Another Israeli coup de gras: Mossad intercepts Syrian talk about chemical attack

Following reports of a chemical weapons attack back in April, amidst a slew of unflattering things regarding the current Israeli regime, a former Bush Administration official suggested that Israel might have been responsible for the attack.

[. . .] During an interview with Current TV’s Cenk Uygur, Wilkerson explained that he had been told by his sources in the intelligence community that evidence that Syria had used chemical weapons was “really flaky” and that President Barack Obama should think twice before intervening.

“This could have been an Israeli false flag operation,” he said. “You’ve got basically a geo-strategically, geo-political — if you will — inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.” ...

[ame=]"This Could Have Been An Israeli False Flag Operation!" Col Wilkerson - YouTube[/ame]

Again, that was the geopolitical backdrop against which the reported April attack took place.

I wonder whether Wilkerson feels the same way about the more recent attack...

Hey...I know...when all else fails let's blame the Jews. Wonder why neither side in Syria is blaming the Jews. Only one's blaming the the Jew haters.
Then again, maybe Wilkerson was right about the COMPLETE ineptitude of one of the prime suspects.

Hey...I know...when all else fails let's blame the Jews. Wonder why neither side in Syria is blaming the Jews. Only one's blaming the the Jew haters.

And of course, the Zionist apologists will have no choice but to crack open an even older and crustier playbook than that of the criminals they defend.
Any reason to let it frost your keester?

go troll somewhere else, Horsefly.

The title of the thread is a lie and I refuse to let that go away.

I agree, thread title a complete fabrication. THREADS like this belong in Conspiracy forum.

You know a lot about the Copiracy forum, since your posts mostly belong there - if not Badlands.

The true 'conspiracy' is the claim that 'it must be the JOOOOOOOOOOOOS' doing' - you lot spew that BS about absolutely everything you think is awful, whether it makes any sense or not......
go troll somewhere else, Horsefly.

The title of the thread is a lie and I refuse to let that go away.

I agree, thread title a complete fabrication. THREADS like this belong in Conspiracy forum.

You know a lot about the Copiracy forum, since your posts mostly belong there - if not Badlands.

The true 'conspiracy' is the claim that 'it must be the JOOOOOOOOOOOOS' doing' - you lot spew that BS about absolutely everything you think is awful, whether it makes any sense or not......

But not a wird about Assad killing his own people. Amazing hypocrisy isnt it ?
The irony is: this failed attempt at swaying world opinion might actually prove to be an unintentionally self-inflicted "coup de gras" [SIC] by certain Israeli/Zionist co-bunglers.

The only reason I can't muster any laughter over this is that innocent people suffered and died as a result of it.
The irony is: this failed attempt at swaying world opinion might actually prove to be an unintentionally self-inflicted "coup de gras" [SIC] by certain Israeli/Zionist co-bunglers.

The only reason I can't muster any laughter over this is that innocent people suffered and died as a result of it.

Whereas if Israeli civilians had died - you'd find that hilarious. We understand.
The Troodos Conundrum

The GCHQ listening post on Mount Troodos in Cyprus is arguably the most valued asset which the UK contributes to UK/US intelligence cooperation. The communications intercept agencies, GCHQ in the UK and NSA in the US, share all their intelligence reports (as do the CIA and MI6). Troodos is valued enormously by the NSA. It monitors all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East,
It is therefore very strange, to say the least, that John Kerry claims to have access to communications intercepts of Syrian military and officials organising chemical weapons attacks, which intercepts were not available to the British Joint Intelligence Committee.

On one level the explanation is simple. The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well placed source in the Washington intelligence community. Intelligence provided by a third party is not automatically shared with the UK, and indeed Israel specifies it should not be.

Israel has repeatedly been involved in the Syrian civil war, carrying out a number of illegal bombings and missile strikes over many months. This absolutely illegal activity by Israel- which has killed a great many civilians, including children - has brought no condemnation at all from the West. Israel has now provided “intelligence” to the United States designed to allow the United States to join in with Israel’s bombing and missile campaign.

The answer to the Troodos Conundrum is simple. Troodos did not pick up the intercepts because they do not exist. Mossad fabricated them. John Kerry’s “evidence” is the shabbiest of tricks. More children may now be blown to pieces by massive American missile blasts. It is nothing to do with humanitarian intervention. It is, yet again, the USA acting at the behest of Israel.
Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Troodos Conundrum
The Troodos Conundrum

The GCHQ listening post on Mount Troodos in Cyprus is arguably the most valued asset which the UK contributes to UK/US intelligence cooperation. The communications intercept agencies, GCHQ in the UK and NSA in the US, share all their intelligence reports (as do the CIA and MI6). Troodos is valued enormously by the NSA. It monitors all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East,
It is therefore very strange, to say the least, that John Kerry claims to have access to communications intercepts of Syrian military and officials organising chemical weapons attacks, which intercepts were not available to the British Joint Intelligence Committee.

