Another person claiming animals are the same as people

The idea that we must stop eating meat is basically unscientific and foolish. We are Omnivores and depend on meat for many of our essential ingredients to survive, vegans and vegetarians must take special care and must do specific things to make up for the lose of meat in their diet. I agree we should not abuse animals but yes we should eat meat and that means harvesting animals. I also agree that we should use them in scientific processes for OUR benefit.

The claim it is morally wrong to kill animals is foolish short sighted and I believe IGNORANT. Every animal that is a meat eater KILLS other animals. And failure to control population would result in massive deaths due to starvation of animals and ruination of Human crops.
Vegetarians are vegetable killers anyway, they just refuse to see the truth

Yeah, because a carrot is just like a pig who is as smart or SMARTER than your dog, and has the cognitive abilities of a 3 year old child.

But I'm pretty sure you were joking and not using that as an argument.

Pigs can speak, do math, and talk! Wow. Let's hear them!

Pigs don't have to do any of those things, they are still sentient being who can think, feel, and they are just as smart or even smarter than your dog.

The point, which you either ignored or didn't grasp, was that they are not the same as a carrot, which does not have a brain or the ability to feel pain and suffer.

Don't tell me you're another one who is equating a vegetable with sentient, intelligent animals?
So you know for a fact plants don't feel?

Plants don't have a brain or a central nervous system. But we are not talking about a house plant. We are talking about plant-based FOOD that God created for us to eat. God created foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, etc. for the specific purpose of being food.

So do you really think a good God would create an apple or banana that is designed to be food with the ability to feel pain? Yes or no?
He specifically made animals as food too.

No, He did not. Read Genesis 1 and 2. It is very clear that in the beginning God created both humans AND animals to be herbivores and there was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world.

Also, In Genesis 2, it is clear that they were not created for the purpose of being food. Flesh eating didn't even begin until many centuries later.

But even if we were to set aside the Bible for the moment and just look at this logically, answer this question please. Do you believe a good and loving God would create animals with the ability to enjoy life, experience various feelings, form families and friendships, feel pain and suffering and fear… if they were meant to be food?

In other words, if God were to design food, do you really believe a good and perfect God would design food with the ability to feel terror and fear and pain and suffering? Yes or no?
And yet thousands of Carnivore animals exist. Where did they come from?

The world changed after the fall. Everything became more and more violent. There is also a very controversial part of this that I rarely bring up, but it has to do with what the bible briefly talks about in Genesis 6 and that is also written about in extra-biblical texts, like the book of Enoch and others. But I think that would be "too much" for most here, since it's even controversial among Christians.
Did God make everything or not? And if yes then in fact he made carnivores to eat other animals which of course makes sense since nature is a balancing act of what eats what.

No, again, IN THE BEGINNING things were very, very different than they are now. That is not even debatable among Christians, or at least among Christians who read and study the bible.

God did not create the world the way is is now. It BECAME that way over time, because this is a fallen world.
I ask you a question are all animals made by god yes or no?

We've gone over this numerous times, you are not grasping what I've been saying, apparently.

OF COURSE God created the animals, but AGAIN, in the beginning, we were ALL herbivores, and there was peace and harmony among all creation. THAT is God's design and intent. This is clear in Genesis 1:29-30.

Now let me ask you something, are you denying Genesis 1:29-30?
You are denying that god did in fact create carnivores designed specifically to KILL other animals. You claimed God would not do that. God also demanded sacrifices of animals. That to is in genesis and why would God do that if he was all against animals being killed? Then explain how Nature would work if NO animal ate other animals? How long before over population resulted in mass starvation and suffering?

Of course God did not create this world to be the way it is now, this is a FALLEN WORLD. Do you not understand that?

Or are you denying the whole concept of the world being fallen? Are you a believer? Because if not, it's fine, I would never expect you to agree with any of this, if you're not even a Christian. But if you are, I'm simply stating what the bible says, which NO Christian I have ever encountered disagrees with!

Also, please answer the question you ignored in my previous post. Do you deny Genesis 1:29-30?
So you deny god made all the animals? And you claim you are a Christian? GOD made carnivores specifically to keep balance in nature. He made them to EAT other animals. Your pie in the sky claims are simply not right. Please explain why God would demand animal sacrifice if he was this God that would never hurt an animal?

No, for the 10th time, God created ALL of us, and God created ALL of us, humans AND animals as herbivores.

