Another "muslim rape gang " story busted.

I have posted all of these pix on to this site to discredit fascism.

Perhaps you would like to join me in condemning hitler and his gas chambers you nazi slag ?

LOL Pommy Dumpling....such a lame excuse.
It isnt though is it. You would like to chemically castrate non white people. I say it is wrong. Where do you go from there you nazi slag ? I dont believe that Jews should be gassed, you are ok with that. You represent nazi scum. Good luck with that slag.

I represent "Nazi scum" because I'm Austrian.
No, its because you are nazi scum. AfD are skinhead scum and you love them.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
No its racist shite. you are just a tool of the fascists.
I have posted all of these pix on to this site to discredit fascism.

Perhaps you would like to join me in condemning hitler and his gas chambers you nazi slag ?

LOL Pommy Dumpling....such a lame excuse.
It isnt though is it. You would like to chemically castrate non white people. I say it is wrong. Where do you go from there you nazi slag ? I dont believe that Jews should be gassed, you are ok with that. You represent nazi scum. Good luck with that slag.

I represent "Nazi scum" because I'm Austrian.
No, its because you are nazi scum. AfD are skinhead scum and you love them.

You still haven't provided proof how AfD are "skinheads"
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the processwill carry on.

You know the biggest reason I consider you a piece of human filth on whom I wish cancer, Tommy? You are a muslim rape-enabler/apologist. That alone makes you the subhuman coward filth of my race and gender that you are. There is no form of muslim barbarity that a cocksucking, muslim glory-hole-whore like your Eurotrash ilk won't justify. See unlike you, REAL MEN PROTECT YOUNG FEMALES. We don't hand them over to the muslim fuck machine like a treasonous column of bowel-hemmorhaged shit like you. Whose character stinks so bad, you would overhwhelmn the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork rendering plant, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. Are you English about ANYTHING but sucking muslim cock, you aborted goblin shambling out of the darkest corners of all creation? As vast as our mutual language is, there are very few English perjoratives that are vulgar enough to accurately depict the traitor/coward you are.
I must be honest. I can go with the best of them in terms of conversation on an intelligent level. I can also go toe to toe with anyone who decides to take their chances and get into a contest of insults and vulgarities....BUT.....I got nuthin for that....That was brilliantly written.
No its racist shite. you are just a tool of the fascists.

But Tommy is he ALSO....a "Nazi slag"?
So it is clear that the fascists cannot deny that they make stories up to further their hate agenda.

Sad fuckers.
I have posted all of these pix on to this site to discredit fascism.

Perhaps you would like to join me in condemning hitler and his gas chambers you nazi slag ?

LOL Pommy Dumpling....such a lame excuse.
It isnt though is it. You would like to chemically castrate non white people. I say it is wrong. Where do you go from there you nazi slag ? I dont believe that Jews should be gassed, you are ok with that. You represent nazi scum. Good luck with that slag.

I represent "Nazi scum" because I'm Austrian.
No, its because you are nazi scum. AfD are skinhead scum and you love them.

You still haven't provided proof how AfD are "skinheads"
Skinhead is a state of mind. AfD are white trash spreading hate.
LOL Pommy Dumpling....such a lame excuse.
It isnt though is it. You would like to chemically castrate non white people. I say it is wrong. Where do you go from there you nazi slag ? I dont believe that Jews should be gassed, you are ok with that. You represent nazi scum. Good luck with that slag.

I represent "Nazi scum" because I'm Austrian.
No, its because you are nazi scum. AfD are skinhead scum and you love them.

You still haven't provided proof how AfD are "skinheads"
Skinhead is a state of mind. AfD are white trash spreading hate.

How are we to know that man is Pegida? I mean we ONLY have YOUR word for it Pommy Dumpling and on numerous occasions you've illustrated your word is horsecrap.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the process will carry on.

So a fascist journalist spouts lies and its my fault ?

Yup I see how that works !!

Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?
16 pages of nazi deflection just proves that they make up lies to back up their hate campaign.
Not one of these wankers has offered up any defence of sheehan and his ilk.
Perhaps Lucy would like to join me in condemning the nazi death camps and all the works of hitler ?
Or maybe not.

How is this discrediting Facism Tommy? This fool can't even Zieg Heil correctly :eusa_doh:

View attachment 66110
Thus is a pegida scumbag i posted up several months back lucy No doubt you would condemn his hitler love as I do ?

His Hitler love, but what about your Hitler love....Tommy THIS is TOTALLY GAY!

images 11_zpsud054x5o.jpg

It's AS THIS....and THIS is Turbo Gaydar going off map!

Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the process will carry on.

So a fascist journalist spouts lies and its my fault ?

Yup I see how that works !!

Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?

"Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?"

OMG I'm losing track these days of who ISN'T a Nazi thanks you idiots like YOU.
I despise hitler and his nazis. How do you feel about them lucy ? i think that you love him and cant criticise him in any way.
Paul Sheehan suspended by Sydney Morning Herald over false rape story
Right wing, muslim hating journo suspended after making up disgusting story.

It seems clear that the fascists are using unfounded rape allegations to demonise muslims.
Sheehan will find a job with a less respectable outlet and continue to spew his lies and the process will carry on.

So a fascist journalist spouts lies and its my fault ?

Yup I see how that works !!

Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?

"Not one of the nazis on this thread can condemn this twat for making up hate propoganda ! Why is that ?"