On one level the explanation is simple. The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well placed source in the Washington intelligence community. Intelligence provided by a third party is not automatically shared with the UK, and indeed Israel specifies it should not be.

Israel has repeatedly been involved in the Syrian civil war, carrying out a number of illegal bombings and missile strikes over many months. This absolutely illegal activity by Israel- which has killed a great many civilians, including children - has brought no condemnation at all from the West. Israel has now provided “intelligence” to the United States designed to allow the United States to join in with Israel’s bombing and missile campaign.

The answer to the Troodos Conundrum is simple. Troodos did not pick up the intercepts because they do not exist. Mossad fabricated them. John Kerry’s “evidence” is the shabbiest of tricks. More children may now be blown to pieces by massive American missile blasts. It is nothing to do with humanitarian intervention. It is, yet again, the USA acting at the behest of Israel.
Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Troodos Conundrum

Israels bombing of Syria is illegal ??? LOL !! Assad has slaughtered tens of thousands of HIS OWN people.
And I never heard of any children dying in Israels attack. Also, Syria was warned before about transferring weapons to Hezboshit.
The Troodos Conundrum

The GCHQ listening post on Mount Troodos in Cyprus is arguably the most valued asset which the UK contributes to UK/US intelligence cooperation. The communications intercept agencies, GCHQ in the UK and NSA in the US, share all their intelligence reports (as do the CIA and MI6). Troodos is valued enormously by the NSA. It monitors all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East,
It is therefore very strange, to say the least, that John Kerry claims to have access to communications intercepts of Syrian military and officials organising chemical weapons attacks, which intercepts were not available to the British Joint Intelligence Committee.

On one level the explanation is simple. The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well placed source in the Washington intelligence community. Intelligence provided by a third party is not automatically shared with the UK, and indeed Israel specifies it should not be.

Israel has repeatedly been involved in the Syrian civil war, carrying out a number of illegal bombings and missile strikes over many months. This absolutely illegal activity by Israel- which has killed a great many civilians, including children - has brought no condemnation at all from the West. Israel has now provided “intelligence” to the United States designed to allow the United States to join in with Israel’s bombing and missile campaign.

The answer to the Troodos Conundrum is simple. Troodos did not pick up the intercepts because they do not exist. Mossad fabricated them. John Kerry’s “evidence” is the shabbiest of tricks. More children may now be blown to pieces by massive American missile blasts. It is nothing to do with humanitarian intervention. It is, yet again, the USA acting at the behest of Israel.
Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Troodos Conundrum

Oh no! Say it ain't so! Israel carried out illegal bombings? SUE THE BASTARDS!
...Lawrence Wilkerson On Syria Intelligence: 'It Seems Like The Same Thing Again' ...

Yeah, you'd think someone in the shadows would have enough sense to advise against cracking open the same old playbook time and time ...and time again.
Yeah must those :cuckoo: unknown :cuckoo: .... :cuckoo: shadowy :cuckoo: people doing their :cuckoo: evil deeds :cuckoo: in the :cuckoo: dark shadows :cuckoo:

Anything but the obvious. That the same regime that has systematically slaughtered over a 100,000 of its own people using the country's military, also resorted to using chemical weapons in many instances. And there's plenty of evidence that is exactly what happened.
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This is amazing, just shows the capabilities of Israeli intelligence services.

Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' | World news |

Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack'
Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces' 8200 unit, former official tells magazine

The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons, an unnamed former Mossad official told Focus. The content of the conversation was relayed to the US, the ex-official said.

An unnamed senior Syrian army officer told the Iranian news agency Fars: "If Syria is attacked, Israel will also be set on fire and such an attack will, in turn, engage Syria's neighbours."

Israel was "prepared for every scenario" and would respond forcefully if necessary, Netanyahu said after the meeting.
This proves this whole "Assad used chemical weapons" is just a phoney propaganda story by the Mossad to try to provoke the US into a war. If the information comes from Israeli intelligence, you take it with a grain of salt and certainly do not accept it at face value.

If this was a real story and Assad did use chemical weapons, why didn't the Israeli's go public the moment they found out about it? Why did they wait, before informing the US government and EU what they had intercepted?

BTW, this same Israeli unit has the same players who were issuing bullshit propaganda in 2003 leading up to the Iraq war.

