Another Proud Liberal...

It seems your head has been up your ass too long, I'm white (French, German, Italian and Romanian ancestry) and raised and confirmed Catholic. My wife of 42 years is German and Welch, and a Methodist.

So why not STFU and stopped proving your ignorance, the evidence that you are is sustained with your every post.

Again, your hatred for white people and Christians is all over this forum. That you are white is irrelevant.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Soooo.....I'm a narcissist....and you're a Fascist?


A "Fascist"? Not me. There is nothing in the 14 points (linked, below) which describe me or my threads/posts or ideas for you to make such a conclusion (anyone who wants proof, can search over my body of work on this message board). Which makes your allegation untrue, and adds LIAR to your character flaws along with the mental irregularities (see, I can be nice, even to you).

George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism - Project for the OLD American Century
It seems your head has been up your ass too long, I'm white (French, German, Italian and Romanian ancestry) and raised and confirmed Catholic. My wife of 42 years is German and Welch, and a Methodist.

So why not STFU and stopped proving your ignorance, the evidence that you are is sustained with your every post.

Again, your hatred for white people and Christians is all over this forum. That you are white is irrelevant.

Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Soooo.....I'm a narcissist....and you're a Fascist?


A "Fascist"? Not me. There is nothing in the 14 points (linked, below) which describe me or my threads/posts or ideas for you to make such a conclusion (anyone who wants proof, can search over my body of work on this message board). Which makes your allegation untrue, and adds LIAR to your character flaws along with the mental irregularities (see, I can be nice, even to you).

George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism - Project for the OLD American Century

Education clearly doesn't take hold in you...but let's try again, anyway.

The Shameful Six....Communism, Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, and Progressivism are so closely aligned that it is most difficult to tell them apart.

Here's an explanation, and a book to read should you ever develop the habit of learning:

"The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all:
1. it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and
2. it was based on the idea of one [the collective], instead of many."
Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” chapter two.

So, you may be any one of the six. With respect to this're a Fascist.
Last edited:
I love it, he is a token. Lol there it is! It says it all. 'How dare he leave the Dem plantation!'

This is a byproduct of the education being forced on our kids for the last 20 years.
I love it, he is a token. Lol there it is! It says it all. 'How dare he leave the Dem plantation!'

This is a byproduct of the education being forced on our kids for the last 20 years.

I need a bit more to understand where this post is directed.
One of her first sentences in the video she called Milo a token, same meaning as calling someone an Uncle Tom that has left the Dem plantation. Look up tokens and plantations.
I love it, he is a token. Lol there it is! It says it all. 'How dare he leave the Dem plantation!'

This is a byproduct of the education being forced on our kids for the last 20 years.

I need a bit more to understand where this post is directed.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

It seems that you publish this sort of gibberish about every poster who beats you from pillar to post.

That being the case, one can only wonder how you even have time left over to wind your watch.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.
Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

And I believe you are a fool, who seeks the destruction of the greatest nation in human history in order to give power to men that hold malicious intent toward the greater part of humanity.

I certainly hate what you promote. For the most brief moment out of all human history that is America, people have lived free, to be their own masters and not kneel before captains and kings. You work to end that and return men to the traditional role of slaves to serve the tiny power elite. Whether you think you will personally profit from this, or simply hold malice toward your fellow man and seek to spread misery, I do not know.
What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.
And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.

But you have no hate? My vituperative little comrade? :lmao:
And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.

Kid, I'll address you however I please, not much you can do about it. I told, you'd get treated better if you weren't such a condescending prick.
Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

And I believe you are a fool, who seeks the destruction of the greatest nation in human history in order to give power to men that hold malicious intent toward the greater part of humanity.

I certainly hate what you promote. For the most brief moment out of all human history that is America, people have lived free, to be their own masters and not kneel before captains and kings. You work to end that and return men to the traditional role of slaves to serve the tiny power elite. Whether you think you will personally profit from this, or simply hold malice toward your fellow man and seek to spread misery, I do not know.

I must conclude you are psychotic, a liar or a fool. But, I'll give you a chance. Post what I promote which leads you to make your claim!

Be specific, use detail and quotes. OR, lead the reader to decide if you are psychotic, a liar or a fool.
On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.

Kid, I'll address you however I please, not much you can do about it. I told, you'd get treated better if you weren't such a condescending prick.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.

Kid, I'll address you however I please, not much you can do about it. I told, you'd get treated better if you weren't such a condescending prick.


Exactly, you are nothing but a run of the mill boor.
And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.
Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

And I believe you are a fool, who seeks the destruction of the greatest nation in human history in order to give power to men that hold malicious intent toward the greater part of humanity.

