Another Monster Created by Unchecked Video Games!

The parents did everything they could. Even giving videos of his rants to the police. Rodger was questioned pronounced sane and very polite. There is really way around this being the fault of those officers.
More importantly, what was happening at school, to make him get into that state of mind. Both Virginia Tech and Columbine had inept school authorities that failed to report issues to the police, though even when they did it was just put in a file and ignored.

Really? You blame everyone but the Parents??????The two people most apt to be the problem.

Look I know you hate to read, but the parents did everything but lock the kid up to fix this issue.
They knew about the videos. They showed the cops. They had him take meds. He decided not to take them. He was getting help, it didn't work.

There was literally nothing they could do to stop him because he had done nothing illegal up until this point. The parents are the last people who get blame here...
Isn't it more likely that the filth and violence that Hollywood vomits up every year has more to do with incoherent behavior than the stodgy old NRA? Now it happened to one of Hollywood's own. Kids today witness more graphic murders and mutilations by the time they are in the 8th grade than members of the Military fifty years ago. Every kid probably has a PTSD issue and kids from liberal families seem most susceptible to lose themselves in the fantasy of incredible Hollywood produced violence. Every mass shooter in modern history came from a liberal family background.
More importantly, what was happening at school, to make him get into that state of mind. Both Virginia Tech and Columbine had inept school authorities that failed to report issues to the police, though even when they did it was just put in a file and ignored.

Really? You blame everyone but the Parents??????The two people most apt to be the problem.

Look I know you hate to read, but the parents did everything but lock the kid up to fix this issue.
They knew about the videos. They showed the cops. They had him take meds. He decided not to take them. He was getting help, it didn't work.

There was literally nothing they could do to stop him because he had done nothing illegal up until this point. The parents are the last people who get blame here...
Apparently they didn't do enough like actually raise the kid did they??? Instead they tried to use a therapist as a substitute for them not being there.
Really? You blame everyone but the Parents??????The two people most apt to be the problem.

Look I know you hate to read, but the parents did everything but lock the kid up to fix this issue.
They knew about the videos. They showed the cops. They had him take meds. He decided not to take them. He was getting help, it didn't work.

There was literally nothing they could do to stop him because he had done nothing illegal up until this point. The parents are the last people who get blame here...
Apparently they didn't do enough like actually raise the kid did they??? Instead they tried to use a therapist as a substitute for them not being there. are fucking stupid. They used a therapist because he was having these issues. These parents loved their are fucking disgusting.
Look I know you hate to read, but the parents did everything but lock the kid up to fix this issue.
They knew about the videos. They showed the cops. They had him take meds. He decided not to take them. He was getting help, it didn't work.

There was literally nothing they could do to stop him because he had done nothing illegal up until this point. The parents are the last people who get blame here...
Apparently they didn't do enough like actually raise the kid did they??? Instead they tried to use a therapist as a substitute for them not being there. are fucking stupid. They used a therapist because he was having these issues. These parents loved their are fucking disgusting.

Very much doubt it....Mommy and daddy were to busy being Hollywood big shots. are fucking stupid. They used a therapist because he was having these issues. These parents loved their are fucking disgusting.

Very much doubt it....Mommy and daddy were to busy being Hollywood big shots.

Ok, well you are a worthless pile of shit, so im moving on.

Go right ahead.....I mean its not like the parents were so clueless about their son that he had to make YouTube videos to get their attentions.
Very much doubt it....Mommy and daddy were to busy being Hollywood big shots.

Ok, well you are a worthless pile of shit, so im moving on.

Go right ahead.....I mean its not like the parents were so clueless about their son that he had to make YouTube videos to get their attentions.

At 22 years old, their adult son was no longer living at home. He had an apartment that he shared with two other young men who felt that their roommate was a bit off and never went to anyone to sound the alarm.

The video announcing the impending tragedy wasn't sent to Rodger's parents, but to his therapist who elected not to alert the police, but sent it to the parents 2-1/2 hours away in Los Angeles. This is exactly what happened in the John Holmes case. Same thing. The therapist knew in plenty of time to stop the rampage, but, citing confidentiality issues elected to do nothing.

