Another Islamist in the West Kills His Own Child - You BASTARD!

As my mentioning it would be redundant;
Then why did you mention any of it in the first place? :confused: ....
Because YOU brought it up!

And that erroneous assumption of yours made you look like an ass, thus the test of time for the adage about assumptions.
What else was I to assume? You left out the worst parts of the man's crime. I wouldn't have thought that you'd do that on purpose. ....
YOUR assumption; YOUR responsibility for it. YOU own it.
.... It sounds like you're desperately trying to convince yourself that I'm dishonest by making sure to let me know whenever the opportunity presents itself. ....
When you dishonesty reperesent MY written words, IN WRITING, there is not much left to the imaginiation, eh?

.... Do it as much as you'd like; I wouldn't last long as a Muslim online if I didn't have a high tolerance for inane accusations of dishonesty. ....
Your dishonesty is in WRITING - on record. And, I've even highlighted it.


Still, it's no surprise that both acts of violence - the OP and the Egyptian 'honor' killing - are by Arabs.

As I said, I accept that you are in denial that Arabs are known for their honor killings.
Well, one of the articles was from an Egyptian publication, so I'd expect it to deal mostly with things involving Arabs. Regarding the CNN article, yes, I'm quite aware of the trend in the mainstream media that involves emphasizing stories such as that one over accounts of much more common atrocities.

Maybe if more Arabs who oppose that speak out about it rather than giving tacit approval through deflection and marginalization, that would change.
Yes, maybe. I'd recommend bringing this to the attention of an Arab.
Oh, it's the media's fault and not the Muslims and Arabs who kill mostly women? How pathetic your continued apologetics for such egregious violence against mostly women are.

You continue to deflect, apologize, attempt tu quoque and it all is continued tacit approval of not just oppression of women, but violence against them.

Misogynists suck.
Honor killings are wrong regardless of who does them, whether it is Hindus, Rastafarians, or Christians. But remember, as horrible as they are, honor killings are not mass murder. The only people that regularly commit mass murder in the name of religion are Muslims.

You don't really believe that, do you? As bad as "Islamic" terrorist groups can be, none of them can hold a candle to groups such as the LRA:

Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)

"The LRA rebels say they are fighting for the establishment of a government based on the biblical Ten Commandments."

The key word in my post was "REGULARLY". You can find a fringe religious group that commits atrocities occasionally, if you dig deep enough. Muslims commit mass murder on a daily basis. Only Muslims strap bombs on children and make them Suicide bombers with startling regularity.
Because YOU brought it up!
What was the purpose of post #62?

Your dishonesty is in WRITING - on record. And, I've even highlighted it.
Look, my intention has never been to misrepresent anything that you or anybody else has said, so I apologize if I've done that unwittingly. Cut the crap so we can have a substantive discussion, huh?

Oh, it's the media's fault and not the Muslims and Arabs who kill mostly women?
Fault for what?

How pathetic your continued apologetics for such egregious violence against mostly women are.

You continue to deflect, apologize, attempt tu quoque and it all is continued tacit approval of not just oppression of women, but violence against them.
You don't know me at all, let alone well enough to pass judgment on my beliefs about the rights of women.

Misogynists suck.
You have no idea what true misogyny is. That's not an insult; it's a good thing... be thankful.
The key word in my post was "REGULARLY". You can find a fringe religious group that commits atrocities occasionally, if you dig deep enough. Muslims commit mass murder on a daily basis.
Were you under the impression that the LRA only operates on certain days? :eusa_eh:

Only Muslims strap bombs on children and make them Suicide bombers with startling regularity.
This should be interesting. How many child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?
The key word in my post was "REGULARLY". You can find a fringe religious group that commits atrocities occasionally, if you dig deep enough. Muslims commit mass murder on a daily basis.
Were you under the impression that the LRA only operates on certain days? :eusa_eh:

Only Muslims strap bombs on children and make them Suicide bombers with startling regularity.
This should be interesting. How many child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?

How many non-Muslim child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?
Oh, it's the media's fault and not the Muslims and Arabs who kill mostly women? How pathetic your continued apologetics for such egregious violence against mostly women are.

