another refugee from PF

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Well, you know, the next question is, do you think they care everyone is leaving? I would care if it were my board, most certainly, some good posters have left PF, including you Catz - I know we've had our differences but you are a good poster. I'm not sure if they would just ignore people are leaving, or have a pow wow as to really what's the problem.
I'm pretty much done at this point. There are many aspects of this board that I prefer...the flame zone, being able to get right to the point with someone, and using profanity. Let PF be the sheltered place for people who can't stand the f word.
What lies? Weren't you pushing the buttons a little bit Agna? Just a little bit? I'm not defending him, but.......he's not allowed to just ban someone without the mods agreeing......I mean I see it all the time, not verbatim, but "all mods discuss and agree" on the person who is facing a ban.

Apart from the private message that I posted regarding his obvious gloating and lack of impartiality, I have already transmitted a list of undeserved infractions through bubba. Even after he posted them, they were not addressed.

Undeserved Infractions

1. Banned for pointing out a problem with the wordfilter, in that you could not discern one four-letter word from another, despite their clear differences in intensity. I was then accused of "willingly violating" the TOS, despite the fact that I had no idea that I had violated anything and the fact that I had not "substituted symbols" for vulgarities, but was merely using the same characters that the wordfilter did. Oh, the humanity!

2. Banned for flaming a sock puppet of a permanently banned user. No substantive discussion could have been pursued with an illegal sock puppet, and thus, it was a violation of the "letter of the law" rather than the "spirit of the law." I posted a thread protesting this, (since my messages to moderators were ignored), and it was then locked by some guy who named himself after a song by a drugged up country star, who posted a snide comment of no particular value. I received the ever-so-helpful advice to send a PM to a moderator, (and get ignored some more).

And when I got back most recently:

3. Infracted for a "personal attack" far more mild than many other attacks on here that allegedly do not violate the terms of service, including a suggestion by one poster that another poster anally violate herself.

4. Infracted for the same as above by the same moderator, who saw an easy chance to harm an extreme leftist whose views he personally disliked and who had a target on his back.

5. Infracted for joking that another poster was attracted to professional athletes. Really? Is that serious?

6. Infracted for posting an image of two homosexual men in their underwear in the insult thread, with the claim that it was not "PG-13." I then pointed out that such images were permitted on network television programs such as Family Guy. The moderator in question then sneered that this was a political forum, and not Family Guy. I pointed out a rather obvious flaw in her reasoning, that being that my post was not in a political thread, but in the insult thread. I received no reply.

More than that, if I was permabanned for starting a "call-out thread" for another poster, that is another instance of a moderation inconsistency. A call-out thread for me had existed for months and went on for pages and pages, and E_Pubertus_Venereal and Chubby05 had both posted in it. After my call-out thread was deleted, I pointed out the inconsistency, and EPV deleted the call-out thread that had existed for months, also deleting a list of unjustly locked threads that I had posted for Chubby05. She never responded to it. I was then apparently banned for starting the call-out thread, even though I was unaware that this was against the rules, and had not realized that it was until EPV agreed that the thread calling me out should have been deleted, and did so. It was at this point that I realized that starting call-out threads was against the rules, and yet I was still banned even though my own call-out thread had been posted and deleted prior to this.
I'm pretty much done at this point. There are many aspects of this board that I prefer...the flame zone, being able to get right to the point with someone, and using profanity. Let PF be the sheltered place for people who can't stand the f word.

Honestly, I can say, that the fucking "f" word doesn't fucking bother me at fucking all. If I can't fucking use it on another fucking forum, I have know fucking problem with it. But I know what you fucking mean, it's nice to just fucking say it.....I know what you fucking mean Catz.......LOL!

Apart from the private message that I posted regarding his obvious gloating and lack of impartiality, I have already transmitted a list of undeserved infractions through bubba. Even after he posted them, they were not addressed.

Undeserved Infractions

1. Banned for pointing out a problem with the wordfilter, in that you could not discern one four-letter word from another, despite their clear differences in intensity. I was then accused of "willingly violating" the TOS, despite the fact that I had no idea that I had violated anything and the fact that I had not "substituted symbols" for vulgarities, but was merely using the same characters that the wordfilter did. Oh, the humanity!

2. Banned for flaming a sock puppet of a permanently banned user. No substantive discussion could have been pursued with an illegal sock puppet, and thus, it was a violation of the "letter of the law" rather than the "spirit of the law." I posted a thread protesting this, (since my messages to moderators were ignored), and it was then locked by some guy who named himself after a song by a drugged up country star, who posted a snide comment of no particular value. I received the ever-so-helpful advice to send a PM to a moderator, (and get ignored some more).

And when I got back most recently:

3. Infracted for a "personal attack" far more mild than many other attacks on here that allegedly do not violate the terms of service, including a suggestion by one poster that another poster anally violate herself.

4. Infracted for the same as above by the same moderator, who saw an easy chance to harm an extreme leftist whose views he personally disliked and who had a target on his back.

5. Infracted for joking that another poster was attracted to professional athletes. Really? Is that serious?

6. Infracted for posting an image of two homosexual men in their underwear in the insult thread, with the claim that it was not "PG-13." I then pointed out that such images were permitted on network television programs such as Family Guy. The moderator in question then sneered that this was a political forum, and not Family Guy. I pointed out a rather obvious flaw in her reasoning, that being that my post was not in a political thread, but in the insult thread. I received no reply.

