Another Proud Liberal...


Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

Nor do you have a Right to destroy private property and attack people you disagree with. Yet another in a long line of epic fails for the nycrab.

Since you agree with me that there is no 1st amendment issue here, go argue with the OP who foolishly claimed there is.

Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

Nor do you have a Right to destroy private property and attack people you disagree with. Yet another in a long line of epic fails for the nycrab.

Since you agree with me that there is no 1st amendment issue here, go argue with the OP who foolishly claimed there is.

Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

Nor do you have a Right to destroy private property and attack people you disagree with. Yet another in a long line of epic fails for the nycrab.

Since you agree with me that there is no 1st amendment issue here, go argue with the OP who foolishly claimed there is.

Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?
This lady is a good example of the Regressive Left: Judge, jury and executioner.

She'll decide what is fascism, she'll decide when it is being perpetrated, and she'll decide on the punishment.

The concepts of freedom of speech and freedom of expression are up to her personal interpretation only.

This is why freedom of expression is so critical: It exposes people like this for what they are, loud and clear.

A good example of the Left? lol
This lady is a good example of the Regressive Left: Judge, jury and executioner.

She'll decide what is fascism, she'll decide when it is being perpetrated, and she'll decide on the punishment.

The concepts of freedom of speech and freedom of expression are up to her personal interpretation only.

This is why freedom of expression is so critical: It exposes people like this for what they are, loud and clear.

A good example of the Left? lol

Are you asking ?
Wow. She is a really, really, angry person. The hate is seething just below the surface with her. She's going to explode soon, and it will be ugly when she does.

Why didn't that guy in the clip shove that pole down her throat ?

A variation of your post might be an interesting OP itself.

Violence is the 'speech' of the Left....they cannot win a debate with conservatives on the merits of their positions,
and they function via the coercion of big governments,
and push their agenda via judges, e.g., the 9th Circuit, because they cannot get Americans to agree to do so voluntarily.... they quickly resort to lies and violence.

Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

BUT......throughout history, an oppressed majority can get to the point where they take up pitchforks and torches.....
...and, as your post suggests........

...could that be America's future?
You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

Nor do you have a Right to destroy private property and attack people you disagree with. Yet another in a long line of epic fails for the nycrab.

Since you agree with me that there is no 1st amendment issue here, go argue with the OP who foolishly claimed there is.

Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.
Once again, not liberalism, but progressivism.

westy, the term 'liberalism,' as used today, the colloquial, is synonymous with 'progressivism.'

. "Hillary Clinton says she doesn't really like the descriptive word "liberal," preferring to be characterized as a "progressive."
"You know, (liberal) is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom … that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual," she said at the CNN/YouTube debate. "Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head, and it's been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the 19th and early 20th century." She continued: "I prefer the word 'progressive,' which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern progressive."
What Is a Progressive? by Joseph Farah

If you would like it used in its original meaning, you have to say 'classical liberalism.'

Oh bullshit. Progressivism was hanging around a century ago and is long gone. Liberalsim was here from the beginning, founded this country and fueld its Constitution.. Fascism is it polar opposite. You can't just plug in any old term just because you like the way it rolls off the tongue. That is an insult to historical research.

"Liberalsim (sic) was here from the beginning, founded this country and fueld its Constitution."

A total lie.

1. The 'Greatest Lie"is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country,convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.

Again, total fucking bullshit. You conveniently cut out the part of the post that sends your bullshit term "classical liberalism" down the toilet. Let's see again what you edited out as inconvenient. Roll tape.

>> "Classical Liberalism" does not exist as such. Liberalism is Liberalism, period. You don't get to pull a word inside out and turn it into its own opposite by appending the adjective "Classical" just because you can't be bothered to appreciate what the term actually means We actually do have a word for that process. It's called "Doublethink". <<​

Not bad. Roll another one, just like the other one....

>> Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the prevailing social and political norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property,[12] while adding that governments must not violate these rights based on the social contract. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law. << (Wiki)​

Liberalism then, wrested the power from the theretofore-extant channels of the Clergy and Aristocracy (first and second Estates) and sent it to the Third Estate, which we call We the People. That's history, Spandexia, and you can't change it.