Now, you keep ignoring my questions to you, while asking me the same question over and over that I have answered countless times.

So, AGAIN, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying what it says in Genesis 1:29-30?
If lions and wolves and all the other carnivores were created by god one way what changed them?
Perhaps they had a convention and decided to grow fangs

The idea that we must stop eating meat is basically unscientific and foolish. We are Omnivores and depend on meat for many of our essential ingredients to survive, vegans and vegetarians must take special care and must do specific things to make up for the lose of meat in their diet. I agree we should not abuse animals but yes we should eat meat and that means harvesting animals. I also agree that we should use them in scientific processes for OUR benefit.

The claim it is morally wrong to kill animals is foolish short sighted and I believe IGNORANT. Every animal that is a meat eater KILLS other animals. And failure to control population would result in massive deaths due to starvation of animals and ruination of Human crops.
Vegetarians are vegetable killers anyway, they just refuse to see the truth

Yeah, because a carrot is just like a pig who is as smart or SMARTER than your dog, and has the cognitive abilities of a 3 year old child.

But I'm pretty sure you were joking and not using that as an argument.

Pigs can speak, do math, and talk! Wow. Let's hear them!

Pigs don't have to do any of those things, they are still sentient being who can think, feel, and they are just as smart or even smarter than your dog.

The point, which you either ignored or didn't grasp, was that they are not the same as a carrot, which does not have a brain or the ability to feel pain and suffer.

Don't tell me you're another one who is equating a vegetable with sentient, intelligent animals?
So you know for a fact plants don't feel?

Plants don't have a brain or a central nervous system. But we are not talking about a house plant. We are talking about plant-based FOOD that God created for us to eat. God created foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, etc. for the specific purpose of being food.

So do you really think a good God would create an apple or banana that is designed to be food with the ability to feel pain? Yes or no?
He specifically made animals as food too.

No, He did not. Read Genesis 1 and 2. It is very clear that in the beginning God created both humans AND animals to be herbivores and there was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world.

Also, In Genesis 2, it is clear that they were not created for the purpose of being food. Flesh eating didn't even begin until many centuries later.

But even if we were to set aside the Bible for the moment and just look at this logically, answer this question please. Do you believe a good and loving God would create animals with the ability to enjoy life, experience various feelings, form families and friendships, feel pain and suffering and fear… if they were meant to be food?

In other words, if God were to design food, do you really believe a good and perfect God would design food with the ability to feel terror and fear and pain and suffering? Yes or no?
And yet thousands of Carnivore animals exist. Where did they come from?

The world changed after the fall. Everything became more and more violent. There is also a very controversial part of this that I rarely bring up, but it has to do with what the bible briefly talks about in Genesis 6 and that is also written about in extra-biblical texts, like the book of Enoch and others. But I think that would be "too much" for most here, since it's even controversial among Christians.
Did God make everything or not? And if yes then in fact he made carnivores to eat other animals which of course makes sense since nature is a balancing act of what eats what.

No, again, IN THE BEGINNING things were very, very different than they are now. That is not even debatable among Christians, or at least among Christians who read and study the bible.

God did not create the world the way is is now. It BECAME that way over time, because this is a fallen world.
I ask you a question are all animals made by god yes or no?

We've gone over this numerous times, you are not grasping what I've been saying, apparently.

OF COURSE God created the animals, but AGAIN, in the beginning, we were ALL herbivores, and there was peace and harmony among all creation. THAT is God's design and intent. This is clear in Genesis 1:29-30.

Now let me ask you something, are you denying Genesis 1:29-30?
You are denying that god did in fact create carnivores designed specifically to KILL other animals. You claimed God would not do that. God also demanded sacrifices of animals. That to is in genesis and why would God do that if he was all against animals being killed? Then explain how Nature would work if NO animal ate other animals? How long before over population resulted in mass starvation and suffering?

Of course God did not create this world to be the way it is now, this is a FALLEN WORLD. Do you not understand that?

Or are you denying the whole concept of the world being fallen? Are you a believer? Because if not, it's fine, I would never expect you to agree with any of this, if you're not even a Christian. But if you are, I'm simply stating what the bible says, which NO Christian I have ever encountered disagrees with!

