Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

Proof there is no thinking going on with the right. It is PURE emotions...HATE and FEAR.

And guess where you are?

That quote is very ironic. So many of you wanted this man to be put away, yet you seem to believe you were on the right side. Who told you that? The media? Al Sharpton?

It is the job of thinking people to think for themselves.

What tells me that is my thinking process. Zimmerman was found 'not guilty', but that doesn't mean he is innocent.

A 17 year old high school student was shot dead. He was totally unarmed. According to testimony a fight ensued. Both Zimmerman and Martin possessed what they were born with, two hands that can be made into fists. Zimmerman is bigger and more mature so he should have had the advantage. It SHOULD have been no more than a fist fight. But instead the yellow bellied coward Zimmerman executed the boy.
"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

Proof there is no thinking going on with the right. It is PURE emotions...HATE and FEAR.

And guess where you are?

That quote is very ironic. So many of you wanted this man to be put away, yet you seem to believe you were on the right side. Who told you that? The media? Al Sharpton?

It is the job of thinking people to think for themselves.

What tells me that is my thinking process. Zimmerman was found 'not guilty', but that doesn't mean he is innocent.

A 17 year old high school student was shot dead. He was totally unarmed. According to testimony a fight ensued. Both Zimmerman and Martin possessed what they were born with, two hands that can be made into fists. Zimmerman is bigger and more mature so he should have had the advantage. It SHOULD have been no more than a fist fight. But instead the yellow bellied coward Zimmerman executed the boy.

So a man not suppose to defend self from a thug beating on him?
SO a man not suppose to walk down the street
SO a man not suppose to call the police?

So because the "man" was black justifies all this shit. Facts and evidence be damned.
no---there are fucking black criminals EVERYWHERE

No, there's aren't. Only a racist would say that.

Horseshit---the crime stats prove it. Face the facts.

The crime stats do not include Trayvon's behaviour that night, which included, and correct me if I'm wrong, walking down the street. Oh no he didn't!

He also dared not be recognizable to George Zimmerman, self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, which is apparently enough to justify calling the police.

Listen, only racists defend the initial call to the police. It was not justifiable under any circumstances. I suggest you stop being racist by defending the call.
"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

Proof there is no thinking going on with the right. It is PURE emotions...HATE and FEAR.

And guess where you are?

That quote is very ironic. So many of you wanted this man to be put away, yet you seem to believe you were on the right side. Who told you that? The media? Al Sharpton?

It is the job of thinking people to think for themselves.

What tells me that is my thinking process. Zimmerman was found 'not guilty', but that doesn't mean he is innocent.

A 17 year old high school student was shot dead. He was totally unarmed. According to testimony a fight ensued. Both Zimmerman and Martin possessed what they were born with, two hands that can be made into fists. Zimmerman is bigger and more mature so he should have had the advantage. It SHOULD have been no more than a fist fight. But instead the yellow bellied coward Zimmerman executed the boy.

Zimmerman wasn't bigger, Trayvon was 6'2" beating the hell out of Zimmerman.
It was possible that T could have beaten Z to an inch of his life or worse, and we wouldn't be having a discussion about this. Just another Black doing in another....happens everyday without the fanfare.
This entire case boils down to the fact a grown man shot an unarmed boy after following him through a darkened condo complex and there were no penalties against the man.

I don't think Zimmerman was a racist nor do I think he committed Second Degree Manslaughter, but there can be no doubt that he pursued and ended up shooting an unarmed kid. Since he instigated the situation, there should be penalties for this, but Florida law presently doesn't allow it. I expect that will change. Too late for Martin's family, of course.
No, there's aren't. Only a racist would say that.

Horseshit---the crime stats prove it. Face the facts.

The crime stats do not include Trayvon's behaviour that night, which included, and correct me if I'm wrong, walking down the street. Oh no he didn't!

He also dared not be recognizable to George Zimmerman, self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, which is apparently enough to justify calling the police.

Listen, only racists defend the initial call to the police. It was not justifiable under any circumstances. I suggest you stop being racist by defending the call.