What you're trying to do here is nakedly transparent and has been so since the post-WW2 Red Scare era when your demogogue god Joe McCarthy tried the same thing --- conflate "Liberalism" with "leftism" and then proceed to dehumanize and denigrate both. And you do that because State-worshiping authoritarians like you just can't stand the idea of a government that declines to butt into people's personal lives declaring who they can hang with, what they can say and what religion they can follow. Scary stuff. Too bad. That's the Constitution and it ain't going nowhere, like it or lump it.

You're playing with the language as a strategy to break that down. Ain't gonna happen on my watch, snookums. You may as well abandon these façile oxymoronic flailing attempts to be clever such as "liberal fasist". That's the equivalent of "pacifist warmonger". It's not fooling anybody but the OP. :eusa_hand:

Gutter language is a well-known trait of one who recognizes that they've lost the argument. Defaulting to vulgarity proves that your thoughts are no more articulated on this subject than on any other.: a second-rater with a third grader's vocabulary.

Everything I post is accurate, correct and true.

You, of course, cannot claim the same.

Your posts are a combination of pathological lies and breathtakingly severe cases of ignorance.
Nor do you have a Right to destroy private property and attack people you disagree with. Yet another in a long line of epic fails for the nycrab.

Since you agree with me that there is no 1st amendment issue here, go argue with the OP who foolishly claimed there is.

Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.
Since you agree with me that there is no 1st amendment issue here, go argue with the OP who foolishly claimed there is.

Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions
You were lying when you claimed I said you "advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

Let me try once more. I did not claim you said that. You should truly be more precise with your words. "Blah blah blah" is not precise at all. But your intent that I was not sincere in my stance against violence was quite clear. I know it doesn't fit your mold but there it is.
Correct, those people were not expressing free speech.

Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

She's that is funny.

But to be clear.....the batbrain is the woman talking to Tucker Carlson.

The one who espouses violence towards those she feels are outside the bounds she has set.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions

Are you the idiot talking to Tucker in the video clip ?

I actually pictured you a lot differently.
Peaceful protest qualifies as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

She's that is funny.

But to be clear.....the batbrain is the woman talking to Tucker Carlson.

The one who espouses violence towards those she feels are outside the bounds she has set.

She put me on ignore after years of being made a monkey of,

by me.

It's textbook propaganda tactic to seek out isolated examples of loons among the opposition and try to portray them as representative of the whole.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions

"Where weee (sic) you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?"

He didn't.

it was propaganda meant to mobilize the

Proof? Sure:

"Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service"
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

And the revelation:
"5803574The director of the Secret Service today disputed widely-reported claims that President Obama is receiving more death threats than previous presidents.

At a congressional hearing into the White House security breach that took place last week, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi "crashed" the White House state dinner, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal.

"The threats right now ... is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations," Sullivan said. Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And another propaganda attempt by the left:

October 16, 2008 at 4:39 pm
What is really going on at McCain-Palin rallies? The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., reports that the Secret Service can find no evidence that anyone shouted “Kill him!” in reference to Barack Obama at a recent Palin event (via Little Green Footballs).

The story was originally reported by a competitor, the Scranton Times-Tribune, which is standing by its reporter, David Singleton:

Mr. Singleton said the remark came from his right, amid booing that followed Mr. Hackett’s mention of Mr. Obama.

very distinctly heard, ‘Kill him!’ Male voice,” he said. “It was definitely back in the back.”
Media Nation So what about those death threats?

Same story, different day.

Don't you feel stupid that you fell for the hype????

That's because you are stupid.
You were lying when you claimed I said you "advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

Let me try once more. I did not claim you said that. You should truly be more precise with your words. "Blah blah blah" is not precise at all. But your intent that I was not sincere in my stance against violence was quite clear. I know it doesn't fit your mold but there it is.

This was your post #34...

"Feel free to link to any post where I advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

And, as you cannot find any such post of've been forced into full retreat.


Running with your tail between your legs suits per your avi.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions

" And learn what a fascist is." know! Call on meeeeeeee!!!

It's that raving lunatic in the vid in the OP.

She's a fascist, as are you for attempting to support her.
Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

She's that is funny.

But to be clear.....the batbrain is the woman talking to Tucker Carlson.

The one who espouses violence towards those she feels are outside the bounds she has set.

She put me on ignore after years of being made a monkey of,

by me.

It's textbook propaganda tactic to seek out isolated examples of loons among the opposition and try to portray them as representative of the whole.

I can see why she put you on ignore.

I watched your give yourself way to much credit.

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