I certainly hate what you promote. For the most brief moment out of all human history that is America, people have lived free, to be their own masters and not kneel before captains and kings. You work to end that and return men to the traditional role of slaves to serve the tiny power elite. Whether you think you will personally profit from this, or simply hold malice toward your fellow man and seek to spread misery, I do not know.

I must conclude you are psychotic, a liar or a fool. But, I'll give you a chance. Post what I promote which leads you to make your claim!

Be specific, use detail and quotes. OR, lead the reader to decide if you are psychotic, a liar or a fool.
Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

And I believe you are a fool, who seeks the destruction of the greatest nation in human history in order to give power to men that hold malicious intent toward the greater part of humanity.

I certainly hate what you promote. For the most brief moment out of all human history that is America, people have lived free, to be their own masters and not kneel before captains and kings. You work to end that and return men to the traditional role of slaves to serve the tiny power elite. Whether you think you will personally profit from this, or simply hold malice toward your fellow man and seek to spread misery, I do not know.

I must conclude you are psychotic, a liar or a fool. But, I'll give you a chance. Post what I promote which leads you to make your claim!

Be specific, use detail and quotes. OR, lead the reader to decide if you are psychotic, a liar or a fool.

How's this for a return to your feeble, flaccid attempt to defend- by ignoring- the homicidal rantings of your fellow Liberal, the maniac exposed in the OP.....that's far more interesting than your pretend psychological pronouncements.

So far, everyone seem to have found your ....exertions......less than dispositive.

Give it yet another of the ol' Liberal, try.
I must conclude you are psychotic, a liar or a fool. But, I'll give you a chance. Post what I promote which leads you to make your claim!

Be specific, use detail and quotes. OR, lead the reader to decide if you are psychotic, a liar or a fool.

I find it pathetic that this is really the best retort you could compose. The intellect of the left is so.. lacking.

The progressive agenda you promote is nothing more, and nothing less, than repackaged feudalism made to appeal to the stupid. Whether we say "the state" or "the crown," the concept it the same, the supreme ruler or rulers, Whether we say "baron" or "administrator," the concept it the same, an empowered bureaucrat who doles out favors and assets on behalf of the crown based on the favor a particular group has with the king.

You may sputter and spit all you like, it will in no way alter the veracity of my earlier post, nor will anyone, particularly you, doubt for a second that it fully applies.

You have a choice, you can explain why you think placing all the assets in the nation into the hands of a ruling elite to be parceled out in accordance to their will is a better system than the free markets that allow people to get exactly what others see as value in them, but not a penny more. You can defend the long advocated positions you post here, or you may continue to play the buffoon, if play is indeed what you are doing.
On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.

Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.
Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

And I believe you are a fool, who seeks the destruction of the greatest nation in human history in order to give power to men that hold malicious intent toward the greater part of humanity.

I certainly hate what you promote. For the most brief moment out of all human history that is America, people have lived free, to be their own masters and not kneel before captains and kings. You work to end that and return men to the traditional role of slaves to serve the tiny power elite. Whether you think you will personally profit from this, or simply hold malice toward your fellow man and seek to spread misery, I do not know.

I must conclude you are psychotic, a liar or a fool. But, I'll give you a chance. Post what I promote which leads you to make your claim!

Be specific, use detail and quotes. OR, lead the reader to decide if you are psychotic, a liar or a fool.
Actually I don't hate anyone. I do believe you are a fool, and I should pity you, but it's hard to pity and forgive a hater.

And I believe you are a fool, who seeks the destruction of the greatest nation in human history in order to give power to men that hold malicious intent toward the greater part of humanity.

I certainly hate what you promote. For the most brief moment out of all human history that is America, people have lived free, to be their own masters and not kneel before captains and kings. You work to end that and return men to the traditional role of slaves to serve the tiny power elite. Whether you think you will personally profit from this, or simply hold malice toward your fellow man and seek to spread misery, I do not know.

I must conclude you are psychotic, a liar or a fool. But, I'll give you a chance. Post what I promote which leads you to make your claim!

Be specific, use detail and quotes. OR, lead the reader to decide if you are psychotic, a liar or a fool.

How's this for a return to your feeble, flaccid attempt to defend- by ignoring- the homicidal rantings of your fellow Liberal, the maniac exposed in the OP.....that's far more interesting than your pretend psychological pronouncements.

So far, everyone seem to have found your ....exertions......less than dispositive.

Give it yet another of the ol' Liberal, try.

Typical Lefty, likes to dish it out but cannot take it.

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