Another Islamist in the West Kills His Own Child - You BASTARD!

This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.
This thread is about Religion so why do the morons want to talk about politics?

I dont see the word Religion in the title of the thread do you, I do see Islamist which is moslem, the thread was about a moslem killing his daughter.

Of course when speaking of Moslems the religion is politics.

so whats wrong chuck stucker, you cant despute the facts. you lack the education, or are you pissed because the Liberal/Marxist shoe fits you? Must be that Chuck identifies himself (or herself) as a marxist.

Uneducated idiots, simple morons, political hacks, propagandists, got to twist every current event and use it to stab the USA in the back.

I see people who hate the USA, the USA gives all of you those nice computers you post with, christians, conservatives, capitalists all work hard so you pathetic morons can post on these boards, we sweat producing all you fools cherish, and instead of discussing the subject you twist it to bite the hand that feeds.

MaggieMae, what would I do, what would you do, tell me what you will do about this killing.

There is not one bit of hate in what I posted, at least not directed at Moslems. There is plenty of hate in Coyote's post, that hate is directed at me, that is the ugliest hate of all, to be a bigot and accuse others of what you hide in your heart.

MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

I gave four or five sources in my post, one being from Mohammed himself.

Whats would I do, I would do what I did, post facts with references so that those with a heart, passion, and love can read for themselves.

Fucking prick considers his daughter to be unclean, unholy according to his religion, so in accordance with his religion he does not defile his body by touching the unclean, so he uses his car to run his daughter over, in accordance with the teachings of Mohammed, as it is his culture.

The girls is dead, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves, really ashamed.

Right now I am on Litchfield rd in Goodyear AZ. Just a few miles from where this happened, I have studied the Middle East extensively, hence my ability to provide you fools with a good source, such as Ponafidine's book, download it from google books, I have my personal copy in my hands right now. Go to Chapter V, Sunnites and Shites and the Relics of the Prophet, page 78 speaks of touching the unclean.

Go read the Hadith, look up Hadith in a dictionary so you know what it is.

Read Arabia Deserta.

What am I going to do, educate those who care, tell off those who dont and put the Liberal/Marxist in their place.
MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

What bigotry mdn? Seems like if you're going to throw labels around you ought to warn the recipient. Care to back up that assertion?

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

And "anti-muslim hate fest" is at least as accurate as your constant refrains of "you morons". If you don't like being mischaracterized then watch yer own words bubby. :eusa_eh:

Dang....looks like I pricked some thin skin here...
This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.
This thread is about Religion so why do the morons want to talk about politics?

I dont see the word Religion in the title of the thread do you, I do see Islamist which is moslem, the thread was about a moslem killing his daughter.

Of course when speaking of Moslems the religion is politics.
You really are an imbecile aren't you? Have you read this thread? Did you miss the point of my post which was to mock your inability to be consistent? You know "This is about A not B, so let me talk about B"
In case it slipped your notice a thread about Moslems (sic) is a thread about religion.
In case it also slipped your notice, perhaps you should search this thread for the post I put in about executing the father if/when the crime was proven in court. I even followed with a bit about making aspiring immigrants pay for a government appointed psychologist to weed out the nutjobs like this, as well as may be done, and deny them entrance. So how is that a Liberal/Marxist stance designed to destroy the good in the USA?
Oh please forgive me, did I use more than just monosyllabic words and confuse you?
I've attacked facts earlier in a thread. When you post something where every other word seems to be "you morons" don't expect the argument you are attempting to make to be taken seriously. Normally, that's a clue the poster isn't worth serious debate

Yes coyote, you are so above the fray, coyote only debates making articulate points

Oh my gosh, I'm soooo sorry we tried to interrupt your ignorant anti-Muslim hate fest, it was so naughty of us to try to point out a few facts about honor killings that don't seem to jive with your talking points.

Carry on.

Oh, wait - you aren't the thread police are you?

Yep, so above the fray, ignoring those not worthy of debate, no name calling, no bigotry, no mischarcaterizing.

What is a moron, as I used the word, its one of inferior intelligence. I use the word here because it fit. I see morons who cannot debate the facts, I see morons daring one to point out where in the Koran condones honor killing. So its a moron who thinks the Koran is the last and only word in the Moslem world.