Also, please answer the question you ignored in my previous post. Do you deny Genesis 1:29-30?
So you deny god made all the animals? And you claim you are a Christian? GOD made carnivores specifically to keep balance in nature. He made them to EAT other animals. Your pie in the sky claims are simply not right. Please explain why God would demand animal sacrifice if he was this God that would never hurt an animal?

No, for the 10th time, God created ALL of us, and God created ALL of us, humans AND animals as herbivores.

Now, you keep ignoring my questions to you, while asking me the same question over and over that I have answered countless times.

So, AGAIN, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying what it says in Genesis 1:29-30?
If lions and wolves and all the other carnivores were created by god one way what changed them?

Again, God created both humans AND animals as herbivores. There was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world, which was God's original DESIGN and INTENT.

Again, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying Genesis 1:29-30? Yes or no?

The idea that we must stop eating meat is basically unscientific and foolish. We are Omnivores and depend on meat for many of our essential ingredients to survive, vegans and vegetarians must take special care and must do specific things to make up for the lose of meat in their diet. I agree we should not abuse animals but yes we should eat meat and that means harvesting animals. I also agree that we should use them in scientific processes for OUR benefit.

The claim it is morally wrong to kill animals is foolish short sighted and I believe IGNORANT. Every animal that is a meat eater KILLS other animals. And failure to control population would result in massive deaths due to starvation of animals and ruination of Human crops.
Vegetarians are vegetable killers anyway, they just refuse to see the truth

Yeah, because a carrot is just like a pig who is as smart or SMARTER than your dog, and has the cognitive abilities of a 3 year old child.

But I'm pretty sure you were joking and not using that as an argument.

Pigs can speak, do math, and talk! Wow. Let's hear them!

Pigs don't have to do any of those things, they are still sentient being who can think, feel, and they are just as smart or even smarter than your dog.

The point, which you either ignored or didn't grasp, was that they are not the same as a carrot, which does not have a brain or the ability to feel pain and suffer.

Don't tell me you're another one who is equating a vegetable with sentient, intelligent animals?
So you know for a fact plants don't feel?

Plants don't have a brain or a central nervous system. But we are not talking about a house plant. We are talking about plant-based FOOD that God created for us to eat. God created foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, etc. for the specific purpose of being food.

So do you really think a good God would create an apple or banana that is designed to be food with the ability to feel pain? Yes or no?
He specifically made animals as food too.

No, He did not. Read Genesis 1 and 2. It is very clear that in the beginning God created both humans AND animals to be herbivores and there was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world.

Also, In Genesis 2, it is clear that they were not created for the purpose of being food. Flesh eating didn't even begin until many centuries later.

But even if we were to set aside the Bible for the moment and just look at this logically, answer this question please. Do you believe a good and loving God would create animals with the ability to enjoy life, experience various feelings, form families and friendships, feel pain and suffering and fear… if they were meant to be food?

In other words, if God were to design food, do you really believe a good and perfect God would design food with the ability to feel terror and fear and pain and suffering? Yes or no?
And yet thousands of Carnivore animals exist. Where did they come from?

The world changed after the fall. Everything became more and more violent. There is also a very controversial part of this that I rarely bring up, but it has to do with what the bible briefly talks about in Genesis 6 and that is also written about in extra-biblical texts, like the book of Enoch and others. But I think that would be "too much" for most here, since it's even controversial among Christians.
Did God make everything or not? And if yes then in fact he made carnivores to eat other animals which of course makes sense since nature is a balancing act of what eats what.

No, again, IN THE BEGINNING things were very, very different than they are now. That is not even debatable among Christians, or at least among Christians who read and study the bible.

God did not create the world the way is is now. It BECAME that way over time, because this is a fallen world.
I ask you a question are all animals made by god yes or no?

We've gone over this numerous times, you are not grasping what I've been saying, apparently.

OF COURSE God created the animals, but AGAIN, in the beginning, we were ALL herbivores, and there was peace and harmony among all creation. THAT is God's design and intent. This is clear in Genesis 1:29-30.

Now let me ask you something, are you denying Genesis 1:29-30?
You are denying that god did in fact create carnivores designed specifically to KILL other animals. You claimed God would not do that. God also demanded sacrifices of animals. That to is in genesis and why would God do that if he was all against animals being killed? Then explain how Nature would work if NO animal ate other animals? How long before over population resulted in mass starvation and suffering?

Of course God did not create this world to be the way it is now, this is a FALLEN WORLD. Do you not understand that?

