Another Proud Liberal...


Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Hey, thanks for posting!

I didn't mean to watch the whole clip (I mean, c'mon, ... it's Tucker fucking Carlson), but was mesmerized.

What a tough and articulate woman, and she put that asshole fascist on the ground.

And BTW, despite Tucker's best efforts, you're just lying about her hinting that murder of those with alternative views would be appropriate.

Good for her.

This is the way you should treat alt-right asshats ...

"Thumbs up, soldier!"

There could not be a more appropriate post for this thread.
This poster is verifying exactly what I stated in the OP.....Liberals, Fascists, Nazis....synonyms.

They are a threat to America, Western Civilization, and to themselves.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Hey, thanks for posting!

I didn't mean to watch the whole clip (I mean, c'mon, ... it's Tucker fucking Carlson), but was mesmerized.

What a tough and articulate woman, and she put that asshole fascist on the ground.

And BTW, despite Tucker's best efforts, you're just lying about her hinting that murder of those with alternative views would be appropriate.

Good for her.

This is the way you should treat alt-right asshats ...

"Thumbs up, soldier!"

Oh golly another tough guy.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical of a Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is your effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

/---- Ahh the intolerant Left. As Rush Limbaugh has said many times, Liberals are funny when out of power and dangerous when in power.

I didn't see anything funny here....

We are witnessing a recreation of the Beer Hall Putsch.

1. "The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch,[1] and, in German, as the Hitlerputsch or Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch, was a failed coup attempt by the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler — along with Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders — to seize power...."
Beer Hall Putsch - Wikipedia

Once again, not liberalism, but progressivism.

westy, the term 'liberalism,' as used today, the colloquial, is synonymous with 'progressivism.'

. "Hillary Clinton says she doesn't really like the descriptive word "liberal," preferring to be characterized as a "progressive."
"You know, (liberal) is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom … that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual," she said at the CNN/YouTube debate. "Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head, and it's been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the 19th and early 20th century." She continued: "I prefer the word 'progressive,' which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern progressive."
What Is a Progressive? by Joseph Farah

If you would like it used in its original meaning, you have to say 'classical liberalism.'

Oh bullshit. Progressivism was hanging around a century ago and is long gone. Your own Hillary Clinton quote makes that point, even if she wishes to revive it for herself, I'm afraid one person doesn't get to do that unilaterally. Wags like Westwall have their own modern meaning, even if you can't get them to say what it is ---- none of which make for a useful term if nobody agrees on what it means.

Liberalsim was here from the beginning, founded this country and fueled its Constitution.. Fascism is it polar opposite. Liberalism protects the rights of the populace, whence derives Power, and then gets the hell out of their way; fascism protects itself. whence derives its own Power, and gets the hell IN the way.

You can't just plug in any old term just because you like the way it rolls off the tongue. That is an insult to historical research.

"Classical Liberalism" does not exist as such. Liberalism is Liberalism, period. You don't get to pull a word inside out and turn it into its own opposite by appending the adjective "Classical" just because you can't be bothered to appreciate what the term actually means We actually do have a word for that process. It's called "Doublethink".

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Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical of a Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is your effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

Are you 12? She was a bully and a bitch who just wanted to preach. She, like you wants to suppress any words or views you don't like. She like you personify fascism.
Violence is inexcusable especially against someone like Milo who was invited to speak by a student organization. My favorite 1st amendment proponent was Frank Zappa. I think Frank would have been amused by Milo and might have even made song about him/her.


Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical of a Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is your effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

"What do I think?"

Let's not exaggerate.....

"Think" is a mighty strong way of putting what you do, isn't it?
Once again, not liberalism, but progressivism.

westy, the term 'liberalism,' as used today, the colloquial, is synonymous with 'progressivism.'

. "Hillary Clinton says she doesn't really like the descriptive word "liberal," preferring to be characterized as a "progressive."
"You know, (liberal) is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom … that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual," she said at the CNN/YouTube debate. "Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head, and it's been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the 19th and early 20th century." She continued: "I prefer the word 'progressive,' which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern progressive."
What Is a Progressive? by Joseph Farah

If you would like it used in its original meaning, you have to say 'classical liberalism.'

Oh bullshit. Progressivism was hanging around a century ago and is long gone. Liberalsim was here from the beginning, founded this country and fueld its Constitution.. Fascism is it polar opposite. You can't just plug in any old term just because you like the way it rolls off the tongue. That is an insult to historical research.

"Liberalsim (sic) was here from the beginning, founded this country and fueld its Constitution."

A total lie.

1. The 'Greatest Lie"is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country,convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.
Violence is inexcusable especially against someone like Milo who was invited to speak by a student organization. My favorite 1st amendment proponent was Frank Zappa. I think Frank would have been amused by Milo and might have even made song about him/her.

"Violence is inexcusable blah blah blah..."

You have supported the Left in nearly every one of your posts.....and violence is the language and default of the Left....

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although he claimed himself to be a Marxian, Sorel held a deep suspicion for "armchair socialists", particularly those who mumbled about the inevitability of "progress". Instead, Sorel advocated massive general strikes and worker action -- not for the small concessions from employers those might bring, but rather as a way of continuously disrupting the capitalism industrial machine and thus eventually achieving worker control of means of production. In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways).His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Hey, thanks for posting!

