Another Screw-Up By Trump Is Coming


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
What the Big Orange Idiot and his mindless minions call winning, rational people call fvcking up royally.

In addition establishing himself an international embarrassment to the United States and its citizens, Big Orange has consistently proven his so-called business experience, where he goes bankrupt repeatedly and cheats his partners out of millions-of-dollars, translates into total incompetence as POTUS.

For his next act of stupidity, the Big Orange Idiot plans to penalize North Korea’s Kim Jong- un by wrecking the world economy.

Experts made it clear (real experts, not conservatives who are self-proclaimed experts), “President Donald Trump just suggested a policy that would strip consumer goods from the shelves of American stores, jeopardize hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs and spark a meltdown across the global economy.”

" ‘This gets pretty wild pretty fast,’ according to Taylor Griffin, a former Treasury spokesman and White House staffer under President George W. Bush. In terms of the economic impact, Griffin said that ‘apocalyptic is probably a good way to describe it.' "

The economic damage caused by the Big Orange Idiot’s scheme to strong-arm Beijing by stopping all forms of trade with China, Mexico, France, Saudi Arabia, and any other nations that are trading partners with North Korea, won’t be limited to China.

" ‘We're talking about a global recession and devastation for the global economy,’ according to Marianne Schneider-Petsinger, the U.S. geoeconomics fellow at Chatham House, a think tank based in London.”

Historically, Republican policies have, inevitably, been disastrous for the economy. Big Orange’s threat to punish China and the other countries trading with North Korea, if carried out, would carry on this grand old tradition of the Grand Old Party.

Goods and services traded between the U.S. and China were roughly $648.2 billion in 2016, with Department of Commerce projections showing exports to China are keeping 911,000 U.S. workers employed here at home.

The Chinese sources for parts used by American factories in manufacturing, and products made in China sold by U.S. retailers would dry up.

Unfortunately, it would be American consumers and workers who would really feel the bite if the Big Orange Idiot’s punishment for China and other countries is instituted. And worst of all, the immense profits enjoyed by U.S. billionaires, the 0.1% conservatives have sworn to protect by electing Republicans, would also take a big hit.

How could the conservatives live with themselves if they permitted their billionaire gods to lose money?

The conservatives' imbecilic responses to this OP will follow.





Republicans screw up everything they touch.

Sadly, asking a conservative to name three things their party has done in the last thirty years to help the working class won't silence them. No, they babble on and on and attempt to place blame for the many Republican fvck-ups on those who have no political power.

Typically, conservatives blame the poor, the elderly, and all the other scapegoats the GOP liars taught them to blame.


It seems the liberal fanatics spend half their time complaining that Trump doesn't do what he said he would do, and the other half (like now) complaining that he is going to do exactly what he said he would do, and making end-of-the-world predictions of the future, based on that.

You people really have to get your stories straight.

And they wonder why nobody listens to them any more.... :cuckoo:
idiots wanted an idiot driving the bus and they got one .. he does nothing he said he would do, and everything a moron with no working knowledge of the political system shouldn't do then lies about it ..

that's why nobody trusts his sorry ass - among several other reasons.
What the Big Orange Idiot and his mindless minions call winning, rational people call fvcking up royally.

In addition establishing himself an international embarrassment to the United States and its citizens, Big Orange has consistently proven his so-called business experience, where he goes bankrupt repeatedly and cheats his partners out of millions-of-dollars, translates into total incompetence as POTUS.

For his next act of stupidity, the Big Orange Idiot plans to penalize North Korea’s Kim Jong- un by wrecking the world economy.

Experts made it clear (real experts, not conservatives who are self-proclaimed experts), “President Donald Trump just suggested a policy that would strip consumer goods from the shelves of American stores, jeopardize hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs and spark a meltdown across the global economy.”

" ‘This gets pretty wild pretty fast,’ according to Taylor Griffin, a former Treasury spokesman and White House staffer under President George W. Bush. In terms of the economic impact, Griffin said that ‘apocalyptic is probably a good way to describe it.' "

The economic damage caused by the Big Orange Idiot’s scheme to strong-arm Beijing by stopping all forms of trade with China, Mexico, France, Saudi Arabia, and any other nations that are trading partners with North Korea, won’t be limited to China.

" ‘We're talking about a global recession and devastation for the global economy,’ according to Marianne Schneider-Petsinger, the U.S. geoeconomics fellow at Chatham House, a think tank based in London.”

Historically, Republican policies have, inevitably, been disastrous for the economy. Big Orange’s threat to punish China and the other countries trading with North Korea, if carried out, would carry on this grand old tradition of the Grand Old Party.

Goods and services traded between the U.S. and China were roughly $648.2 billion in 2016, with Department of Commerce projections showing exports to China are keeping 911,000 U.S. workers employed here at home.

The Chinese sources for parts used by American factories in manufacturing, and products made in China sold by U.S. retailers would dry up.

Unfortunately, it would be American consumers and workers who would really feel the bite if the Big Orange Idiot’s punishment for China and other countries is instituted. And worst of all, the immense profits enjoyed by U.S. billionaires, the 0.1% conservatives have sworn to protect by electing Republicans, would also take a big hit.

How could the conservatives live with themselves if they permitted their billionaire gods to lose money?

The conservatives' imbecilic responses to this OP will follow.


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Republicans screw up everything they touch.

Sadly, asking a conservative to name three things their party has done in the last thirty years to help the working class won't silence them. No, they babble on and on and attempt to place blame for the many Republican fvck-ups on those who have no political power.

Typically, conservatives blame the poor, the elderly, and all the other scapegoats the GOP liars taught them to blame.


The Globalists are scared shitless. President Trump is doing it right. :2up:
Progressive's and their Crystal Ball's are becoming extremely tedious.
Oh, and starting the OP with "The big orange idiot" makes everything after sound like a 14 year old wrote it. Knock off the name calling childishness, and maybe you'll be taken seriously.
Bookmark this thread & come back in a week, month, 6 months, a year, 2 years and Trump will STILL be President & you all KNOW it!!

Impeachment is a liberal DELUSION that's based on ZERO facts but only because they HATE the fact that Trump got elected!

Even Obama Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson said any Russian interference did NOT change a SINGLE vote!!

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