Or are you denying the whole concept of the world being fallen? Are you a believer? Because if not, it's fine, I would never expect you to agree with any of this, if you're not even a Christian. But if you are, I'm simply stating what the bible says, which NO Christian I have ever encountered disagrees with!

Also, please answer the question you ignored in my previous post. Do you deny Genesis 1:29-30?
So you deny god made all the animals? And you claim you are a Christian? GOD made carnivores specifically to keep balance in nature. He made them to EAT other animals. Your pie in the sky claims are simply not right. Please explain why God would demand animal sacrifice if he was this God that would never hurt an animal?

No, for the 10th time, God created ALL of us, and God created ALL of us, humans AND animals as herbivores.

Now, you keep ignoring my questions to you, while asking me the same question over and over that I have answered countless times.

So, AGAIN, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying what it says in Genesis 1:29-30?
If lions and wolves and all the other carnivores were created by god one way what changed them?

Again, God created both humans AND animals as herbivores. There was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world, which was God's original DESIGN and INTENT.

Again, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying Genesis 1:29-30? Yes or no?
You keep denying god made carnivores.

The idea that we must stop eating meat is basically unscientific and foolish. We are Omnivores and depend on meat for many of our essential ingredients to survive, vegans and vegetarians must take special care and must do specific things to make up for the lose of meat in their diet. I agree we should not abuse animals but yes we should eat meat and that means harvesting animals. I also agree that we should use them in scientific processes for OUR benefit.

The claim it is morally wrong to kill animals is foolish short sighted and I believe IGNORANT. Every animal that is a meat eater KILLS other animals. And failure to control population would result in massive deaths due to starvation of animals and ruination of Human crops.
Vegetarians are vegetable killers anyway, they just refuse to see the truth

Yeah, because a carrot is just like a pig who is as smart or SMARTER than your dog, and has the cognitive abilities of a 3 year old child.

But I'm pretty sure you were joking and not using that as an argument.

Pigs can speak, do math, and talk! Wow. Let's hear them!

Pigs don't have to do any of those things, they are still sentient being who can think, feel, and they are just as smart or even smarter than your dog.

The point, which you either ignored or didn't grasp, was that they are not the same as a carrot, which does not have a brain or the ability to feel pain and suffer.

Don't tell me you're another one who is equating a vegetable with sentient, intelligent animals?
So you know for a fact plants don't feel?

Plants don't have a brain or a central nervous system. But we are not talking about a house plant. We are talking about plant-based FOOD that God created for us to eat. God created foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, etc. for the specific purpose of being food.

So do you really think a good God would create an apple or banana that is designed to be food with the ability to feel pain? Yes or no?
He specifically made animals as food too.

No, He did not. Read Genesis 1 and 2. It is very clear that in the beginning God created both humans AND animals to be herbivores and there was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world.

Also, In Genesis 2, it is clear that they were not created for the purpose of being food. Flesh eating didn't even begin until many centuries later.

But even if we were to set aside the Bible for the moment and just look at this logically, answer this question please. Do you believe a good and loving God would create animals with the ability to enjoy life, experience various feelings, form families and friendships, feel pain and suffering and fear… if they were meant to be food?

In other words, if God were to design food, do you really believe a good and perfect God would design food with the ability to feel terror and fear and pain and suffering? Yes or no?
And yet thousands of Carnivore animals exist. Where did they come from?

The world changed after the fall. Everything became more and more violent. There is also a very controversial part of this that I rarely bring up, but it has to do with what the bible briefly talks about in Genesis 6 and that is also written about in extra-biblical texts, like the book of Enoch and others. But I think that would be "too much" for most here, since it's even controversial among Christians.
Did God make everything or not? And if yes then in fact he made carnivores to eat other animals which of course makes sense since nature is a balancing act of what eats what.

No, again, IN THE BEGINNING things were very, very different than they are now. That is not even debatable among Christians, or at least among Christians who read and study the bible.

God did not create the world the way is is now. It BECAME that way over time, because this is a fallen world.
I ask you a question are all animals made by god yes or no?

We've gone over this numerous times, you are not grasping what I've been saying, apparently.

OF COURSE God created the animals, but AGAIN, in the beginning, we were ALL herbivores, and there was peace and harmony among all creation. THAT is God's design and intent. This is clear in Genesis 1:29-30.

