Another Mall shooter finds his destiny... A good guy with a gun...

I don't think you should be calling all of them retards. Some have good intentions of finding a way to stop mass shooters, while only some of them are hoping for their own opportunity.

I think the time isn't far off when a 'good' guy will be permitted by law to shoot first according to the personal appearance of the potential mass shooter.

some societies in recent history have found it necessary to kill proactively, depending on factors such as appearance, political persuasion, religion, skin colour, or other.
Your proposal to allow "shoot first - ask questions later" runs VERY counter to concepts in place via our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It also violates the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" by allowing to assume "guilty" without even having to DO something that one would be "guilty of".

I could extend your "logic" and assume that anyone dressed as or espousing AntiFa or BLM rhetoric is likely planning to be an insurrectionist and should shoot them before they can break the law.

If you are really serious with your posts of this sort than you have shown just how dangerous and criminal Leftist~Regressive~socialist/communist thinking and ideas are.
Your proposal to allow "shoot first - ask questions later" runs VERY counter to concepts in place via our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It also violates the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" by allowing to assume "guilty" without even having to DO something that one would be "guilty of".

I could extend your "logic" and assume that anyone dressed as or espousing AntiFa or BLM rhetoric is likely planning to be an insurrectionist and should shoot them before they can break the law.

If you are really serious with your posts of this sort than you have shown just how dangerous and criminal Leftist~Regressive~socialist/communist thinking and ideas are.
I'm serious as it applies to America's problem of mass shootings.
There are other countries too that ignored any bounds of their constitutions. America certainly has done so with regard to other issues.

In any case, there are still some solutions that haven't been tried yet.

Eliminate all 'gun free zones' and see if that lowers the body count?
But in Uvalde there were dozens of police officers and the guns were coming out of everybody's ears, and still there were over 20 or 25 dead!

Good guys with guns must learn to be more proactive.

The question becomes: What appearance of a guy with a gun would allow a lawful vigilante to shoot first?

Who said the cops were the good guys?

European mass murder 1939-1945......

15 million innocent men, women and children....

More people murdered in 6 years than 246 years of gun murder in the U.S......

If you are generous and give 20,000 as the average gun murder number in the U.S per year....and that is way over the average......

4.92 million murdered with guns in the U.S. in 246 years....


According to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year for self defense....against rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings, and even mass public shootings....

1.1 million times a year vs. gun murder...with the victims of gun murder a vast majority criminals murdered by other criminals...not the innocent civilians murdered by their governments in Europe.

German socialists

By genocide, the murder of hostages, reprisal raids, forced labor, "euthanasia," starvation, exposure, medical experiments, and terror bombing, and in the concentration and death camps, the Nazis murdered from 15,003,000 to 31,595,000 people, most likely 20,946,000 men, women, handicapped, aged, sick, prisoners of war, forced laborers, camp inmates, critics, homosexuals, Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Germans, Czechs, Italians, Poles, French, Ukrainians, and many others. Among them 1,000,000 were children under eighteen years of age.1

And none of these monstrous figures even include civilian and military combat or war-deaths

I'm serious as it applies to America's problem of mass shootings.
There are other countries too that ignored any bounds of their constitutions. America certainly has done so with regard to other issues.

In any case, there are still some solutions that haven't been tried yet.
Then provide those/your "some solutions that haven't been tried yet."

This idea of yours to just shoot someone because they don't look "right"(correct), especially if allowed to any armed citizen, will cause more shootings. Also could be the attitude we see in some mass shootings that have occurred already.
You're FOS, MORON.
Sunday's shooting came just weeks after new laws in the state lifted the permit requirements to carry a handgun. On July 1, the law allowing people age 18 or older to carry a handgun in public without a permit in Indiana.
"All Simon shopping centers expressly retain the right to revise or modify this code of conduct as necessary. Any exceptions to this code of conduct will be determined by local center management in its sole discretion."

No....shithead.......the Mall is private property and they had a no gun policy backed up by the stickers on display on their windows....

It was a gun free zone...had the good guy been caught with his gun, mall security would have told him he had to leave...if not calling the police on him...

You idiot.
Who said the cops were the good guys?
Good point! Chauvin certainly wasn't a good guy.

The Rittenhouse solution could yield some results if the next stop is taken that would allow the 'good' guys with guns to shoot first on suspicion of there being a bad guy.

But agreed upon parameters for a 'bad' guy need to be established first.
History considered, a fascist regime allowed religion to be a determining factor.
I provide links to back up what I say.

