Another Islamist in the West Kills His Own Child - You BASTARD!

On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.
On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.

I think you made my point for me...."pseudo" Christians vs "real" you see the difference now?
This thread is about Moslems so why do the morons want to talk about other religions.

This thread is a good example of the Liberal morons politicizing every issue to advance the Liberal/Marxist agenda to destroy all that is good in the USA.
This thread is about Religion so why do the morons want to talk about politics?

I dont see the word Religion in the title of the thread do you, I do see Islamist which is moslem, the thread was about a moslem killing his daughter.

Of course when speaking of Moslems the religion is politics.

so whats wrong chuck stucker, you cant despute the facts. you lack the education, or are you pissed because the Liberal/Marxist shoe fits you? Must be that Chuck identifies himself (or herself) as a marxist.

Uneducated idiots, simple morons, political hacks, propagandists, got to twist every current event and use it to stab the USA in the back.

I see people who hate the USA, the USA gives all of you those nice computers you post with, christians, conservatives, capitalists all work hard so you pathetic morons can post on these boards, we sweat producing all you fools cherish, and instead of discussing the subject you twist it to bite the hand that feeds.

MaggieMae, what would I do, what would you do, tell me what you will do about this killing.

There is not one bit of hate in what I posted, at least not directed at Moslems. There is plenty of hate in Coyote's post, that hate is directed at me, that is the ugliest hate of all, to be a bigot and accuse others of what you hide in your heart.

MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

I gave four or five sources in my post, one being from Mohammed himself.

Whats would I do, I would do what I did, post facts with references so that those with a heart, passion, and love can read for themselves.

Fucking prick considers his daughter to be unclean, unholy according to his religion, so in accordance with his religion he does not defile his body by touching the unclean, so he uses his car to run his daughter over, in accordance with the teachings of Mohammed, as it is his culture.

The girls is dead, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves, really ashamed.

Right now I am on Litchfield rd in Goodyear AZ. Just a few miles from where this happened, I have studied the Middle East extensively, hence my ability to provide you fools with a good source, such as Ponafidine's book, download it from google books, I have my personal copy in my hands right now. Go to Chapter V, Sunnites and Shites and the Relics of the Prophet, page 78 speaks of touching the unclean.

Go read the Hadith, look up Hadith in a dictionary so you know what it is.

Read Arabia Deserta.

What am I going to do, educate those who care, tell off those who dont and put the Liberal/Marxist in their place.

Whew. Such an angry diatribe. I think I'm in there somewhere. Oh yeah, what should I do about the killing. Like huh?

Actually, my point in asking what you would do about it was answered by the question itself. You can't. What on earth makes you think that the U.S. will ever have any significant influence on religious habits practiced for over 2,000 years? That's one. Another is that the majority of modernized Muslims are NOT militant extremists who have cherry-picked the Qu'ran to suit an agenda propagandized by a sect within Islam who are jihadis. Most Muslims are peaceful, and although the way they carry out their religious offerings is weird to the basic American, we're not about to change those either, even if we tried. Most Muslims do not go around killing their offspring just because they have violated some provision of the Qu'ran, just like most Americans don't go around literally acting upon an eye-for-an-eye, although I'm sure there are some who do (or at least try).

I think while it's commendable that you have read a lot about Islam, it's also obvious that you've only been reading one-sided material. Have you read Benazir Bhutto's ''Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West'' ? She was the last best hope for Pakistan and was assassinated. Was she herself a militant jihadi? Of course not, but she was a Muslim nevertheless. She and her family have spent most of their lives trying to educate their people into the 21st Century. Read some of THOSE books in addition to those you are reading which do nothing but denigrate the religion. They too have their story.

As for your beef with Coyote, I honestly don't think he is being the bigot here. He's saying in fewer words what I just said. You and others here are the bigots by lumping the entire religion into the evil category because of the actions of a few. What if a horrific crime had been committed on your drive through Goodyear AZ perpetrated by a white Christian pedophile against a child? You would be equally upset about the incident, but you wouldn't denounce all of Christianity because of the crimes of Christian pedophiles, would you?
Apostasy is addressed in the Hadith

Life in the Moslem East addresses the unclean and unholy

Arabia Deserta is the bible, the reference used by all scholars, Arabia Deserta explains Moslem culture in clear detail.

The Qur'an is interpeted many different ways by many different people, on its own, a fools arguement.

Chuck, you missed my point about Morons, only an imbecile would be drawn into a debate with a moron. The premise of your post is wrong hence nothing I can respond to.