Why shouldn't they have informed the US and the EU first? Don't believe Israel? Don't care. Let Assad kill as many as possible
In the mainstream news more recently:

From The New York Times:
[. . .] American officials said Wednesday there was no “smoking gun” that directly links President Bashar al-Assad to the attack, and they tried to lower expectations about the public intelligence presentation. They said it will not contain specific electronic intercepts of communications between Syrian commanders or detailed reporting from spies and sources on the ground. ... [emphasis Capstone's]

From The Associated Press:

[. . .] multiple U.S. officials used the phrase "not a slam dunk" to describe the intelligence picture - a reference to then-CIA Director George Tenet's insistence in 2002 that U.S. intelligence showing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was a "slam dunk" - intelligence that turned out to be wrong. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

Looks as though some facets of the MSM are treading on eggshells with their respective deliveries of the 'government line' to a WIDELY skeptical American Public. :)
In the mainstream news more recently:

From The New York Times:
[. . .] American officials said Wednesday there was no “smoking gun” that directly links President Bashar al-Assad to the attack, and they tried to lower expectations about the public intelligence presentation. They said it will not contain specific electronic intercepts of communications between Syrian commanders or detailed reporting from spies and sources on the ground. ... [emphasis Capstone's]

From The Associated Press:

[. . .] multiple U.S. officials used the phrase "not a slam dunk" to describe the intelligence picture - a reference to then-CIA Director George Tenet's insistence in 2002 that U.S. intelligence showing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was a "slam dunk" - intelligence that turned out to be wrong. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

Looks as though some facets of the MSM are treading on eggshells with their respective deliveries of the 'government line' to a WIDELY skeptical American Public. :)
I'll betcha Assad gets his clock cleaned, regardless of what a lot of America haters say.
This is amazing, just shows the capabilities of Israeli intelligence services.

Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' | World news |

Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack'
Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces' 8200 unit, former official tells magazine

The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons, an unnamed former Mossad official told Focus. The content of the conversation was relayed to the US, the ex-official said.

An unnamed senior Syrian army officer told the Iranian news agency Fars: "If Syria is attacked, Israel will also be set on fire and such an attack will, in turn, engage Syria's neighbours."

Israel was "prepared for every scenario" and would respond forcefully if necessary, Netanyahu said after the meeting.
This proves this whole "Assad used chemical weapons" is just a phoney propaganda story by the Mossad to try to provoke the US into a war. If the information comes from Israeli intelligence, you take it with a grain of salt and certainly do not accept it at face value.

If this was a real story and Assad did use chemical weapons, why didn't the Israeli's go public the moment they found out about it? Why did they wait, before informing the US government and EU what they had intercepted?

BTW, this same Israeli unit has the same players who were issuing bullshit propaganda in 2003 leading up to the Iraq war.

Another example of a person suffering from a delusional disorder.
This is amazing, just shows the capabilities of Israeli intelligence services.

Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' | World news |

Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack'
Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces' 8200 unit, former official tells magazine

The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electron ic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons, an unnamed former Mossad official told Focus. The content of the conversation was relayed to the US, the ex-official said.

An unnamed senior Syrian army officer told the Iranian news agency Fars: "If Syria is attacked, Israel will also be set on fire and such an attack will, in turn, engage Syria's neighbours."

Israel was "prepared for every scenario" and would respond forcefully if necessary, Netanyahu said after the meeting.
This proves this whole "Assad used chemical weapons" is just a phoney propaganda story by the Mossad to try to provoke the US into a war. If the information comes from Israeli intelligence, you take it with a grain of salt and certainly do not accept it at face value.

If this was a real story and Assad did use chemical weapons, why didn't the Israeli's go public the moment they found out about it? Why did they wait, before informing the US government and EU what they had intercepted?

BTW, this same Israeli unit has the same players who were issuing bullshit propaganda in 2003 leading up to the Iraq war.

Another example of a person suffering from a delusional disorder.

No, we saw the very same thing happen with the Iraq War, Israel providing the US with false Intelligence to start an unlawful war.
The only three plays in the Zionist Apologists' playbook:

1) Paint anyone with the audacity to question the rationale behind US taxpayer funded propagation of the Zionist agenda (which has been well-documented over the years) as a rampant anti-Semite.

2) If play #1 seems vapid or in any way ineffective, quickly switch to casting aspersions on your opponent's sanity and/or emotional stability.

3) (and this one's key) Whatever else you do, NEVER address any aspect of your opponent's argument that might lead to your ass being handed to you by a superior debater.
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