Another of Trump’s Finest in Hot Water Accused of Being A Lying Lawbreaker

How come so many of Trump’s hires have Russian connections?
Just like the Clintons, 145 million given to the Clinton foundation(slush fund) by the recipients of the uranium deal. Bill gets $500k for one speech, paid by a Kremlin backed bank. Podesta on the board of Joule Unlimited getting 35 million from a Russian govt backed firm, also failed to disclose his position in the company.

Pot meet kettle.
How many in Clinton’s cabinet were indicted or prosecuted ?
We already have 4 in your boy’s circle. Sucks to be you.
Most American administration ever. That's fact...
Flynn. Pleaded guilty
Papdopolous -pleaded guilty
Gates - pleaded guilty
Manafort - heading to prison for life.
Facts hurt don’t they.

Trump going crazy knowing he’s next.
It just amazes me how little you cult members know about the Russian investigation.
Has to be your media sources.
Gee wonder who they could be.
You’re so used to Fox blowing smoke up yiyr asses you don’t know what is happening right under your nose. Just today, Collins arrested. First republican to endorse trump.
And this thread proves Wilbur Ross is also a criminal.
Manafort didn’t pay taxes on $60 million dollars.
He’s probably going to jail for the rest of his life.
What has your idiot prez said about it?
“ Manafort has been treated unfairly”
I guess he thinks you don’t have to pay taxes on large amounts of money... just like he has done.
Ha ha ha
That's an allegation that remains to be proven. It's not a fact.
I listened to a former prosecutortonite who is attending the Manafort trial. He said the gov has an airtight case. Mueller has multiple documents that he committed bank fraud and money laundering.
Trump’s campaign ex campaign manager is going to jail for decades.
No wonder fat boi is sweating bullets. There really are witches. Ha
Leave it to you to stick up for criminals
Your friend sounds like a douche bag.
He’s been an attorney for 30 years and appeared before the same judge 17 times.
So he’s a douchebag for giving his honest opinion?
Why do you continue to stick up for criminals in Trump’s orbit?
For all we know, he doesn't even exist. Why do you imagine we are supposed to believe your lame anecdotes?
Most American administration ever. That's fact...
Flynn. Pleaded guilty
Papdopolous -pleaded guilty
Gates - pleaded guilty
Manafort - heading to prison for life.
Facts hurt don’t they.

Trump going crazy knowing he’s next.

He's next in your crazy fantasy.

The same one where you think hes going crazy.
White House aides: Trump is screaming all the time about Mueller..
He knows what crimes he’s committed and he knows how thorough Mueller is..
It just amazes me how little you cult members know about the Russian investigation.
Has to be your media sources.
Gee wonder who they could be.
You’re so used to Fox blowing smoke up yiyr asses you don’t know what is happening right under your nose. Just today, Collins arrested. First republican to endorse trump.
And this thread proves Wilbur Ross is also a criminal.
We don't know all the fake facts you snowflakes have imagined. We only know what's actually been proven, which is that Hillary is the one who needs to be investigated.
Manafort didn’t pay taxes on $60 million dollars.
He’s probably going to jail for the rest of his life.
What has your idiot prez said about it?
“ Manafort has been treated unfairly”
I guess he thinks you don’t have to pay taxes on large amounts of money... just like he has done.
Ha ha ha
That's an allegation that remains to be proven. It's not a fact.
I listened to a former prosecutortonite who is attending the Manafort trial. He said the gov has an airtight case. Mueller has multiple documents that he committed bank fraud and money laundering.
Trump’s campaign ex campaign manager is going to jail for decades.
No wonder fat boi is sweating bullets. There really are witches. Ha
Leave it to you to stick up for criminals
Your friend sounds like a douche bag.
He’s been an attorney for 30 years and appeared before the same judge 17 times.
So he’s a douchebag for giving his honest opinion?
Why do you continue to stick up for criminals in Trump’s orbit?
For all we know, he doesn't even exist. Why do you imagine we are supposed to believe your lame anecdotes?
He was on Rachel Maddow tonight.
You just crack me the fuck up living in denial of the facts..
Most American administration ever. That's fact...
Flynn. Pleaded guilty
Papdopolous -pleaded guilty
Gates - pleaded guilty
Manafort - heading to prison for life.
Facts hurt don’t they.

Trump going crazy knowing he’s next.

He's next in your crazy fantasy.

The same one where you think hes going crazy.
White House aides: Trump is screaming all the time about Mueller..
He knows what crimes he’s committed and he knows how thorough Mueller is..

You don't ever stop dreaming, do you?

