Another Islamist in the West Kills His Own Child - You BASTARD!


Does not sound like honor killings to me. I believe you are the one that needs to try and keep up. We were discussing a specific murder and all you can come back with is "but the holy rollers...."

The result is the same, dead children, for the same reason, a fundementalist view of religion.
Is it Halloween or is it teaching hate?

Dressing kids up is a whole lot different than blowing them up.

Heck, we dress kids up in all kinds of costumes for Halloween.

People in this thread are saying that people were strapping bombs on children and blowing them up.

So where is a news link showing this to be a fact?
Is it Halloween or is it teaching hate?

Dressing kids up is a whole lot different than blowing them up.

Heck, we dress kids up in all kinds of costumes for Halloween.

People in this thread are saying that people were strapping bombs on children and blowing them up.

So where is a news link showing this to be a fact?
Ya got to start somewhere.
Point #1) There are said to be around 7 milliom muslims in the U.S.

So one or two alleged honor killings per year is hardly an epidemic or a trend.

(and no, I am not sticking up for honor killings)

Point #2) Whan a crime is committed here in America. The criminals religion is only listed in the news if the person is a muslim.

I have yet to see a headline that reads, "Catholic man shoots at police" or Baptist man robs bank".

Point #3) The majority of Americans claim their religion to be Christianity.

So in essense, tens of thousands of murders, rapes, kidnappings, robberies, and other crimes, are comitted by christians every year in America..

Point 4.....honor killings by muslims is them following their religion, Christians, committing any crime is them going AGAINST their religion...why is it you don't get that?

Does not sound like honor killings to me. I believe you are the one that needs to try and keep up. We were discussing a specific murder and all you can come back with is "but the holy rollers...."

The result is the same, dead children, for the same reason, a fundementalist view of religion.

No, the result is not the same. Someone that doesn't believe in invasive treatment for a sick child may be letting the child die NATURALLY as they would if modern medicine wasn't around. I'm not condoning it but I am pointing out that LETTING a child die naturally is not the same as KILLING a child because you don't like their behavior.

Not surprising to see you come in and basically try to ignore the fact that this was an Islamofacist motivated killing!

My first post in this thread was a request that the perpetrator be deprived of the blessings of Allah (SWT) and a scriptural passage condemning him to hell. I then began defending my religion, as I am apt to do when it's being attacked.

Again, the difference between Christianity and Islam is glaring....

I pray for your soul, I don't condemn you to hell nor do I want you to go there just because you have some ill conceived belief in a violent faith.

Not surprising to see you come in and basically try to ignore the fact that this was an Islamofacist motivated killing!

My first post in this thread was a request that the perpetrator be deprived of the blessings of Allah (SWT) and a scriptural passage condemning him to hell. I then began defending my religion, as I am apt to do when it's being attacked.

If your religion is what you say it is, then you need to start preaching it to Islamofacists (like Sunni) and not to non-believers who think your religion blows (all non-Muslims)!
I am a Bible-believing Christian and the Bible teaches us to love our "enemies". I don't believe we should wish harm on any sect. We are commanded to pray for them, and the Islamics definitely need our prayers.
Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ...
-- Mohandas Gandhi

The difference is that the man who killed his daughter was following his religion.....ISLAM. Had a Christian done the deed, he would have been going AGAINST his religion.

Not really, though like all the Abrahamic religions and Hinduism (another religion with a high rate of "honor" killing in it's culture) - there is the usual double standard when it comes to chastity.

In Islam, there is no place for unjustifiable killing. Even in case of capital punishment, only the government can apply the law through the judicial procedures. No one has the authority to execute the law other than the officers who are in charge. '

Or check out:
Honor Killings

Keep in mind, Christians and other minority sects in those same regions practice and condone honor killing. So while (like Islam) it is not explicit in the religion, the higher bar all those religions have for female conduct encourages it.

Of sure is much easier to just blame "Islam" isn't it?
Really? Are you sure about that? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" too much for you? Can't stand the fact that Jesus said loving your neighbors wasn't good enough, you had to love your enemies as well?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ...
-- Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi is not the point. The point is Islam, honor killings, and refusal by Islam to actively eliminate terrorism. Please try to keep up. Christians don't do honor killings while playing the holier than thou card.

Terrorism isn't the point.

The topic is "honor killings" and the point is the refusal by such as you to recognize that this type of condoned violence towards women occurs in many cultures and religions around the world.

The only "holier than thou card" I'm yours.
On the DC news this morning, they were reporting on a Korean family which performed an exorcism on their teenage daughter which ultimately ended in her death.

There have been countless other families that refused medical treatment or blood transfusions for their precious children because of their "Christian" religious beliefs.

There are many fanatics in various beliefs, and pseudo "Christians" probably lead the group. Jim Jones was trying to appear to be adhering to some Biblical beliefs, as did the leader of the Waco commune.

The Islamics do not have a corner on insanity by any means.

I think you made my point for me...."pseudo" Christians vs "real" you see the difference now?

What makes you think that you know the difference? :eusa_eh:
Point #1) There are said to be around 7 milliom muslims in the U.S.

So one or two alleged honor killings per year is hardly an epidemic or a trend.

(and no, I am not sticking up for honor killings)

Point #2) Whan a crime is committed here in America. The criminals religion is only listed in the news if the person is a muslim.