I didn't mean to watch the whole clip (I mean, c'mon, ... it's Tucker fucking Carlson), but was mesmerized.

What a tough and articulate woman, and she put that asshole fascist on the ground.

And BTW, despite Tucker's best efforts, you're just lying about her hinting that murder of those with alternative views would be appropriate.

Good for her.

This is the way you should treat alt-right asshats ...

"Thumbs up, soldier!"

Oh golly another tough guy.

No, I'm no tough guy ...

... but, I surely am attracted to smart, tough, opinionated, and articulate women.

Why do they threaten you so?
Violence is inexcusable especially against someone like Milo who was invited to speak by a student organization. My favorite 1st amendment proponent was Frank Zappa. I think Frank would have been amused by Milo and might have even made song about him/her.

"Violence is inexcusable blah blah blah..."

You have supported the Left in nearly every one of your posts.....and violence is the language and default of the Left....

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although he claimed himself to be a Marxian, Sorel held a deep suspicion for "armchair socialists", particularly those who mumbled about the inevitability of "progress". Instead, Sorel advocated massive general strikes and worker action -- not for the small concessions from employers those might bring, but rather as a way of continuously disrupting the capitalism industrial machine and thus eventually achieving worker control of means of production. In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways).His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after.

Feel free to link to any post where I advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute.
Once again, not liberalism, but progressivism.

westy, the term 'liberalism,' as used today, the colloquial, is synonymous with 'progressivism.'

. "Hillary Clinton says she doesn't really like the descriptive word "liberal," preferring to be characterized as a "progressive."
"You know, (liberal) is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom … that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual," she said at the CNN/YouTube debate. "Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head, and it's been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the 19th and early 20th century." She continued: "I prefer the word 'progressive,' which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern progressive."
What Is a Progressive? by Joseph Farah

If you would like it used in its original meaning, you have to say 'classical liberalism.'

Liberals aren't fascists, progressives are. "Progressive" is just a change of name for "Communism" because you know, people got hip to "Communism".

She says "misogynistic" Milo's gay.

I can't wait until these tards run into some organized resistance.
Her pathology was tangible. I hope the Democrat party goes her way since thtey still haven't figured out why they lost, and lost big.

The Democrats created her, they pay her a salary.....they may, as a previous Leftist wrote, disparage violence...but it's with a wink and a nod.

This is the real face of the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

I'm not certain America can be saved from what they have Shakespeare wrote...

How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O, how shall summer’s honey breath hold out
Against the wrackful siege of batt’ring days,
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong,....

The Left is a knife in America's back.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Hey, thanks for posting!

I didn't mean to watch the whole clip (I mean, c'mon, ... it's Tucker fucking Carlson), but was mesmerized.

What a tough and articulate woman, and she put that asshole fascist on the ground.

And BTW, despite Tucker's best efforts, you're just lying about her hinting that murder of those with alternative views would be appropriate.

Good for her.

This is the way you should treat alt-right asshats ...

"Thumbs up, soldier!"

Oh golly another tough guy.

No, I'm no tough guy ...

... but, I surely am attracted to smart, tough, opinionated, and articulate women.

Why do they threaten you so?

You've served your purpose....proof of the description of Liberals as per the OP....Fascists and Nazis.....

...there is no reason for you to drop back.

Violence is inexcusable especially against someone like Milo who was invited to speak by a student organization. My favorite 1st amendment proponent was Frank Zappa. I think Frank would have been amused by Milo and might have even made song about him/her.

"Violence is inexcusable blah blah blah..."

You have supported the Left in nearly every one of your posts.....and violence is the language and default of the Left....

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although he claimed himself to be a Marxian, Sorel held a deep suspicion for "armchair socialists", particularly those who mumbled about the inevitability of "progress". Instead, Sorel advocated massive general strikes and worker action -- not for the small concessions from employers those might bring, but rather as a way of continuously disrupting the capitalism industrial machine and thus eventually achieving worker control of means of production. In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways).His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after.

Feel free to link to any post where I advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute.

Feel free to tell the truth.

Where did I say you "advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

Now post what I actually said.

I use words with precision....try to do the same.
Wow. She is a really, really, angry person. The hate is seething just below the surface with her. She's going to explode soon, and it will be ugly when she does.
Hopefully she'll just pop a vein in her noggin and croak.

May it be a lengthy and painful death for her. She has it coming. Though of course she will have eternity in hell as well...
Once again, not liberalism, but progressivism.

westy, the term 'liberalism,' as used today, the colloquial, is synonymous with 'progressivism.'

. "Hillary Clinton says she doesn't really like the descriptive word "liberal," preferring to be characterized as a "progressive."
"You know, (liberal) is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom … that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual," she said at the CNN/YouTube debate. "Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head, and it's been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the 19th and early 20th century." She continued: "I prefer the word 'progressive,' which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern progressive."
What Is a Progressive? by Joseph Farah

If you would like it used in its original meaning, you have to say 'classical liberalism.'

Liberals aren't fascists, progressives are. "Progressive" is just a change of name for "Communism" because you know, people got hip to "Communism".

She says "misogynistic" Milo's gay.

I can't wait until these tards run into some organized resistance.

In modern colloquy 'Liberal' means the same as 'Progressive."

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