I don't give a shit. Blacks have a fucking sky high crime rate and it's about time they fix it and quite whining about racism. They will get profiled by people who can't be convicted of it.
This entire case boils down to the fact a grown man shot an unarmed boy after following him through a darkened condo complex and there were no penalties against the man.

I don't think Zimmerman was a racist nor do I think he committed Second Degree Manslaughter, but there can be no doubt that he pursued and ended up shooting an unarmed kid. Since he instigated the situation, there should be penalties for this, but Florida law presently doesn't allow it. I expect that will change. Too late for Martin's family, of course.


1. It isn't illegal to walk out of your truck!
2. It isn't illegal to carry a gun
3. The thug was beating the guys head into the ground

This means he was justified in self defense. This entire case shows just how stupid these people really are.
No, there's aren't. Only a racist would say that.

Horseshit---the crime stats prove it. Face the facts.

The crime stats do not include Trayvon's behaviour that night, which included, and correct me if I'm wrong, walking down the street. Oh no he didn't!

He also dared not be recognizable to George Zimmerman, self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, which is apparently enough to justify calling the police.

Listen, only racists defend the initial call to the police. It was not justifiable under any circumstances. I suggest you stop being racist by defending the call.
Stop your name calling with the "racist" remarks, it seems to be your go to word.
Everyone here would admit that this could have ended much different if there was more communication from Z, but also from Trayvon. Trayvon ended up jumping Z because of the lack of communication, hell....Trayvon could have called 911, but he took matters into his own hands.
But, this is not a racist act, it was an incident that just got out of control with deadly consequences.
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"Traykoon "

Conservatives, please stop asking why we know you're racist. With comments like this one, it's clear that you are.
So a man not suppose to defend self from a thug beating on him?
SO a man not suppose to walk down the street
SO a man not suppose to call the police?

So because the "man" was black justifies all this shit. Facts and evidence be damned.

There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.
What happened to all those people who quoted Juror B-29 in an attempt to prove Zimmerman broke the law and got away with it? Why aren't they responding?

How long will it be before they distance themselves from Juror B-29? How long before they malign her?

If she declares she wants to write a book about they trial, how long will it be before her former supporters sabotage her book deal?

It is so ironic that the Juror the Zimmerman bashers quoted to discredit him turned out to be one of his his best defenders.

Juror B-29 stated there was no evidence Zimmerman wanted to kill Martin and because of this she had to find him not guilty. And here's the kicker: She said in clear and unequivocal words that the evidence against Zimmerman was so weak he never should have been arrested. Her comments prove everything Zimmerman's defenders were trying to say: there was no evidence that Zimmerman broke the law and the trial was nothing more than a publicity stunt. State Attorney Angela Corey should be ashamed. Hell, she should be disbarred.

Oh but the left wing liberals won't have any of it. The left wing seems to be literal Old Testement Bible thumping believers. They want their eye for an eye they want a stripe for a stripe. No forgiveness not compassion no nothing. Of course they forget about the part of not baring false witness. No they will call Zimmerman a white man and show pictures of Trayvon when he was 12. Then ABC will doctor the evidence and the left wing will run with it.

Of course all they are really trying to do is start a race war. There is absolutely no other explanation. They pretend to give a crap about a brown skinned boy who THEY say was executed. Yet Obama kills a 16 year old brown American boy and the left defends that because the boy's father just wasn't a very good parent. Pathetic the liberal left.
So a man not suppose to defend self from a thug beating on him?
SO a man not suppose to walk down the street
SO a man not suppose to call the police?

So because the "man" was black justifies all this shit. Facts and evidence be damned.

There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.

You keep trying that word "racist" like some fucking cave door is magically going to open. Ain't happenin--have you noticed ?
So a man not suppose to defend self from a thug beating on him?
SO a man not suppose to walk down the street
SO a man not suppose to call the police?

So because the "man" was black justifies all this shit. Facts and evidence be damned.

There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.

So if I see someone loading a bunch of rifles into their car, I should wait until after they shoot up a school to call the cops and say "By the way guys, you might want to know about this..." :cuckoo:
It is not racist to call the police to prevent a robbery
It is not racist to walk up to someone
It is not racist to defend yourself from anyone(color doesn't matter)

When will you people stop excusing crimes and violence of certain people because they're of a different color?

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