Another rally assualt: Hey's why yall are gonna start getting punched in the jaw.

That's all you've got to hang on to, all you ever had. You're so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you.

I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

Exactly! There is not a single comprehensive policy position from Trump. When asked about any particular policy he simply says " it will be great" or repeats how much smarter he is than anyone in govt. Absolutely an empty suit who is very adept at whipping up the useful idiots.

You mean like the details expressed with "Hope and Change"? He could have said nothing but I'm running and those voting for him saw all they needed to see.

When did Trump use that line?

Really? Keep proving you are an idiot.
Which is another lie.

That's all you've got to hang on to, all you ever had. You're so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you.

I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Yes they are.

The fact that you disagree with them, or think that they can't be done,does not mean they are not policies.

If you want to attack them by explaining why you think they are wrong, that would be a valid discussion topic.

IF you want to explain why you think they cannot be done, that would be a valid issue.

Lying and claiming that they aren't policies is just you spouting propaganda.
I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

Exactly! There is not a single comprehensive policy position from Trump. When asked about any particular policy he simply says " it will be great" or repeats how much smarter he is than anyone in govt. Absolutely an empty suit who is very adept at whipping up the useful idiots.

You mean like the details expressed with "Hope and Change"? He could have said nothing but I'm running and those voting for him saw all they needed to see.

When did Trump use that line?

Really? Keep proving you are an idiot.

Keep posting off-topic, pointless retorts with no relevant substance. You get what you give.
The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

Exactly! There is not a single comprehensive policy position from Trump. When asked about any particular policy he simply says " it will be great" or repeats how much smarter he is than anyone in govt. Absolutely an empty suit who is very adept at whipping up the useful idiots.

You mean like the details expressed with "Hope and Change"? He could have said nothing but I'm running and those voting for him saw all they needed to see.

When did Trump use that line?

Really? Keep proving you are an idiot.

Keep posting off-topic, pointless retorts with no relevant substance. You get what you give.

Keep avoiding. You prove what you are.
The fat bitch was looking for a fight. That's why the guy was following her with the camera. She tried to start one with a girl before the guy obliged her. Trump supporters are just violent scum. Your own video proves that.

Really? I bet she was just coming to a political rally.

Then had to walk through a gauntlet of liberal faggots yelling at her and calling her names. That's exactly what happened.

And eventually....enough is enough and you queers are gonna get slapped in the mouth.

"Eventually" is officially here.
She spit right in it's face first. That was a nice touch.

Exactly! There is not a single comprehensive policy position from Trump. When asked about any particular policy he simply says " it will be great" or repeats how much smarter he is than anyone in govt. Absolutely an empty suit who is very adept at whipping up the useful idiots.
He's given specifics but it probably got lost bouncing around in your empty noggin.
In other words: Your decision to believe in Trump's credibility is based on your lack of experience with that right?

NOt at all.

It is better to have NO experience with a candidate than BAD experience with a candidate, but that is not a basis for credibility.

And obviously, candidates with stated policies I oppose, I don't care if they are credible or not. Unless you want to argue that Sanders will get in there and govern like a right wing populist? LOL!!

Trumps, POSITIVE factors for credibility are his investment in his Brand, and his Ego.

HIs post presidency brand will be bigger then more successful his Presidency is seen as.

He CAN'T have a successful legacy if he betrays his supporters.

He is going to need support from the people to deal with the D.C. power elite.
Brand and ego are attributes of credibility? Really?

I already explained, in the previous post, how I reached that conclusion.

If you disagree, then explain why you disagree, don't just be a little bitch about it.
I'm pretty sure you're the one who just bitched out here little man.

Maybe to many words in one post for you. Here in smaller bite.

Trumps, POSITIVE factors for credibility are his investment in his Brand, and his Ego.

HIs post presidency brand will be bigger then more successful his Presidency is seen as.

He CAN'T have a successful legacy if he betrays his supporters.

He is going to need support from the people to deal with the D.C. power elite.

In other words, he's YUGE!
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Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

She's an ignorant, disgusting fat slob. And a proud Trump supporter.
That's all you've got to hang on to, all you ever had. You're so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you.

I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Hope and Change is not a policy yet 60 million dumbasses believed it was. Electing someone due to skin color isn't a policy but millions believed it was.

No one ever said it was except you.
I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Hope and Change is not a policy yet 60 million dumbasses believed it was. Electing someone due to skin color isn't a policy but millions believed it was.