Sunni, you are a lousy fuck, seriously, you called me racist, I am married to an African and you cowardly show your cowardice by telling me the Grand Dragon is waiting for me.

You see, there is more than one Moron is this thread, the moron assumed I was specifically speaking to you, I did not specifically call anyone a moron at first but many of you decided you must be the moron I spoke of. I do have a problem with Sunni, Sunni said a nasty remark to me so when I see Sunni posting I see a moron, ignorance is the biggest problem of many people. Imagine calling a white man married to a black african a racist. Nothing more moronic nor more ignorant.

I did not specifically call anyone a moron by user name unitl those who felt slighted attacked and mischaracterized my post. If you dont like it now its too bad, you showed yourselves to be no better and in fact of less character than I.

I dont even remember who kept posting, "where in the qur'an", "show me a quote in the Qur'an", yet its a post such as this that is moronic, seriously, very moronic. The Koran can and is interpetted in many ways. To constantly challenge all you disagree with to cite a soucrce in the Koran while being ignorant of the Hadith is moronic. Further if one knew about the Hadith they did not bring that knowledge into the debate which again is moronic.

Yet it does not end there, with so many books written of the culture of Islam (religion is an inseperable part of Islamic culture) again its moronic to keep posting "where in the qur'an" as if one cannot find the relevance in the koran than ones assertion about honour killings is wrong.

So quit being morons.

mdn-- Have you ever read The Bible (or an accurate English version for the layperson to better understand)? If not, be prepared to be shocked. It is chock full of violence, proclamations of killings over the most foolish things, and all sorts of bloody and senseless incidents all done in the name of our "God." In fact, The Bible can be so controversial (especially these days), that some conservative organization has taken it upon themselves to REWRITE IT, in order to tone it down and remove any "liberal" language.
MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

What bigotry mdn? Seems like if you're going to throw labels around you ought to warn the recipient. Care to back up that assertion?

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

And "anti-muslim hate fest" is at least as accurate as your constant refrains of "you morons". If you don't like being mischaracterized then watch yer own words bubby. :eusa_eh:

Dang....looks like I pricked some thin skin here...

Coyote, your right, I am sorry, okay I will take your advice.


thin skin, ha, ha, all coyote has done is made a joke, nothing more. my post is left untouched, the facts remain.

The father runs over his child with a car so as to not become defiled by what the fathers culture/religion has taught the father to be unclean and Coyote wishes to distract from this.

I am really sorry that morons just dont care.

I am really sorry that morons will dismiss not one source, but multiple accurate books cited by every credible scholar who studies Islam.

Only a moron would call Arabia Deserta " ingorant anti-Muslim hate fest".

Only a moron would state I cherry picked the Hadith when I did not quote the Hadith, I simply stated the Hadith addresses Apostasy.

Anyhow this thread is about a woman murdered by a father, amazining how this has seemed to be forgotten simply so that Coyote can demonize Christians, Conservatives, and the USA.

So I think we all can agree that was a terrible thing and the father should be prosecuted. Now wouldn't that have made for a pretty boring topic and you wouldn't have gotten all this attention. Instead, being an open forum, you opened a proverbial Pandora's Box, and now you don't like it. Well then I suggest you stay away from passionate subjects such as mass bigotry toward Muslims which has arisen in the wake of 911. You're gonna get a lot of heated opinions, not all agreeing with yours.
Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ...
-- Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi is not the point. The point is Islam, honor killings, and refusal by Islam to actively eliminate terrorism. Please try to keep up. Christians don't do honor killings while playing the holier than thou card.

But I think they ARE doing a lot to eliminate terrorism. If you read the back pages there are stories about groups in Saudi Arabia who are re-programming extremists (even some who were released from Gitmo). Indonesia, once the most violent-prone region for terrorism now has almost zero. Germany, Spain, Great Britain have prosecuted thousands of al-Qaeda operatives. The US? Only two. I keep waiting for OUR justice to be played out in open court by those masterminding the attacks of 911.
On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.

I think you made my point for me...."pseudo" Christians vs "real" you see the difference now?

No, Shiela, because the extremists are also "pseudo" Islamists. There's an entire documentary titled "Islamism vs. Islam" and if you Google a few reviews, you can get the gist. Or, just read this:

"Islamism" vs. "Islam" and The Meaning of "Jihad" - Reader comments at Daniel Pipes
mdn-- Have you ever read The Bible (or an accurate English version for the layperson to better understand)? If not, be prepared to be shocked. It is chock full of violence, proclamations of killings over the most foolish things, and all sorts of bloody and senseless incidents all done in the name of our "God." In fact, The Bible can be so controversial (especially these days), that some conservative organization has taken it upon themselves to REWRITE IT, in order to tone it down and remove any "liberal" language.