Now let me ask you something, are you denying Genesis 1:29-30?
You are denying that god did in fact create carnivores designed specifically to KILL other animals. You claimed God would not do that. God also demanded sacrifices of animals. That to is in genesis and why would God do that if he was all against animals being killed? Then explain how Nature would work if NO animal ate other animals? How long before over population resulted in mass starvation and suffering?

Of course God did not create this world to be the way it is now, this is a FALLEN WORLD. Do you not understand that?

Or are you denying the whole concept of the world being fallen? Are you a believer? Because if not, it's fine, I would never expect you to agree with any of this, if you're not even a Christian. But if you are, I'm simply stating what the bible says, which NO Christian I have ever encountered disagrees with!

Also, please answer the question you ignored in my previous post. Do you deny Genesis 1:29-30?
So you deny god made all the animals? And you claim you are a Christian? GOD made carnivores specifically to keep balance in nature. He made them to EAT other animals. Your pie in the sky claims are simply not right. Please explain why God would demand animal sacrifice if he was this God that would never hurt an animal?

No, for the 10th time, God created ALL of us, and God created ALL of us, humans AND animals as herbivores.

Now, you keep ignoring my questions to you, while asking me the same question over and over that I have answered countless times.

So, AGAIN, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying what it says in Genesis 1:29-30?
If lions and wolves and all the other carnivores were created by god one way what changed them?

Again, God created both humans AND animals as herbivores. There was peace and harmony in the pre-fall world, which was God's original DESIGN and INTENT.

Again, are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying Genesis 1:29-30? Yes or no?
You are the one denying that God made carnivores as this does not fit into your delusion, and delusional is exactly what you are
You keep denying god made carnivores.

That is not merely *my* assertion, that is what the BIBLE says. It is clear in Genesis 1:29-30.

You have STILL not answered my question, that I have asked who knows how many times.

Are you denying this is a fallen world? Are you denying Genesis 1:29-30?

I alluded to one of the views on how certain animals became extra violent, but as I said before, the view I have in mind would be a bit "too much" for you, since you don't even seem to accept the basics, like the concept of a fallen world, or that we were created vegetarian in the Garden of Eden, which NO Christians I have ever encountered deny, even the flesh eaters.
The idea that we must stop eating meat is basically unscientific and foolish. We are Omnivores and depend on meat for many of our essential ingredients to survive, vegans and vegetarians must take special care and must do specific things to make up for the lose of meat in their diet.

That is simply false, sorry. You appear to be making that statement based on sincere ignorance.

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity.
The Mayo Clinic
A well-planned vegetarian diet (see context) can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to be aware of your nutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meets them.​
Harvard Medical School
Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.
Dietitians of Canada
A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breastfeeding or for older adults.​
British Dietetic Association
Well planned vegetarian diets can be nutritious and healthy. They are associated with lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and lower cholesterol levels. This could be because such diets are lower in saturated fat, contain fewer calories and more fiber and phytonutrients/phytochemicals (these can have protective properties) than non-vegetarian diets. (...) Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of life and have many benefits.
The British National Health Service
With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.
The Dietitians Association of Australia
Vegan diets differ to other vegetarian diets in that no animal products are consumed or used. Despite these restrictions, with good planning it is still possible to obtain all the nutrients required for good health on a vegan diet.​
Nonsense, of course. There was a very famous and talented 7' basketball player who'd been a vegan since age 14 when some moron teacher told him he should "never eat anything with a face." As a pro player, he suffered multiple broken bones until he was about 28 years old and a doctor told him that his bone-density was so bad that if he didn't start eating meat proteins, he'd live out his life in a wheelchair. He went back to eating moderate amounts of meat and his bone density improved within 3 years to the point that he believed he COULD have kept playing professionally IF he'd never been a vegan. To this day, he travels around the country speaking on behalf of the National Beef Council. Meat contains enzymes that are essential to good health and they cannot be adequately supplemented with pills.
You have STILL not answered my question, that I have asked who knows how many times.
News Flash! No one here has to answer your questions.

I never said anyone has to answer my questions. But HE in particular kept asking me the same question over and over and he kept demanding me to answer it, while simultaneously refusing to answer my question.

