired, I'm sure the arrestee will charge him. I am not defending the parole violator, but give cops an inch and soon they will be doing it to everyone. Half of them are barely within the law as it is.
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?

Run him over, shoot him, stab him; I don’t care which. Get these wastes of flesh and oxygen out of the gene pool permanently.
I don't know this perp's story, but in general I have worked with guys in prison who REFUSED probation because it is such hell to cope with
I'm not surprised the negroes in prison are lazy wastes of flesh who refuse to cope with daily life.
and so easy to violate. They'd rather finish their bid in jail. That's not just my anecdote, either. It is well known in the cj community. It is supposed to give inmates guard rails so they learn to live clean, but with the complete lack of support and resources they leave prison with can make it super hard to fulfill all the requirements, which are much stricter than anything you or I is expected to do in daily life.

It's possible the violation was for committing a crime, but if it was, wouldn't there be a warrant for that, as well?
Every SINGLE ONE of the inmates who told me they wouldn't do probation was white.
Even whites have a few bad apples.

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