Aha. I guess this is why that page won't load:
Conservapedia's Bible Removes Passages | Politics | Christianity Today

Google Conservative Bible Project, and you'll see a bunch of commentary on it.
This thread is about Religion so why do the morons want to talk about politics?

I dont see the word Religion in the title of the thread do you, I do see Islamist which is moslem, the thread was about a moslem killing his daughter.

Of course when speaking of Moslems the religion is politics.

so whats wrong chuck stucker, you cant despute the facts. you lack the education, or are you pissed because the Liberal/Marxist shoe fits you? Must be that Chuck identifies himself (or herself) as a marxist.

Uneducated idiots, simple morons, political hacks, propagandists, got to twist every current event and use it to stab the USA in the back.

I see people who hate the USA, the USA gives all of you those nice computers you post with, christians, conservatives, capitalists all work hard so you pathetic morons can post on these boards, we sweat producing all you fools cherish, and instead of discussing the subject you twist it to bite the hand that feeds.

MaggieMae, what would I do, what would you do, tell me what you will do about this killing.

There is not one bit of hate in what I posted, at least not directed at Moslems. There is plenty of hate in Coyote's post, that hate is directed at me, that is the ugliest hate of all, to be a bigot and accuse others of what you hide in your heart.

MaggieMae, why dont you question Coyote's bigotry. What are you going to do about that.

MaggieMae, what are you going to do about Coyote mischaracterizing my post as an "anti-muslim hate fest". You okay with a deliberate lie or if not a lie a person of substandard intelligence not understanding what they read, what are you going to do about that.

I gave four or five sources in my post, one being from Mohammed himself.

Whats would I do, I would do what I did, post facts with references so that those with a heart, passion, and love can read for themselves.

Fucking prick considers his daughter to be unclean, unholy according to his religion, so in accordance with his religion he does not defile his body by touching the unclean, so he uses his car to run his daughter over, in accordance with the teachings of Mohammed, as it is his culture.

The girls is dead, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves, really ashamed.

Right now I am on Litchfield rd in Goodyear AZ. Just a few miles from where this happened, I have studied the Middle East extensively, hence my ability to provide you fools with a good source, such as Ponafidine's book, download it from google books, I have my personal copy in my hands right now. Go to Chapter V, Sunnites and Shites and the Relics of the Prophet, page 78 speaks of touching the unclean.

Go read the Hadith, look up Hadith in a dictionary so you know what it is.

Read Arabia Deserta.

What am I going to do, educate those who care, tell off those who dont and put the Liberal/Marxist in their place.

Whew. Such an angry diatribe. I think I'm in there somewhere. Oh yeah, what should I do about the killing. Like huh?

Actually, my point in asking what you would do about it was answered by the question itself. You can't. What on earth makes you think that the U.S. will ever have any significant influence on religious habits practiced for over 2,000 years? That's one. Another is that the majority of modernized Muslims are NOT militant extremists who have cherry-picked the Qu'ran to suit an agenda propagandized by a sect within Islam who are jihadis. Most Muslims are peaceful, and although the way they carry out their religious offerings is weird to the basic American, we're not about to change those either, even if we tried. Most Muslims do not go around killing their offspring just because they have violated some provision of the Qu'ran, just like most Americans don't go around literally acting upon an eye-for-an-eye, although I'm sure there are some who do (or at least try).

I think while it's commendable that you have read a lot about Islam, it's also obvious that you've only been reading one-sided material. Have you read Benazir Bhutto's ''Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West'' ? She was the last best hope for Pakistan and was assassinated. Was she herself a militant jihadi? Of course not, but she was a Muslim nevertheless. She and her family have spent most of their lives trying to educate their people into the 21st Century. Read some of THOSE books in addition to those you are reading which do nothing but denigrate the religion. They too have their story.

As for your beef with Coyote, I honestly don't think he is being the bigot here. He's saying in fewer words what I just said. You and others here are the bigots by lumping the entire religion into the evil category because of the actions of a few. What if a horrific crime had been committed on your drive through Goodyear AZ perpetrated by a white Christian pedophile against a child? You would be equally upset about the incident, but you wouldn't denounce all of Christianity because of the crimes of Christian pedophiles, would you?