It took Rodger's parents 13 minutes to get through to the Santa Barbara police department. By the time, the rampage had already started, three people were stabbed to death.

Is this part of infantilizing adults until age 26? Should a 22 year old not be permitted to leave home?
I know everyone wants somebody to blame, but I can't find fault with anyone but the killer in this situation. The parents tried, but up until this incident he did nothing illegal. It's an unfortunate situation, but it happens.

And you certainly can't pin this ban video games mindset on liberals. More often than not it's whiny ***** like Jack Thompson and Brent Bozzell railing against sex and violence in the entertainment industry.
Ok, well you are a worthless pile of shit, so im moving on.

Go right ahead.....I mean its not like the parents were so clueless about their son that he had to make YouTube videos to get their attentions.

At 22 years old, their adult son was no longer living at home. He had an apartment that he shared with two other young men who felt that their roommate was a bit off and never went to anyone to sound the alarm.

The video announcing the impending tragedy wasn't sent to Rodger's parents, but to his therapist who elected not to alert the police, but sent it to the parents 2-1/2 hours away in Los Angeles. This is exactly what happened in the John Holmes case. Same thing. The therapist knew in plenty of time to stop the rampage, but, citing confidentiality issues elected to do nothing.

It took Rodger's parents 13 minutes to get through to the Santa Barbara police department. By the time, the rampage had already started, three people were stabbed to death.

Is this part of infantilizing adults until age 26? Should a 22 year old not be permitted to leave home?

These things dont just pop up. I am sorry but that is the truth. I do applaud them for trying but it was to late before they even really noticed how bad it was. There is something wrong now with how we parent our kids..... NEVER would my mother EVER allowed me to get this bad and she was a single mother..... To think they had no fault in this is absurd.
I understand your point, thanatos, but the man was mentally ill. No amount of good parenting stops that. There are people who grow up in terrible households and grow up to be well adjusted adults. It's a matter of mental health.
I understand your point, thanatos, but the man was mentally ill. No amount of good parenting stops that. There are people who grow up in terrible households and grow up to be well adjusted adults. It's a matter of mental health.

Thats another thing....How many meds was he taking and what side effects were there if he stopped????? Some of the shit Psychiatrists feed people is down right dangerous and have adverse side effects when the body no longer has them... I liken it to addiction. We over medicate people now.
Most of the meds shoved down children's throats do more harm than good. When I was in middle school a doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin for depression. I never had a suicidal thought in my life until I took that crap. I quit taking it after a couple weeks.
Go right ahead.....I mean its not like the parents were so clueless about their son that he had to make YouTube videos to get their attentions.

At 22 years old, their adult son was no longer living at home. He had an apartment that he shared with two other young men who felt that their roommate was a bit off and never went to anyone to sound the alarm.

The video announcing the impending tragedy wasn't sent to Rodger's parents, but to his therapist who elected not to alert the police, but sent it to the parents 2-1/2 hours away in Los Angeles. This is exactly what happened in the John Holmes case. Same thing. The therapist knew in plenty of time to stop the rampage, but, citing confidentiality issues elected to do nothing.

It took Rodger's parents 13 minutes to get through to the Santa Barbara police department. By the time, the rampage had already started, three people were stabbed to death.

Is this part of infantilizing adults until age 26? Should a 22 year old not be permitted to leave home?

These things dont just pop up. I am sorry but that is the truth. I do applaud them for trying but it was to late before they even really noticed how bad it was. There is something wrong now with how we parent our kids..... NEVER would my mother EVER allowed me to get this bad and she was a single mother..... To think they had no fault in this is absurd.

The parents actually tried more than once to alert the police about their son. The police interviewed Elliot Rodger and found him to be a very polite young man. Nothing to be worried about at all. The parents were concerned enough to try to get their son help with a therapist. He went to doctors. He was in counseling. Aside from locking the boy the basement, there isn't much else they could do. Take an ad out in the Santa Barbara paper saying "Watch out for this person. He's dangerous."

This is pretty much the same thing that happened with the Tsarnaev brothers. Russia warned us, the authorities talked to the "boys" and found them no threat.

