Another of Trump’s Finest in Hot Water Accused of Being A Lying Lawbreaker

You DEPLORABLES could gain a modicum of respect if you didn’t constantly divert and deflect all of Trump’s finest crimes and misdemeanors.

It gets real old being afraid to call a criminal a criminal.
We do not need or want your so called respect.

Yes you do. Because if people lose any more respect for your party, you are seriously going to lose the midterms in a big way, and your party will be permanently destroyed.

Even Republicans are disgusted by the thievery. That’s why so many are resigning and refusing to run.

Putting children in cages and stealing from the public purse is not what people voted for. They voted to drain the swamp. This is the most corrupt administration in history.

I’m enjoying this. Trump is failing around, lashing out with sanctions to bury the news.
Go brush the hate out of your teeth! Obama caged the children a picture was posted of caged children in 2014 and you blamed that on Trump! Guess who is losing respect? Nobody respects hypocritical liars!

Well since I am neither hysterical nor a liar, let’s start dealing with facts.

The children in the 2014 pictures were teenagers who crossed the border as unaccompanied minors. They weren’t screaming toddlers who had no idea what was happening. These were older children whose parents sent them to the US to get them away from the violence.

These children were only kept in that facility until they could be processed and other accommodations found - usually with relatives. The kids were old enough to carry and know information to help the process along.

Your focus on two photos, ignores the entire situation and pretends it isn’t really happening. Two photos out of the hundreds of photos that have been published.

You ignore admissions by the Trump Administration that they separated over 3000 children from their parents, some as young as 6 months Today, even with court orders and public outrage, 700 of children have not yet been returned to their parents, many of whom have already been deported.

The Trump Administration had no processes in place to keep track of these children or to reunite them with their parents. This week, Trump’s people actually asked the court to let the ACLU find the parents because they don’t know how. The judge told them to clean up your own mess.

As is typical of the Trump Administration’s dealing with problems affecting the poor and the helpless, this has all been handled with generous helpings of dickishness and cruelty. Sessions said that it was to deter Central Americans from seeking asylum. Statistics from the border tell us the program is not deterring anyone.

These families have been permanently harmed and I hope there is a massive class action suit at the end of it that costs the government bigly.
So you are either not a taxpayer or you wish to harm yourself? Which? Oh! That’s right you are a Canadian! We should send those kids and their precious moms to your house. I am sure they will be cared for there. Remember you have to house them, feed them, educate them, give them healthcare. And parks and recreation. Give Justin my regards!
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Its not like this hasn’t had 6 or 8 threads today so far

Well if wish's were horses these lefty idiots would have a whole herd.

There was no collusion or anything else and this investigation has been going on for years now. If there was anything to find. It would have already been found.
You DEPLORABLES could gain a modicum of respect if you didn’t constantly divert and deflect all of Trump’s finest crimes and misdemeanors.

It gets real old being afraid to call a criminal a criminal.
We do not need or want your so called respect.

Yes you do. Because if people lose any more respect for your party, you are seriously going to lose the midterms in a big way, and your party will be permanently destroyed.

Even Republicans are disgusted by the thievery. That’s why so many are resigning and refusing to run.

Putting children in cages and stealing from the public purse is not what people voted for. They voted to drain the swamp. This is the most corrupt administration in history.

I’m enjoying this. Trump is failing around, lashing out with sanctions to bury the news.
Go brush the hate out of your teeth! Obama caged the children a picture was posted of caged children in 2014 and you blamed that on Trump! Guess who is losing respect? Nobody respects hypocritical liars!

Well since I am neither hysterical nor a liar, let’s start dealing with facts.

The children in the 2014 pictures were teenagers who crossed the border as unaccompanied minors. They weren’t screaming toddlers who had no idea what was happening. These were older children whose parents sent them to the US to get them away from the violence.

These children were only kept in that facility until they could be processed and other accommodations found - usually with relatives. The kids were old enough to carry and know information to help the process along.

Your focus on two photos, ignores the entire situation and pretends it isn’t really happening. Two photos out of the hundreds of photos that have been published.

