Another rally assualt: Hey's why yall are gonna start getting punched in the jaw.

Why can't we go to our rallies in peace like we afford the Socialists attending Hillary or Bernies? Mark my word, this is just setting up an excuse for the liberals to riot violently at the GOP convention this summer. They're looking for excuses to rally their troops.

They don't want the GOP win the Presidency. I get it. Well, we don't want 4 more years of Obama or worse. So why don't we violently protest at the Democrat convention?

We have things called JOBS, and real lives that demand our presence. We have normal families we support independently and in order to do so we work and endeavor to enhance our standard of living.

Bed wetting libturd parasites aren't constrained by laws, let alone responsibility. Besides that, who among us would want to be around that many filthy pieces of shit at a moonbat rally? It would be like disturbing an open air mental hospital.

Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!


So you are proud of the violence T-rump incited. Not surprised.

He "incited" nothing that protesters in Selma Alabama didn't also "incite." Trump isn't responsible for the fact that idiot douche bags hate him.
They are there to block streets, disrupt the proceedings and do whatever they can to stop the campaign stops.
They are typical leftist assholes that want to shut down any opposition to them.

So do you have a problem with their constitutional right to protest or not?

I do when it includes blocking traffic, and trying to disrupt campaign events.

Typical RWNJ. The constitution is all important until it's inconvenient.
Okay, let me ask you a simple question. Why can't l go into a planned parenthood clinic and protest?

People have been going to planned parenthood to protest for years and continue daily.. After continuous incidents of blocking access to the women, and continuous threats, they have fairly recently been made to stay back a small distance from the entrance.

The anti-Trump protesters should be made to do the same. They should be arrested if they step foot in a Trump rally.
Post after post attacking me for not posting my reason(s) for supporting Trump.

I post it, and you ignore it.

I knew it was going to be that, or denying it was a valid reason.

Because you are an asshole like that.

And now you will act like you did not just make a complete fool of yourself, because you are COMPLETELY DISHONEST.


I guess it's just too bad that you're too fucking stupid to know why you believe Trump.

And now you are back to Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.

Please stop lying.

Here you go again.

I am satisfied that Trump is more likely to support policies I want, than those who openly advocate policies I oppose or those that claim to support policies I support but have a record of betraying me on them.

IMO, that is the best choice I can do with the information I have available."

And, preemptively, since I know you will be a dick and not response like a person.

In other words: Your decision to believe in Trump's credibility is based on your lack of experience with that right?

NOt at all.

It is better to have NO experience with a candidate than BAD experience with a candidate, but that is not a basis for credibility.

And obviously, candidates with stated policies I oppose, I don't care if they are credible or not. Unless you want to argue that Sanders will get in there and govern like a right wing populist? LOL!!

Trumps, POSITIVE factors for credibility are his investment in his Brand, and his Ego.

HIs post presidency brand will be bigger then more successful his Presidency is seen as.

He CAN'T have a successful legacy if he betrays his supporters.

He is going to need support from the people to deal with the D.C. power elite.
Brand and ego are attributes of credibility? Really?

I already explained, in the previous post, how I reached that conclusion.

If you disagree, then explain why you disagree, don't just be a little bitch about it.
They are there to block streets, disrupt the proceedings and do whatever they can to stop the campaign stops.
They are typical leftist assholes that want to shut down any opposition to them.

So do you have a problem with their constitutional right to protest or not?

I do when it includes blocking traffic, and trying to disrupt campaign events.

Typical RWNJ. The constitution is all important until it's inconvenient.
Okay, let me ask you a simple question. Why can't l go into a planned parenthood clinic and protest?

People have been going to planned parenthood to protest for years and continue daily.. After continuous incidents of blocking access to the women, and continuous threats, they have fairly recently been made to stay back a small distance from the entrance.
No but by what you have been saying the constitution says I can go in and cause trouble. Just like the Looney leftist has been doing at Trump rallies.
If this type of protesting were being done to the Queen Hillary or even when Obama was running. these left/dems would be losing their heads over it. I don't know how someone can be a two faced hypocrite with such ease. NO HONOR ALL for a party .

these Agitators are INFRINGING on the rights of other to Assemble at a political event without the fear of being hurt, insulted with vulgar language , and Instigated in hopes they lose it. and should be arrested, more than that, they should NOT BE ALLOWED IN. label them as Domestic terrorist to keep them out.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.

Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.

Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!


So you are proud of the violence T-rump incited. Not surprised.

He "incited" nothing that protesters in Selma Alabama didn't also "incite." Trump isn't responsible for the fact that idiot douche bags hate him.