I have yet to see a headline that reads, "Catholic man shoots at police" or Baptist man robs bank".

Point #3) The majority of Americans claim their religion to be Christianity.

So in essense, tens of thousands of murders, rapes, kidnappings, robberies, and other crimes, are comitted by christians every year in America..

Point 4.....honor killings by muslims is them following their religion, Christians, committing any crime is them going AGAINST their religion...why is it you don't get that?[/QUOTE]

Maybe because it isn't exactly true.

Ghandi's quote makes a good point: any religion can be twisted to suit cultural agendas. Texts can be cherry picked to find the right quotes to justify war and killing, and that includes Christianity. It happens all the time.

You can't sit there and proclaim "oh, but that's not a real Christian" while ignorantly pointing out that the other is "real Islam". It's ALL real baby. Because it's there and every one of those people believes they are following the words of their prophets to the letter.

Religions have a dark side and a light side to them and since no one is alive who knew their founders you can't possibly say one is the "real" version and the other not. That's why wars are still fought over dogma.
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As I said, I accept that you are in denial that Arabs are known for their honor killings. Maybe if more Arabs who oppose that speak out about it rather than giving tacit approval through deflection and marginalization, that would change.

All this back and forth about Arabs and Muslims and Honor Killings and the deliberate insistence that we ignore the multitude of honor killings occuring in other ethnic groups and religions leads to only one conclusion.

You really don't give a shit about honor killings. Only about Ay-rabs and Muslims doing it.
You know shit about what I care about. Your ignorant assumptions are without foundation. The subject of THIS thread is an Arab freak who committed egregious violence against his kid.

The subject of this thread is also about honor killings. The fact that you continuously seem to want to restrict the topic to "Arab freaks" when it's a cultural abboration world wide, makes little sense if you really cared about the dead girls.
The difference is that the man who killed his daughter was following his religion

Did you have a particular passage of scripture in mind? I'm very interested in seeing the requirement that I kill whoever fails to uphold the values of my culture.
Islamic guidance comes from more than the Quran.
Im sure if you looked you could find it , then say it is not in harmony with the Quran.

Did you have a particular passage of scripture in mind? I'm very interested in seeing the requirement that I kill whoever fails to uphold the values of my culture.
9:28. O you who believe (in Allâh's Oneness and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW)! Verily, the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh, and in the Message of Muhammad SAW) are Najasun (impure)[]. So let them not come near Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah) after this year, and if you fear poverty, Allâh will enrich you if He will, out of His Bounty. Surely, Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

The reference is mostly to those idolaters who defiled the Ka'bah by using it to house their satanic rituals. Idolatry is essentially unclean and has no place in the Ka'bah - idolators are not essentially unclean, but they become defiled when they engage in acts of idolatry.

O you who believe, intoxicants and games of chance and (sacrificing to) stones set up and (dividing by) arrows are only an uncleanness, the devil’s work; so shun it that you may succeed. - 5:90​

None of the four Sunni madhhabs require ablution for coming into contact with kafiruun and mushrikuun.
Again, the difference between Christianity and Islam is glaring....

I pray for your soul, I don't condemn you to hell nor do I want you to go there just because you have some ill conceived belief in a violent faith.

I'm awaiting your response to my question. I'm sure you won't disappoint me.
So predictable. Talk about Muslims strapping bombs to their kids, and this is all you can say without some pathetic deflection to a different subject? Muslims are the only ones who strap bombs to their kids and blow them up TO blow others up.

How fucking pathetic your continued deflection is.

Be a man; face the music.
It amuses me to see you react like this when I dare criticize members of a religion that you approve of. If a person criticizes Muslims for causing the deaths of children as if this is some religiously-sanctioned phenomenon endemic to Islam, I will do what I can to shatter their misconceptions. While I'm sure you'd like to see me join in the hypocritical criticism of my religion and its adherents, my duty is to defend those things. I don't have a guilty conscience as far as addressing problems within Islam is concerned, SM; I don't feel the need to prove myself to you or any other poster here. Wa 'alaykum as-salaam.
If your religion is what you say it is, then you need to start preaching it to Islamofacists (like Sunni) and not to non-believers who think your religion blows (all non-Muslims)!

I don't preach. I wade through and respond to the bullshit flung at Islam by those "who think [my] religion blows." People like the posters in this thread provide support for "Islamofascists" by claiming that their violent interpretation of Islam is correct, and have the nerve to simultaneously chastise me and others for not doing enough to stop them. SM is not an "Islamofascist."
So predictable. Talk about Muslims strapping bombs to their kids, and this is all you can say without some pathetic deflection to a different subject? Muslims are the only ones who strap bombs to their kids and blow them up TO blow others up.

How fucking pathetic your continued deflection is.

Be a man; face the music.
It amuses me to see you react like this when I dare criticize members of a religion that you approve of. ....
It's sad that despite the logical fallacies of deflection and tu quoque, you still use them.

You still defend logical fallacies.

The subject of the thread is a MUSLIM freak who comitted egregious violence against his own child.

Those who do not use logic are pathetic.

Those who cannot face the music of that and who cannot face honest criticism of their religion are pussies. You are a coward on two fronts.

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