As far as cherry picking the Hadith, quit being a Moron, the Hadith is Mohammeds word as spoken, as commanded. No cherry picking, I did not even quote the Hadith, I simply pointed out if one wanted to debate intelligently or if one wanted to know what is written the Hadith is a very important work.

So coyote, you are a moron, you accuse me of cherry picking the Hadith when I did not quote the Hadith.

Coyote also states
your ingorant anti-Muslim hate fest

Coyote does not think one who uses the word Moron should be taken serious in a debate but yet its okay for coyote to mischaracterize my post and to mischaracterize me. Coyote cannot debate nor take serious me because I used the word moron yet we are to believe we can debate Coyote when Coyote falsely calls my post "anti-Muslim hate fest".

Coyote, I am tired of your anti-chrsitian, anti-usa hate fest.

Coyote is telling others what to think of my post as if others do not have the intelligence to read the post and to look at my reference material. Why would Coyote have to tell others to ignore and how to think, Coyote must think everyone is stupid and unable to come to their own judgement.

Ignorant, only if Coyote is pointing at herself (or himself). Igorant is why only the messenger was attacked and the facts were left standing.
She ran away because she feared for her life! Close to being another honor killing in America!

Christian Convert Runaway Tells Officials Father Planned Her Marriage - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
ORLANDO, Fla. — Ohio teen runaway Fathima Rifqa Bary told Florida investigators about her religious conversion, explained how and why she ended up in Florida and detailed a fearful life with her Muslim family, including the fact she was supposed to be in an arranged marriage.

A month after she ran away from her home outside Columbus, the 17-year-old girl met with several investigators with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for more than two hours and answered questions about her journey to Florida and her family life.

Rifqa's case drew attention from investigators after she was reported missing by her parents in Ohio and then surfaced in Orlando while living with husband-and-wife pastors. She claimed that she had converted to Christianity and feared that her Muslim father would harm or kill her because of her religious conversion.

Her father, Mohamed Bary, has denied those claims, and the FDLE investigation did not uncover any evidence of abuse. Officials in Ohio also found no such threats.

During the interview with FDLE investigators, Rifqa said she grew up with a fear of her father. When an agent asked Rifqa what made her so afraid, she replied, "He beat me."
if you shake hands with a devout Moslem his lips will be moving as the Moslem shakes a non-moslems hand, the devout Moslem is citing the prayer of purification.

Most likely mdn2000, the muslim you are talking to is muttering under his breath, "how did I end up talking to this ignorant jerk"?? :lol:
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Apostasy is addressed in the Hadith

Life in the Moslem East addresses the unclean and unholy

Arabia Deserta is the bible, the reference used by all scholars, Arabia Deserta explains Moslem culture in clear detail.

The Qur'an is interpeted many different ways by many different people, on its own, a fools arguement.

Chuck, you missed my point about Morons, only an imbecile would be drawn into a debate with a moron. The premise of your post is wrong hence nothing I can respond to.

Sunni, you are a lousy fuck, seriously, you called me racist, I am married to an African and you cowardly show your cowardice by telling me the Grand Dragon is waiting for me.

You see, there is more than one Moron is this thread, the moron assumed I was specifically speaking to you, I did not specifically call anyone a moron at first but many of you decided you must be the moron I spoke of. I do have a problem with Sunni, Sunni said a nasty remark to me so when I see Sunni posting I see a moron, ignorance is the biggest problem of many people. Imagine calling a white man married to a black african a racist. Nothing more moronic nor more ignorant.

I did not specifically call anyone a moron by user name unitl those who felt slighted attacked and mischaracterized my post. If you dont like it now its too bad, you showed yourselves to be no better and in fact of less character than I.

I dont even remember who kept posting, "where in the qur'an", "show me a quote in the Qur'an", yet its a post such as this that is moronic, seriously, very moronic. The Koran can and is interpetted in many ways. To constantly challenge all you disagree with to cite a soucrce in the Koran while being ignorant of the Hadith is moronic. Further if one knew about the Hadith they did not bring that knowledge into the debate which again is moronic.

Yet it does not end there, with so many books written of the culture of Islam (religion is an inseperable part of Islamic culture) again its moronic to keep posting "where in the qur'an" as if one cannot find the relevance in the koran than ones assertion about honour killings is wrong.

