Another reason we won't miss John McCain! He voted for Brennan but won't vote for Haspel!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Why in the world is McCain so out of touch with reality? I know he has brain cancer but this doesn't explain his total ignorance of his own voting record!
Once again McCain is playing to the MSM that frankly don't give shit about him anymore. Sad someone on death's door still doesn't get it! JOHN! The MSM is NOT your friend!

Still he's playing to the MSM!

McCain To Senate: Don’t Let Haspel Run The CIA

Haspel may be a patriot, the sidelined Senator writes, but her connection to torture makes her unfit to run the agency:

YET when it came time to vote for the GUY that actually approved the so-called "torture"... where was McCain's moral indignity?

That’s accurate. McCain voted for Brennan even though a number of other Republicans did not. Brennan was, at the time of the use of EITs, the #4 ranking official in the CIA, and Brennan spent some time defending the practices before eventually changing his mind about it.
McCain to Senate: Don't let Haspel run the CIA
Good - If the Queen of Torture can't answer whether torture is immoral or not, then she is unfit.

She also was involved in the decision to destroy evidence.

If she doesn't make it - Then good riddance
I wish McCain would just withdraw from public comment and spend his remaining time with his loving family. That would be better for him and the country.
Anyone who doesn't vote for Haspel to get confirmed is obviously sexist and hates women.
Why in the world is McCain so out of touch with reality? I know he has brain cancer but this doesn't explain his total ignorance of his own voting record!
Once again McCain is playing to the MSM that frankly don't give shit about him anymore. Sad someone on death's door still doesn't get it! JOHN! The MSM is NOT your friend!

Still he's playing to the MSM!

McCain To Senate: Don’t Let Haspel Run The CIA

Haspel may be a patriot, the sidelined Senator writes, but her connection to torture makes her unfit to run the agency:

YET when it came time to vote for the GUY that actually approved the so-called "torture"... where was McCain's moral indignity?

That’s accurate. McCain voted for Brennan even though a number of other Republicans did not. Brennan was, at the time of the use of EITs, the #4 ranking official in the CIA, and Brennan spent some time defending the practices before eventually changing his mind about it.
McCain to Senate: Don't let Haspel run the CIA
McCain has been voting on his conscience for awhile now. Remember that Obamacare vote? Just before he found out he had brain cancer. He's had enough of the partisan horseshit, and you aren't going to get him to vote GOP just because, either. Tough beans.
Imagine that! A guy that was tortured doesn’t care for people that supports torture. :lol:
I just find it humorous these idiots parade around like it fucking matters who "runs" the CIA
You really think those terrorist fucks are getting their orders from a new person every few years?
Personally, I'm in favor of torture, if the situation warranted it.
Hypothetical situation: Five terrorists smuggle in two nuclear armed devices and pick two cities to place them in and wait for the go ahead by a sleeper-cell to blow up themselves and the cities inhabitants, all in the name of Allah, of course. The FBI actually catches one of the terrorists who committed some other atrocious act but didn't die, as he/she expected to do. This individual laughs at his interrogators and casually informs them of the basics of the plan, without any real details.
He's already made it clear he's willing to die for Allah. Is one of them in your city? You don't know. You just know you have to find out what cities, where the devices are in those cities and how much time you have to get them and the terrorists.
So....what are you going to do, harsh language and threats? Deprive him of some sleep? Keep him standing up? Restrict his access to food and water? Some of that can be construed as a form of torture.
One of the possible solutions I can see is to cause....massive pain, and you keep applying pain, over and over and over, until he cracks. At least you hope he cracks, otherwise millions die, perhaps some who you love.
If he is a die-hard Islamic religious fanatic, another solution might be to have him convinced that he will die via a bullet dipped into pigs blood, his head and other body parts cut off and some parts burned, while others will be fed to hogs. A true hardline Islamist will know that if that happens, he can't enter into paradise. If some Muslim reads this, he/she will probably use "taqiyya" (deception), claiming this to be untrue, but individual research will bear this out. For them getting into paradise is what it's all about.
Why in the world is McCain so out of touch with reality? I know he has brain cancer but this doesn't explain his total ignorance of his own voting record!
Once again McCain is playing to the MSM that frankly don't give shit about him anymore. Sad someone on death's door still doesn't get it! JOHN! The MSM is NOT your friend!

Still he's playing to the MSM!

McCain To Senate: Don’t Let Haspel Run The CIA

Haspel may be a patriot, the sidelined Senator writes, but her connection to torture makes her unfit to run the agency:

YET when it came time to vote for the GUY that actually approved the so-called "torture"... where was McCain's moral indignity?

That’s accurate. McCain voted for Brennan even though a number of other Republicans did not. Brennan was, at the time of the use of EITs, the #4 ranking official in the CIA, and Brennan spent some time defending the practices before eventually changing his mind about it.
McCain to Senate: Don't let Haspel run the CIA
McCain has been voting on his conscience for awhile now. Remember that Obamacare vote? Just before he found out he had brain cancer. He's had enough of the partisan horseshit, and you aren't going to get him to vote GOP just because, either. Tough beans.

He doesn't HAVE a conscience, he's just another anti Rump partisan. He'll be gone soon.

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