Trump is keeping Mueller around only to try have the leftists run on the Russia rhetoric. The most butthurt sole loser rhetoric ever devised.
Most corrupt administration ever?
And we haven’t even heard the worst from Bob Mueller yet.

In an administration stocked with world-class grifters and ethically bankrupt officials whose tales of corruption dominate the headlines, it’s easy to forget that Wilbur Ross has been running scams since long before the Trump presidency was even a twinkle in Robert Mueller’s eye. Over the course of the past year, reports have emerged that the commerce secretary, among other things, lied about his net worth for at least a decade; was accused of financial crisis-era insider trading by European lawmakers; concealed his investments in a Russian shipping company with ties to Vladimir Putin; and allegedly bilked colleagues out of millions. But according to fresh allegations, screwing people out of their money appears to be less of a hobby for Ross and more of a lifestyle.

Don’t forget Wilbur helped run the bank of Cyprus where Manafort, Putin and probably Trump laundered money.
Trump hired the criminal Manafort probably because of his Russian connections. Probably did the same with Ross.

Report: Wilbur Ross Stole Money from Colleagues, Sweet’N Low from Restaurants — Vanity Fair
And all of this is unique to the repubs? Welcome to Washington.
Name one other president who had so many criminals in his cabinet. He’s now surpassed even Reagan.
What criminals?
Gates, Manafort, Papadopolous, Flynn we know of now. More indictments to come. Sucks to be a trump whore.
Only one of them was ever part of the Trump administration, and the crime he committed occurred after he was fired.
It just amazes me how little you cult members know about the Russian investigation.
Has to be your media sources.
Gee wonder who they could be.
You’re so used to Fox blowing smoke up yiyr asses you don’t know what is happening right under your nose. Just today, Collins arrested. First republican to endorse trump.
And this thread proves Wilbur Ross is also a criminal.
We don't know all the fake facts you snowflakes have imagined. We only know what's actually been proven, which is that Hillary is the one who needs to be investigated.
Ok Sean. Keep believing your propaganda media which is why you don’t know shit about what’s really happening in this criminal investigation
That's an allegation that remains to be proven. It's not a fact.
I listened to a former prosecutortonite who is attending the Manafort trial. He said the gov has an airtight case. Mueller has multiple documents that he committed bank fraud and money laundering.
Trump’s campaign ex campaign manager is going to jail for decades.
No wonder fat boi is sweating bullets. There really are witches. Ha
Leave it to you to stick up for criminals
Your friend sounds like a douche bag.
He’s been an attorney for 30 years and appeared before the same judge 17 times.
So he’s a douchebag for giving his honest opinion?
Why do you continue to stick up for criminals in Trump’s orbit?
For all we know, he doesn't even exist. Why do you imagine we are supposed to believe your lame anecdotes?
He was on Rachel Maddow tonight.
You just crack me the fuck up living in denial of the facts..
That confirms that he's a douchebag.
Most corrupt administration ever?
And we haven’t even heard the worst from Bob Mueller yet.

In an administration stocked with world-class grifters and ethically bankrupt officials whose tales of corruption dominate the headlines, it’s easy to forget that Wilbur Ross has been running scams since long before the Trump presidency was even a twinkle in Robert Mueller’s eye. Over the course of the past year, reports have emerged that the commerce secretary, among other things, lied about his net worth for at least a decade; was accused of financial crisis-era insider trading by European lawmakers; concealed his investments in a Russian shipping company with ties to Vladimir Putin; and allegedly bilked colleagues out of millions. But according to fresh allegations, screwing people out of their money appears to be less of a hobby for Ross and more of a lifestyle.

Don’t forget Wilbur helped run the bank of Cyprus where Manafort, Putin and probably Trump laundered money.
Trump hired the criminal Manafort probably because of his Russian connections. Probably did the same with Ross.

