Another Proud Liberal...

Berkley was peacful ?

Her assaulting the guy in the clip was peaceful ?

I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

She's that is funny.

But to be clear.....the batbrain is the woman talking to Tucker Carlson.

The one who espouses violence towards those she feels are outside the bounds she has set.

She put me on ignore after years of being made a monkey of,

by me.

It's textbook propaganda tactic to seek out isolated examples of loons among the opposition and try to portray them as representative of the whole.

Near as I can tell so far you can't even make Timmy, or Matthew look like a monkey.
I'm not referring to the lawbreakers.

Good to know you don't agree with the batbrain in the OP.

Are you referring to the author of the thread?

She's scared to debate me, her comical displays of arrogance notwithstanding.

She's that is funny.

But to be clear.....the batbrain is the woman talking to Tucker Carlson.

The one who espouses violence towards those she feels are outside the bounds she has set.

She put me on ignore after years of being made a monkey of,

by me.

It's textbook propaganda tactic to seek out isolated examples of loons among the opposition and try to portray them as representative of the whole.

I can see why she put you on ignore.

I watched your give yourself way to much credit.

I don't have anyone on ignore, Sunny.
I've never used that function.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions

And another dose of the medicine you so sorely require:
"The Boston Globe report last month noting that the threats against Mr. Obama have fallen back to typical levels, Mark Hosenball of Newsweek writes that the reports of a 400 percent increase in threats can be traced back to a book about the Secret Service published earlier this year by author Ronald Kessler."

Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal

See what happens when you take your marching orders from the DNC?

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks? Tucker Carlson is just throwing red meat to idiots on Fox.

You're just deflecting from the train wreck that is unfolding in the shiny, new ultra-conservative White House.

It's apparent that the Russian connection with Trump is going to become a much bigger deal than some liberal school teacher arguing with a punk like Carlson .
Yikes, a member of the American version of the Sturmabteilung that doesn't even know the definition of "fascism" calling other people fascists because they have the audacity to disagree with her and her lunatic cohorts.

Why the fuck do people in the media give morons like this airtime?

How often are we so see proof of the axiom:
To recognize what the Left is doing, just listen to what they blame the other side for.

Why do "people in the media give morons like this airtime?"
Because they agree with the ends, if not the means.
They shouldn't call themselves Progressives, but Projectionists.

They tip off what they plan to do with a speech or an attack beforehand.
They are going to try and tear this Country apart, all because they didn't get their way. These protests have all been astro turf bullshit. They think they'll back us down but all they'll get is an ass whuppin.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks? Tucker Carlson is just throwing red meat to idiots on Fox.

You're just deflecting from the train wreck that is unfolding in the shiny, new ultra-conservative White House.

It's apparent that the Russian connection with Trump is going to become a much bigger deal than some liberal school teacher arguing with a punk like Carlson .

"You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks?"

You need to look into the costs for a brain transplant.

This member of your coterie, this other Fascist, was responsible for this:

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks? Tucker Carlson is just throwing red meat to idiots on Fox.

You're just deflecting from the train wreck that is unfolding in the shiny, new ultra-conservative White House.

It's apparent that the Russian connection with Trump is going to become a much bigger deal than some liberal school teacher arguing with a punk like Carlson .

"You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks?"

You need to look into the costs for a brain transplant.

This member of your coterie, this other Fascist, was responsible for this:

Attack the messenger because you can't attack the message. Butt hurt much?

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks? Tucker Carlson is just throwing red meat to idiots on Fox.

You're just deflecting from the train wreck that is unfolding in the shiny, new ultra-conservative White House.

It's apparent that the Russian connection with Trump is going to become a much bigger deal than some liberal school teacher arguing with a punk like Carlson .

"You need to focus, PC. Who cares what this teacher thinks?"

You need to look into the costs for a brain transplant.

This member of your coterie, this other Fascist, was responsible for this:

Attack the messenger because you can't attack the message. Butt hurt much?

I destroyed your 'message.'

What's new.
You were lying when you claimed I said you "advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

Let me try once more. I did not claim you said that. You should truly be more precise with your words. "Blah blah blah" is not precise at all. But your intent that I was not sincere in my stance against violence was quite clear. I know it doesn't fit your mold but there it is.

This was your post #34...

"Feel free to link to any post where I advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

And, as you cannot find any such post of've been forced into full retreat.


Running with your tail between your legs suits per your avi.

And no where in my statement inviting you to link to me advocating violence did I claim you said those exact words. Why wont you explain the ambiguous "Blah blah blah" you used? From someone who claims to use precision in her words surely you had something in mind when you used such vague language.

Australian Shepard's usually have their tails cropped being working dogs. But not this one. She had a beautiful tail and it hardly ever was between her legs.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.
On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Kind of like the hate you hold for white people and Christians, but to a FAR lesser degree?
You were lying when you claimed I said you "advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

Let me try once more. I did not claim you said that. You should truly be more precise with your words. "Blah blah blah" is not precise at all. But your intent that I was not sincere in my stance against violence was quite clear. I know it doesn't fit your mold but there it is.

This was your post #34...

"Feel free to link to any post where I advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

And, as you cannot find any such post of've been forced into full retreat.


Running with your tail between your legs suits per your avi.

And no where in my statement inviting you to link to me advocating violence did I claim you said those exact words. Why wont you explain the ambiguous "Blah blah blah" you used? From someone who claims to use precision in her words surely you had something in mind when you used such vague language.