So quit being morons.
if you shake hands with a devout Moslem his lips will be moving as the Moslem shakes a non-moslems hand, the devout Moslem is citing the prayer of purification.

Most likely mdn2000, the muslim you are talking to is muttering under his breath, "how did I end up talking to this ignorant jerk"?? :lol:

Who is sunni, sunni insulted me personally, Sunni knows I am a white conservative married to an African woman and Sunni tells me the Grand Dragon of the KKK is waiting for me. What am I to think of you Sunni, why should I not throw around the word moron where you post, (kind of funny so many others thought I was speaking directly to them, oh well, only a moron would think that so it fits.) But back to you sunni, you owe me an apology. What am I to think of you when you post such a hateful comment.

How can anyone be surprised or act slighted if I choose to call users moron. Users such as Sunni post such ignorant and hateful comments directed at others simply because they lack the education to debate facts.

I guess it dont matter if a white conservative marries a black african, its still fine to tell me the Grand Dragon of the KKK is waithing for me.

To state such a hatefilled comment out of ignorance or because you disagree with me politically or because you cannot dispute my facts and logic is the act of someone much more than simply a moron.

Yep Sunni, your a real funny asshole. Someone else said it best, a coward hiding behind a computer.
I've attacked facts earlier in a thread. When you post something where every other word seems to be "you morons" don't expect the argument you are attempting to make to be taken seriously. Normally, that's a clue the poster isn't worth serious debate

Yes coyote, you are so above the fray, coyote only debates making articulate points

Nah...nothing so intellectual as that. I just go with the poster's flow and treat "morons" know..."morons" ;)

Unless they give me cause to treat them otherwise. :eusa_whistle:

Yep, so above the fray, ignoring those not worthy of debate, no name calling, no bigotry, no mischarcaterizing.

What is a moron, as I used the word, its one of inferior intelligence. I use the word here because it fit. I see morons who cannot debate the facts, I see morons daring one to point out where in the Koran condones honor killing. So its a moron who thinks the Koran is the last and only word in the Moslem world.

Buddy, when you start out with name calling don't start whining when others treat you the same or refuse to debate your points seriously. You set the tone.:lol:

The problem isn't necessarily the facts oh one-of-such-vaunted-intelligence, but rather the conclusions you attempt to draw from them and those have been debated but you try to side track such debates by insisting on focusing on only Islam. As has been pointed out, up to 5,000 honor killings take place every year across the world from India to North America. You have Muslims, Druze, Sikhs and Christians guilty of it, yet in the media it is only Islam associated with this barbaric practice.

Honor killing predates Islam. The Codes of Hammurabi and Assura, some of the earliest set of laws state that a woman's virginity belongs to the family. Honor killings were permitted in ancient Rome with Cato stating: "If you catch your wife in adultery, you can kill her with impunity..." This attitude is still very much alive today around the world.

The Koran is not necessarily the last word but it IS (didn't you say it was spelled Quran?) the book that every Muslim reads and knows. The Hadith are massive, sometimes contradictory, and involve every aspect of how to live a good Muslim life, and the average Muslim has probably never read it and never will.

Islamic scholars say that none of the religious laws can justify honor killing...that Sharia is against the act because the husbands or families should refer to the law rather than carrying out their own punishment.

As far as cherry picking the Hadith, quit being a Moron, the Hadith is Mohammeds word as spoken, as commanded. No cherry picking, I did not even quote the Hadith, I simply pointed out if one wanted to debate intelligently or if one wanted to know what is written the Hadith is a very important work.

So coyote, you are a moron, you accuse me of cherry picking the Hadith when I did not quote the Hadith.

Point taken ;)

Coyote also states
your ingorant anti-Muslim hate fest

Coyote does not think one who uses the word Moron should be taken serious in a debate but yet its okay for coyote to mischaracterize my post and to mischaracterize me. Coyote cannot debate nor take serious me because I used the word moron yet we are to believe we can debate Coyote when Coyote falsely calls my post "anti-Muslim hate fest".

Thin skin eh? :lol:

Coyote, I am tired of your anti-chrsitian, anti-usa hate fest.

What "anti-chrsitian, anti-usa hate fest. "?

Coyote is telling others what to think of my post as if others do not have the intelligence to read the post and to look at my reference material. Why would Coyote have to tell others to ignore and how to think, Coyote must think everyone is stupid and unable to come to their own judgement.

