another refugee from PF

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If she hasn't even posted she has no rep power, and you can't neg rep her without a post.
If she hasn't even posted she has no rep power, and you can't neg rep her without a post.
NO, but we can mock her, loudly. Sometimes, that's the best option. And, of course, out her for being retarded. I am lmfao at Agna's message on her profile.

I just want to express, since those twist apparently ARE reading this thread, that I fucking LOVE JustaBubba and Metrophobe, two of the best people on the face of the planet. Bubba and I used to hate each other, it's funny how we came to respect each other over time. He was one of the most opposed to me being a mod, but he always treated me like gold.

And metrophobe, metrophobe is cool as fuck, I wish we were related. He'd make an awesome bro. And I bet he has the cutest baby, ever. He's the best fucking mod that site has ever had, and they're idiots for not recognizing that.
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...what do you think? Can I prove it's her? nah. But I'm almost positive, nonetheless, based upon the username.

It's damn suspicious of someone who hasn't even posted to neg rep a member here.
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NO, but we can mock her, loudly. Sometimes, that's the best option. And, of course, out her for being retarded. I am lmfao at Agna's message on her profile.

I just want to express, since those twist apparently ARE reading this thread, that I fucking LOVE JustaBubba and Metrophobe, two of the best people on the face of the planet. Bubba and I used to hate each other, it's funny how we came to respect each other over time. He was one of the most opposed to me being a mod, but he always treated me like gold.

And metrophobe, metrophobe is cool as fuck, I wish we were related. He'd make an awesome bro. And I bet he has the cutest baby, ever. He's the best fucking mod that site has ever had, and they're idiots for not recognizing that.

12th Man/AKA "scarlett"

In the words of Rhett Butler to the other Scarlett; "FRANKLY, MY DEAR, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN" (one way or another, that you're here).
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The only mod I ever had direct dealings with was Metrophobe and he proved to be very reasonable and patient even when I lost my temper and gave him reason not to be. And as far as the other mods go I don't really have a gripe with any of them except ABNS. And I cannot understand why the other mods do not see that most of the discord flowing thru that board right now originates with him and his habit of making condescending , arrogant comments while performing his moderator duties. He is the only mod who seems to go out of his way to be a dick.
He does. Here's the PM he sent me.

ABoyNamedSpew said:
Congratulations on returning to the time-out corner!! :D

Today's infraction is brought to you by the letter "O," for "obstinate."

See...when the TOS says "don't substitute characters for letters in profane words," and you clearly understand that mandate, yet you willingly defy the mandate by including profanity in your user profile...that's obstinance.

You're getting a week off, because of this. When you come back, you will have 10 hours to remove the offending language from your user profile. Failure to do so will result in a longer time-out.

I think it's worth saying that the wall you're feeling right now, is the very back of the moderator dog house. If you enjoy this board, I suggest you use your week off to reflect on your actions. You are either an "asset" or a "liability" to this board. Think hard on which one you fall under.

The moderators remove "liabilities."
She did it to comment on the neg rep, because she lacks the balls to post publicly. Hilarious.
I think you underestimate the absolute desperation for a neg rep feature that exists over in PF, and that people, even mods, are coming over here to be able to feel freedom in their fingers once more.
I wouldn't have, because there wouldn't have been a moderator around so devoted to fabricating lies about me...although SexlessFlatulence and Chubby05 were giving Spew a run for his money at the end.
I wouldn't have, because there wouldn't have been a moderator around so devoted to fabricating lies about me...although SexlessFlatulence and Chubby05 were giving Spew a run for his money at the end.

What lies? Weren't you pushing the buttons a little bit Agna? Just a little bit? I'm not defending him, but.......he's not allowed to just ban someone without the mods agreeing......I mean I see it all the time, not verbatim, but "all mods discuss and agree" on the person who is facing a ban.
Let me ask all of you a question....would you have left PF if ABNS left?

Just curious...........

I don't want anyone run off though I would be happy if ABNS stepped down. What I would really like to see is some Admin involvement because its become patently obvious that the mod panel is either unable or unwilling to police thier own.
Let me ask all of you a question....would you have left PF if ABNS left?

Just curious...........
This is not one of those fairy tales where when the witch is killed, all her spells are broken. I fucking hated those fairy tales anyway because they made no sense.
Let me ask all of you a question....would you have left PF if ABNS left?

Just curious...........

I'm not sure. He was a major factor in my leaving, I'll say that much. However, his clones, Ches and EPV, were as much a factor. It was more the general feeling of that board.
I'm not sure. He was a major factor in my leaving, I'll say that much. However, his clones, Ches and EPV, were as much a factor. It was more the general feeling of that board.

Well, you know, the next question is, do you think they care everyone is leaving? I would care if it were my board, most certainly, some good posters have left PF, including you Catz - I know we've had our differences but you are a good poster. I'm not sure if they would just ignore people are leaving, or have a pow wow as to really what's the problem.
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