Another Monster Created by Unchecked Video Games!

That is untrue, and completely off topic...but no.

Now you trot along and start another thread about that, creepy satanist chick.
What we have are uber-liberal parents who didn't want to parent, who had a psychotic kid, and who undoubtedly are staunch defenders of "integration" of psychotics into the regular population.

If you're a crappy indulgent parent who drugs your kid, you have a good chance of raising a monster.

They're lucky he didn't kill them, but chances are they were nowhere in the vicinity. I looked at his fb page. The guy never had anybody with him.

except they did parent and try to get the kid help.

once again your ignorance shines through.

Santa Barbara Killer Began By Stabbing 3 in His Home - ABC News

Rodger was being treated by multiple therapists and was a student at Santa Barbara City College, said family lawyer Alan Schifman.
Schifman said in recent weeks that Rodger’s parents were concerned for their son's well being and reported his disturbing YouTube videos to police, which lead to an investigation. According to Schifman, police interviewed Rodger and found him to be “polite and kind.” He did not specify which law enforcement division conducted the interview.

now go away you leech on society.
The Bible has inspired more murder than videogames ever will. Are we to ban the Bible?

That is untrue, and completely off topic...but no.

Now you trot along and start another thread about that, creepy satanist chick.


This is not a road that you wanna go down, Kosherdill. Tis an argument you cannot and will not win :)

1. Videogames never inspired genocide.

2. Entire wars were not waged in the name of videogames.

3. Videogames have not inspired massive amounts of torture.

4. Videogames have not led to numerous humans being burnt at the stake.

5. Videogames have not led to anyone's crucifiction.

The Bible on the other hand... We have an idea of how much blood has been spilt over that :)

You cannot compete with me Kosher. Now... "trot along" now.
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Shut up, ding dong. I don't need to compete with you, you defeat yourself.

Go light a black candle, weirdo. Snort some pig's blood. Raid an abortion clinic dumpster or something.
The entertainment industry is a large mass of hypocrisy. On the one hand, they refuse to depict smoking in a positive way because they believe that it could lead kids to modify their behavior and start smoking. Also, they charge companies large sums of money to place a product in a scene because they believe that just placing the image of a product in people's minds is enough to modify their behavior and make them more likely to purchase the product.

Yet, when confronted with the undeniable reality that modern TV, movie and video game programming is awash with sex and violence, they fall all over themselves claiming that their product cannot possibly influence ANY child's behavior and make him/her more likely to emulate what he/she sees on the screen.
Yeah, his parents reported him..they weren't there, they wanted somebody else to do something with him.

Because they couldn't be bothered. So he killed his roommates or whatever WITH A KNIFE and then went on a shooting spree, with his legal guns.

Go figure. Another instance where ridiculous gun laws didn't do a thing to prevent a lunatic from killing a bunch of people.
Not only that, but in spite of strong gun control laws, he was able to buy a pistol and bullets with which he killed 6 innocent girls and wounded 7 more. :evil:

When is the government going to stop this? When are the authorities going to go something about those horrible games that are warping the minds of our unprepared children. When,,,? :eusa_whistle:

At least that's my impression of this morning's lengthy report on CNN's New Day. Along with the fact that this ogre had planned this for a year.

Why didn't someone stop him? :mad:

And here come the blog and news posts about this guy – what's his name? Elliot Rodger, 22.

Anyhow, here's the list for this morning:

Santa Barbara Shooting – Victim’s Father Blames NRA and pro-Second Amendment Politicians @ Santa Barbara Shooting ? Victim?s Father Blames NRA and pro-Second Amendment Politicians | American Everyman His father's name is Martinez? Why's his name Rodgers?

And, if you can stand it, here's his manifesto @ Six Absolutely Shocking Details From Suspected Santa Barbara Shooter?s 141-Page Manifesto |

And, be careful about this link because it has further links a bit more than one might wish to see/read @ Here?s Everything We Know About the Santa Barbara Mass Slaying and the 22-Year-Old Alleged Shooter | Video |

Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women @ Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women | CNS News

And the German view - California gunman 'was Hollywood director's son' @ California gunman 'was Hollywood director's son' | News | DW.DE | 24.05.2014 and nothing about it on

Daily Mail's Surveillance Video & story @ Santa Barbara deli video shows Elliot Rodger open fire on customers during shooting spree | Mail Online

And finally, another personal comment – anyone but me notice how the horrid treatment and death of veterans by the VA is suddenly on the back page? :doubt:


They have the same video games, books, movies, and media in nearly every other developed nation on earth.

They don't have the 2nd amendment; we do.
They don't have the insane volume of mass murders by guns; we do.

It's the only difference.
Shut up, ding dong. I don't need to compete with you, you defeat yourself.

Go light a black candle, weirdo. Snort some pig's blood. Raid an abortion clinic dumpster or something.

1. I say bible inspired more murder than videogames.

2. You say no it didn't.

3. I own your ass

4. You resort to ad hominem after getting owned
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Well maybe he won't, maybe the eternal ballistic behavior means he won't blow. The fact that he's in pullups at ten has nothing to do with potty training and everything to do with brain dysfunction. If a kid is in pullups at 10 and it's not because he has a physical malady that prevents bladder/bowel control, and he's violent, he either needs 24-hour care from people who have the means to control him or locked up where the same can be provided.

Crazy people are crazy and definitely can be lethal....if you aren't able or willing to oversee your nutty kid, then let somebody else do it. But make sure it gets done.