No one ever said it was except you.

It was a platitude that riled dummies. Sad how you chastise one when you claim they do it but support one when he does it.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

She started cussing at him.......but then he kept screaming "I'M GONNA BE IN YOUR FACE TILL YOU DIE BITCH...TILL YOU FUCKING DIE BITCH....TILL YOU DIE BITCH...TILL YOU DIE BITCH!!!!!!"

That's all you've got to hang on to, all you ever had. You're so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you.

I'm not the one obsessed with denying the validity of my ideological opponents reasons for their choice of candidates.

I understand that other people sometimes make different choices based on different reasons than I would.

I might strongly disagree with their reasons, but I don't try to pretend that they don't HAVE reasons.

Now that is pathetic.

The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Yes they are.

The fact that you disagree with them, or think that they can't be done,does not mean they are not policies.

If you want to attack them by explaining why you think they are wrong, that would be a valid discussion topic.

IF you want to explain why you think they cannot be done, that would be a valid issue.

Lying and claiming that they aren't policies is just you spouting propaganda.

Rounding up and deporting 10MIL+ people is no more realistic than building a 2000 mile wall. Pretending those are anything more than platitudes designed to ease the troubled minds of the more intellectually challenged among us, is the propaganda.
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Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

That made my day.:blahblah:
The problem is that Trump followers are all to dense too understand that Trump's appeal is entirely emotional in nature. There is no intellectual component to being a Trump follower.......that's why they can't explain themselves like thinking adults.

His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Hope and Change is not a policy yet 60 million dumbasses believed it was. Electing someone due to skin color isn't a policy but millions believed it was.

No one ever said it was except you.

It was a platitude that riled dummies. Sad how you chastise one when you claim they do it but support one when he does it.
To compare Obama's policy positions with those of Trump is a futile exercise and the last resort of a poster who is out of clever retorts.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

She started cussing at him.......but then he kept screaming "I'M GONNA BE IN YOUR FACE TILL YOU DIE BITCH...TILL YOU FUCKING DIE BITCH....TILL YOU DIE BITCH...TILL YOU DIE BITCH!!!!!!"


He started it, th efirst thing you hear her say in the video is "you keep your mouth shut" we missed whatever was said before. Undoubtedly whatever he said was more of the same. Once he bumped her with his belly and then stayed in her face he had a slap coming. Her first slap was just to get his away from her and it was hardly much of a slap.
His polices on Immigration and Trade are, imo, the best offered by any candidate in this election.

They have been repeatedly discussed on this site.


For you to pretend to be unaware of his policies and the many, many discussions on them, is the act of a complete dishonest asshole.

They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Hope and Change is not a policy yet 60 million dumbasses believed it was. Electing someone due to skin color isn't a policy but millions believed it was.

No one ever said it was except you.

It was a platitude that riled dummies. Sad how you chastise one when you claim they do it but support one when he does it.
To compare Obama's policy positions with those of Trump is a futile exercise and the last resort of a poster who is out of clever retorts.

Hope and Change is not a policy it's a platitude. Different is you like his and dislike Trump's.
They aren't so much policies as platitudes used to rile the dummies.
Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it is not a policy. Deporting 10 MIL people is not a policy.

Hope and Change is not a policy yet 60 million dumbasses believed it was. Electing someone due to skin color isn't a policy but millions believed it was.

No one ever said it was except you.

It was a platitude that riled dummies. Sad how you chastise one when you claim they do it but support one when he does it.
To compare Obama's policy positions with those of Trump is a futile exercise and the last resort of a poster who is out of clever retorts.

Hope and Change is not a policy it's a platitude. Different is you like his and dislike Trump's.

I never said hope and change was a policy there Corky. It's a slogan.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

She started cussing at him.......but then he kept screaming "I'M GONNA BE IN YOUR FACE TILL YOU DIE BITCH...TILL YOU FUCKING DIE BITCH....TILL YOU DIE BITCH...TILL YOU DIE BITCH!!!!!!"


He started it, th efirst thing you hear her say in the video is "you keep your mouth shut" we missed whatever was said before. Undoubtedly whatever he said was more of the same. Once he bumped her with his belly and then stayed in her face he had a slap coming. Her first slap was just to get his away from her and it was hardly much of a slap.

He deserved it....but she wasn't helping things either. The fat little shit just escalated the situation. He should have been arrested.

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