You continue to deflect, apologize, attempt tu quoque and it all is continued tacit approval of not just oppression of women, but violence against them.

Misogynists suck.

Go back to my first post in this thread.

Yoiu are foaming at the mouth, so you might want to put some facts behind those words. Just saying that means nothing.
Oh, it's the media's fault and not the Muslims and Arabs who kill mostly women? How pathetic your continued apologetics for such egregious violence against mostly women are.

You continue to deflect, apologize, attempt tu quoque and it all is continued tacit approval of not just oppression of women, but violence against them.

Misogynists suck.

Go back to my first post in this thread.


Not surprising to see you come in and basically try to ignore the fact that this was an Islamofacist motivated killing!
And, it's a good bet an Arab family is Muslim.

Egypt alone has several million arab christians.

Turkey also has several million arab christians.

Syria, Iraq and Lebanon have fairly large arab christian communities.
No shit. And the majority?

They also have sizeable minorities that are neither Muslim nor Christian, nor Arab yet they seem to get lumped under "Muslim"..."Arab"....

Turkey is not Arab and neither are the Lebonese.
As I said, I accept that you are in denial that Arabs are known for their honor killings. Maybe if more Arabs who oppose that speak out about it rather than giving tacit approval through deflection and marginalization, that would change.

All this back and forth about Arabs and Muslims and Honor Killings and the deliberate insistence that we ignore the multitude of honor killings occuring in other ethnic groups and religions leads to only one conclusion.

You really don't give a shit about honor killings. Only about Ay-rabs and Muslims doing it.
How many times are we going to see these honor killing done by Muslim upon their own children in the name of Islam? How much longer are we going to let liberals allow us to believe its not a danger? How long are we going to let liberals stand behind their unholy alliance and protect Islamist when they do the unthinkable!

Precursor: Fuck you Shogun, Fuck you Sunni, Fuck You Dogshit and Fuck You Cunticious!

Police: Man ran down 'too Westernized' daughter -
(CNN) -- Arizona police are looking for a man who they allege ran down his daughter and her friend because he believed his daughter had become "too Westernized."
Police say they're looking for Faleh Hassan Almaleki, who they say struck two people with a vehicle Tuesday.

Police say they're looking for Faleh Hassan Almaleki, who they say struck two people with a vehicle Tuesday.

Peoria, Arizona, police said Wednesday that Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48, struck his 20-year-old daughter, Noor Faleh Almaleki, and her friend Amal Edan Khalaf with a vehicle he was driving in a parking lot Tuesday afternoon

Faleh Hassan Almaleki was angry with his daughter "as she had become too 'Westernized' and was not living according to [the family's] traditional Iraq values," Peoria police said in a statement released Wednesday.

The barbarism has been going on for centuries. Just what is it you want the US to do about it?

A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion.

While Muslims are found on all five inhabited continents, more than 60% of the global Muslim population is in Asia and about 20% is in the Middle East and North Africa. However, the Middle East-North Africa region has the highest percentage of Muslim-majority countries.

Pew Forum: Global Muslim Population: Executive Summary
Honor killings are wrong regardless of who does them, whether it is Hindus, Rastafarians, or Christians. But remember, as horrible as they are, honor killings are not mass murder. The only people that regularly commit mass murder in the name of religion are Muslims.

Because of course the Spanish Inquisition was authorized by the Sultan of Rum.
This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions. Why do the Liberal fools always want to take any subject and use said issue to make the USA look bad. For the Liberals every issue is an oppurtunity to change the subject and focus on who Liberals really hate, plain old american citizens. Forget about Moslems killing in the name of Islam, there is a child raper loose and he went to a baptist church.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.

And to all you morons who attempt to seperate this into a cultural issue and not a religous issue, this just shows you know nothing of Islam, period. It shows you morons have not read any decent book on the Middle East.

What is obvious is the Islamic mind has not changed much in over 400 years. I will give the morons the fact that honour killings are rare in the world of Islam. That is irrelevant to this discussion. The killings are rare, after all a girl is taught to submit as soon as the girl is born, every day the girl is indoctrinated, every day she taught to submit.

