Another promise kept

We never had Obama "care". We had insurance care and sub par welfare care. Under Obama we were forced into the insurance snare. Now insurance companies have to compete for their clients, and offer incentives to sign with one as oppose to another.
That's better than, "You'll sign up or else''.
"Buying insurance across state lines" is a carefully worded hoax. The rubes are too stupid to catch on.
"Buying insurance across state lines" is a carefully worded hoax. The rubes are too stupid to catch on.
oh i cant wait till see you explain this one.. russian collusion is a hoax, this is not
BREAKING: Trump Signs Health Care Executive Order

hr gets rid of the lines between states that liberals mocked him about, deregularion at its finest
Let’s hope they can make it work... remember what happened last time they tried this?

it made phone service 10x cheaper and better, cable too
What did it do when they tried with with healthcare?
They haven't yet.....we know obamacare is a disaster. healthcare is waaaaay more expensive now than before it.
and choice has gone down as well.

the government can not and does not make things better. it's not their job.
BREAKING: Trump Signs Health Care Executive Order

hr gets rid of the lines between states that liberals mocked him about, deregularion at its finest
Let’s hope they can make it work... remember what happened last time they tried this?

it made phone service 10x cheaper and better, cable too
What did it do when they tried with with healthcare?
They haven't yet.....we know obamacare is a disaster. healthcare is waaaaay more expensive now than before it.
and choice has gone down as well.

the government can not and does not make things better. it's not their job.
They haven’t? I think you need to do some homework. Look into the private group plans that crossed state lines that they tried to implement in the 80’s. Let me know what you find.

Here is a head start, but feel free to do your own research....

Trump's Association Health Plans Are An Old Idea That Hasn't Worked

Here's the problem with Trump's plan to sell health insurance across state lines
BREAKING: Trump Signs Health Care Executive Order

hr gets rid of the lines between states that liberals mocked him about, deregularion at its finest
Let’s hope they can make it work... remember what happened last time they tried this?

it made phone service 10x cheaper and better, cable too
What did it do when they tried with with healthcare?
They haven't yet.....we know obamacare is a disaster. healthcare is waaaaay more expensive now than before it.
and choice has gone down as well.

the government can not and does not make things better. it's not their job.
They haven’t? I think you need to do some homework. Look into the private group plans that crossed state lines that they tried to implement in the 80’s. Let me know what you find.

Here is a head start, but feel free to do your own research....

Trump's Association Health Plans Are An Old Idea That Hasn't Worked

Here's the problem with Trump's plan to sell health insurance across state lines

reading those article, there was alot of conditional language. not much fact and it lets us know state regulators dont like it, suprise!!!!

the problem you have is these guys told us obamacare would be good, its a disaster. uiu just cried wolf too much
Let’s hope they can make it work... remember what happened last time they tried this?

it made phone service 10x cheaper and better, cable too
What did it do when they tried with with healthcare?
They haven't yet.....we know obamacare is a disaster. healthcare is waaaaay more expensive now than before it.
and choice has gone down as well.

the government can not and does not make things better. it's not their job.
They haven’t? I think you need to do some homework. Look into the private group plans that crossed state lines that they tried to implement in the 80’s. Let me know what you find.

Here is a head start, but feel free to do your own research....

Trump's Association Health Plans Are An Old Idea That Hasn't Worked

Here's the problem with Trump's plan to sell health insurance across state lines

reading those article, there was alot of conditional language. not much fact and it lets us know state regulators dont like it, suprise!!!!

the problem you have is these guys told us obamacare would be good, its a disaster. uiu just cried wolf too much
I suggested you do your own research, don’t stick to my links, see for yourself how this plan worked in the 80s. Let us know what you think.

You can only use the failing Obamacare excuse for so long, at some point you need to start presenting and owning solutions. These problems existed long before Obamacare
Trump's EO is illegal. The federal government cannot override state laws and regulations. States should go after these companies if they try. They need to be regulated to ensure that they have adequate financial resources to pay claims. Blue Cross Blue Shield operates in every state even though they set up subsidiaries to do so. We see from Obamacare that companies are able to move in or out of states.