You got that backwards. The idiot douche bags love him. Who else but an idiot douche bag would say they enjoyed watching someone spit in another's face?
I guess it's just too bad that you're too fucking stupid to know why you believe Trump.

And now you are back to Logical Fallacy of Proof By Assertion.

Please stop lying.

Here you go again.

I am satisfied that Trump is more likely to support policies I want, than those who openly advocate policies I oppose or those that claim to support policies I support but have a record of betraying me on them.

IMO, that is the best choice I can do with the information I have available."

And, preemptively, since I know you will be a dick and not response like a person.

In other words: Your decision to believe in Trump's credibility is based on your lack of experience with that right?

NOt at all.

It is better to have NO experience with a candidate than BAD experience with a candidate, but that is not a basis for credibility.

And obviously, candidates with stated policies I oppose, I don't care if they are credible or not. Unless you want to argue that Sanders will get in there and govern like a right wing populist? LOL!!

Trumps, POSITIVE factors for credibility are his investment in his Brand, and his Ego.

HIs post presidency brand will be bigger then more successful his Presidency is seen as.

He CAN'T have a successful legacy if he betrays his supporters.

He is going to need support from the people to deal with the D.C. power elite.
Brand and ego are attributes of credibility? Really?

I already explained, in the previous post, how I reached that conclusion.

If you disagree, then explain why you disagree, don't just be a little bitch about it.
I'm pretty sure you're the one who just bitched out here little man.
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!


So you are proud of the violence T-rump incited. Not surprised.

He "incited" nothing that protesters in Selma Alabama didn't also "incite." Trump isn't responsible for the fact that idiot douche bags hate him.

You got that backwards. The idiot douche bags love him. Who else but an idiot douche bag would say they enjoyed watching someone spit in another's face?

Anyone who sees exactly what kind of a hostile threatening freek he/she is would enjoy it.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.

Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!


So you are proud of the violence T-rump incited. Not surprised.

He "incited" nothing that protesters in Selma Alabama didn't also "incite." Trump isn't responsible for the fact that idiot douche bags hate him.

You got that backwards. The idiot douche bags love him. Who else but an idiot douche bag would say they enjoyed watching someone spit in another's face?

Anyone who sees exactly what kind of a hostile threatening freek he/she is would enjoy it.

Exactly how a psychopath would look at it.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.

Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.
Karma's a's about time we STEP on the left as they have been doing to patriots for decades now!


So you are proud of the violence T-rump incited. Not surprised.

He "incited" nothing that protesters in Selma Alabama didn't also "incite." Trump isn't responsible for the fact that idiot douche bags hate him.

You got that backwards. The idiot douche bags love him. Who else but an idiot douche bag would say they enjoyed watching someone spit in another's face?

Anyone who sees exactly what kind of a hostile threatening freek he/she is would enjoy it.

Exactly how a psychopath would look at it.

Nope. Anyone who would have any sympathy for the fag/dyke is a douche bag.
Here's another one. You'll see the fat little queer trying to provoke the woman and getting her face screaming....saying he be there until she dies and bumping into her....until she slaps his fat dick sucking face. And they swarm her and keep shoving their AIDS infested faces into hers and she hits him again.

Hey libs....we are DONE with your bullshit. Protest your little hearts out at a safe distance. But punching one of you in the jaw is just flat out worth the misdemeanor ticket when you do shit like this little junior faggot did:

I love the part where she spits in his/her face.

Of course you do. That's why typical right wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you didn't pay attention to the video if you think right-wingers are seen as violent and hateful.

Apparently you have been in a cave for quite a while if you don't think right wingers are known to be violent and hateful. They even brag about enjoying seeing violence at the rally s..

The leftist anti-American thugs are committing almost all the violence. The Trump supporters are minding their own business until these vermin get in their faces.

We all know this whole thing is an organized campaign to make Trump supporters look like violent racists. The plan is failing. The majority of the public sees this for what it is, and Trump's popularity is greater than ever.

Trump supporters ARE violent racists. Exposing them is the right thing to do.
The same folks that said the Tee Hee party wasn't violent are now bragging about how tough they are and are advocating "punching someone in the jaw".

After they lose this election no doubt they will be advocating murder to get their way.
The Tea Party unfortunately was not violent but there is always room to grow.

Thanks for proving my point.
You dont have a point, Huffy Puffy.

Mass movements move toward conflict when they share completely antagonistic root assumptions that are in conflict. Their disagreements can be mild initially, but if they genuinely hold to their root beliefs and believe them to be important, then the disagreement will go through stages of polite discussion, angry debate, provocative demonstration, violent street confrontation and then mortal struggle.

In twenty years you liberals will be pretending to have always been conservative and any man who suggests otherwise is a liar and a mad man.

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