A child taught from day one to submit seldom even thinks of disobeying men. Hence not too many honour killings.

As far as what is written in the Koran, there is no Arabic word for honour so its obvious that one could not find this subject in the Koran. What is in the Koran is passages dealing with the unclean, which this killing would fall under, you know why the father used his car, because in Islam the holy do not touch the filthy unholy which in the eyes of the father is what this girl became.

The clean and the unclean, the holy and the unholy, according to the Koran the whole world is thus divided, unbelievers, christians, jews are unclean, unholy. Touching the unholy renders a Moslem impure. Hence the father ran his daughter over with a car.

Hell, if you shake hands with a devout Moslem his lips will be moving as the Moslem shakes a non-moslems hand, the devout Moslem is citing the prayer of purification.

Clueless morons, the Koran explicitly deals with the unholy.

Yes go look in the Koran, how about the Hadith, can I look in the Hadith, does the Hadith talk of Apotasy.

And its Qur'an, not quran.

So why have the "islamic experts" not pointed out where Mohammed explicitly speaks of Apotasy, simple, those posting know very little of Islam.
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This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions. Why do the Liberal fools always want to take any subject and use said issue to make the USA look bad. For the Liberals every issue is an oppurtunity to change the subject and focus on who Liberals really hate, plain old american citizens. Forget about Moslems killing in the name of Islam, there is a child raper loose and he went to a baptist church.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.

And to all you morons who attempt to seperate this into a cultural issue and not a religous issue, this just shows you know nothing of Islam, period. It shows you morons have not read any decent book on the Middle East.

What is obvious is the Islamic mind has not changed much in over 400 years. I will give the morons the fact that honour killings are rare in the world of Islam. That is irrelevant to this discussion. The killings are rare, after all a girl is taught to submit as soon as the girl is born, every day the girl is indoctrinated, every day she taught to submit.

A child taught from day one to submit seldom even thinks of disobeying men. Hence not too many honour killings.

As far as what is written in the Koran, there is no Arabic word for honour so its obvious that one could not find this subject in the Koran. What is in the Koran is passages dealing with the unclean, which this killing would fall under, you know why the father used his car, because in Islam the holy do not touch the filthy unholy which in the eyes of the father is what this girl became.

The clean and the unclean, the holy and the unholy, according to the Koran the whole world is thus divided, unbelievers, christians, jews are unclean, unholy. Touching the unholy renders a Moslem impure. Hence the father ran his daughter over with a car.

Hell, if you shake hands with a devout Moslem his lips will be moving as the Moslem shakes a non-moslems hand, the devout Moslem is citing the prayer of purification.

Clueless morons, the Koran explicitly deals with the unholy.

Yes go look in the Koran, how about the Hadith, can I look in the Hadith, does the Hadith talk of Apotasy.

And its Qur'an, not quran.

So why have the "islamic experts" not pointed out where Mohammed explicitly speaks of Apotasy, simple, those posting know very little of Islam.

Oh my gosh, I'm soooo sorry we tried to interrupt your ignorant anti-Muslim hate fest, it was so naughty of us to try to point out a few facts about honor killings that don't seem to jive with your talking points.

Carry on.

Oh, wait - you aren't the thread police are you?

P.S. As far as spelling is concerned - the word for the holy book of Islam is a phonetic translation from Arab into the English alphabet. "Koran," "Quran,", "al-Quran" and "Quoran" are all acceptable.
This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions. Why do the Liberal fools always want to take any subject and use said issue to make the USA look bad. For the Liberals every issue is an oppurtunity to change the subject and focus on who Liberals really hate, plain old american citizens. Forget about Moslems killing in the name of Islam, there is a child raper loose and he went to a baptist church.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.

And to all you morons who attempt to seperate this into a cultural issue and not a religous issue, this just shows you know nothing of Islam, period. It shows you morons have not read any decent book on the Middle East.

What is obvious is the Islamic mind has not changed much in over 400 years. I will give the morons the fact that honour killings are rare in the world of Islam. That is irrelevant to this discussion. The killings are rare, after all a girl is taught to submit as soon as the girl is born, every day the girl is indoctrinated, every day she taught to submit.