How can they do that if it is illegal?
it made phone service 10x cheaper and better, cable too
What did it do when they tried with with healthcare?
They haven't yet.....we know obamacare is a disaster. healthcare is waaaaay more expensive now than before it.
and choice has gone down as well.

the government can not and does not make things better. it's not their job.
They haven’t? I think you need to do some homework. Look into the private group plans that crossed state lines that they tried to implement in the 80’s. Let me know what you find.

Here is a head start, but feel free to do your own research....

Trump's Association Health Plans Are An Old Idea That Hasn't Worked

Here's the problem with Trump's plan to sell health insurance across state lines

reading those article, there was alot of conditional language. not much fact and it lets us know state regulators dont like it, suprise!!!!

the problem you have is these guys told us obamacare would be good, its a disaster. uiu just cried wolf too much
I suggested you do your own research, don’t stick to my links, see for yourself how this plan worked in the 80s. Let us know what you think.

You can only use the failing Obamacare excuse for so long, at some point you need to start presenting and owning solutions. These problems existed long before Obamacare

FACT there was bi-partisan support for a common sense bill that dealt with the most critical health insurance problems, for a fraction of the cost, and wasn't a massive 2,000 plus bill packed full of pork and special interest favors.

Dem's strategy was to pack the front end of the bill with short term subsidies, delay the bills unpopular features for several years, and hope that a mixed congress would have no choice but to fund the bankrupt pile of crap later. Well here we are its coming apart at the seams.

Rather than let Obamacare choke the life out of Democrats while the American people suffer, fed up with a gutless GOP congress that refuses to make good on its promise to the American people, president Trump is taking one for the team and dealing with the Obamacare mess he inherited. Good job Mr. president :eusa_clap:
What did it do when they tried with with healthcare?
They haven't yet.....we know obamacare is a disaster. healthcare is waaaaay more expensive now than before it.
and choice has gone down as well.

the government can not and does not make things better. it's not their job.
They haven’t? I think you need to do some homework. Look into the private group plans that crossed state lines that they tried to implement in the 80’s. Let me know what you find.

Here is a head start, but feel free to do your own research....

Trump's Association Health Plans Are An Old Idea That Hasn't Worked

Here's the problem with Trump's plan to sell health insurance across state lines

reading those article, there was alot of conditional language. not much fact and it lets us know state regulators dont like it, suprise!!!!

the problem you have is these guys told us obamacare would be good, its a disaster. uiu just cried wolf too much
I suggested you do your own research, don’t stick to my links, see for yourself how this plan worked in the 80s. Let us know what you think.

You can only use the failing Obamacare excuse for so long, at some point you need to start presenting and owning solutions. These problems existed long before Obamacare

FACT there was bi-partisan support for a common sense bill that dealt with the most critical health insurance problems, for a fraction of the cost, and wasn't a massive 2,000 plus bill packed full of pork and special interest favors.

Dem's strategy was to pack the front end of the bill with short term subsidies, delay the bills unpopular features for several years, and hope that a mixed congress would have no choice but to fund the bankrupt pile of crap later. Well here we are its coming apart at the seams.

Rather than let Obamacare choke the life out of Democrats while the American people suffer, fed up with a gutless GOP congress that refuses to make good on its promise to the American people, president Trump is taking one for the team and dealing with the Obamacare mess he inherited. Good job Mr. president :eusa_clap:
Ok, but you aren’t addressing my question. Just because Trump is forcing action through EO doesn’t mean it is going to be a good or effective solution. It was tried before in the 80s and led to millions of unpaid claims, confusion in the marketplace, and extremely expensive plans for the sick and elderly.

I hope they roll out something better but so far I’m not seeing anything different that is going to lead to a better system. What differences are you seeing in this plan than what was done in the 80s?

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