You ignore admissions by the Trump Administration that they separated over 3000 children from their parents, some as young as 6 months Today, even with court orders and public outrage, 700 of children have not yet been returned to their parents, many of whom have already been deported.

The Trump Administration had no processes in place to keep track of these children or to reunite them with their parents. This week, Trump’s people actually asked the court to let the ACLU find the parents because they don’t know how. The judge told them to clean up your own mess.

As is typical of the Trump Administration’s dealing with problems affecting the poor and the helpless, this has all been handled with generous helpings of dickishness and cruelty. Sessions said that it was to deter Central Americans from seeking asylum. Statistics from the border tell us the program is not deterring anyone.

These families have been permanently harmed and I hope there is a massive class action suit at the end of it that costs the government bigly.
So you are either not a taxpayer or you wish to harm yourself? Which? Oh! That’s right you are a Canadian! We should send those kids and their precious moms to your house. I am sure they will be cared for there. Remember you have to house them, feed them, educate them, give them healthcare. And parks and recreation. Give Justin my regards!

That is what we’re doing. Taking in thousands of asylum seekers fleeing your President. 28,000 of them. We are holding them, feeding them, and dealing with their claims.

Fewer than 1% of more than 28,000 irregular asylum seekers have been removed from Canada so far | CBC News

You don’t see Canadians demanding that they be turned away.
We do not need or want your so called respect.

Yes you do. Because if people lose any more respect for your party, you are seriously going to lose the midterms in a big way, and your party will be permanently destroyed.

Even Republicans are disgusted by the thievery. That’s why so many are resigning and refusing to run.

Putting children in cages and stealing from the public purse is not what people voted for. They voted to drain the swamp. This is the most corrupt administration in history.

I’m enjoying this. Trump is failing around, lashing out with sanctions to bury the news.
Go brush the hate out of your teeth! Obama caged the children a picture was posted of caged children in 2014 and you blamed that on Trump! Guess who is losing respect? Nobody respects hypocritical liars!

Well since I am neither hysterical nor a liar, let’s start dealing with facts.

The children in the 2014 pictures were teenagers who crossed the border as unaccompanied minors. They weren’t screaming toddlers who had no idea what was happening. These were older children whose parents sent them to the US to get them away from the violence.

These children were only kept in that facility until they could be processed and other accommodations found - usually with relatives. The kids were old enough to carry and know information to help the process along.

Your focus on two photos, ignores the entire situation and pretends it isn’t really happening. Two photos out of the hundreds of photos that have been published.

You ignore admissions by the Trump Administration that they separated over 3000 children from their parents, some as young as 6 months Today, even with court orders and public outrage, 700 of children have not yet been returned to their parents, many of whom have already been deported.

The Trump Administration had no processes in place to keep track of these children or to reunite them with their parents. This week, Trump’s people actually asked the court to let the ACLU find the parents because they don’t know how. The judge told them to clean up your own mess.

As is typical of the Trump Administration’s dealing with problems affecting the poor and the helpless, this has all been handled with generous helpings of dickishness and cruelty. Sessions said that it was to deter Central Americans from seeking asylum. Statistics from the border tell us the program is not deterring anyone.

These families have been permanently harmed and I hope there is a massive class action suit at the end of it that costs the government bigly.
So you are either not a taxpayer or you wish to harm yourself? Which? Oh! That’s right you are a Canadian! We should send those kids and their precious moms to your house. I am sure they will be cared for there. Remember you have to house them, feed them, educate them, give them healthcare. And parks and recreation. Give Justin my regards!

That is what we’re doing. Taking in thousands of asylum seekers fleeing your President. 28,000 of them. We are holding them, feeding them, and dealing with their claims.

Fewer than 1% of more than 28,000 irregular asylum seekers have been removed from Canada so far | CBC News

You don’t see Canadians demanding that they be turned away.
Good, we will keep showing them how to get there. Give my regards to Justin.
We do not need or want your so called respect.

