Another rally assualt: Hey's why yall are gonna start getting punched in the jaw.

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.

Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.
Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.
Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.
Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

This coming from a crazy right winger who already made it clear how much he enjoys violence. Sorry, but you not only threw away any credibility you might have once had, you shit on it as well.
The same folks that said the Tee Hee party wasn't violent are now bragging about how tough they are and are advocating "punching someone in the jaw".

After they lose this election no doubt they will be advocating murder to get their way.
The Tea Party unfortunately was not violent but there is always room to grow.

Thanks for proving my point.
You dont have a point, Huffy Puffy.

Mass movements move toward conflict when they share completely antagonistic root assumptions that are in conflict. Their disagreements can be mild initially, but if they genuinely hold to their root beliefs and believe them to be important, then the disagreement will go through stages of polite discussion, angry debate, provocative demonstration, violent street confrontation and then mortal struggle.

In twenty years you liberals will be pretending to have always been conservative and any man who suggests otherwise is a liar and a mad man.

Oh?.. and you do?

That's not possible because you are working with a defective brain. You are easily sold a bottle of dog piss and told it is champagne. You eagerly swill it down and insist it's one of the better vintages.

You have been sold a lot of nonsense by a billionaire.

If anyone is "Huffy Puffy" it is the Donald.

Why do you think so many people that call themselves republicans hate Trump? Why? Because he isn't a republican.

The religists used to stay out of politics a long time ago but they were courted by Reagan's handlers and enticed to use their tight networks and the control of their audiences to get involved and get out the vote for Ronnie. After using the religists like 2 dollar whores and the voting was over Reagan went back on his promises to push the religists agendas.

THAT'S when the dictionary was highjacked and people like Newt Gingrich convinced people like you that conservative meant bible thumping, gay hating paranoia about gun ownership and of course the biggest false promise of all abortion was the foundation of the "new conservative". Gone was the conservative who primarily liked to live his life without a lot of government interference. Gone was the conservative who kept his religious feelings in his church. Gone was the conservative who elected representatives and was replaced by these new conservatives that needed leaders. Basically the GOP was becoming a party run by con men. Criminals like John Boehner were running around on the house floor in the middle of the night passing out huge checks to get bad legislation passed. That's when "conservative" REALLY meant con artists and the fools they preyed upon...people like you.

Well... this is the end of the line for your flavor of a "conservative". You have gone completely off the rails and have fallen for the biggest con man in the history of politics.

Calling me a "liberal" is just plain stupid. Just as calling a fool such as yourself a "conservative".

You guys have a seriously pathetic "daddy complex". You have traded in your biological father for this rich daddy that has promised you the moon. Your answer to any trying to enlighten you about the foolish path you have chosen is that "they are liberal socialist communists". You sound like little children.
Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.
Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
And now you are back to Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.

Please stop lying.

Here you go again.

I am satisfied that Trump is more likely to support policies I want, than those who openly advocate policies I oppose or those that claim to support policies I support but have a record of betraying me on them.

IMO, that is the best choice I can do with the information I have available."

And, preemptively, since I know you will be a dick and not response like a person.

In other words: Your decision to believe in Trump's credibility is based on your lack of experience with that right?

NOt at all.

It is better to have NO experience with a candidate than BAD experience with a candidate, but that is not a basis for credibility.

And obviously, candidates with stated policies I oppose, I don't care if they are credible or not. Unless you want to argue that Sanders will get in there and govern like a right wing populist? LOL!!

Trumps, POSITIVE factors for credibility are his investment in his Brand, and his Ego.

HIs post presidency brand will be bigger then more successful his Presidency is seen as.

He CAN'T have a successful legacy if he betrays his supporters.

He is going to need support from the people to deal with the D.C. power elite.
Brand and ego are attributes of credibility? Really?

I already explained, in the previous post, how I reached that conclusion.

If you disagree, then explain why you disagree, don't just be a little bitch about it.
I'm pretty sure you're the one who just bitched out here little man.

Maybe to many words in one post for you. Here in smaller bite.

Trumps, POSITIVE factors for credibility are his investment in his Brand, and his Ego.

HIs post presidency brand will be bigger then more successful his Presidency is seen as.

He CAN'T have a successful legacy if he betrays his supporters.