More than that, if I was permabanned for starting a "call-out thread" for another poster, that is another instance of a moderation inconsistency. A call-out thread for me had existed for months and went on for pages and pages, and E_Pubertus_Venereal and Chubby05 had both posted in it. After my call-out thread was deleted, I pointed out the inconsistency, and EPV deleted the call-out thread that had existed for months, also deleting a list of unjustly locked threads that I had posted for Chubby05. She never responded to it. I was then apparently banned for starting the call-out thread, even though I was unaware that this was against the rules, and had not realized that it was until EPV agreed that the thread calling me out should have been deleted, and did so. It was at this point that I realized that starting call-out threads was against the rules, and yet I was still banned even though my own call-out thread had been posted and deleted prior to this.

I don't know Agna.......I just post, I haven't really posted to the mods that much but they take anything even remotely close to "crossing the line" they'll infract you. I mean you've been on there long enough to know that so that is why I asked "did you push the buttons" a little bit? I understand you feel their reasoning is ridiculous, and of course, with all these PF posters coming over here, it makes you think as to why. Your not the only one.
I don't know Agna.......I just post, I haven't really posted to the mods that much but they take anything even remotely close to "crossing the line" they'll infract you. I mean you've been on there long enough to know that so that is why I asked "did you push the buttons" a little bit? I understand you feel their reasoning is ridiculous, and of course, with all these PF posters coming over here, it makes you think as to why. Your not the only one.

I just wonder how long they'll pretend that the mass exodus is everyone else's fault but their own.
Well, you know, the next question is, do you think they care everyone is leaving? I would care if it were my board, most certainly, some good posters have left PF, including you Catz - I know we've had our differences but you are a good poster. I'm not sure if they would just ignore people are leaving, or have a pow wow as to really what's the problem.
It doesn't matter if they care. I am not going to base my decision on making someone feel something personally.
I just wonder how long they'll pretend that the mass exodus is everyone else's fault but their own.

As much as I'm questioning the fallout from PF, you must admit they do have points on why certain people were banned, I mean why have a moderator if they're not going to do their job?
And as much as people like her, I wasn't thrilled about continuing to encounter Makedde either. Most of her posts are composed of quantity rather than quality, in which she repeats veeeeeery baaaaaasic talking points over and over again, sucks up to the mods because she wants to be one, (which is a scary thought, since she wants them to have what essentially amounts to purely dictatorial power), and can't understand more complex issues.
fine ,,,thank you for saying I look like dee snider its nothing personal just exercising my free speech and testing the word filter
There is a word filter here? Who knew... let's see how many hits I can produce.

pussy twat clit douche douchebag dick prick cock schlong chode balls bollocks buttocks ass arse arsehole asshole jackass bastard butthole bunghole cornhole shitter shit shithead dickhead dickwad blowjob cocksucker sunniman fag faggot fuck fucker slut whore bitch dildo dong dingdong knob boner wang dork dweeb retard libtard socialist fucktard fuckwit nitwit dimwit halfwit brit twit wanker jerkoff tosser saladtosser assmunch arsemuncher arseholed fuckface egghead pisshead pisser pissyeyed pissartist tweaker junkie wino redneck sue nazi feminazi dyke carpetmuncher lickalotapuss degenerate skank tramp biffa faghag sissy scally scallywag mong munter romp sodomite flamer fudgepacker buttpirate assbandit arsebandit shitstabber uphillgardener pillowbiter chutneyferret sausagejockey assjockey arselicker donutpuncher marmiteminer shirtlifter cockgobbler bonesmoker polesmoker knobpolisher swordswallower porksword poofter poof queer battyboy manwhore cumguzzler cumbucket scumbag nincompoop sphincter asswipe scat tomtit seppo rube inbred hick pikey trailertrash whitetrash wigger ****** coon porchmonkey beaner **** cameljockey dunecoon raghead towelhead dothead sandnigger chigger chink dink gook cunteyed cheechee wog chingchong flip injun currymuncher gringo coonass honky husky hymie yid heeb ikey ikeymo kruat teapot mosshead thicklips sambo tarbaby darky nignog dago ginzo goombah greaseball uncletom tinker mick russki moskal foolio limey sawney whitey redskin wetback orangepicker greaser fatass dumbass jesus nutter bluenose fundie holyroller papist proddydog russellite jackmormon mollymormon mackerelsnapper marrano ratarsed ratface alliebaba hippocrocapig zitfaced shazza knockers pussyfoot axewound salmoncanyon jamesblunt faff fannyflaps floop poochie beefcurtains swamphopper ponce norks slag twonk toerag tolly trollop tosspot bampot tugger blighter backtickler scouser geezer cripple gimp git imbecile cretin charliebass buffoon dope dolt moron numskull ignoramus dunce goon fuckup jackweed headboy gobshite plunker minger plopper banger bugger
wow not bad......this was just an intro thread,but yet i have never had a thread go this far......and all i did was say ....hello.....must have been the mentioning of PF that got everyone going.....:razz:
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