Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?

I wouldn’t say democrats are incapable of learning, they’re just extremely slow at learning.
Look how long it took them to realize we have a problem at our southern border. Are these people we want making important decisions? Absolutely not!

The kids who rode the short bus are now democrats.

The problem is lying has worked. Just look at the poll numbers. It's mental manipulation by the MSM. In an economy like this, it's impossible to not have 70% approval unless you were brainwashed somehow. As we all know, the media reports over 90% negative on Trump. So it does work. It's just we have too many stupid people in this country to realize what's happening to them.
Trump denies new sexual assault allegation: 'I've never met this person in my life'

So.....he has never met her but there lie a photo of them together....the man with greatest memory in the world can't remember this incident?


Innocent until proven....

Oh wait, that standard is only for leftardz.
Are you sure it was a woman? If you know what I mean?

Point taken.
It is a pretty useless story without some possible way to verify.

Really? Does the name Brett Kavanaugh ring a bell? I hardly call that lie useless. It almost cost him his position as a Supreme Court justice. It ruined is reputation for life. Ford said she didn't know where, when, how, and the people she said that witnessed it never heard of it before--including her best friend at the time.

Leftists are not that bright, so lies do work on them.
He has already admitted, on tape, to assaulting women, and to being an unrepentant whore himself, always up for cheap sex. With his soiled reputation, I wouldn't be surprised if this story is true.
Brett Kavanaugh was shocked when a women claimed he and a friend raped her repeatedly, He never met her. Months later she admitted she never met him. She just wanted to hurt him in his bid to be on the Supreme Court. She should have gone to prison for that.
Christine Blasey Ford sure made an ass out of Senator Diane Feinstein, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Chuck Schumer, all of whom I saw fluffing Ms. Ford to continue her Academy Award Winning False Scenario Drama the night it was televised.

And if they knew it was baloney, they ought to be censured and sent home for 50 years apiece.

No wonder people are leaving California and Amazon has found better digs than NY with all those lying liars hanging around trying to hamstring a President of the United States. How in the world do these liars manage to keep a base of supporters?
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If you have ever had sex up against a wall, you pretty much know that rape is exceedingly difficult if not impossible. The twit has a picture of herself dressed in her saved clothing from that night. It looks like she was wearing opaque tights or dark thick pantyhose. Unless she took them off, or has the ripped evidence she never managed to have sex up against the wall. She would be saved if she wore crotchless pants and pantyhose.
She can not even remember what year it happened and conveniently the only people she told are her two best friends. Ya no lies there. She waited 23 years to make the claim as well and only after the dems started making up the same stories.
Thats cool but...he mever met her even though theyre in photos together
Ya photos can not be manipulated right? Also do you remember everyone you meet 23 years ago?
i wouldnt say I DIDNT meet someone if i wasnt sure...and wasnt a fuckin liar

Lying is a sport for trump...and it seems sexual assault is also....
Leftist people think lying about President Trump will get them free government goodies.
Gloria Allred season came early this election cycle....
E. Jean Carroll


I mean, there are no words... But Biden would grope her and smell her hair!!!!!
She can not even remember what year it happened and conveniently the only people she told are her two best friends. Ya no lies there. She waited 23 years to make the claim as well and only after the dems started making up the same stories.
Thats cool but...he mever met her even though theyre in photos together
Ya photos can not be manipulated right? Also do you remember everyone you meet 23 years ago?
i wouldnt say I DIDNT meet someone if i wasnt sure...and wasnt a fuckin liar

Lying is a sport for trump...and it seems sexual assault is also....
What did you not understand about the evidence showing nothing which means, the incident did not happen? These Democrat activist women are into lying and creating false scenarios that confuses their base and makes them mad at the person they spread lies about.
"here's what we're gonna do. we're staying silent for 20 years, let trump become president for a couple of years, and that's when we spring the trap!"
Since Trump proves himself to be a pathological liar every day, I find it fascinating that his supporters still believe it when he denies stuff like this, in spite of the fact that he has been recorded saying that he can grab pussy anytime he wants to. That kind of denial on the part of Trumpettes, is truly awesome.

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