Coyote thinks you grant your words waaaaayyyyyy too much importance here. Coyote also thinks talking third person is moronic.

Ignorant, only if Coyote is pointing at herself (or himself). Igorant is why only the messenger was attacked and the facts were left standing.

Speaking of seem not to have addressed any of them so why are you so concerned?
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if you shake hands with a devout Moslem his lips will be moving as the Moslem shakes a non-moslems hand, the devout Moslem is citing the prayer of purification.

Most likely mdn2000, the muslim you are talking to is muttering under his breath, "how did I end up talking to this ignorant jerk"?? :lol:

Who is sunni, sunni insulted me personally, Sunni knows I am a white conservative married to an African woman and Sunni tells me the Grand Dragon of the KKK is waiting for me. What am I to think of you Sunni, why should I not throw around the word moron where you post, (kind of funny so many others thought I was speaking directly to them, oh well, only a moron would think that so it fits.) But back to you sunni, you owe me an apology. What am I to think of you when you post such a hateful comment.

How can anyone be surprised or act slighted if I choose to call users moron. Users such as Sunni post such ignorant and hateful comments directed at others simply because they lack the education to debate facts.

I guess it dont matter if a white conservative marries a black african, its still fine to tell me the Grand Dragon of the KKK is waithing for me.

To state such a hatefilled comment out of ignorance or because you disagree with me politically or because you cannot dispute my facts and logic is the act of someone much more than simply a moron.

Yep Sunni, your a real funny asshole. Someone else said it best, a coward hiding behind a computer.

Wait so does that mean you don't bring your wife to the KKK rallies?
MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

What bigotry mdn? Seems like if you're going to throw labels around you ought to warn the recipient. Care to back up that assertion?

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

And "anti-muslim hate fest" is at least as accurate as your constant refrains of "you morons". If you don't like being mischaracterized then watch yer own words bubby. :eusa_eh:

Dang....looks like I pricked some thin skin here...

Coyote, your right, I am sorry, okay I will take your advice.


thin skin, ha, ha, all coyote has done is made a joke, nothing more. my post is left untouched, the facts remain.

The father runs over his child with a car so as to not become defiled by what the fathers culture/religion has taught the father to be unclean and Coyote wishes to distract from this.

I am really sorry that morons just dont care.

I am really sorry that morons will dismiss not one source, but multiple accurate books cited by every credible scholar who studies Islam.

Only a moron would call Arabia Deserta " ingorant anti-Muslim hate fest".

Only a moron would state I cherry picked the Hadith when I did not quote the Hadith, I simply stated the Hadith addresses Apostasy.

Anyhow this thread is about a woman murdered by a father, amazining how this has seemed to be forgotten simply so that Coyote can demonize Christians, Conservatives, and the USA.
you called me racist, I am married to an African and you cowardly show your cowardice by telling me the Grand Dragon is waiting for me.

Just because you are married to a hottentot woman.

You act like you deserve a medal or something. :doubt:
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MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

What bigotry mdn? Seems like if you're going to throw labels around you ought to warn the recipient. Care to back up that assertion?

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

And "anti-muslim hate fest" is at least as accurate as your constant refrains of "you morons". If you don't like being mischaracterized then watch yer own words bubby. :eusa_eh:

Dang....looks like I pricked some thin skin here...

Coyote, your right, I am sorry, okay I will take your advice.


thin skin, ha, ha, all coyote has done is made a joke, nothing more. my post is left untouched, the facts remain.

Damn you callow jerk. Now you've made me cry. :(

Ok, done with that.

The father runs over his child with a car so as to not become defiled by what the fathers culture/religion has taught the father to be unclean and Coyote wishes to distract from this. I'm just trying to figure out where in the initial article it says that. Never mind, it doesn't.

I am really sorry that morons just dont care.

About what?:confused: Brutal, barbaric culturally condoned practices against women? You bet I care! :)

I am really sorry that morons will dismiss not one source, but multiple accurate books cited by every credible scholar who studies Islam.

Look sweetcheeks, you're flinging around titles of books a dime a dozen as if they are supposed to mean anything. As books, ya they do - but they aren't the only books and writings of importance on the Middle East and Islam and honor killings are not confined to those cultures. You aren't sourcing your claims beyond just titles and you seem to think that is sufficient to end all debate on the matter and your opinion should not be contradicted.

