Another Proud Liberal...

Yikes, a member of the American version of the Sturmabteilung that doesn't even know the definition of "fascism" calling other people fascists because they have the audacity to disagree with her and her lunatic cohorts.

Why the fuck do people in the media give morons like this airtime?

How often are we so see proof of the axiom:
To recognize what the Left is doing, just listen to what they blame the other side for.

Why do "people in the media give morons like this airtime?"
Because they agree with the ends, if not the means.
They shouldn't call themselves Progressives, but Projectionists.

They tip off what they plan to do with a speech or an attack beforehand.
Most importantly, these people are not liberals.

They are VERY illiberal.
Yikes, a member of the American version of the Sturmabteilung that doesn't even know the definition of "fascism" calling other people fascists because they have the audacity to disagree with her and her lunatic cohorts.

Why the fuck do people in the media give morons like this airtime?

How often are we so see proof of the axiom:
To recognize what the Left is doing, just listen to what they blame the other side for.

Why do "people in the media give morons like this airtime?"
Because they agree with the ends, if not the means.
They shouldn't call themselves Progressives, but Projectionists.

They tip off what they plan to do with a speech or an attack beforehand.
Most importantly, these people are not liberals.

They are VERY illiberal.

They are Progressive Fascists.
Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

She's that is funny.

But to be clear.....the batbrain is the woman talking to Tucker Carlson.

The one who espouses violence towards those she feels are outside the bounds she has set.

She put me on ignore after years of being made a monkey of,

by me.

It's textbook propaganda tactic to seek out isolated examples of loons among the opposition and try to portray them as representative of the whole.


I don't consider Berkley an isolated example of what progressivism stands for anymore.

After the last few years of violent protests it's time to break out the bean bag shot, manacles, and two years of 'voluntary' community service assigned to anyone manacled, at these protests turned violent.

Don't want to be a 'volunteer' then you'd best leave the area when the violence breaks out.

One or two years of living in a tent with only a blanket and bucket should convince quite a few what the difference is between free speech and protesting aggressively.


You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

When that school takes in government funds, it is obligated to obey the First Amendment and respect the First Amendment rights of anyone who speaks on that campus.

Paying people to speak on campus has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment.

When you're doing it on the campus of a school that takes money from a constitutionally bound government, that makes the school constitutionally bound to honor the 1st Amendment rights of the speaker, paid or otherwise.
You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

When that school takes in government funds, it is obligated to obey the First Amendment and respect the First Amendment rights of anyone who speaks on that campus.

Paying people to speak on campus has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment.

No, but OTHER people on the same campus paying to hear those people is. Fascist to the core you are.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Even a cursory reading of your post ^^^ offers evidence - in this order - that you're a misogynist (use of the word Bitch); calling "you people ... filled with bling hatered" is a blind statement of hate, or at least intolerance; "soon calling for legal censorship (mindful of trump's attacks on Journalists, BTW) is a slippery slope argument and thus unsupported by evidence; and "detention of those you disagree with" is awfully close to the mantra heard at trump rallies, "lock her up".

And your first sentence is evidence of a childish effort at an ad hominem and the use of a medical term of which you have no clue. My use of narcissist to describe PoliticalChic has included two of the four subsets of Personality Disorders (in Cluster B) in detail, located in the DSM; any layman can determine these subsets (Narcissistic & Histrionic) define her by her postings.


Since you wish to utilize micro-aggressions and even aggressions in your own post...

Would you like to know which traits you've displayed for personality disorders from the DSM V?

I count at least seven under the narcissist personality symptoms for yourself... Then there's all those other disorders we could diagnose you as having if you wish to play this game.


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You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

Slither back in your lying hole, I am sure then it would be OKAY WITH YOU if a group of The Young Republicans on campus go when the shitbitch is going to speak at a commencement and run her scum ass off.
You don't have a 1st amendment right to get paid to speak at a school.

When that school takes in government funds, it is obligated to obey the First Amendment and respect the First Amendment rights of anyone who speaks on that campus.

Paying people to speak on campus has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment.

"When you tolerate the intolerant, you become their accomplice."

I know that the hypocrisy of this is beyond but I just had to point it out.
Get over yourself kid, you just don't like being called out. You get what you give, what you typed describes exactly the way you post.

"kid"? You may address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher", or not all. In fact I'd appreciate, "not at all"; there are already to many enough fools like you posting idiot-grams, ad hominems and echoes of each other.


DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner

All of the red highlighted ones are displayed in the post by you that I just quoted.


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BTW: The POS Tucker was interviewing was not a liberal.

She's a hard core left wing moron.

Most importantly, these people are not liberals.

They are VERY illiberal.

Well said.

Case in point, I view myself as quite liberal. Jefferson, Payne, and Mason are men I aspire to emulate.

You mean the people who used lawbreaking and violence to found this country?

Oooh, you were better off not saying something so crass.

Serious question:

Why do you hate America?

You don't, you say?

Well, why, then, do you accuse our founding fathers of breaking the law to found this country? Such hatred is evident in such a childish statement.

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