Another Juror, B29, speaks out.

I've come to the conclusion that the media doesn't care about being "honest".

It's all to promote a agenda.


Journalists themselves may be Liberals, but the businesses they work for are all about the money. It's about profit. Controversy sells, so they sell controversy.
So a man not suppose to defend self from a thug beating on him?
SO a man not suppose to walk down the street
SO a man not suppose to call the police?

So because the "man" was black justifies all this shit. Facts and evidence be damned.

There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.

You keep trying that word "racist" like some fucking cave door is magically going to open. Ain't happenin--have you noticed ?

I keep pointing out that Zimmerman's initial call the cops was totally unwarranted, and the first mistake that led to all his following mistakes. He started the string of poor decisions and so it's his fault.
I've come to the conclusion that the media doesn't care about being "honest".

It's all to promote a agenda.


Journalists themselves may be Liberals, but the businesses they work for are all about the money. It's about profit. Controversy sells, so they sell controversy.

No one has been fooled when the liberals poor mouth it. We know they have tons of it.
So a man not suppose to defend self from a thug beating on him?
SO a man not suppose to walk down the street
SO a man not suppose to call the police?

So because the "man" was black justifies all this shit. Facts and evidence be damned.

There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.

So if I see someone loading a bunch of rifles into their car, I should wait until after they shoot up a school to call the cops and say "By the way guys, you might want to know about this..." :cuckoo:

Someone loading rifles into a car? That's your hypothetical? Really?

If that's all I see, then no crime was committed. Sound more like a duck hunting trip to Canada getting underway. Why would I call the cops on that?
There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.

You keep trying that word "racist" like some fucking cave door is magically going to open. Ain't happenin--have you noticed ?

I keep pointing out that Zimmerman's initial call the cops was totally unwarranted, and the first mistake that led to all his following mistakes. He started the string of poor decisions and so it's his fault.

Okie Dokie
There was no reason to call the police. This is the root cause of so much black anger, and it's justified anger too.

Knock it off, conservative white people. Quit calling the cops until AFTER you witness a crime.

It's not hard to do...unless you're racist.

So if I see someone loading a bunch of rifles into their car, I should wait until after they shoot up a school to call the cops and say "By the way guys, you might want to know about this..." :cuckoo:

Someone loading rifles into a car? That's your hypothetical? Really?

If that's all I see, then no crime was committed. Sound more like a duck hunting trip to Canada getting underway. Why would I call the cops on that?

You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.
So if I see someone loading a bunch of rifles into their car, I should wait until after they shoot up a school to call the cops and say "By the way guys, you might want to know about this..." :cuckoo:

Someone loading rifles into a car? That's your hypothetical? Really?

If that's all I see, then no crime was committed. Sound more like a duck hunting trip to Canada getting underway. Why would I call the cops on that?

You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.
And guess where you are?

That quote is very ironic. So many of you wanted this man to be put away, yet you seem to believe you were on the right side. Who told you that? The media? Al Sharpton?

It is the job of thinking people to think for themselves.

What tells me that is my thinking process. Zimmerman was found 'not guilty', but that doesn't mean he is innocent.

A 17 year old high school student was shot dead. He was totally unarmed. According to testimony a fight ensued. Both Zimmerman and Martin possessed what they were born with, two hands that can be made into fists. Zimmerman is bigger and more mature so he should have had the advantage. It SHOULD have been no more than a fist fight. But instead the yellow bellied coward Zimmerman executed the boy.

Zimmerman wasn't bigger, Trayvon was 6'2" beating the hell out of Zimmerman.
It was possible that T could have beaten Z to an inch of his life or worse, and we wouldn't be having a discussion about this. Just another Black doing in another....happens everyday without the fanfare.

6' 2"? Where do you get that LIE? Ignorance is not an excuse.
Someone loading rifles into a car? That's your hypothetical? Really?

If that's all I see, then no crime was committed. Sound more like a duck hunting trip to Canada getting underway. Why would I call the cops on that?

You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

Someone loading rifles into a car? That's your hypothetical? Really?

If that's all I see, then no crime was committed. Sound more like a duck hunting trip to Canada getting underway. Why would I call the cops on that?

You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

You know, it's a funny thing. The person in my neighborhood who calls the cops the most is the black guy next door. It seems he's pissed about his Lexus getting broken into, so he calls about any strange black kids wandering around.