You stated most mass shootings occur where anyone can carry openly without a permit.

I am not all that fond of unlicensed carry. How about providing a link to back up your statement.

they can't, because that isn't true.
I'm a pretty good shot. It's the gun that's the problem. Here's the target from my last time shooting. I was shooting from about 8 yards. I have never been able to shoot a group with this gun. Doesn't matter what ammo I use either. Hoping a different barrel will help.
View attachment 672369
If you're used to an American grip angle that European Glock grip angle might be throwing you off.

A standard 1911 grip angle is 18°.

The standard Glock grip angle is 22°.

Subtle difference, but enough to throw me off (with a Ruger Standard MK1).

It has to go.
Then provide those/your "some solutions that haven't been tried yet."

This idea of yours to just shoot someone because they don't look "right"(correct), especially if allowed to any armed citizen, will cause more shootings. Also could be the attitude we see in some mass shootings that have occurred already.
Please try to keep in mind that I'm not exactly advocating anything. I'm a Canadian and I'm eing invited to help explore some possible solutions.

The pro-gun crowd always extend an invitation. When they stop there will be nothing on which to respond. We play their game too!
If you're used to an American grip angle that European Glock grip angle might be throwing you off.

A standard 1911 grip angle is 18°.

The standard Glock grip angle is 22°.

Subtle difference, but enough to throw me off (with a Ruger Standard MK1).

It has to go.

Do you think you could make 8 hits at 40 yards, on a moving target with a crowd around you as you are advancing....?:)

With a Glock....

That guy is a hero, and should get a medal of Freedom.......
Good point! Chauvin certainly wasn't a good guy.

The Rittenhouse solution could yield some results if the next stop is taken that would allow the 'good' guys with guns to shoot first on suspicion of there being a bad guy.

But agreed upon parameters for a 'bad' guy need to be established first.
History considered, a fascist regime allowed religion to be a determining factor.

You are so desperate. It is good to see you flailing like a child.
Then provide those/your "some solutions that haven't been tried yet."

This idea of yours to just shoot someone because they don't look "right"(correct), especially if allowed to any armed citizen, will cause more shootings. Also could be the attitude we see in some mass shootings that have occurred already.
There's a definite attitude being displayed that's saying that acting proactively is a solution.
And I said that eliminating all the 'gun free zones' should be tried first.

How many times have we heard expressions such as 'kill all the fkn liberals?
You're promoting vigilante justice. You're promoting fascism.
Vigilante justice isn't fascism and neither is racism, but they and other extremisms are common to fascism.
Stealing an election and claims of a stolen election are common to the rise of fascism too.

Extremists are already supporting your idea! You're justifying vigilante justice through your use of extremism.

This is gibberish.

Only Degenerate Sickos Made Fun of Tipper Gore

These psycho thrill-killers have nothing to do with gun control. What we need is culture control. We must ban all this encouragement of psychotic behavior in the entertainment media.

This is also gibberish. Were you one of the weirdos blaming comic books and Elvis for the downfall of society in the 1950s?
Maybe? But still quite possible that he was happy that he accomplished a mass shooting. However, 3 dead compared with the other huge success rate is hardly big enough to make the news anymore in America.

The good guys with the guns need to be standing guard at the mall entrances, ready to kill before the other guy starts killing. That would make the good guys genuine vigilantes.

I think that's pretty close to what is being proposed as necessary.
I'm not sure even that would work. The bad guys would just go out looking for a Rittenhouse type carrying his gun down a busy street. And then neutralize the threat early on.
You need your meds adjusted.

We'll never know if he was completely satisfied with his mass shooting result?
But if three dead is now acceptable then the situation is becoming more under control.

I still think that the only answer for America's mass shooting problem is that the good guys need to start being much more proactive. When they see a guy with face tats and face jewelry they need to start shooting first. The bad guy probably has a gun.

Vigilantes may have become necessary everywhere now!

You need 30 days observation.

I'm a pretty good shot. It's the gun that's the problem. Here's the target from my last time shooting. I was shooting from about 8 yards. I have never been able to shoot a group with this gun. Doesn't matter what ammo I use either. Hoping a different barrel will help.
View attachment 672369

Maybe have someone else try it? Or try a different pistol? Maybe have that one sighted in...?

Do you have any idea how old it is and how much use it has seen?
I'm liking mine less and less. It's heavy and clunky, but it's a pretty good carry gun as it's very concealable. I'll be shopping for a different one soon.

My wife loves her Beretta 92. She doesn't like the Glock safety design, and can't shoot most 1911s.

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