Another GOP representative babbles incoherently


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2012
Another GOP representative babbles incoherently when asked to explain her criticism of Obamacare

by Laurence LewisFollow

Here we go again. As explained by Igor Volsky of ThinkProgress:

On Friday morning, CNN anchor Carol Costello challenged Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to substantiate her claim that will endanger Americans’ medical privacy. The host pushed the Congresswoman to specify which medical details enrollees would have to turn over to the federal government, causing Blackburn to become visibly uncomfortable and unsure as she strung together various buzzwords about privacy.

The exchange originated from a question Blackburn herself leveled at the primary contractors responsible for during a House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing on Thursday. Blackburn asked the witnesses why some of their employees had access to “the database servers storing the enrolling information” and suggested that they were in violation of The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the law that guarantees “federal protections for individually identifiable health information held by covered entities and their business associates and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information.”

Costello asks Blackburn what specific website requirements could be violations of the law, and what information enrollees have to divulge that could even be considered so private as to be worth worrying about. Blackburn proceeds to babble incoherently without answering these very simple questions.


As Washington & Lee Law Professor Timothy S. Jost explained to ThinkProgress in an email, “HIPAA only applies to health care providers, clearinghouses (and this is a narrowly defined term) health plans, and their business associates.” “Even so, access is available to data without consent for health care operations, which this would be.” Deven McGraw, of the Health Privacy Project at the Center for Democracy & Technology, agreed, adding, “It does not violate HIPAA – it’s not even covered by HIPAA.”

Republicans want to frighten people away from using the exchanges. They want to prevent people from even finding out if they can use the exchanges to get better health insurance deals. The reasons they provide are so dishonest and/or flat out stupid that even they can't explain them.
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nothing like your republicans babble ... all you have to do is listen to paul Ryan yesterday ... Paul babbled on and on about 26 years old applying for health care ... he was made a fisrt class fool by a woman ... can you imagine that a meaningless little woman made he look like he hadn't clue one yesterday .. one republican after another babbles on and on and shows the American people had desperate they are ...
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OMG, that women so looks the fool.

Talking points work really well unless, of course, that's ALL you know.
Funny. The lady is trying deperately to sound intelligent when opening her blouse would help....

CNN has also been slamming the Obama administration on the web site roll out lately in some very balanced news reporting. I find that refreshing and much easier to watch than the left leaning MSNBC and the GOP official news network FOX.
nothing like you republicans babble ... all you have to do is listen to paul Ryan yesterday ... Paul babbled on and on about 26 years old applying for health care ... he was made a fist class fool by a woman ... can you imagine that a meaningless little woman made he look like he hadn't clue one yesterday .. one republican after another babbles on and on and shows the American people had desperate they are ...

I'm not a republican.

Please try to think outside your little box.
OMG, that women so looks the fool.

Talking points work really well unless, of course, that's ALL you know.

you keep believing that cause thats all ya got... the best part I liked is when ryan tried to make it look like a 26 year old could cheat the system aqnd get away with it and he kept asking her the same question... he look like a idiot the idiot he really is ... she told rayn if you lie on the application, that's perjury and they will be held accountable for the debt they create ... then rayn would ask the same question again ... as if her answer would change ... where you think she look the fool ..???? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!! denial seems to be a republican trait
nothing like you republicans babble ... all you have to do is listen to paul Ryan yesterday ... Paul babbled on and on about 26 years old applying for health care ... he was made a fist class fool by a woman ... can you imagine that a meaningless little woman made he look like he hadn't clue one yesterday .. one republican after another babbles on and on and shows the American people had desperate they are ...

I'm not a republican.

Please try to think outside your little box.
oooooooooooooooooooooooh !!! I'm sorry ... you're one of those independent voters ... you know ashamed to admit they were republicans voters at one time ... so now they're independent voters ... got ya !!!
Billy Bob is just pissed off that his president has been caught in a blatant lie about Obamacare.

no I'm not pissed off its quite the contrary I'm giddy as hell over the fact that republicans will lose the mid term


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nothing like you republicans babble ... all you have to do is listen to paul Ryan yesterday ... Paul babbled on and on about 26 years old applying for health care ... he was made a fist class fool by a woman ... can you imagine that a meaningless little woman made he look like he hadn't clue one yesterday .. one republican after another babbles on and on and shows the American people had desperate they are ...

I'm not a republican.

Please try to think outside your little box.
oooooooooooooooooooooooh !!! I'm sorry ... you're one of those independent voters ... you know ashamed to admit they were republicans voters at one time ... so now they're independent voters ... got ya !!!

Never voted republican in my life.
Seriously, if you want to to be taken seriously, find something other than Think Progress. That's the same as "George Soros says".
Blackburn was incoherent. I saw the interview, and Costello was fair and objective, while Blackburn was confused.

We need much better GOP reps when we take Congress back from the Dems.
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