I better head over there and tell him to "knock it off".
It is not racist to call the police to prevent a robbery
It is not racist to walk up to someone
It is not racist to defend yourself from anyone(color doesn't matter)

When will you people stop excusing crimes and violence of certain people because they're of a different color?

What robbery? Trayvon wasn't robbing anyone. He still got the cops sicced on him. No real explanation for why has ever been given. It was due to Zimmerman's racism, in my opinion.
Someone loading rifles into a car? That's your hypothetical? Really?

If that's all I see, then no crime was committed. Sound more like a duck hunting trip to Canada getting underway. Why would I call the cops on that?

You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

Sorry, Zimmerman, once again is not white he is Hispanic.

Second it was midnight that Trayvon was just walking around. Anyone walking around the neighborhood at that time might have had the same call made. Zimmerman didn't know he was black he said the thinks he is black until Trayvon gets closer.

Transcript of George Zimmerman 911 Call - by Oliver Closoff - Newsvine
You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

You know, it's a funny thing. The person in my neighborhood who calls the cops the most is the black guy next door. It seems he's pissed about his Lexus getting broken into, so he calls about any strange black kids wandering around.

I better head over there and tell him to "knock it off".

" We don't need you to do that"
You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

Sorry, Zimmerman, once again is not white he is Hispanic.

Second it was midnight that Trayvon was just walking around. Anyone walking around the neighborhood at that time might have had the same call made. Zimmerman didn't know he was black he said the thinks he is black until Trayvon gets closer.

Transcript of George Zimmerman 911 Call - by Oliver Closoff - Newsvine

Most of the half-white Zimmerman's defenders are conservative whites, and they all need to just lay off calling the cops on black kids so much.
You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

You know, it's a funny thing. The person in my neighborhood who calls the cops the most is the black guy next door. It seems he's pissed about his Lexus getting broken into, so he calls about any strange black kids wandering around.

I better head over there and tell him to "knock it off".

1. I don't believe your little story. 2. If true, (it's not) then you should tell him to knock it off. It's not helping .
You go duck hunting with a rifle? You must be a hell of a shot, because the rest of us use shotguns for ducks.

Sorry for not being a gun nutter goober. Just image the sleep I'll lose over my mistake. Pfft, yeah, right.

Regardless, loading rifles into a car does't warrant a call to the police. Neither does black kid walking down your street. Put the phone down, conservative whites, when you see a black kid walking down your street. When he commits a crime, then call the cops. Not before then. That's why blacks are so ticked off about this case. They are constantly harassed by the cops because whites call the cops on them all the friggin time. Knock it off.

You know, it's a funny thing. The person in my neighborhood who calls the cops the most is the black guy next door. It seems he's pissed about his Lexus getting broken into, so he calls about any strange black kids wandering around.

I better head over there and tell him to "knock it off".

Simple case of profiling. Actually according to some liberals on this board. Since the black man is calling the cops on blacks that makes him a white racist.
I've come to the conclusion that the media doesn't care about being "honest".

It's all to promote a agenda.


Sad indeed.

I have always maintained that there is not a single problem in this country that would not be solved quickly if we had an honest, aggressive, and diligent press. If we had that, everything else we need would follow. Joseph Pulitzer understood the awesome power of the press:

"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy. Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion will sweep them away. Publicity may not be the only thing that is needed, but it is the one thing without which all other agencies will fail."

“Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together," Pulitzer wrote. "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”

― Joseph Pulitzer

Pulitzer was right; as the press goes, so goes the country. Unfortunately, when the press withholds or distorts the news in favor of a personal political agenda, they become an enemy more dangerous by far than any foreign threat could ever be.
All those posters who claim Jury B29 said that Zimmerman got away with murder are completely disingenuous.

Didn't we already have this conversation? ;)
:eusa_angel: post 209

Actually, contrary to what some posters think, Juror 29 supports George Zimmerman. In fact she admits the case never should have gone to trial! You've hear part of the story, and you need to hear the rest. Rather than repeat what I have already written, I will give you the following link to my article (check permalink #65):

Thank you!

"I was the juror that was going to give them a hung jury," she said. "I fought to the end."
But by the second day of deliberating, she realized there wasn't enough proof to convict the 29-year-old Zimmerman of a crime.
"George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God," she said. "And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with."

I agree with your post!

Merged threads and moved posts makes it very difficult to respond.
Of course your permalink doesn't exist anymore, sadly.
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