MaggieMae, dont flatter yourself, I was not even aware you were posting in this thread. I only read one sided material, far from it, I own dozens of books on the subject. I know you could not of read all my posts, not as many as Sunni has read so I aint offended when you make mistakes. I never denounced all of Islam, not at all. Go back and quote me if you think a post makes your post, I know what is in my heart and will easily be able to explain any of my posts. A bigot would accuse me of exactly what you just accused me. Sp your lecturing me on something I never even came close to saying.

MaggieMae, your post reads as if you read Coyote's mischaracterization of my post and never read what I said. Its possible Coyote's intent was to mischaraterize my post thus influencing how you think about me. After all your diatribe is completely off the mark.

MaggieMae, I will thank you for the suggestion on the book, I will go out and buy the book, I read everything I can on the subject.

MaggieMae, if you read my post and researched the books I cited you would realize how ignorant and how wrong you about me and the books I referenced. One sided material, that is about the dumbest thing anyone can say about Arabia Deserta, seriously, you made a huge error, you obviously screwed up.

Arabia Deserta is the best book written on the culture of Islam. Doughty lived with the Arabs, almost died by the Arabs hands, was saved by the Arabs, Doughty's life was literally saved more than once by Arabs. Doughty describes day to day life, the habits and customs in exact detail. What is very clear is that throughout Arabia you cannot stereotype the people, they are so different, from the city dwellers to the Bedouin, from the Shieyk to the thief. I dont have my copy with me otherwise I would give you an example. Doughty lived in Arabia for a couple of years and described many good people and many bad. Anyone who reads this book knows you cannot stereotype all Moslems as killers or fanatics.

Life in the Moslem East, if you read the post you would of noticed you can download it from google books so you do not have to take my word to as what the book describes. Biased, not in the least, Ponafidine lived with Moslems, how could I possibly beleive all moslems are murderers having read this book.

Further if you researched my posts, you would of found my posts where I state not all moslems follow the faith, not all Moslems that are religous follow the faith to the same degree, I have stated this. So the rant you post does not even come close to applying to me.

MM, if I can shorten you name, had you hit that button to find all posts by me you easily would of found the one where I tell of the Rib Joint in Dana Point Ca on Pacific Coast highway. I have been going to the Rib Joint for over twenty years. The Rib Joint is owned and ran by a Moslem Palestinian, its a family place, his sister works there as well, this is in one of my posts. Obviously the sister does not where the Hijab and is not subservient to men yet she says she is Moslem. Her brother calls himself a Moslem and he does all the cooking, being a BBQ joint he serves PORK RIBS. This man was born in Palestine/Israel and came to the USA for a better life, he loves it here. Imagine a Moslem from Palestine cooking pork ribs in california, I have been eating there over twenty years. So this is the second time I posted this information.

I should not have to explain all of this to you so that I can also qoute four different books on the culture/religion of Islam.

The Hidath is the word of Mohammed, I did not quote this, merely offered it as relevant reference.

Life in the Moslem East relates a french mans experience in Iraq.

Arabia Deserta, all scholars consider this the bible on Arab culture, this book is more about culture than religion simply because most in Arabia were not devout moslems.

When folks keep posting "its not in the quran, its not in the quran", they are ignorant and more so behaving like a moron, in light of my disgust at a woman being murdered in a manner that appears to be in accordance to certain customs of Islam I cannot help but call those who are pigheaded morons.

I am glad I called folks morons, it gives me the chance to see who is quick to jump the gun and accuse me of exactly what they have done, stereotype and bigotry. I can see who gets emotional and mischaracterizes others posts.

MaggeeMae, I had no idea you were posting in this thread hence moron was never directed at you, if you like you can respond to this post and than if a second time you are wrong I can than respond accordingly.
im not saying all muslims are bad, ive had muslims friends. But, to defend these honor killings by pointing out some pseudo christian, who did something bad is ridiculous

its just sad, these liberals have to defend islam, every time it does something bad, as if every religion says to kill your daughter if she becomes to westernized.

Now i know for various reasons, that not all muslims are gonna do honor killings in america, but it is happening and we need to openly and honestly discuss it, and the muslims of this board and of america should honestly condemn it.

On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.
Last edited:
mdn-- Have you ever read The Bible (or an accurate English version for the layperson to better understand)? If not, be prepared to be shocked. It is chock full of violence, proclamations of killings over the most foolish things, and all sorts of bloody and senseless incidents all done in the name of our "God." In fact, The Bible can be so controversial (especially these days), that some conservative organization has taken it upon themselves to REWRITE IT, in order to tone it down and remove any "liberal" language.

