Another "It Can't Happen Here"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
If you were one of those who claimed, as per the title, that no one is ever gonna accept men becoming women....or men can become pregnant....or any of the myriad absurd Democrat claims/lies.....

.....beware of this one:

"Iceland’s Chief Epidemiologist Suggests COVID-19 Restrictions Could Last For Up To 15 Years

Yes, really.

Þórólfur Guðnason, a doctor who serves as the Chief Epidemiologist of the Icelandic Directorate of Health, was quizzed by journalist Esther Hallsdóttir how long the rules should continue.

Guðnason was, “Asked if there is no clear way out of the epidemic, now that measures are being proposed despite vaccinations, and whether we could be on the verge of restrictions over the next five, ten or fifteen years.”

As we previously highlighted, SAGE government advisor and proud Communist Party member Susan Michie went even further, asserting that things like social distancing and mask mandates should last “forever.”

One would think we would and should close off the southern border, cuz some of those people are infected with the Coronavirus or it's variant, and not allow anyone entry into the US until tested there. If you're not legal, you don't get in unless you test negative. Maybe a wall might help.

It seems this virus mutates into variants faster than we can develop vaccines, and the original vaccine may or may not work for the new strains. It can't happen here? Maybe it already has.
If you were one of those who claimed, as per the title, that no one is ever gonna accept men becoming women....or men can become pregnant....or any of the myriad absurd Democrat claims/lies.....

.....beware of this one:

"Iceland’s Chief Epidemiologist Suggests COVID-19 Restrictions Could Last For Up To 15 Years

Yes, really.

Þórólfur Guðnason, a doctor who serves as the Chief Epidemiologist of the Icelandic Directorate of Health, was quizzed by journalist Esther Hallsdóttir how long the rules should continue.

Guðnason was, “Asked if there is no clear way out of the epidemic, now that measures are being proposed despite vaccinations, and whether we could be on the verge of restrictions over the next five, ten or fifteen years.”

As we previously highlighted, SAGE government advisor and proud Communist Party member Susan Michie went even further, asserting that things like social distancing and mask mandates should last “forever.”

View attachment 520501

How would they have reacted to the bubonic plague or the Spanish flu?
One would think we would and should close off the southern border, cuz some of those people are infected with the Coronavirus or it's variant, and not allow anyone entry into the US until tested there. If you're not legal, you don't get in unless you test negative. Maybe a wall might help.

It seems this virus mutates into variants faster than we can develop vaccines, and the original vaccine may or may not work for the new strains. It can't happen here? Maybe it already has.

"One would think we would and should close off the southern border,....."

....but not until we march every Democrats over at the point of a bayonet.
How would they have reacted to the bubonic plague or the Spanish flu?

Why would you bring those two up......there is zero comparison.

Here, from WebMD:
Coronavirus Recovery Rates

Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.
Coronavirus Recovery

3. Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox.

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

4. “Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids
This was never about healthcare. It was, is, and always will be about control.”

Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

Let's put the conclusions up front. There is no reason for kids to wear masks. There's no reason to keep

5. If you had no co-morbidities to begin with.....


Mortality Risk of COVID-19 - Statistics and Research

We update the country-by-country data – shown in the interactive visualizations – daily. Further below you find a longer text on how to interpret the various metrics; the static visualizations in that section and the text were written in the first half of 2020 and have not been updated since.

That’s worldwide….includes nations with third world healthcare: under 1%

And those with socialized medicine, much higher rate of death.

6. “Most people recover from Covid-19.
Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care,… Most people recover from Covid-19. Here's why it's hard to pinpoint exactly how many

7. The mechanism of the hoax was simply to claim that deaths that would have occurred (most who died already had DNRs), and to substitute the real cause of death (the usual causes… heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia) and pretend that the Wuhan was responsible.

It was designed to dissipate the value of Trump’s miraculous economy….and it worked.

It's the flu.
I am saying covid19 is mild compared to deadly viruses in the past
True. . . though Reuters is just this minute out with an article saying over and over again that the Delta variant leads to more severe disease, more quickly.

I am hoping this will not prove true.

Oh, my, my, my... all of this teenage angst over masks and social distancing and proof-of-vax cards...

Your right to go-about un-masked or un-vax'ed in enclosed public spaces ends where your exhalations can become my inhalations.

If you are medically at-risk with respect to masking or vaccination then you should be avoiding such exposure whenever practicable.

If you are NOT in such a category then you pose a risk to family and friends and the general public and you need to be held at a distance.

When the pandemic is over you can go about your own sociopathic little lives without anyone else really giving two $hits what you do.