He is going to need support from the people to deal with the D.C. power elite.
If this type of protesting were being done to the Queen Hillary or even when Obama was running. these left/dems would be losing their heads over it. I don't know how someone can be a two faced hypocrite with such ease. NO HONOR ALL for a party .

these Agitators are INFRINGING on the rights of other to Assemble at a political event without the fear of being hurt, insulted with vulgar language , and Instigated in hopes they lose it. and should be arrested, more than that, they should NOT BE ALLOWED IN. label them as Domestic terrorist to keep them out.
A trump rally is a private affair. It is not a government fubction. Therefore disrupters can be removed by the owners and/or their surrogates.
Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.
What's funny is the same chick who slapped that dumbfuck around was also in the video of the KKK retard who got the shit knocked out of him.
Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violen
Link? Why would we want our rallies disrupted? You fuckers have no right to do that.
Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.
The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Yes, it is blocking free speech.

And it does harm people.

At the very least there are people that live in the area that need to get though.
Yes, that was the discussion I was referring to.

You really made a fool of yourself there.

You know that too. Do you have someone in real life you go to to tell you that you won? Or do you rely on your online friends to help you edit your history to make yourself the winner in your mind?

Regardless, it has not been long enough. I'm sure you are still feeling the butt hurt from that one.
What a sniveling coward you are. And you still can't explain why you believe Trump. Of course, neither can anyone else.

And you are still holding to your lie that because you don't agree with a reason, that that means it does not exist.

That's what you keep saying. But you could settle this imaginary dispute by simply articulating your position........but you never do, and you never will. You'll just keep saying you have. Evidently you have no confidence in the credibility of your so called arguments.

Which is another lie.

That's all you've got to hang on to, all you ever had. You're so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you.

You're a Liberal. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who should know better.
The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.
Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.

Wrong. The protesters are hostile anti-American douche bags who are trying to obstruct Trump's right to address his supporters and provoke incidents of violence. Putting them in jail is the right thing to do.

Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.


The person being blocked does. If THAT PERSON believes they are being harmed, they are. If you aren't that person, you can't make that determination no matter how much you think you can.
Calling them anti-American is ridiculous. They are just as much Americans as the Donald. They should be arrested though. At least you got that right.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.


The person being blocked does. If THAT PERSON believes they are being harmed, they are. If you aren't that person, you can't make that determination no matter how much you think you can.

Thanks for agreeing with me. You weren't there. It's not your call anymore than it is mine. Quit whining.
Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.


The person being blocked does. If THAT PERSON believes they are being harmed, they are. If you aren't that person, you can't make that determination no matter how much you think you can.

Thanks for agreeing with me. You weren't there. It's not your call anymore than it is mine. Quit whining.

I've been in a situation where I wanted to use streets that were blocked by protests. It is fucking annoying and I live in a city with plenty of alternative routes.

OUt in the country?

And there are a hundred scenarios where time important.

ON the way to work? Doctor's visit that you really need?

These protesters are assholes.
Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.


The person being blocked does. If THAT PERSON believes they are being harmed, they are. If you aren't that person, you can't make that determination no matter how much you think you can.

Thanks for agreeing with me. You weren't there. It's not your call anymore than it is mine. Quit whining.

I've been in a situation where I wanted to use streets that were blocked by protests. It is fucking annoying and I live in a city with plenty of alternative routes.

OUt in the country?

And there are a hundred scenarios where time important.

ON the way to work? Doctor's visit that you really need?

These protesters are assholes.

Blocking free speech is anti-American, so they are such.

Get a grip. Blocking a roadway for a couple of hours is not blocking free speech. They were carrying banners and signs so they were exercising free speech also.

Blocking the road didn't harm anyone as hard as some are trying to say it was. It was a protest.

Personally I hope Trump gets the nomination. This is very entertaining.

Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.


The person being blocked does. If THAT PERSON believes they are being harmed, they are. If you aren't that person, you can't make that determination no matter how much you think you can.

Thanks for agreeing with me. You weren't there. It's not your call anymore than it is mine. Quit whining.

I never said I got to make the determination for someone else. However, the one to which I responded believe they did based on their claim that blocking the roadway didn't harm anyone. Pay attention
Their right to exercise free speech doesn't give them the right to block someone else's free travel.

You don't get to make the determination of whether the roads being blocked harmed someone else no matter how much you think you do.


The person being blocked does. If THAT PERSON believes they are being harmed, they are. If you aren't that person, you can't make that determination no matter how much you think you can.

Thanks for agreeing with me. You weren't there. It's not your call anymore than it is mine. Quit whining.

I've been in a situation where I wanted to use streets that were blocked by protests. It is fucking annoying and I live in a city with plenty of alternative routes.

OUt in the country?

And there are a hundred scenarios where time important.

ON the way to work? Doctor's visit that you really need?

These protesters are assholes.

Oh, another one that thinks a but of whining protesters have the right to block someone's travel. Don't get in the way.

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