Australian Shepard's usually have their tails cropped being working dogs. But not this one. She had a beautiful tail and it hardly ever was between her legs.

This was your post #34...

"Feel free to link to any post where I advocated mob violence as a means to quell free speech, or resolve any political dispute."

Now.....why would you ask me to defend what I never said?

Because you're a Liberal?

And, as you cannot find any such post of've been forced into full retreat.


Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Soooo.....I'm a narcissist....and you're a Fascist?


Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions

" And learn what a fascist is." know! Call on meeeeeeee!!!

It's that raving lunatic in the vid in the OP.

She's a fascist, as are you for attempting to support her.

Tucker Carlson was dressed as a women!? Who would have known had you not pointed it out. He has been a drag on ratings, but who knew but you, that is also mirrored his attire.

BTW PC, Kellyanne Conway needs an understudy, have you applied?

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

Where weee you when president Obama received all those death threats from your fellow rightwingnuts?

Where were you when your fellow butters cheered for the murder of unarmed black men?

Stop whining. And learn what a fascist is. If you need a prototype feel feee to look
At the orange sociopath who thinks the press shouldn't be able to cover his bizarre actions

" And learn what a fascist is." know! Call on meeeeeeee!!!

It's that raving lunatic in the vid in the OP.

She's a fascist, as are you for attempting to support her.

Tucker Carlson was dressed as a women!? Who would have known had you not pointed it out. He has been a drag on ratings, but who knew but you, that is also mirrored his attire.

BTW PC, Kellyanne Conway needs an understudy, have you applied?

Exposing the asininity of posters is one of my guilty pleasures.....but it would be redundant in your case.
Let's see the sort of speech that Liberal Fascists see as worthy of rioting, burning and destroying....and at which they simply shrug.

  • "During his talk at Georgetown University, Jonathan A.C. Brown condemned slavery when it took place historically in America and other Western countries, but praised the practise of slavery as it happened in Muslim societies, explained that Muslim slaves lived "a pretty good life", and claimed that it is "not immoral for one human to own another human." Regarding the vexed matter of whether it is right or wrong to have sex with one of your slaves, Brown, who is director of the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, said that "consent isn't necessary for lawful sex".
    [And did a riot follow??? Not a chance.]
  • No mob of anti-sharia people has gone to Georgetown, torn up telephone poles, set fire to things or smashed up the campus, as mobs did at Berkeley.

  • Milo Yiannopoulos has never argued that the Western system of slavery was benevolent and worthwhile, and that slaves in America had "a pretty good life". He has never argued against consent being an important principle in sexual relations. If he had, then the riots at Berkeley would doubtless have been far worse than they were and even more media companies and professors would have tried to argue that Yiannopoulos had "brought the violence upon himself" or even organized it himself."
    A Tale of Two Talks: Free Speech in the U.S.

Anyone else see the convivial relationship between Liberal Fascism and Islamofascism?

Me too.
On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Kind of like the hate you hold for white people and Christians, but to a FAR lesser degree?

It seems your head has been up your ass too long, I'm white (French, German, Italian and Romanian ancestry) and raised and confirmed Catholic. My wife of 42 years is German and Welch, and a Methodist.

So why not STFU and stopped proving your ignorance, the evidence that you are is sustained with your every post.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.

What do I think?
  • Carlson testified, and got his ass handed to him
  • Carlson tried to lead Ms. Felarca, and she led him
  • Carlson had an agenda, thus he is not a journalist
  • Carlson's first amendment argument was at best naive, and he got schooled.
  • Carlson was fighting an intellectual heavy weight with bantamweight skill.
  • Video on the split screen is typical Fox drama. Video w/o context.
Your part in this thread is you effort once again to troll with lies, half-truths and innuendos.

And, sure enough, here is one of those very same Liberal Fascists who doesn't recognize that he is looking into a mirror.

They regularly claim 'lies, lies, lies..." but cannot find any such examples, and are too stupid to realize that it is their own kith and kin's words that are being shown.

Liberals are not Americans, as proven by their disregard of the first amendment.

On some level you must know how truly mentally disturbed you are. Obviously you know I know you're a narcissist, but the hate you hold for "liberals" is pathological, far and away beyond the norm expected between rivals or opponents.

That said, you have once again proved me correct. I pointed out what I observed in the video you posted, and you ignored my assessment of Tucker Carlson, and defaulted to your favorite non sequitur / ad hominem response.

Your "assessment" of Carlson is only important to you...and then only because you are the narcissist. The interviewee is nothing but a propagandized bitch who thinks BEING a bitch makes her look strong. The fact is you people are so filled with blind hatred you will soon be calling for legal censorship and the detention of those you disagree with, you and I both know you are quite close to that already.

Rather than eviscerating the Leftist du jour, Tucker Carlson seems to have altered his strategy to drawing out the Liberals, and letting them sink themselves.
Problem is, Liberals won't realize that they are looking into a mirror.

Last night, he had a screaming banshee.....who is actually paid by our system to indoctrinate the young......she is a middle school 'teacher'.....into the very same beliefs as the Nazis and Fascists she claims the other side to be.

Yvette Felarca led and/or organized the destructive protest at Berkeley that ended the first amendment rights of Milo Yiannopolous.
This, Liberal.....hinted that murder of those with an alternative view would be appropriate.
My take-away is that we are witnessing proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

See what you think.


With progressives like this running around who needs to worry about fascists?



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