Another round of Leftist insurrectionists attacking Federal Buildings.

I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Attacking a Federal building is a Federal crime.
I agree. They should not have attacked the capital.
All those that committed vandalism, arson, trespass or otherwise broke the law need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That was tried, Biden's DOJ is dropping charges left and right from the riots over the summer.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Attacking a Federal building is a Federal crime.
I agree. They should not have attacked the capital.
I'm talking about the one in the OP, but I can see why you insist on deflection from the violence of your fellow travelers.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

Highly doubtful. The Dems won't stand for that.....
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Attacking a Federal building is a Federal crime.
I agree. They should not have attacked the capital.
I'm talking about the one in the OP, but I can see why you insist on deflection from the violence of your fellow travelers.
What part of me saying "the BLM rioters suck" and about your question on use of cellphone to track the rioters in Portland, saying " I don't know, but they should if it is available." did you not read? Or are you just too small to admit when you are wrong, so you pretend you did not get the correct answer to you question? Your problem isn't me in Tennessee. We don't have your problems or Portland's problems here, nor do we have their kind of elected politicians.
Catch them and make an example out of them. These are criminals not protestors.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Thing is about elections, assuming no fraud is involved, is that the majority chooses the winner. In the case of my state and our larger cities, seems the Left gets slightly more votes and "wins".
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Thing is about elections, assuming no fraud is involved, is that the majority chooses the winner. In the case of my state and our larger cities, seems the Left gets slightly more votes and "wins".
I guess you may have to consider a move. Sounds like the majority there, like living that way. If they don't, they at least don't dislike it enough to do anything about it on election day.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
I see the eviction moratorium is still active in your head. Great, I wouldn't want to see Mr. Trump out in the cold.
Not likely he'll be without a place to stay. If fortunes fail him, and he has trouble hiring lawyers becaus he is a bad risk for non payment there is always prison.
As long as you democrats are around, he'll have a different place every day.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
I see the eviction moratorium is still active in your head. Great, I wouldn't want to see Mr. Trump out in the cold.
Not likely he'll be without a place to stay. If fortunes fail him, and he has trouble hiring lawyers becaus he is a bad risk for non payment there is always prison.
LMAO! You don’t even realize when you’re the butt of a joke.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Thing is about elections, assuming no fraud is involved, is that the majority chooses the winner. In the case of my state and our larger cities, seems the Left gets slightly more votes and "wins".
I guess you may have to consider a move. Sounds like the majority there, like living that way. If they don't, they at least don't dislike it enough to do anything about it on election day.
Moving away considered and declined. Partly due to family roots going back over a century, partly due to actual roots and sweat equity in our backyard, orchard, berry bushes, gardens etc. Partly due to we like the weather/climate here more than most other parts of the country.

For the most part it's not a huge majority, often just barely. Most of my state (Washington) looks red on county maps, but some areas are purple, and the few major city~metros are where the blue are. Just enough to swing the local elections there (while rest of state is red) and our statewides such as for governor and our electoral college.

With an agenda to make the whole nation enlightened with Leftist socialism, one can run, but not hide. Eventual they will get the other states if not opposed. See Colorado for an example. So for now, staying here and doing the "Resist" thing and try to educate and persuade the left-loonies to change and switch ideologies. Part of why I'm active in local and civic organizations with this goal and agenda in mind.

Comes the time one has to stand their ground and fight, as you may know.
I wonder if the FBI will use facial recognition, cell phone tracking, track down and prosecute these traitors trying to overthrow our government.

I don't know, but they should if it is available. Harder though. They seem to be too smart, than to post videos on social media showing their faces while committing federal crimes. Trumpists much easier, as too stupid to know any better than to mug for the camera while committing violent acts in heavily surveilled areas.
The "Trumpists" of Jan.6,20121 didn't engage in large scale vandalism and looting of private businesses, nor engage in violent riot in the streets such as we saw last night in Portland, and more importantly all Summer long in Seattle and Portland and many other locations across this nation during the CHAZ/CHOP events. Nor did the "Trumpists" of Jan. 6,2021 engage in the level of violence, assaults, rapes, and murders we saw from the AntiFa-cists and BLMers during this past Summer.

While neither conducted themselves in admirable ways, one day of excess from a few hundred pales when measured against months of riot and real sedition we saw in our cities this past Summer.

When it comes to insurrection and public danger, the Far-Left is several times the threat and hazard we see from the far-Right.
They were just too stupid and anti-American to pick a better target. Those BLM rioters suck, but at least they picked cities and states with politicians that don't care and that I do not live in or any where near me. That is a state and local crime issue that we do not have here. You should have elected better local leaders at city and state level.
Thing is about elections, assuming no fraud is involved, is that the majority chooses the winner. In the case of my state and our larger cities, seems the Left gets slightly more votes and "wins".
I guess you may have to consider a move. Sounds like the majority there, like living that way. If they don't, they at least don't dislike it enough to do anything about it on election day.
Moving away considered and declined. Partly due to family roots going back over a century, partly due to actual roots and sweat equity in our backyard, orchard, berry bushes, gardens etc. Partly due to we like the weather/climate here more than most other parts of the country.

For the most part it's not a huge majority, often just barely. Most of my state (Washington) looks red on county maps, but some areas are purple, and the few major city~metros are where the blue are. Just enough to swing the local elections there (while rest of state is red) and our statewides such as for governor and our electoral college.

With an agenda to make the whole nation enlightened with Leftist socialism, one can run, but not hide. Eventual they will get the other states if not opposed. See Colorado for an example. So for now, staying here and doing the "Resist" thing and try to educate and persuade the left-loonies to change and switch ideologies. Part of why I'm active in local and civic organizations with this goal and agenda in mind.

Comes the time one has to stand their ground and fight, as you may know.
I understand. Best of luck to you, out there.
Leftist riots spread across left coast......crickets from Dimwinger leaders.

Hell, Pelosi praised the takeover of the Wisconsin State House a decade ago. Then sat locked in her inner office two years ago when AOC used her pass to allow demonstrators into Pelosi's outer offices.

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