Going back further, when a teen escaped Jeffrey Dahmer and went to the police, the police talked with Jeffrey Dahmer and found him to be a very nice, very polite, very ordinary gay man who had a spat with a young lover. That teen went on to become an appetizer.

The police in Santa Barbara mishandled the whole thing which is why there is an internal investigation as to their negligence. Once they knew that Rodger had his main problem with women, particularly blonde women, they should have had him questioned by a pretty blonde female officer. Whatever bizarre behavior he exhibited to women that made them reject him would have been readily apparent to a female officer when it was easy to hide from a male officer.
The parents did everything they could. Even giving videos of his rants to the police. Rodger was questioned pronounced sane and very polite. There is really way around this being the fault of those officers.
More importantly, what was happening at school, to make him get into that state of mind. Both Virginia Tech and Columbine had inept school authorities that failed to report issues to the police, though even when they did it was just put in a file and ignored.

Really? You blame everyone but the Parents??????The two people most apt to be the problem.
Because it wasn't their fault. Do you expect parents to lock their children up in a room with white walls and a straight jacket in their house because their children have mental issues, when ultimately public safety is the arena of the police, and the education of their child is ultimately the arena of the school and university system. You can't expect parents to be all-seeing, all-knowing entities, even about their kids.
Most of the meds shoved down children's throats do more harm than good. When I was in middle school a doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin for depression. I never had a suicidal thought in my life until I took that crap. I quit taking it after a couple weeks.
Depends on the medication, as one I took really did help. But a lot of doctors make the mistake of creating drug-dependency, rather than using meds as a stop gap measure if all else fails. Sometimes I think a support group is more beneficial than the meds, but that is just me.
Let's not blame the person of their wrong doing, it's someone or something else's fault. We all know this. The person is not to blame. It's those evil corparations like Blizzard who makes World of Warcraft, whatever gun manufacturer who made the gun and BMW for making the car this poor soul used.

It's not this guys fault he got himself a gun and murdered 6 people. It's not this guys fault he jumped into his car and drove to where he murdered 6 people.

Give me a damn break.

I might as well write it now, the sarcasm is indeed heavy in this post but someone will take it the wrong way.
At 22 years old, their adult son was no longer living at home. He had an apartment that he shared with two other young men who felt that their roommate was a bit off and never went to anyone to sound the alarm.

The video announcing the impending tragedy wasn't sent to Rodger's parents, but to his therapist who elected not to alert the police, but sent it to the parents 2-1/2 hours away in Los Angeles. This is exactly what happened in the John Holmes case. Same thing. The therapist knew in plenty of time to stop the rampage, but, citing confidentiality issues elected to do nothing.

It took Rodger's parents 13 minutes to get through to the Santa Barbara police department. By the time, the rampage had already started, three people were stabbed to death.

Is this part of infantilizing adults until age 26? Should a 22 year old not be permitted to leave home?

These things dont just pop up. I am sorry but that is the truth. I do applaud them for trying but it was to late before they even really noticed how bad it was. There is something wrong now with how we parent our kids..... NEVER would my mother EVER allowed me to get this bad and she was a single mother..... To think they had no fault in this is absurd.

The parents actually tried more than once to alert the police about their son. The police interviewed Elliot Rodger and found him to be a very polite young man. Nothing to be worried about at all. The parents were concerned enough to try to get their son help with a therapist. He went to doctors. He was in counseling. Aside from locking the boy the basement, there isn't much else they could do. Take an ad out in the Santa Barbara paper saying "Watch out for this person. He's dangerous."

This is pretty much the same thing that happened with the Tsarnaev brothers. Russia warned us, the authorities talked to the "boys" and found them no threat.

Going back further, when a teen escaped Jeffrey Dahmer and went to the police, the police talked with Jeffrey Dahmer and found him to be a very nice, very polite, very ordinary gay man who had a spat with a young lover. That teen went on to become an appetizer.

The police in Santa Barbara mishandled the whole thing which is why there is an internal investigation as to their negligence. Once they knew that Rodger had his main problem with women, particularly blonde women, they should have had him questioned by a pretty blonde female officer. Whatever bizarre behavior he exhibited to women that made them reject him would have been readily apparent to a female officer when it was easy to hide from a male officer.

The police can't lock people up just on a family member's say so.

