Another left wing witness PUTS WORDS in the presidents mouth

No you don't. There is no transcript.

You have a synopsis written by the White House.
It was written by many people, are you saying they are lying?

you just got a live version of STUPIDITY of the dumbest who still have their heads up Obama's filthy dirty ass. ( you got it from
No you don't. There is no transcript.

You have a synopsis written by the White House.

Says the ignorant dupe...

These calls are transcribed by TWO different people. We have BOTH TRANSCRIPTS and the summary.... We have seen them all...

Gawd you idiots are so easily lied too and duped by your masters...

This witness LIED (made shit up, just like Schiff) and his political affiliations are well known... Just one more ass clown who just lost his security clearance.
What is hilarious to me is democrats continue to make shit up thinking the masses will believe them and not the transcripts.. Just look at fantasydave above. He is an idiot who fails to think critically or use common sense cognative skills. These are the only people democrats are fooling, those who want to be fooled. Most of America isn't like fantasydave and they cant believe it.
This is the end of Pelosi...she doesn't know it yet but her time as leader is coming to a messy end....she could have been a hero and won bipartisan praise for working with Trump but she took the immature unpaved road and now has gotten stuck....
What part of the transcript is exculpatory?
There was nothing that warranted exculpation.
So now it's okay to withhold military aid to an ally occupied by Eussia because the administration wants a politically motivated investigation on a potential candidate. Extortion and bribery are no longer crimes?
That withholding military aid thing is a democrat fabrication.
Right. When facts become inconvenient, claim 'fake news' and put your head back in the sand.

Not paying attention, or just drunk on the kool-aid?
What part of the transcript is exculpatory?
There was nothing that warranted exculpation.
So now it's okay to withhold military aid to an ally occupied by Eussia because the administration wants a politically motivated investigation on a potential candidate. Extortion and bribery are no longer crimes?
Your delusions do not constitute a crime.
But the testimony of Amb. Taylor does.

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