OMG I'm losing track these days of who ISN'T a Nazi thanks you idiots like YOU.
You could just condemn the nazis and hitler. That aint going to happen though is it you nazi slag ?
I despise hitler and his nazis. How do you feel about them lucy ? i think that you love him and cant criticise him in any way.

You're very excited tonight Tommy, sugar plum is up well past his bed time and everything :smoke:
Your inability to answer a simple question tells the tale. You would have been happy turning on the gas.
I see the spin machine is in full swing.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In the early to mid 1990s, social workers came across examples of child sexual abuse, and amid concern about young people being trafficked throughprostitution in Rotherham, a youth project, Risky Business, working with people between the ages of 11 and 25 was set up in 1997.[1] In 2002, a chapter of a draft Home Office report into child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Rotherham reported "high prevalence of young women being coerced and abused through prostitution". Senior officers at the council and the police objected to the report, suggesting that some facts were either exaggerated or made up and the report was never completed.[1][15] The draft report suggested that there were more than 270 victims of abuse, and a Home Office official who investigated the case later accused the council of being involved in the unauthorised removal of data on the case from her office.[16][17]

A report in 2003 by Dr Angie Heal, commissioned by South Yorkshire Police, found "significant number of girls and some boys who are being sexually exploited" in Rotherham. In 2005, a new department of children and young people’s services was created with Councillor Shaun Wright appointed cabinet member for the department. A report by Heal in 2006 described the situation as an "organised and established sexual exploitation scene".[1] In 2008, Operation Central was set up to investigate men thought to be involved in child sexual abuse.[15]

2010 trial[edit]
In 2010, eight men were tried at Sheffield Crown Court for a series of sexual offences against young girls. Five men were convicted and jailed in November 2010. They had fostered relationships with girls as young as twelve, and raped them in cars and parks.[18][19] Zafran Ramzan was convicted of rape and two charges of sexual activity with a child and sentenced to nine years imprisonment. Razwan Razaq, convicted of two charges of sexual activity with a child was sentenced to eleven years. Umar Razaq for sexual activity with a child was sentenced to 4.5 years, Adil Hussain and Mohsin Khan both for sexual activity with a child received 4 years.

The guilty men were told by the judge that, "the message must go out loud and clear that our society will not tolerate sexual predators preying on children."[18]Razwan Razaq who had a previous conviction for indecently assaulting a young girl in his car and had breached a previous sexual offences prevention order was given the longest sentence. All five men were placed on the sex offenders' register.[20]

The Times investigation[edit]
In September 2012, investigations by The Times based on confidential police and social services documents, found that abuse had been much more widespread than acknowledged.[21][22] It uncovered systematic abuse of white girls by some Asian men (mostly of Pakistani origin)[23] in Rotherham for which people were not being prosecuted.[24][25]

The newspaper cited a 2010 report by the police intelligence bureau which discussed "a problem with networks of Asian offenders both locally and nationally" which was "particularly stressed in Sheffield and even more so in Rotherham, where there appears to be a significant problem with networks of Asian males exploiting young white females".[22][25] It also referred to a document from the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board that reported the "crimes had 'cultural characteristics...which are locally sensitive in terms of diversity'".[25]

South Yorkshire Police denied the accusations, saying that The Times was wrong and that to suggest the police was deliberately withholding information was "a gross distortion and unfair on the teams of dedicated specialists working to tackle the problem."[21]

Rotherham's former MP, Denis MacShane, criticised the police for concealing the extent of the abuse, saying "it is clear that the internal trafficking of barely pubescent girls is much more widespread and I regret that the police did not tell Yorkshire MPs about their inquiries."[21]

Lord Ahmed called for mosque leaders in South Yorkshire to highlight the problem of sexual abuse.[26] He said the issue was a "new phenomenon within the Asian community" and that "it's important that the community, rather than going silent... talk about it."[26] Muhbeen Hussain, founder of Rotherham Muslim Youth group, said all communities denounced the abuse and that "we need Muslim leaders to go out there and condemn this and make it clear it's wrong."[26] The chairman of the Pakistan and Muslim Centre in Sheffield, Mohammed Ali said the South Yorkshire mosques, the imams and the committee members had discussed this situation that "needs to be tackled."[26]

In November 2012, Rotherham Council identified 58 possible victims of sexual abuse.[27] The director of Children and Young People's Services attributed the rise from 50 the previous year to increased public awareness.[27] A national report by the Office of Children's Commissioner, also published in November, found that thousands of children were sexually abused by gangs in England each year.[27]"
"Home Affairs Select Committee[edit]
In October 2012, the Home Affairs Select Committee criticised South Yorkshire's chief constable, David Compton, and one of its senior officers, Philip Etheridge, for their handling of child sex abuse.[22] The committee heard evidence that three members of a family connected with the abuse of 61 girls were not convicted, and an unconvicted 22-year-old man was found in a car with a 12-year-old girl with indecent images of her on his phone.[22] David Compton said that "ethnic origin" was not a factor in deciding whether to charge suspects.[22] The committee said that they were very concerned, as was the public.[22]

In January 2013, the head of Rotherham Council, Martin Kimber, was summoned to the select committee to explain the lack of arrests for sexual abuse, despite South Yorkshire Police saying it was conducting several investigations and the council having identified 58 young girls at risk.[24] MP Keith Vazquestioned why, after five Asian men were jailed in 2010, more was not being done: "In Lancashire there were 100 prosecutions the year before last, in South Yorkshire there were no prosecutions". The council apologised for the "systemic failure" that had "let down" the victims of child sexual abuse."

Was teh Home Affair Select Committee a bunch of nazies spreading lies?

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