This is what comes of allowing the progressives to determine that mentally ill people aren't a threat, and can't be locked up until they do something horrible. We medicate the shit out of these loons because they are uncontrollable...people are desperately trying to make them ok to be free...but they AREN'T okay to be free. They NEED to be locked up. They are batshit crazy, and we shouldn't have to suffer insane people.

If this was my kid and the cops refused to deal with him, I would do it myself. I wouldn't have been on another continent, taking pictures of women's asses and harranguing the police to do my job. If I had to quit my job in order to provide my kid with an escort, that's what I would have done, until I could get him committed.

Because that's a part of parenting.

PS...psychiatrists are worthless. They are the problem.
These things dont just pop up. I am sorry but that is the truth. I do applaud them for trying but it was to late before they even really noticed how bad it was. There is something wrong now with how we parent our kids..... NEVER would my mother EVER allowed me to get this bad and she was a single mother..... To think they had no fault in this is absurd.

The parents actually tried more than once to alert the police about their son. The police interviewed Elliot Rodger and found him to be a very polite young man. Nothing to be worried about at all. The parents were concerned enough to try to get their son help with a therapist. He went to doctors. He was in counseling. Aside from locking the boy the basement, there isn't much else they could do. Take an ad out in the Santa Barbara paper saying "Watch out for this person. He's dangerous."

This is pretty much the same thing that happened with the Tsarnaev brothers. Russia warned us, the authorities talked to the "boys" and found them no threat.

Going back further, when a teen escaped Jeffrey Dahmer and went to the police, the police talked with Jeffrey Dahmer and found him to be a very nice, very polite, very ordinary gay man who had a spat with a young lover. That teen went on to become an appetizer.

The police in Santa Barbara mishandled the whole thing which is why there is an internal investigation as to their negligence. Once they knew that Rodger had his main problem with women, particularly blonde women, they should have had him questioned by a pretty blonde female officer. Whatever bizarre behavior he exhibited to women that made them reject him would have been readily apparent to a female officer when it was easy to hide from a male officer.

The police can't lock people up just on a family member's say so.

This is what comes of allowing the progressives to determine that mentally ill people aren't a threat, and can't be locked up until they do something horrible. We medicate the shit out of these loons because they are uncontrollable...people are desperately trying to make them ok to be free...but they AREN'T okay to be free. They NEED to be locked up. They are batshit crazy, and we shouldn't have to suffer insane people.

If this was my kid and the cops refused to deal with him, I would do it myself. I wouldn't have been on another continent, taking pictures of women's asses and harranguing the police to do my job. If I had to quit my job in order to provide my kid with an escort, that's what I would have done, until I could get him committed.

Because that's a part of parenting.

PS...psychiatrists are worthless. They are the problem.

allie would rather strip a persons rights away in order to bash progressives.
The parents did everything they could. Even giving videos of his rants to the police. Rodger was questioned pronounced sane and very polite. There is really way around this being the fault of those officers.
More importantly, what was happening at school, to make him get into that state of mind. Both Virginia Tech and Columbine had inept school authorities that failed to report issues to the police, though even when they did it was just put in a file and ignored.

Really? You blame everyone but the Parents??????The two people most apt to be the problem.

They went to the school authorities. They went to the cops. They sent VIDEOS of his rants to the police! So, short of shooting him dead, what the hell else were they supposed to do?!?!
Ok, well you are a worthless pile of shit, so im moving on.

Go right ahead.....I mean its not like the parents were so clueless about their son that he had to make YouTube videos to get their attentions.

At 22 years old, their adult son was no longer living at home. He had an apartment that he shared with two other young men who felt that their roommate was a bit off and never went to anyone to sound the alarm.

If everyone who thought his roommate weird called the police, I suspect the country's phone system would crash!

The video announcing the impending tragedy wasn't sent to Rodger's parents, but to his therapist who elected not to alert the police, but sent it to the parents 2-1/2 hours away in Los Angeles. This is exactly what happened in the John Holmes case. Same thing. The therapist knew in plenty of time to stop the rampage, but, citing confidentiality issues elected to do nothing.

Considering the restrictions therapists operate under, I question if he, legally, COULD have done anything.

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