Sounds like he needs to be put down like a rabid dog.
This has less to do with Guns or Video games as it does about spoiled kids who have obviously horrid parents. twenty something man still acting like a child.....You cant use therapists as make shift parents and expect he wouldn't be crazy as fuck .
Nutbars will find a way to be nutbars.

Shit-Stain at Sandy Hook Elem. broke 41 laws that day.
Would one more law have prevented it?
He died a virgin...
Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women
25 May`14 — In YouTube videos and a long written manifesto, Elliot Rodger aired his contempt for everyone from his roommates to the whole human race, reserving special hate for two groups: the women he says kept him a virgin for all of his 22 years, and the men they chose instead.
Authorities said he put that bitterness into action in a stabbing and shooting rampage Friday night across the seaside California college town of Isla Vista that killed two young women and four men, at least half of them students at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Thirteen people were injured. Rodger then apparently shot and killed himself inside the black BMW he used in the violence, authorities said Saturday.

The rampage played out largely as he laid it out in the public postings, including a YouTube video where he sits in the BMW in sunset light and appears to be acting out scripted lines and planned laughs. "I'll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you," Rodger, the son of a Hollywood director who worked on "The Hunger Games," says in the video posted Friday and taken down by YouTube Saturday with a message saying it violated the site's terms of service. "I don't know why you girls are so repulsed by me," he says in the video, describing his loneliness and frustration at never having had sex with or even kissed a girl. "I am polite. I am the ultimate gentleman. And yet, you girls never give me a chance. I don't know why."

Of the men he sees as rivals, he said: "I deserve girls much more than all those slobs," and that after his rampage "you will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one, the true alpha male." Sheriff Bill Brown, appearing on CNN on Sunday said that investigators are tying up a few ends, but "for the most part, I think, we have a pretty clear picture of what happened " The first three killed Friday were male stabbing victims in Rodger's own apartment whose names have not been released, Brown said Saturday. Then, at about 9:30 p.m., the citywide shooting and vehicle-ramming rampage began.

His first stop was the Alpha Phi sorority, which he had called "the hottest sorority of UCSB." "I know exactly where their house is and I've sat outside it in my car to stalk them many times," Rodger wrote in his extensive manifesto titled "My Twisted World." No one answered the door after one to two minutes of aggressive pounding, but he soon shot three women who were standing nearby, killing two of them, 19-year-old Veronika Weiss and 22-year-old Katherine Cooper. He then drove to a deli where he walked inside and shot and killed another UC Santa Barbara student, 20-year-old Christopher Michaels-Martinez, the sheriff said.

Not only that, but in spite of strong gun control laws, he was able to buy a pistol and bullets with which he killed 6 innocent girls and wounded 7 more. :evil:

When is the government going to stop this? When are the authorities going to go something about those horrible games that are warping the minds of our unprepared children. When,,,? :eusa_whistle:

At least that's my impression of this morning's lengthy report on CNN's New Day. Along with the fact that this ogre had planned this for a year.

Why didn't someone stop him? :mad:

And here come the blog and news posts about this guy – what's his name? Elliot Rodger, 22.

Anyhow, here's the list for this morning:

Santa Barbara Shooting – Victim’s Father Blames NRA and pro-Second Amendment Politicians @ Santa Barbara Shooting ? Victim?s Father Blames NRA and pro-Second Amendment Politicians | American Everyman His father's name is Martinez? Why's his name Rodgers?

And, if you can stand it, here's his manifesto @ Six Absolutely Shocking Details From Suspected Santa Barbara Shooter?s 141-Page Manifesto |

And, be careful about this link because it has further links a bit more than one might wish to see/read @ Here?s Everything We Know About the Santa Barbara Mass Slaying and the 22-Year-Old Alleged Shooter | Video |

Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women @ Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women | CNS News

And the German view - California gunman 'was Hollywood director's son' @ California gunman 'was Hollywood director's son' | News | DW.DE | 24.05.2014 and nothing about it on

Daily Mail's Surveillance Video & story @ Santa Barbara deli video shows Elliot Rodger open fire on customers during shooting spree | Mail Online

And finally, another personal comment – anyone but me notice how the horrid treatment and death of veterans by the VA is suddenly on the back page? :doubt:


They have the same video games, books, movies, and media in nearly every other developed nation on earth.

They don't have the 2nd amendment; we do.
They don't have the insane volume of mass murders by guns; we do.

It's the only difference.

Doubt video games did it. The guy was generally mentally unstable, and believed that society was out to get him and hurt him. This is another case of someone that the education system and justice/law enforcement system have failed, to the point he went crazy and started shooting up the neighborhood.
The parents did everything they could. Even giving videos of his rants to the police. Rodger was questioned pronounced sane and very polite. There is really way around this being the fault of those officers.
The parents did everything they could. Even giving videos of his rants to the police. Rodger was questioned pronounced sane and very polite. There is really way around this being the fault of those officers.
More importantly, what was happening at school, to make him get into that state of mind. Both Virginia Tech and Columbine had inept school authorities that failed to report issues to the police, though even when they did it was just put in a file and ignored.
The parents did everything they could. Even giving videos of his rants to the police. Rodger was questioned pronounced sane and very polite. There is really way around this being the fault of those officers.
More importantly, what was happening at school, to make him get into that state of mind. Both Virginia Tech and Columbine had inept school authorities that failed to report issues to the police, though even when they did it was just put in a file and ignored.

Really? You blame everyone but the Parents??????The two people most apt to be the problem.

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