Another rally assualt: Hey's why yall are gonna start getting punched in the jaw.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.
If they want Free speech for themselves, hire a hall and bitch about Trump all they want. What the left does is disrupt. They are unamerican.
The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

The Burns protesters didn't even block the road. In fact, they cleared it. But one is dead and 25 in jail.
I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Yes they are.

The fact that you disagree with them, or think that they can't be done,does not mean they are not policies.

If you want to attack them by explaining why you think they are wrong, that would be a valid discussion topic.

IF you want to explain why you think they cannot be done, that would be a valid issue.

Lying and claiming that they aren't policies is just you spouting propaganda.

Rounding up and deporting 10MIL+ people is no more realistic than building a 2000 mile wall. Pretending those are anything more than platitudes designed to ease the troubled minds of the more intellectually challenged among us, is the propaganda.

In 1954 when the US population was half of what it is now, we deported over a million Mexicans in Operation Wetback.

Similar numbers self deported.

If we deported a two million people a year for 4 years of Trump's first administration, and the same number left, our illegal problem would be effectively solved.

Assuming that we took steps on illegal hiring and border security.

Your claims that we can't do it, is bullshit.
If it bothers you so much,then why don't you just put a stop to it? That's right. You can't. So STFU
IN self-defense, road blockers could be shot on sight since they pose a danger to the public. When one or two are dispatched this way, these disruptor of free speech and assembly will stop.
Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.
Blocking the road is preventing free speech. Nobody has the right to prevent me from assembling with patriots to listen to a candidate. They are saying that I can only vote for their candidate. Additionally, I cannot be allowed to hear what another candidate has to say.
Anybody approving what the did is anti-American and deserves jail time with the anti-american disrupters.

The protesters aren't telling you who you have to vote for.The GOP is doing that.
when the GOP nominee s chosen, the left will continue blocking access to our candidate. That how you people roll. It will backfire because the public wants fair play.
If it bothers you so much,then why don't you just put a stop to it? That's right. You can't. So STFU
IN self-defense, road blockers could be shot on sight since they pose a danger to the public. When one or two are dispatched this way, these disruptor of free speech and assembly will stop.

Don't hold back. Tell us how violent you really are. Typical violent right winger.
Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.
Blocking the road is preventing free speech. Nobody has the right to prevent me from assembling with patriots to listen to a candidate. They are saying that I can only vote for their candidate. Additionally, I cannot be allowed to hear what another candidate has to say.
Anybody approving what the did is anti-American and deserves jail time with the anti-american disrupters.

The protesters aren't telling you who you have to vote for.The GOP is doing that.
when the GOP nominee s chosen, the left will continue blocking access to our candidate. That how you people roll. It will backfire because the public wants fair play.

"because the public wants fair play."

No they don't. They only want access to their OWN candidate.

Wow are you naive!

If you really think the public wants fair play just go to a Target store when they open the doors for Black Friday.

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