Until then it's best that you be forced to either conform to common-sense health safety protocols or prevented from posing a risk to others.
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If you were one of those who claimed, as per the title, that no one is ever gonna accept men becoming women....or men can become pregnant....or any of the myriad absurd Democrat claims/lies.....

.....beware of this one:

"Iceland’s Chief Epidemiologist Suggests COVID-19 Restrictions Could Last For Up To 15 Years

Yes, really.

Þórólfur Guðnason, a doctor who serves as the Chief Epidemiologist of the Icelandic Directorate of Health, was quizzed by journalist Esther Hallsdóttir how long the rules should continue.

Guðnason was, “Asked if there is no clear way out of the epidemic, now that measures are being proposed despite vaccinations, and whether we could be on the verge of restrictions over the next five, ten or fifteen years.”

As we previously highlighted, SAGE government advisor and proud Communist Party member Susan Michie went even further, asserting that things like social distancing and mask mandates should last “forever.”

View attachment 520501

It is imperative that we once again be "the last best hope" of man on earth. My ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War as patriots never intended us to give up our nation for a little security.

Maybe we need to ship some of these trembling mask-clingers to Iceland and ship in more freedom lovers from all around the world. Makes you think.
It is imperative that we once again be "the last best hope" of man on earth. My ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War as patriots never intended us to give up our nation for a little security.

Maybe we need to ship some of these trembling mask-clingers to Iceland and ship in more freedom lovers from all around the world. Makes you think.

I'm down wit' !!!!
Oh, my, my, my... all of this teenage angst over masks and social distancing and proof-of-vax cards...

Your right to go-about un-masked or un-vax'ed in enclosed public spaces ends where your exhalations can become my inhalations.

If you are medically at-risk with respect to masking or vaccination then you should be avoiding such exposure whenever practicable.

If you are NOT in such a category then you pose a risk to family and friends and the general public and you need to be held at a distance.

When the pandemic is over you can go about your own sociopathic little lives without anyone else really giving two $hits what you do.

Until then it's best that you be forced to either conform to common-sense health safety protocols or prevented from posing a risk to others.

You were doing good until the word "forced" popped up. Carry on.
It is imperative that we once again be "the last best hope" of man on earth. My ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War as patriots never intended us to give up our nation for a little security.

Maybe we need to ship some of these trembling mask-clingers to Iceland and ship in more freedom lovers from all around the world. Makes you think.

''Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.'' Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790
Oh, my, my, my... all of this teenage angst over masks and social distancing and proof-of-vax cards...

Your right to go-about un-masked or un-vax'ed in enclosed public spaces ends where your exhalations can become my inhalations.

If you are medically at-risk with respect to masking or vaccination then you should be avoiding such exposure whenever practicable.

If you are NOT in such a category then you pose a risk to family and friends and the general public and you need to be held at a distance.

When the pandemic is over you can go about your own sociopathic little lives without anyone else really giving two $hits what you do.

Until then it's best that you be forced to either conform to common-sense health safety protocols or prevented from posing a risk to others.

Buzz off, panic pimp.
We get lectures by democrats about the unproved theory of man mad global warming and when we argue about it we are labeled as dolts who can't accept current scientific data. Meanwhile the greatest scientific discovery in modern times, the unraveling of the DNA puzzle goes unnoticed by the left. DNA recovered from current and even ancient humans can tell us everything from gender to eye color but ignorant (in the true sense of the word) lefties continue to tell us that a man who has certain body parts removed and other parts enhanced with silicone and hormones is actually a woman when his DNA tells us that he is a man.
You were doing good until the word "forced" popped up. Carry on.
Yep... forced... this is a pandemic... the virus doesn't give a hoot about our politics... those who pose a risk to others must be kept at arm's length... forcibly.

If it's a choice between a NonVaxer's right to walk into a restaurant or the life of an innocent fellow countryman, the NonVaxer loses... every time.
Those of us who had Covid have built immunity built up.
a. you can still be a carrier if you breathe-in C19 spores and then exhale near an uninfected person

b. you can still become infected with C19 a second time - that's called a "breakthrough" case - and it heightens the risk you pose.

How do we pose a risk?
Already address, above.
Anyone who tries to force me will be shot.
Nonsense... you'll comply with masking and distancing and vax-passport rules if-and-when the time comes, just like everybody else.
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We get lectures by democrats about the unproved theory of man mad global warming and when we argue about it we are labeled as dolts who can't accept current scientific data. Meanwhile the greatest scientific discovery in modern times, the unraveling of the DNA puzzle goes unnoticed by the left. DNA recovered from current and even ancient humans can tell us everything from gender to eye color but ignorant (in the true sense of the word) lefties continue to tell us that a man who has certain body parts removed and other parts enhanced with silicone and hormones is actually a woman when his DNA tells us that he is a man.

And they claim to be the party of science.

My Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

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