another refugee from PF

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And as much as people like her, I wasn't thrilled about continuing to encounter Makedde either. Most of her posts are composed of quantity rather than quality, in which she repeats veeeeeery baaaaaasic talking points over and over again, sucks up to the mods because she wants to be one, (which is a scary thought, since she wants them to have what essentially amounts to purely dictatorial power), and can't understand more complex issues.

Agna? This isn't the "let's bash posters from PF" thread is it? Come on now. I had to actually go back and see if someone mentioned mak and no one did. You did that all on your own......disappointing.
Hmmm. I thought you and Mak got along no? I remember a few posts where she was friendly with you..............?

They disagreed most of the time.
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Especially the image, I'm sure. :razz:

I still read some threads at PF. I enjoy reading Reiver's posts. It's good to see a socialist with such a profound grasp of political economy debate capitalists who cling to talking points from the Mises Institute, if that. (Socialism is FASCISM! The Nazis were National SOCIALISTS!) :lol:
Especially the image, I'm sure. :razz:

I still read some threads at PF. I enjoy reading Reiver's posts. It's good to see a socialist with such a profound grasp of political economy debate capitalists who cling to talking points from the Mises Institute, if that. (Socialism is FASCISM! The Nazis were National SOCIALISTS!) :lol:

HA! Talking dirty is fun......don't get any ideas Agna.....LOL!

I don't really know Reiver - I think I've seen a couple of his posts but not enough to say anything about it. What is the Mises Institute?
There is a word filter here? Who knew... let's see how many hits I can produce.

pussy twat clit douche douchebag dick prick cock schlong chode balls bollocks buttocks ass arse arsehole asshole jackass bastard butthole bunghole cornhole shitter shit shithead dickhead dickwad blowjob cocksucker sunniman fag faggot fuck fucker slut whore bitch dildo dong dingdong knob boner wang dork dweeb retard libtard socialist fucktard fuckwit nitwit dimwit halfwit brit twit wanker jerkoff tosser saladtosser assmunch arsemuncher arseholed fuckface egghead pisshead pisser pissyeyed pissartist tweaker junkie wino redneck sue nazi feminazi dyke carpetmuncher lickalotapuss degenerate skank tramp biffa faghag sissy scally scallywag mong munter romp sodomite flamer fudgepacker buttpirate assbandit arsebandit shitstabber uphillgardener pillowbiter chutneyferret sausagejockey assjockey arselicker donutpuncher marmiteminer shirtlifter cockgobbler bonesmoker polesmoker knobpolisher swordswallower porksword poofter poof queer battyboy manwhore cumguzzler cumbucket scumbag nincompoop sphincter asswipe scat tomtit seppo rube inbred hick pikey trailertrash whitetrash wigger ****** coon porchmonkey beaner **** cameljockey dunecoon raghead towelhead dothead sandnigger chigger chink dink gook cunteyed cheechee wog chingchong flip injun currymuncher gringo coonass honky husky hymie yid heeb ikey ikeymo kruat teapot mosshead thicklips sambo tarbaby darky nignog dago ginzo goombah greaseball uncletom tinker mick russki moskal foolio limey sawney whitey redskin wetback orangepicker greaser fatass dumbass jesus nutter bluenose fundie holyroller papist proddydog russellite jackmormon mollymormon mackerelsnapper marrano ratarsed ratface alliebaba hippocrocapig zitfaced shazza knockers pussyfoot axewound salmoncanyon jamesblunt faff fannyflaps floop poochie beefcurtains swamphopper ponce norks slag twonk toerag tolly trollop tosspot bampot tugger blighter backtickler scouser geezer cripple gimp git imbecile cretin charliebass buffoon dope dolt moron numskull ignoramus dunce goon fuckup jackweed headboy gobshite plunker minger plopper banger bugger

i agree with ya.....great post.....but you missed craphead...:razz:
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Howdy –

I am yet another member of PF who is fed up with mods like BoyNamedSue. He/she is pounding away at any Democrat who has the gall to actually fight back. Not long ago he/she blew away a thread of mine which was simply a 4-5-paragraph bio of Mitt Romney – on the grounds that it was flamebait. Swear to God. I’ve never been banned over there (I’ve only been in there a couple of weeks), but I’m getting sick of the stupidity – when you spend more time trying to outfox the moderators than talking politics, its gets boring. So I’m shopping around.

The good news for PF refugees is that even the other PF moderators (most of them, anyway) have acknowledged that there is a problem. Whether they actually do anything is a separate issue.
there's a tradition there, that no mods can be disqualified by the complaints of the members. in other words, you can say what you want, but it's like talking to a wall.
Please tell me. Is the kissing of arses a new tradition as well over there?

I was made to wrote an OP in such a PC way it makes me want to puke!
Please tell me. Is the kissing of arses a new tradition as well over there?

I was made to wrote an OP in such a PC way it makes me want to puke!
Back in the day, you didn't need to kiss ass, either because your feeling that the mods were awesome was genuine because they were, or because of the genuine sense of community and maturity, you could call them out on something or publicly decry their performance, and they would take it in stride and truly address the complaints.
Thanks for the heads up, Fisty (no pun intended)!

I think it's a shame they have to mod, ban and/or push away so many posters lately, most of them being very literate, while they let the less educated among us post crap after crap. I don't understand why unless something is clouding their right minds. That or they conspire against my practicing English. Oh well, I will survive.

Happy MLK's day to all you USers!
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