Another "muslim rape gang " story busted.

But meanwhile, Muslims decapitate, crash planes into buildings and do the suicide bomber thing, and that is REAL as death. And it' isn't a exaggerated phobia, it's fact.
Comedy gold. Christians are bombing the fuck out of Syria at the moment.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the process will carry on.

So a fascist journalist spouts lies and its my fault ?

Yup I see how that works !!

Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?
Not the point...
The idea that you are using this false story as a means to decalre that there are no rapes being committed by the refugees is the reason you are being flamed. You deserve it.
But meanwhile, Muslims decapitate, crash planes into buildings and do the suicide bomber thing, and that is REAL as death. And it' isn't a exaggerated phobia, it's fact.
Comedy gold. Christians are bombing the fuck out of Syria at the moment.
They are? Says who?
The war in Syria started when one group of Muslims( ISIS) decided to start killing other groups of Muslims....
You are wrong on so many levels here, there is enough bullshit to build a skyscraper
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the process will carry on.

So a fascist journalist spouts lies and its my fault ?

Yup I see how that works !!

Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?
Not the point...
The idea that you are using this false story as a means to decalre that there are no rapes being committed by the refugees is the reason you are being flamed. You deserve it.
Absolutely not. Bad things have happened.But to demonise a whole religion for the actions of a few is a load of shite.Dont you agree boy ?
Can any of the nazis on here find it in themselves to condemn Mr Sheeran ?
(I know the answer)

Go and boil your head you dunce.
Is that something you picked up from the camps ?

Hey Tommy, maybe YOU have some EXPLAINING to do....

Photo by Tommytainant1

Hitler stuff, anti-Jew stuff, pro-White stuff and PRO-ISLAM stuff. I KNEW you were a Neo-Nazi you freak.

Edited to add comment.
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Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

Dude, your one arab Muslim, facing one false allegation of rape, in a country so far away, they reside in a different hemisphere, is in no way shape or form, proof that every Arab Muslim accused of rape must somehow be innocent.

Your no better, and possibly even worse than the reporter.
I have never said that every muslim is innocent. I have never said that crimes have not been committed.
However there is a complete lack of balance and honesty in a lot of the stories reported.
The fascists wish to demonise a whole religion, just like they did the Jews and that cannot be allowed to happen again.
Ive posted several links to made up stories. There is definitely a fascist agenda to demonise these people. The best suggestion I could make is for people to examine each story carefully before jumping to conclusions which may be well off the mark.
There seems to be a lack of that happening at the moment.
I have never said that every muslim is innocent.
Yes, you have....DONE
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the process will carry on.

So a fascist journalist spouts lies and its my fault ?

Yup I see how that works !!

Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?
Not the point...
The idea that you are using this false story as a means to decalre that there are no rapes being committed by the refugees is the reason you are being flamed. You deserve it.
Absolutely not. Bad things have happened.But to demonise a whole religion for the actions of a few is a load of shite.Dont you agree boy ?
Bad things have happened....There it is...You cannot bring yourself to write it.....Rapes committed by Muslim refugees..
And despite ongoing nazi deflection techniques it still stands as fact that the fash make up stories that support their agenda.
Sad fuckers !
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.
Maybe if the many real cases of rape actually bothered you, you wouldnt be here whining about the one fake one. You are disgusting.
Your sentence makes no sense. Do you back Mr Sheehan making up stories ?
Not the point. Address the Muslim rapes.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.
Maybe if the many real cases of rape actually bothered you, you wouldnt be here whining about the one fake one. You are disgusting.
Your sentence makes no sense. Do you back Mr Sheehan making up stories ?
Not the point. Address the Muslim rapes.
Address the made up muslim rapes.
Your fathers fought nazis for something better.

Has America lost its way or are you just a gobshite minority ?
I have posted all of these pix on to this site to discredit fascism.

Perhaps you would like to join me in condemning hitler and his gas chambers you nazi slag ?

LOL Pommy Dumpling....such a lame excuse.
It isnt though is it. You would like to chemically castrate non white people. I say it is wrong. Where do you go from there you nazi slag ? I dont believe that Jews should be gassed, you are ok with that. You represent nazi scum. Good luck with that slag.
Perhaps Lucy would like to join me in condemning the nazi death camps and all the works of hitler ?
Or maybe not.
Perhaps Lucy would like to join me in condemning the nazi death camps and all the works of hitler ?
Or maybe not.

Perhaps Lucy would like to join me in condemning the nazi death camps and all the works of hitler ?
Or maybe not.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
I have posted all of these pix on to this site to discredit fascism.

Perhaps you would like to join me in condemning hitler and his gas chambers you nazi slag ?

LOL Pommy Dumpling....such a lame excuse.
It isnt though is it. You would like to chemically castrate non white people. I say it is wrong. Where do you go from there you nazi slag ? I dont believe that Jews should be gassed, you are ok with that. You represent nazi scum. Good luck with that slag.

I represent "Nazi scum" because I'm Austrian.

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