Another "muslim rape gang " story busted.

Your inability to answer a simple question tells the tale. You would have been happy turning on the gas.
Dummy Tainted, did you do the breathing exercises and the "Ommm?" You a spewing shit without stopping. If you get a fucking stroke blame yourself. You are totally incoherent, posting answers without any logic, not answering the questions just regurgitating the same shit over and over again. Your 14 years old story has been answered and you chose to ignore it. You are such an imbecile... I think I had enough of your stupidity you Jihadist sympathizer.
"Home Affairs Select Committee[edit]
In October 2012, the Home Affairs Select Committee criticised South Yorkshire's chief constable, David Compton, and one of its senior officers, Philip Etheridge, for their handling of child sex abuse.[22] The committee heard evidence that three members of a family connected with the abuse of 61 girls were not convicted, and an unconvicted 22-year-old man was found in a car with a 12-year-old girl with indecent images of her on his phone.[22] David Compton said that "ethnic origin" was not a factor in deciding whether to charge suspects.[22] The committee said that they were very concerned, as was the public.[22]

In January 2013, the head of Rotherham Council, Martin Kimber, was summoned to the select committee to explain the lack of arrests for sexual abuse, despite South Yorkshire Police saying it was conducting several investigations and the council having identified 58 young girls at risk.[24] MP Keith Vazquestioned why, after five Asian men were jailed in 2010, more was not being done: "In Lancashire there were 100 prosecutions the year before last, in South Yorkshire there were no prosecutions". The council apologised for the "systemic failure" that had "let down" the victims of child sexual abuse."

Was teh Home Affair Select Committee a bunch of nazies spreading lies?

The suspense of waiting for Tommy to respond is MEGA!
Is the Rotherham city council a nazis group spreading lies?

"In November 2013 Rotherham Council commissioned Professor Alexis Jay, a former chief social work adviser to the Scottish government, to lead an independent inquiry into the its handling of cases involving child exploitation since 1997.[3] Jay's initial report published on 26 August 2014 revealed that the number of children sexually exploited in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 was, by "conservative estimate", at least 1,400.[4] According to the report, children as young as eleven were "raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated." Three previous inquiries—in 2002, 2003 and 2006[28]—had presented similar findings but, according to the report, had been "effectively suppressed" because officials "did not believe the data".[5] Dr Angie Heal, a strategic drugs analyst who had prepared the 2003 report, had noted three years after its publication—according to Professor Jay—that "the appeal of organised sexual exploitation for Asian gangs had changed. In the past, it had been for their personal gratification, whereas now it offered 'career and financial opportunities to young Asian men who got involved'."[7]

Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape and sex trafficking of children.[6] The inquiry team found examples of "children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".[5] The report revealed that "one child who was being prepared to give evidence received a text saying the perpetrator had her younger sister and the choice of what happened next was up to her. She withdrew her statements. At least two other families were terrorised by groups of perpetrators, sitting in cars outside the family home, smashing windows, making abusive and threatening phone calls. On some occasions child victims went back to perpetrators in the belief that this was the only way their parents and other children in the family would be safe. In the most extreme cases, no one in the family believed that the authorities could protect them."[4] "
She could simply condemn the nazi holocaust......................................but that aint going to happen.
This is my favorite part. Oh, and what about BBC? Nazis?

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[30] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[31] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."[16]"
Your inability to answer a simple question tells the tale. You would have been happy turning on the gas.
Dummy Tainted, did you do the breathing exercises and the "Ommm?" You a spewing shit without stopping. If you get a fucking stroke blame yourself. You are totally incoherent, posting answers without any logic, not answering the questions just regurgitating the same shit over and over again. Your 14 years old story has been answered and you chose to ignore it. You are such an imbecile... I think I had enough of your stupidity you Jihadist sympathizer.

"Ommm" according to Paranormals:eek-52: can also make contact with The Other Side, the "Ommm" sound attracts Spirits apparently :eek-52:

OMG :scared1:
Are these men innocent Political Prisoners of the UK NAZI regime?

"Several suspects had been arrested in 2015 for crimes in Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal.[50][51] It was reported in June 2015 that about 300 suspects had been identified.[52]

On 24 February 24 2016, six individuals, including three brothers and their uncle, were found guilty of systematic sexual abuse of teenage girls in the town. Arshid and Basharat Hussain were convicted of multiple rapes and indecent assaults. Their brother, Bannaras Hussain had confessed to ten charges including indecent assault and rape before the trial began. Their uncle, Qurban Ali, 53, was convicted of conspiracy to rape and two women, Shelley Davies, 40, and Karen MacGregor, 58, were found guilty of false imprisonment and conspiracy to procure prostitutes.["
Your inability to answer a simple question tells the tale. You would have been happy turning on the gas.
Dummy Tainted, did you do the breathing exercises and the "Ommm?" You a spewing shit without stopping. If you get a fucking stroke blame yourself. You are totally incoherent, posting answers without any logic, not answering the questions just regurgitating the same shit over and over again. Your 14 years old story has been answered and you chose to ignore it. You are such an imbecile... I think I had enough of your stupidity you Jihadist sympathizer.

"Ommm" according to Paranormals:eek-52: can also make contact with The Other Side, the "Ommm" sound attracts Spirits apparently :eek-52:

OMG :scared1:
So do you condemn the nazi death chambers or do you support them ?
So do you condemn the nazi death chambers or do you support them ?
Breathe Dummy Tainted.... breathe! Slowly it moron before you get a heart attack!
Am I reading this wrong ?
Ok, lets people condemn the mass slaughter of the jews.

The nazis cant condemn the slaughter. Because they are evil fuckers.
Your inability to answer a simple question tells the tale. You would have been happy turning on the gas.
Dummy Tainted, did you do the breathing exercises and the "Ommm?" You a spewing shit without stopping. If you get a fucking stroke blame yourself. You are totally incoherent, posting answers without any logic, not answering the questions just regurgitating the same shit over and over again. Your 14 years old story has been answered and you chose to ignore it. You are such an imbecile... I think I had enough of your stupidity you Jihadist sympathizer.

"Ommm" according to Paranormals:eek-52: can also make contact with The Other Side, the "Ommm" sound attracts Spirits apparently :eek-52:

OMG :scared1:
So do you condemn the nazi death chambers or do you support them ?

Pommy Dumpling Sugar Plum, it must be time for your cocoa and your night-clothes on.


Am I reading this wrong ?
Ok, lets people condemn the mass slaughter of the jews.

The nazis cant condemn the slaughter. Because they are evil fuckers.
Douche nozzle.. you are off of your own topic! You have been way off of it for the past 150 posts, nutcase.

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