Report: Wilbur Ross Stole Money from Colleagues, Sweet’N Low from Restaurants — Vanity Fair
And all of this is unique to the repubs? Welcome to Washington.
Name one other president who had so many criminals in his cabinet. He’s now surpassed even Reagan.
What criminals?
Gates, Manafort, Papadopolous, Flynn we know of now. More indictments to come. Sucks to be a trump whore.
Only one of them was ever part of the Trump administration, and the crime he committed occurred after he was fired.
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager had nothing to do with Trump. Lmao
And Gates lasted into the presidency.
Bet you didn’t know that. But there’s so little you know.
And all of this is unique to the repubs? Welcome to Washington.
Name one other president who had so many criminals in his cabinet. He’s now surpassed even Reagan.
What criminals?
Gates, Manafort, Papadopolous, Flynn we know of now. More indictments to come. Sucks to be a trump whore.
Only one of them was ever part of the Trump administration, and the crime he committed occurred after he was fired.
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager had nothing to do with Trump. Lmao
And Gates lasted into the presidency.
Bet you didn’t know that. But there’s so little you know.
You said "criminals in his cabinet." Was Manafort ever in Trump's cabinet?
I listened to a former prosecutortonite who is attending the Manafort trial. He said the gov has an airtight case. Mueller has multiple documents that he committed bank fraud and money laundering.
Trump’s campaign ex campaign manager is going to jail for decades.
No wonder fat boi is sweating bullets. There really are witches. Ha
Leave it to you to stick up for criminals
Your friend sounds like a douche bag.
He’s been an attorney for 30 years and appeared before the same judge 17 times.
So he’s a douchebag for giving his honest opinion?
Why do you continue to stick up for criminals in Trump’s orbit?
For all we know, he doesn't even exist. Why do you imagine we are supposed to believe your lame anecdotes?
He was on Rachel Maddow tonight.
You just crack me the fuck up living in denial of the facts..
That confirms that he's a douchebag.
He’s a distinguished prosecutor.
Why do you hate the law but love the lawbreakers?
Name one other president who had so many criminals in his cabinet. He’s now surpassed even Reagan.
What criminals?
Gates, Manafort, Papadopolous, Flynn we know of now. More indictments to come. Sucks to be a trump whore.
Only one of them was ever part of the Trump administration, and the crime he committed occurred after he was fired.
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager had nothing to do with Trump. Lmao
And Gates lasted into the presidency.
Bet you didn’t know that. But there’s so little you know.
You said "criminals in his cabinet." Was Manafort ever in Trump's cabinet?
Manafort was trump’s right hand. The hand he beats off with because Melania won’t fuck him. They sleep in separate bedrooms..
Ross is in his cabinet. Read the Op doofus.
There’s been multiple criminals Associated with your prez. Many resigned or were fired.

Just remember Mueller has a host of indictments ready to be delivered. And none of them has Hillary’s name on them. Ha!
I’m blown away on how little Bripatty knows about this criminal administration.
Too much Fox, for sure.
Most corrupt administration ever?
And we haven’t even heard the worst from Bob Mueller yet.

In an administration stocked with world-class grifters and ethically bankrupt officials whose tales of corruption dominate the headlines, it’s easy to forget that Wilbur Ross has been running scams since long before the Trump presidency was even a twinkle in Robert Mueller’s eye. Over the course of the past year, reports have emerged that the commerce secretary, among other things, lied about his net worth for at least a decade; was accused of financial crisis-era insider trading by European lawmakers; concealed his investments in a Russian shipping company with ties to Vladimir Putin; and allegedly bilked colleagues out of millions. But according to fresh allegations, screwing people out of their money appears to be less of a hobby for Ross and more of a lifestyle.

Don’t forget Wilbur helped run the bank of Cyprus where Manafort, Putin and probably Trump laundered money.
Trump hired the criminal Manafort probably because of his Russian connections. Probably did the same with Ross.

Report: Wilbur Ross Stole Money from Colleagues, Sweet’N Low from Restaurants — Vanity Fair
And all of this is unique to the repubs? Welcome to Washington.
Name one other president who had so many criminals in his cabinet. He’s now surpassed even Reagan.
That's easy.
The Clinton Adm.

- Number of Starr-Ray investigation convictions or guilty pleas (including one governor, one associate attorney general and two Clinton business partners): 14
- Number of Clinton Cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 5
- Number of Reagan cabinet members who came under criminal investigation: 4
- Number of top officials jailed in the Teapot Dome Scandal: 3


- Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47
- Number of these convictions during Clinton's presidency: 33
- Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61
- Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122


- Guilty pleas and convictions obtained by Donald Smaltz in cases involving charges of bribery and fraud against former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and associated individuals and businesses: 15
- Acquitted or overturned cases (including Espy): 6
- Fines and penalties assessed: $11.5 million
- Amount Tyson Food paid in fines and court costs: $6 million


- As of June 2000, the Justice Department listed 25 people indicted and 19 convicted because of the 1996 Clinton-Gore fundraising scandals.
- According to the House Committee on Government Reform in September 2000, 79 House and Senate witnesses asserted the Fifth Amendment in the course of investigations into Gore's last fundraising campaign.
James Riady entered a plea agreement to pay an $8.5 million fine for campaign finance crimes. This was a record under campaign finance laws.


Drug trafficking (3), racketeering, extortion, bribery (4), tax evasion, kickbacks, embezzlement (2), fraud (12), conspiracy (5), fraudulent loans, illegal gifts (1), illegal campaign contributions (5), money laundering (6), perjury, obstruction of justice.


Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn't remember, didn't know, or something similar.

Bill Kennedy 116
Harold Ickes 148
Ricki Seidman 160
Bruce Lindsey 161
Bill Burton 191
Mark Gearan 221
Mack McLarty 233
Neil Egglseston 250
Hillary Clinton 250
John Podesta 264
Jennifer O'Connor 343
Dwight Holton 348
Patsy Thomasson 420
Jeff Eller 697

FROM THE WASHINGTON TIMES: In the portions of President Clinton's Jan. 17 deposition that have been made public in the Paula Jones case, his memory failed him 267 times. This is a list of his answers and how many times he gave each one.

I don't remember - 71
I don't know - 62
I'm not sure - 17
I have no idea - 10
I don't believe so - 9
I don't recall - 8
I don't think so - 8
I don't have any specific recollection - 6
I have no recollection - 4
Not to my knowledge - 4
I just don't remember - 4
I don't believe - 4
I have no specific recollection - 3
I might have - 3
I don't have any recollection of that - 2 I don't have a specific memory - 2
I don't have any memory of that - 2
I just can't say - 2
I have no direct knowledge of that - 2
I don't have any idea - 2
Not that I recall - 2
I don't believe I did - 2
I can't remember - 2
I can't say - 2
I do not remember doing so - 2
Not that I remember - 2
I'm not aware - 1
I honestly don't know - 1
I don't believe that I did - 1
I'm fairly sure - 1
I have no other recollection - 1
I'm not positive - 1
I certainly don't think so - 1
I don't really remember - 1
I would have no way of remembering that - 1
That's what I believe happened - 1
To my knowledge, no - 1
To the best of my knowledge - 1
To the best of my memory - 1
I honestly don't recall - 1
I honestly don't remember - 1
That's all I know - 1
I don't have an independent recollection of that - 1
I don't actually have an independent memory of that - 1
As far as I know - 1
I don't believe I ever did that - 1
That's all I know about that - 1
I'm just not sure - 1
Nothing that I remember - 1
I simply don't know - 1
I would have no idea - 1
I don't know anything about that - 1
I don't have any direct knowledge of that - 1
I just don't know - 1
I really don't know - 1
I can't deny that, I just -- I have no memory of that at all - 1


- Amount of an alleged electronic transfer from the Arkansas Development Financial Authority to a bank in the Cayman Islands during 1980s: $50 million
- Grand Cayman's population: 18,000
- Number of commercial banks: 570
- Number of bank regulators: 1
- Amount Arkansas state pension fund invested in high-risk repos in the mid-80s in one purchase in April 1985: $52 million through the Worthen Bank.
- Number of days thereafter that the state's brokerage firm went belly up: 3
- Amount Arkansas pension fund dropped overnight as a result: 15%
- Percent of Worthen bank that Mochtar Riady bought over the next four months to bail out the bank and the then governor, Bill Clinton: 40%.
- Percent of purchasers from the Clintons and McDougals of resort lots who lost the land because of the sleazy financing provisions: over 50%

There''s more.

View attachment 209302
DEMS offer free schooling so I'm gonna ask for a class on Play-doh bunny making and how to break store front windows and set cars on fire behind a black hoodie and ninja mask, the classes they offer at Berkley.

DEMS are offering free houses, this has been done before in Philly, itvwas called Wilson Goodes Blunder handling the Move Org. and burning down a west philly neighborhood and replacing them with fresh overpriced row homes.
They can't even give away freebies on a budget they are so bad at handling money.

I hear Cortez wants to give away tax payers free money and pink unicorns by writing people checks in crayon who'd just vote for her supported candidates.
Crayons? Like the ones Trump used?
You just proved either your nature to lie in order to demonize someone you obviously wish you could be or proved you are gullible and your sources lie to demonize and you are just a pied piper following the hate mongers leading the march & twirling the baton at the front of the Trump syndrom parade.
PROVE YOUR POST THEN WHEN YOU DO AN AD HOMINEM RESPONE YOU can choose which of the 2 issues you suffer from.
I proved you a liar when you blamed a lowly Hillary staffer for one email.
While you ignore your racist liar carrying on a 5 year lie.
You’re an idiot.
You’re a deplorable.
Same thing.
And there was your ad Hominem response like I predicted, so now you proved me right again displacing your issues & showing people why I'm the greatest prognosticator or our times while best shining light (knowledge and truth) on social group behavior. While you think trolling your own thread is top posting, it's actually revealing your unstable infatuation with Trump. But I'm glad to be a distraction to your syndrom by having your
focus obsession on me as well. WATCH YOUR HEAD IF YOU THINK THE SKY HAS FALLEN.
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