Aha. I guess this is why that page won't load:
Conservapedia's Bible Removes Passages | Politics | Christianity Today

Google Conservative Bible Project, and you'll see a bunch of commentary on it.

Boy, you just could not wait to sink your teeth in me, sorry I took a bit of time writing my response to you. Why would you not look at my profile and hit that button that allows you to see all my posts and than go through them. Your rant against me is baseless, seriously, quote my offending remark and I will explain the context because you are completely wrong about what I posted.
Were you under the impression that the LRA only operates on certain days? :eusa_eh:

This should be interesting. How many child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?

How many non-Muslim child suicide bombers, in your estimation, self-detonate per year?

I don't know. That's why you don't see me speculating about it. :eusa_whistle:

Allow me to help you. There are NONE. Only Muslims use children as bombs.
im not saying all muslims are bad, ive had muslims friends. But, to defend these honor killings by pointing out some pseudo christian, who did something bad is ridiculous

I wonder how many honor killings there have been by muslims in America in the last year or even last 10 years?
i dont know, probably NOT a lot, but each one is still shocking.

whats also shocking is in the muslim world the amount of honor killings that go on.

im not trying to be disrespectful, but something is wrong when fathers and even some brothers believe they must kill their own daughter/sister for some silly honor.

im not saying all muslims are bad, ive had muslims friends. But, to defend these honor killings by pointing out some pseudo christian, who did something bad is ridiculous

I wonder how many honor killings there have been by muslims in America in the last year or even last 10 years?
im not saying all muslims are bad, ive had muslims friends. But, to defend these honor killings by pointing out some pseudo christian, who did something bad is ridiculous

its just sad, these liberals have to defend islam, every time it does something bad, as if every religion says to kill your daughter if she becomes to westernized.

Now i know for various reasons, that not all muslims are gonna do honor killings in america, but it is happening and we need to openly and honestly discuss it, and the muslims of this board and of america should honestly condemn it.

On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.

How is pointing out that there are just as many "Christian" deaths due to beliefs, defending Islam? I am not defending any of them, but I am not going to condemn one group more than the other because of things the fanatics do. They are all heartbreaking. Islam are no worse than some of the other "Religous" cults.
Look islam is not the only issue, but it is the topic of this thread.

sunni, feel free to make a thread about america's other ills

abortion, fornication, homosexuality, divorce

murder rates, suicide
because you feel you must excuse the bad actions of islam by pointing out supposed bad actions of another religion

christiniaty does not say, kill your daughter if she becomes too americanized.

where are their christian in the media quoting the bible, saying jesus said bomb this abortion clinc.

jesus never said that, nor did he say beat gays, or women or have multipe wives so im sorry but i think your wrong

I never called islam a cult, so thats on you

im not saying all muslims are bad, ive had muslims friends. But, to defend these honor killings by pointing out some pseudo christian, who did something bad is ridiculous

its just sad, these liberals have to defend islam, every time it does something bad, as if every religion says to kill your daughter if she becomes to westernized.

Now i know for various reasons, that not all muslims are gonna do honor killings in america, but it is happening and we need to openly and honestly discuss it, and the muslims of this board and of america should honestly condemn it.

On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.

How is pointing out that there are just as many "Christian" deaths due to beliefs, defending Islam? I am not defending any of them, but I am not going to condemn one group more than the other because of things the fanatics do. They are all heartbreaking. Islam are no worse than some of the other "Religous" cults.
Look islam is not the only issue, but it is the topic of this thread.

sunni, feel free to make a thread about america's other ills

abortion, fornication, homosexuality, divorce

murder rates, suicide

Sorry to correct you but dont you mean, "feel free to make a thread about americs's other ill, liberalism".
Point #1) There are said to be around 7 milliom muslims in the U.S.

So one or two alleged honor killings per year is hardly an epidemic or a trend.

(and no, I am not sticking up for honor killings)

Point #2) Whan a crime is committed here in America. The criminals religion is only listed in the news if the person is a muslim.

I have yet to see a headline that reads, "Catholic man shoots at police" or Baptist man robs bank".

Point #3) The majority of Americans claim their religion to be Christianity.

So in essense, tens of thousands of murders, rapes, kidnappings, robberies, and other crimes, are comitted by christians every year in America..

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