A child taught from day one to submit seldom even thinks of disobeying men. Hence not too many honour killings.

As far as what is written in the Koran, there is no Arabic word for honour so its obvious that one could not find this subject in the Koran. What is in the Koran is passages dealing with the unclean, which this killing would fall under, you know why the father used his car, because in Islam the holy do not touch the filthy unholy which in the eyes of the father is what this girl became.

The clean and the unclean, the holy and the unholy, according to the Koran the whole world is thus divided, unbelievers, christians, jews are unclean, unholy. Touching the unholy renders a Moslem impure. Hence the father ran his daughter over with a car.

Hell, if you shake hands with a devout Moslem his lips will be moving as the Moslem shakes a non-moslems hand, the devout Moslem is citing the prayer of purification.

Clueless morons, the Koran explicitly deals with the unholy.

Yes go look in the Koran, how about the Hadith, can I look in the Hadith, does the Hadith talk of Apotasy.

And its Qur'an, not quran.

So why have the "islamic experts" not pointed out where Mohammed explicitly speaks of Apotasy, simple, those posting know very little of Islam.

Sooo...once again, what would you do about it?
Coyote, I am so sorry I did not specify you are a moron, feel better now. The only person spewing hate is you. Why do you hate those who have a better education than you. Try reading "Life in the Moslem East, Peirre Ponafidine", after that you can tackle "Deserta Arabia by Doughty", Deserta Arabia will be tough for you, over a thousand pages.

Get an education, either way I see you attacking me, not the facts I posted.

Coyote, maybe you can tell us how the Hadith is a talking point, what is obvious is Coyote is ignorant, imagine describing the Hadith as a talking point, nice way to show all the users how stupid you are Coyote.

'Umdat al-Salik o8.1-2
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This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.
This thread is about Religion so why do the morons want to talk about politics?
Coyote, I am so sorry I did not specify you are a moron, feel better now.

Indeed I do. It is very comforting to know that you have properly certified me as a "moron" rather than a moron-wannabe. :)

The only person spewing hate is you. Why do you hate those who have a better education than you. Try reading "Life in the Moslem East, Peirre Ponafidine", after that you can tackle "Deserta Arabia by Doughty", Deserta Arabia will be tough for you, over a thousand pages.

Yes. Try reading., it will improve your debate. :)

Get an education, either way I see you attacking me, not the facts I posted.

I've attacked facts earlier in a thread. When you post something where every other word seems to be "you morons" don't expect the argument you are attempting to make to be taken seriously. Normally, that's a clue the poster isn't worth serious debate.

Coyote, maybe you can tell us how the Hadith is a talking point, what is obvious is Coyote is ignorant, imagine describing the Hadith as a talking point, nice way to show all the users how stupid you are Coyote.

Cherry picking the Hadith is little more than reiterating typical Islamophobic talking points.

Culture or religion? Maybe both.

Islam today is facing a collision between a medievil mindset and the modern world of women. But it isn't just Islam - many of the countries that are predominately Islamic are also newly developing. There are many cultures that are in the process of developing and women are seeking emancipation from the status of property. It occurs in some varient in South America, India, China, Africa etc. But you don't really care about that do you? Islam has a way out of "honor killings" in that it is not part of the Quran, but part of the culture that brought about the Quran - the same culture that brought about Christianity and Judaism too. The Middle East. But Middle Eastern cultures -whether they are Islamic, Christian, Druze, or any of a number of sects are very fundamentalist and rigid in regards to women.
hi, im a christian hater, i mean liberal

christians are just as bad as muslims

oh yeah well centuries ago, the inquisitions

you know what drunks as christian hating liberal have in common, neither makes any sense
hi, im a christian hater, i mean liberal

christians are just as bad as muslims

oh yeah well centuries ago, the inquisitions

you know what drunks as christian hating liberal have in common, neither makes any sense

Oh boy. Another superficial retard. :eusa_eh:

...or maybe you just don't have a good grasp of grammar and capitalization.

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