Yes you do. Because if people lose any more respect for your party, you are seriously going to lose the midterms in a big way, and your party will be permanently destroyed.

Even Republicans are disgusted by the thievery. That’s why so many are resigning and refusing to run.

Putting children in cages and stealing from the public purse is not what people voted for. They voted to drain the swamp. This is the most corrupt administration in history.

I’m enjoying this. Trump is failing around, lashing out with sanctions to bury the news.
Go brush the hate out of your teeth! Obama caged the children a picture was posted of caged children in 2014 and you blamed that on Trump! Guess who is losing respect? Nobody respects hypocritical liars!

Well since I am neither hysterical nor a liar, let’s start dealing with facts.

The children in the 2014 pictures were teenagers who crossed the border as unaccompanied minors. They weren’t screaming toddlers who had no idea what was happening. These were older children whose parents sent them to the US to get them away from the violence.

These children were only kept in that facility until they could be processed and other accommodations found - usually with relatives. The kids were old enough to carry and know information to help the process along.

Your focus on two photos, ignores the entire situation and pretends it isn’t really happening. Two photos out of the hundreds of photos that have been published.

You ignore admissions by the Trump Administration that they separated over 3000 children from their parents, some as young as 6 months Today, even with court orders and public outrage, 700 of children have not yet been returned to their parents, many of whom have already been deported.

The Trump Administration had no processes in place to keep track of these children or to reunite them with their parents. This week, Trump’s people actually asked the court to let the ACLU find the parents because they don’t know how. The judge told them to clean up your own mess.

As is typical of the Trump Administration’s dealing with problems affecting the poor and the helpless, this has all been handled with generous helpings of dickishness and cruelty. Sessions said that it was to deter Central Americans from seeking asylum. Statistics from the border tell us the program is not deterring anyone.

These families have been permanently harmed and I hope there is a massive class action suit at the end of it that costs the government bigly.
So you are either not a taxpayer or you wish to harm yourself? Which? Oh! That’s right you are a Canadian! We should send those kids and their precious moms to your house. I am sure they will be cared for there. Remember you have to house them, feed them, educate them, give them healthcare. And parks and recreation. Give Justin my regards!

That is what we’re doing. Taking in thousands of asylum seekers fleeing your President. 28,000 of them. We are holding them, feeding them, and dealing with their claims.

Fewer than 1% of more than 28,000 irregular asylum seekers have been removed from Canada so far | CBC News

You don’t see Canadians demanding that they be turned away.
Why do you keep them in cages?
When you get to twenty million let me know! Twenty eight thousand ain’t shit!

We don’t have an illegal immigration problem because employees are required, by law, to produce their social insurance card and employers are required to make a copy for the employee’s file. When companies are audited, they must produce SIN cards for all employees. They’re fined $10,000 per employee if the cards aren’t in the files.

You have a problem because employers are allowed to hire illegals with impunity. Republicans want cheap employees so employers aren’t being charged or fined for employing them.

The United States has always relied on a large pool of cheap labour. Slaves, guest workers, illegals. Throughout your history, the US has exploited people of colour for profit. And now with “for profit” prisons, you’ve returned to slavery.

Well done!
When you get to twenty million let me know! Twenty eight thousand ain’t shit!

We don’t have an illegal immigration problem because employees are required, by law, to produce their social insurance card and employers are required to make a copy for the employee’s file. When companies are audited, they must produce SIN cards for all employees. They’re fined $10,000 per employee if the cards aren’t in the files.

You have a problem because employers are allowed to hire illegals with impunity. Republicans want cheap employees so employers aren’t being charged or fined for employing them.

The United States has always relied on a large pool of cheap labour. Slaves, guest workers, illegals. Throughout your history, the US has exploited people of colour for profit. And now with “for profit” prisons, you’ve returned to slavery.

Well done!
We don’t have an illegal immigration problem because employees are required, by law, to produce their social insurance card and employers are required to make a copy for the employee’s file

Yeah, those hundreds arrested everyday coming across the border are just tourists.

You display why no one can trust the left to be in power again, your ignorance is beyond dangerous.

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