Then you decide that we'll frame this debate around on the Muslim religion alone ignoring all other cultural practices of "honor killing" refusing to address those points at all.

Only a moron would call Arabia Deserta " ingorant anti-Muslim hate fest".

Only a moron would think I was talking about the book when I said that ;)

Only a moron would state I cherry picked the Hadith when I did not quote the Hadith, I simply stated the Hadith addresses Apostasy.

Anyhow this thread is about a woman murdered by a father, amazining how this has seemed to be forgotten simply so that Coyote can demonize Christians, Conservatives, and the USA.

Whoah Bubba! You've expanded my repetoire, how can I keep up! :eek: Not only am I anti-Christian, anti-America, and demonizing Christians but I'm demonizing conservatives too! :woohoo:

Oh lord please grant me eternal access to all the roadkill on this ideological highway ::beer::
I've attacked facts earlier in a thread. When you post something where every other word seems to be "you morons" don't expect the argument you are attempting to make to be taken seriously. Normally, that's a clue the poster isn't worth serious debate

Yes coyote, you are so above the fray, coyote only debates making articulate points

Nah...nothing so intellectual as that. I just go with the poster's flow and treat "morons" know..."morons" ;)

Unless they give me cause to treat them otherwise. :eusa_whistle:

Buddy, when you start out with name calling don't start whining when others treat you the same or refuse to debate your points seriously. You set the tone.:lol:

The problem isn't necessarily the facts oh one-of-such-vaunted-intelligence, but rather the conclusions you attempt to draw from them and those have been debated but you try to side track such debates by insisting on focusing on only Islam. As has been pointed out, up to 5,000 honor killings take place every year across the world from India to North America. You have Muslims, Druze, Sikhs and Christians guilty of it, yet in the media it is only Islam associated with this barbaric practice.

Honor killing predates Islam. The Codes of Hammurabi and Assura, some of the earliest set of laws state that a woman's virginity belongs to the family. Honor killings were permitted in ancient Rome with Cato stating: "If you catch your wife in adultery, you can kill her with impunity..." This attitude is still very much alive today around the world.

The Koran is not necessarily the last word but it IS (didn't you say it was spelled Quran?) the book that every Muslim reads and knows. The Hadith are massive, sometimes contradictory, and involve every aspect of how to live a good Muslim life, and the average Muslim has probably never read it and never will.

Islamic scholars say that none of the religious laws can justify honor killing...that Sharia is against the act because the husbands or families should refer to the law rather than carrying out their own punishment.

Point taken ;)

Thin skin eh? :lol:

What "anti-chrsitian, anti-usa hate fest. "?

Coyote is telling others what to think of my post as if others do not have the intelligence to read the post and to look at my reference material. Why would Coyote have to tell others to ignore and how to think, Coyote must think everyone is stupid and unable to come to their own judgement.

Coyote thinks you grant your words waaaaayyyyyy too much importance here. Coyote also thinks talking third person is moronic.

Ignorant, only if Coyote is pointing at herself (or himself). Igorant is why only the messenger was attacked and the facts were left standing.

Speaking of seem not to have addressed any of them so why are you so concerned?

Thin skin, far from it, this is just the internet, nothing more than a game at best, I may educate a few, I may not, thats all. When its all over its over, if I ever met you I would buy you a beer and hope you are mature enough to have a drink on me and we will laugh about our tit for tat.

I wont address your last post, you can have the last word, my point was made and my facts remain.

Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ...
-- Mohandas Gandhi

Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ...
-- Mohandas Gandhi

The difference is that the man who killed his daughter was following his religion.....ISLAM. Had a Christian done the deed, he would have been going AGAINST his religion.

Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ...
-- Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi is not the point. The point is Islam, honor killings, and refusal by Islam to actively eliminate terrorism. Please try to keep up. Christians don't do honor killings while playing the holier than thou card.
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The key word in my post was "REGULARLY". You can find a fringe religious group that commits atrocities occasionally, if you dig deep enough. Muslims commit mass murder on a daily basis.
Were you under the impression that the LRA only operates on certain days? :eusa_eh:

Only Muslims strap bombs on children and make them Suicide bombers with startling regularity.
This should be interesting. How many child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?

How many non-Muslim child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?

I don't know. That's why you don't see me speculating about it. :eusa_whistle:

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