So why don't you say that to him? He was the one who kept demanding I answer his question while refusing to answer mine.
Esalla has been thread banned. Please do not reply to any of his posts.
So to recap Buttercup in one breath claims god made everything but in the next breath claims god did not create carnivores or demand his people to sacrifice animals to him. She claims our incisors were a mistake by God and that some unknown force made new animals that are carnivores all why only referencing 2 passages from the bible as if that was all there was to the document. Claiming anyone that doesn't agree with her position is not a Christian.
So to recap Buttercup in one breath claims god made everything but in the next breath claims god did not create carnivores or demand his people to sacrifice animals to him. She claims our incisors were a mistake by God and that some unknown force made new animals that are carnivores all why only referencing 2 passages from the bible as if that was all there was to the document. Claiming anyone that doesn't agree with her position is not a Christian.

You're shoving words in my mouth that I never said.

How is it SO hard for you to understand that God created humans and animals as herbivores, which is what the bible clearly says, but then after the fall, the world began to change?

I never said anything about incisors or sacrifices, or most of the rest of your dishonest post above.

If you want to discuss this, I'm all for that, but I won't put up with dishonesty.
So to recap Buttercup in one breath claims god made everything but in the next breath claims god did not create carnivores or demand his people to sacrifice animals to him. She claims our incisors were a mistake by God and that some unknown force made new animals that are carnivores all why only referencing 2 passages from the bible as if that was all there was to the document. Claiming anyone that doesn't agree with her position is not a Christian.

You're shoving words in my mouth that I never said.

How is it SO hard for you to understand that God created humans and animals as herbivores, which is what the bible clearly says, but then after the fall, the world began to change?

I never said anything about incisors or sacrifices, or most of the rest of your dishonest post above.

If you want to discuss this, I'm all for that, but I won't put up with dishonesty.
You keep claiming God would not create carnivores. yet HE DID. He gave us Incisors specifically to eat meat. I don't care what was intended before the fall as we do NOT live in that before time, we live in the NOW and PRESENT and YES God intended for us to eat meat and yes he made carnivores to eat other animals. Or perhaps you can tear your self away from your two passages and cite for us one or two that say god did not ask for animal sacrifices or that someone other then God made carnivores or gave us Incisors.
Buttercup, in order for your claim to be true that means god redesigned man after the fall, be specific and cite that passage in the bible, in order for your claim to be true god would have to have redesigned or created thousands of animal species after the fall be specific now and cite for us the passages that say that happened.
So to recap Buttercup in one breath claims god made everything but in the next breath claims god did not create carnivores or demand his people to sacrifice animals to him. She claims our incisors were a mistake by God and that some unknown force made new animals that are carnivores all why only referencing 2 passages from the bible as if that was all there was to the document. Claiming anyone that doesn't agree with her position is not a Christian.

You're shoving words in my mouth that I never said.

How is it SO hard for you to understand that God created humans and animals as herbivores, which is what the bible clearly says, but then after the fall, the world began to change?

I never said anything about incisors or sacrifices, or most of the rest of your dishonest post above.

If you want to discuss this, I'm all for that, but I won't put up with dishonesty.
You keep claiming God would not create carnivores. yet HE DID. He gave us Incisors specifically to eat meat. I don't care what was intended before the fall as we do NOT live in that before time, we live in the NOW and PRESENT and YES God intended for us to eat meat and yes he made carnivores to eat other animals. Or perhaps you can tear your self away from your two passages and cite for us one or two that say god did not ask for animal sacrifices or that someone other then God made carnivores or gave us Incisors.

No, how many times do we have to go through this?

Your statement that God created carnivores is flatly contradicted by Genesis 1:29-30 which says that when God created humans and animals, He gave all of us a VEGETARIAN diet.

There was peace and harmony when God first created the world, that was HIS intent.

Do you really think a loving, kind, merciful God WANTS needless brutality and violence and death?

I've asked you at least 10 times if you are denying Genesis 1:29-30, and you STILL have not answered that question directly.

As for our teeth, our incisors are WAY more akin to that of an herbivorous animal than a carnivore, so if you're hanging your hat on that, you sure chose a weak argument.

Be specific now and explain who made carnivores. Then back it up in the Bible. Then explain why God DEMANDED animals as sacrifice by man.
And if you are sincerely interested in hearing more on our characteristics and what we are physiologically, as opposed to behaviorally, watch this video:

Cite the passage from the Bible that says someone else made animals on earth, then explain why god demanded animal sacrifices.

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