Another Monster Created by Unchecked Video Games!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Not only that, but in spite of strong gun control laws, he was able to buy a pistol and bullets with which he killed 6 innocent girls and wounded 7 more. :evil:

When is the government going to stop this? When are the authorities going to go something about those horrible games that are warping the minds of our unprepared children. When,,,? :eusa_whistle:

At least that's my impression of this morning's lengthy report on CNN's New Day. Along with the fact that this ogre had planned this for a year.

Why didn't someone stop him? :mad:

And here come the blog and news posts about this guy – what's his name? Elliot Rodger, 22.

Anyhow, here's the list for this morning:

Santa Barbara Shooting – Victim’s Father Blames NRA and pro-Second Amendment Politicians @ Santa Barbara Shooting ? Victim?s Father Blames NRA and pro-Second Amendment Politicians | American Everyman His father's name is Martinez? Why's his name Rodgers?

And, if you can stand it, here's his manifesto @ Six Absolutely Shocking Details From Suspected Santa Barbara Shooter?s 141-Page Manifesto |

And, be careful about this link because it has further links a bit more than one might wish to see/read @ Here?s Everything We Know About the Santa Barbara Mass Slaying and the 22-Year-Old Alleged Shooter | Video |

Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women @ Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women | CNS News

And the German view - California gunman 'was Hollywood director's son' @ California gunman 'was Hollywood director's son' | News | DW.DE | 24.05.2014 and nothing about it on

Daily Mail's Surveillance Video & story @ Santa Barbara deli video shows Elliot Rodger open fire on customers during shooting spree | Mail Online

And finally, another personal comment – anyone but me notice how the horrid treatment and death of veterans by the VA is suddenly on the back page? :doubt:
The liberals news media is considering the three stabbed to death as having been shot.
So what videogames were "responsible" for this human making the understandable choice to enlighten himself to the sensation of murder?
I don't think that video games are the problem . Guy was messed up , I wonder what the numbers of people killed yearly in this sort of rampage is in this country of 310,000,000 ??
The only angle that hasn't been played in this incident is that the perp was short.
Could his problems have been avoided if he had only put elevator lifts in his shoes?
Should we put all short people in internment camps to avoid this from happening again?
Authorities said the 22-year-old lone gunman, Elliot Rodger -- the son of a director who worked on the "The Hunger Games" -- carried out his attacks Friday*.

maybe he is thinking this might indirectly have something to do with it?

So what videogames were "responsible" for this human making the understandable choice to enlighten himself to the sensation of murder?
As is the case with the vast majority of crazed killers, Rodgers was seeing a psychiatrist for severe paranoia and had been prescribed drugs for his problem. His parents say that he wasn't taking his meds but who knows for sure. I suppose if someone were able to trace the amount of times he had his prescriptions filled we could estimate how often he took them.

Antidepressant are highly dangerous drugs that cause more harm than good.
guy was a young adult , wonder if he has been on prescribed drugs through his earlier school years .
Slasher Flicks and disgusting games have a lot to do with the mindset of kids as they are growing up so yeah...they are a factor to consider. However, the parents that hold the purse strings and BUY those games without first checking them out to see if said kid can handle it or is intelligent enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality...that is who should be targeted. Idiot parents that don't care or just don't take the time to raise their kids right.
What we have are uber-liberal parents who didn't want to parent, who had a psychotic kid, and who undoubtedly are staunch defenders of "integration" of psychotics into the regular population.

If you're a crappy indulgent parent who drugs your kid, you have a good chance of raising a monster.

They're lucky he didn't kill them, but chances are they were nowhere in the vicinity. I looked at his fb page. The guy never had anybody with him.
Kid next door is another bomb waiting to go off. It will not surprise me when he does and actually does kill them for real because he threatens to all the time. Drug baby. On drugs for his "problems" and huge anger issues. That kid was 5 when we moved in. From day one, he hung outside in his diaper pullups SCREAMING how he hated them, cussing (where did he learn the cuss words at 5??? From them) and would kill them. He also beat up their dog. Until I hollered over the fence that he can beat up the dog but I can beat him up and will if he ever does it again. He was about 10 at that time, give or take. Still screaming, still drugged up, still in pullups because he fought them when they tried to teach him to go to the bathroom on his own.

That kid is gonna blow one day. I hope I am far enough away when he does.
Well maybe he won't, maybe the eternal ballistic behavior means he won't blow. The fact that he's in pullups at ten has nothing to do with potty training and everything to do with brain dysfunction. If a kid is in pullups at 10 and it's not because he has a physical malady that prevents bladder/bowel control, and he's violent, he either needs 24-hour care from people who have the means to control him or locked up where the same can be provided.

Crazy people are crazy and definitely can be lethal....if you aren't able or willing to oversee your nutty kid, then let somebody else do it. But make sure it gets done.
Agreed. But...they are just all shruggy and don't really care one way or another. They will if the kid blows because they adopted yet another drug baby kid about 5 years ago. She seems normal.
It's because they EXPECT somebody else to take care of it. They aren't accountable because they've been told all their lives that nothing is their fault, nothing is their responsibility, and the state will take care of everything.

They undoubtedly get $791 a month or more in SSI, and foodstamps...there are families who deliberately produce these monsters just for that. I have met them and dealt with them. They aren't really conscious of what losers they are because they are so deep in the system and in believing that the world owes them a living. They're typically borderline disabled themselves (or outright disabled) and they will shout long and loud about their *right* to have baby after baby, to have their utilities and their rent paid for.

Then there are the people who have the same attitude but have never been poor...but still think that their crazy kids are somebody ELSE'S problem. These are the ones that throw money at their nutty kids and put as much distance between them and their loser kids as they can....then scream and holler when the kids shoot up a campus, and blame it on *guns*.
Video games, movies, tv shows, books, music I have lost track of how many different things are supposed to drive people to commit acts of violence if we were to ban or censor violent things that could inspire people to commit acts of violence the news would have to be the first does anything show us more violence than that?

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