Another shooting rampage, 3 dead; Not 1 'armed citizen' stepped up

Man goes on shooting rampage in Calif.; 3 killed - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

A lunatic took a shotgun, and just selected random people in busy roadways and shopping centers to kill. His rampage continued, with 3 dead and others wounded, until the cops closed in and the coward killed himself. A few points:

- Everybody called 911. Begging for the cops to come help them, to protect them. Just a note to think about with local, state and federal budget talks. Your ass is protected by layers of men with guns. Some protect you from foreign invasion. Some protect you from lunatics like this.

- Not 1 single 'armed citizen' stepped up. Lots of witnesses. Lots of bystanders. Nobody stepped up. They simply called 911 begging for cops to come save their asses.

We keep seeing these mass shootings. And almost every time, the asshole is stopped either when he kills himself, or by a cop shooting him. I know it has happened, but it just seems rare to hear about a heroic private armed citizen stepping up rather than hiding behind cover and hoping the cops show up quick.
Much like the cops armed citizens are rarely right there when a crime is being committed I suspect if one was right there when the crime was in progress they would step up.
If you think that the cops are closer than an armed civilian then you need to visit where I live. I know that the four closest homes all have firearms in them and the owners know how to use them. I feel really safe surrounded by folks with guns - all good neighbors and likable folks.
Man goes on shooting rampage in Calif.; 3 killed - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

A lunatic took a shotgun, and just selected random people in busy roadways and shopping centers to kill. His rampage continued, with 3 dead and others wounded, until the cops closed in and the coward killed himself. A few points:

- Everybody called 911. Begging for the cops to come help them, to protect them. Just a note to think about with local, state and federal budget talks. Your ass is protected by layers of men with guns. Some protect you from foreign invasion. Some protect you from lunatics like this.

- Not 1 single 'armed citizen' stepped up. Lots of witnesses. Lots of bystanders. Nobody stepped up. They simply called 911 begging for cops to come save their asses.

We keep seeing these mass shootings. And almost every time, the asshole is stopped either when he kills himself, or by a cop shooting him. I know it has happened, but it just seems rare to hear about a heroic private armed citizen stepping up rather than hiding behind cover and hoping the cops show up quick.

How'd he get access to a gun? Ever think of that.
So, at about 300,000, in a nation of 300,000,000, that would be 1 in 100. 1 in 100 people will have to use a gun in self defense in a year. I live in a city of about 100,000. And I can guarantee...just by reading local news, that there are not 1,000 people in my city who've had to use a gun to defend themselves in the past year. If the number were that high, the media would be in hysteria about the massive crime wave.....but it is not, because it hasn't happened.

That stat is simply inaccurate.

This is what you said in your last thread, when every other avenue of continuing your argument was closed. You can see it here.

So what's the lie? Check my response on page 14.

Last I checked: 300,000 out of 300,000,000 is 1/1000 (one in one-thousand) not 1/100

/end thread

Seriously, when you need to violate the laws of mathematics in order to lie, you should seriously STOP posting. You thought we wouldn't notice that you dropped a zero?

I'm going to hold you to your lies, no matter where you go. Stop posting.

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You never hear about someone going on a shooting rampage in rural texas, or rural Virginia, or rural ANYWHERE.

It's always in a city somewhere, where the shooter knows damn well there are much less armed citizens.

It's not fucking rocket science.
How do you know there was an armed citizen present?

That no one shot the bad guy is evidence of...what, exactly?

Simple odds and stats of gun ownership. Someone out there had a gun. Its foolish to think otherwise.

Wow how scientific...youre a moron.....first it was california...I didnt think regular folks had guns I commieland.....let us know they could own guns and some of the people there had them before you spout your bullshit
California and most of the people who live there made it so tough to buy, own and carry firearms that some gun manufacturers won't even put their guns for sale in the state. They made their bed now they can lie in it. For those of you few gun owners left in that god-forsaken state - GET OUT! get across the border to a different state where you still have your second amendment rights. Let the criminals have the place. If the bulk of the population want to be disarmed and want to disarm everyone else then let them wear their phones out dialing 911 when a criminal attacks. Maybe, in a few years they will get the message that guns really do make them safer.
Liberal lawyers can help protect the people from themselves.......More laws , restrictions , and regulations are needed to get the masses under control.... For a more civilized

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