Another Israeli coup de gras: Mossad intercepts Syrian talk about chemical attack

Any reason to let it frost your keester?

go troll somewhere else, Horsefly.

The title of the thread is a lie and I refuse to let that go away.
Ha ha ha.

Weapons were dropped by the Syrian govt., then an official calls another official responsible for using the chemical weapons discussing everything. So not only was the launching discussed but all other aspects.

Very incriminating if you ask me.

And, kudos to the Israelis for being able to listen in to such sensitive communications. :clap:
A coup de gras is a deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim. I still do not think the thread title is accurate. AND I do not see the faulty intelligence at issue here as properly defined by the thread title.
A coup de gras is a deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim. I still do not think the thread title is accurate. AND I do not see the faulty intelligence at issue here as properly defined by the thread title.
And you don't see the forest for all the trees in the way.
And you don't see the forest for all the trees in the way.

The title of this thread was a lie, and yet you and your Nazi friends don't care.

Why? Because you make war by deception.
Surely, Miss Hoffstra, you are aware that the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists are linking up today playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I really would suggest that you leave Long Island for a bit and travel to Yorkville where you can join the local Bund. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to travel to 86th Street. Naturally, Miss Hoffstra has never said a word about the Arab propaganda (which is the best in the world) and all the lies in their propaganda. Miss Hoffstra says to herself -- Dhimmtude, here I come.
Surely, Miss Hoffstra, you are aware that the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists are linking up today playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I really would suggest that you leave Long Island for a bit and travel to Yorkville where you can join the local Bund. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to travel to 86th Street....

Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been like you.

An extremist Zionist.
Surely, Miss Hoffstra, you are aware that the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists are linking up today playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I really would suggest that you leave Long Island for a bit and travel to Yorkville where you can join the local Bund. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to travel to 86th Street....

Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been like you.

An extremist Zionist.
Could you tell us the specific hate site your found Eichmann's quote on? Meanwhile, if you had been born in the beginning of this century in New York, you will have been marching with the Nazi Bund cheering on Hitler. I have no doubt that NeoNazis/Islamofascists like Miss Hoffstra are very annoyed that millions and millions of Americans stick up for Israel like I do. She wants all of us non Jews to hate Israel just as she does. Well, Miss Hoffstra has lots of company since Muslims all over the world, even those who never see a Jew, have learned to hate Israel too.
And you'll notice I am a devout Zionut. After all, we descendants of Menashe have an interest in that big 'ol yeller onion looking thing in Jerusalem.
Surely, Miss Hoffstra, you are aware that the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists are linking up today playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I really would suggest that you leave Long Island for a bit and travel to Yorkville where you can join the local Bund. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to travel to 86th Street....

Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been like you.

An extremist Zionist.
Well, we all know that's a fookin' lie. Speaking of Nazis, Hitler did have the most respect for Islam, and Palestinian Muslims did end up becoming Nazis. Gee what a surprise. Nazis and IslamoNazis, a match made in hell.

Private statements on Islam

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" Speer also stated that when he was discussing with Hitler events which might have occurred had Islam absorbed Europe:

"Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire."

In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity. Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy. In Mein Kampf, Richard Steigmann-Gall saw "no indication of [Hitler] being an atheist or agnostic or of believing in only a remote, rationalist divinity. Indeed, he referred continually to a providential, active deity."
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
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go troll somewhere else, Horsefly.

The title of the thread is a lie and I refuse to let that go away.

I agree, thread title a complete fabrication. THREADS like this belong in Conspiracy forum.

Thread title is changed, I am now satisfied.

truth has won over lies.
An empty victory for post after post of non stop whining. The point was that Israel intelligence is capable of listening to conversations of the highest Syrian govt. officials. :rofl:
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Has anyone mentioned the UK Daily Mail's deleted article debacle yet?

Story here.

Archived article here.

Weird shit. I mean, how often does life imitate disinformation? :eusa_think:

Personally, I don't believe the Spooky protocol for 'plausible deniability' would EVER be so flagrantly breached as the deleted article indicated it was.

Don't get me wrong; the chemical attack has false flag written all over it; but if any US senior officials were privy to it, I don't believe for a second that President Obama was one of them.
Has anyone mentioned the UK Daily Mail's deleted article debacle yet?

Story here.

Archived article here.

Weird shit. I mean, how often does life imitate disinformation? :eusa_think:

Personally, I don't believe the Spooky protocol for 'plausible deniability' would EVER be so flagrantly breached as the deleted article indicated it was.

Don't get me wrong; the chemical attack has false flag written all over it; but if any US senior officials were privy to it, I don't believe for a second that President Obama was one of them.
I don't believe for a second that Assad did not drop chemical weapons. Does it make any difference to him, if he slaughters his own people using bombs and the military, as he's been doing, or dropping chemical weapons? No. Chemical weapons offers a strategic and intimidating advantage while inflicting maximum casualties on one side.

The Syrians and Iranians have concluded a long time ago that we have a paper tiger a la Jimmy Carter for president.
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Following reports of a chemical weapons attack back in April, amidst a slew of unflattering things regarding the current Israeli regime, a former Bush Administration official suggested that Israel might have been responsible for the attack.

[. . .] During an interview with Current TV’s Cenk Uygur, Wilkerson explained that he had been told by his sources in the intelligence community that evidence that Syria had used chemical weapons was “really flaky” and that President Barack Obama should think twice before intervening.

“This could have been an Israeli false flag operation,” he said. “You’ve got basically a geo-strategically, geo-political — if you will — inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.” ...

Again, that was the geopolitical backdrop against which the reported April attack took place.

I wonder whether Wilkerson feels the same way about the more recent attack...
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Following reports of a chemical weapons attack back in April, amidst a slew of unflattering things regarding the current Israeli regime, a former Bush Administration official suggested that Israel might have been responsible for the attack.

[. . .] During an interview with Current TV’s Cenk Uygur, Wilkerson explained that he had been told by his sources in the intelligence community that evidence that Syria had used chemical weapons was “really flaky” and that President Barack Obama should think twice before intervening.

“This could have been an Israeli false flag operation,” he said. “You’ve got basically a geo-strategically, geo-political — if you will — inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.” ...

Again, that was the geopolitical backdrop against which the reported April attack took place.

I wonder whether Wilkerson feels the same way about the more recent attack...

Lawrence Wilkerson On Syria Intelligence: 'It Seems Like The Same Thing Again'

Matt SledgeAug 29, 2013Lawrence Wilkerson, the man who reviewed the intelligence in Secretary of State Colin Powell's infamous 2003 pre-Iraq War United Nations presentation said Thursday the Obama administration's buildup for a strike on Syria "seems like the same thing again.""So far all I've thought is I'm living through the five days at Langley again, with people telling me Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction with absolutely certainty," Wilkerson, a retired Army colonel who served as Powell's chief of staff, said in a phone interview, referring to the Obama administration's public case for action against Syria in response to a chemical weapons attack,Powell's team*spent five days. Lawrence Wilkerson On Syria Intelligence: 'It Seems Like The Same Thing Again'
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...Lawrence Wilkerson On Syria Intelligence: 'It Seems Like The Same Thing Again' ...

Yeah, you'd think someone in the shadows would have enough sense to advise against cracking open the same old playbook time and time ...and time again.

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